4 Month Anniversary

~Sequel~ Here's My Secret, I KNOW I'm In Love With You

Your POV
"Yah! Jagi, are you ready yet?" I asked as I sat down on the sofa.
"Almost done. This tie is killing me!" yelled Chanyeol in the bathroom down the hall.
"Just have one of your members do it for you." I called back.

"What's going on?" asked Baekhyun as he came in from the kitchen with a drink and sat in the chair next to me.
"Baekhyun Oppa, go help Chanyeol with his tie." I leaned forward and whispered to him, "For our Four Month Anniversary, I made reservations at Chanyeol's favorite restaurant. I really don't want us to be late."
Baekhyun gave me that "Oh" look. He sighed and put down his drink, "All right, all right. I'll get him."

Baekhyun's POV
"Yah! Chanyeol, let me in." I knocked on the bathroom door.
"Just wait a second, Hyung, I almost got it."
I sighed, "Just open the door. I'll fix it."

I waited a few more seconds, but Chanyeol never opened the door. I looked up at the arch of the door and found a key. I unlocked it and walked in the bathroom. Chanyeol threw a glare at me, "Yah! Ever hear of privacy?"
I hit the back of his head, "Ever hear of the saying 'Never keep a girl waiting'? Especially my sister, Chanyeol. Knowing how girls always spend hours on their hair, I'd expect you to be waiting on her."
"Ah! Finally got it!" Chanyeol sighed as he finally got his tie fixed.
I rolled my eyes. "All right, now go, hurry!"
Chanyeol gave me a puzzled look, "What's the rush, Hyung?"


I quickly thought of something off the top of my head, "J-Seunghyun said that-that the other members keep flirting with her in the living room."
Chanyeol rolled his eyes and rested his head on the side of the door, "Better not be Lu Han. Aish! Doesn't Hyung know that she's taken-YAH! Why aren't YOU doing anything about it? You're her brother! This should be your job!"
I face-palmed myself and walked out of the bathroom.

I walked over to the sofa and sat down next to Seunghyun. I sighed, "He's very naive."
Before she could respond, Chanyeol finally came out.

He saw Seunghyun and I talking and then glanced over and saw Jongin, Sehun, and Lu Han laughing together about something. He looked at Seunghyun shaking his head, and then walked over to where Lu Han was.

"Baekhyun Oppa," Seunghyun whispered to me, "Is Chanyeol all right?"
I bit my lower lip, "He-He's"

I was cut off by the sound of someone getting hit. Seunghyun and I shot our heads over in the kitchen.
Lu Han was holding the back of his head while Jongin and Sehun were as shocked as we were. "YAH! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?" yelled Lu Han.
"I'M HER BOYFRIEND, YOU IDIOT!" Chanyeol snapped back at him.

Lu Han's eyes and mouth were wide open. Lu Han looked over at Seunghyun with that "What did I do wrong?" face. He scoffed, "Now just a minute, FIRST, is this how you respect your Hyung? And SECOND, of course _____ is your girlfriend! I knew that! Why are you getting angry at me?"
Chanyeol folded his arms and pointed at Seunghyun,  "You were flirting with her!"
Lu Han's mouth dropped, "What the-No! I wasn't! I haven't flirted with her at all!"
Jongin looked at Chanyeol, "Hyung, calm down. Lu Han hasn't done anything. He's been sitting here with us the whole time."

I was honestly holding back my laughter.
Seunghyun noticed this and slapped my arm, "Oppa, you owe Lu Han and Chanyeol an apology when we get back!" I rubbed my arm as she got up and went over to Chanyeol.

After she debuted, we've had a lot of these brother-sister fights. I would usually win most of them.

 She wrapped her arms around his waist, "Yeobo, let's go. Lu Han is innocent this time."

Lu Han is innocent this time. I couldn't help but chuckle when she said that. ^_^

Lu Han isn't always innocent. I always catch him flirting with Seunghyun! Every time this happens, I always have to hold Chanyeol back from beating him up! If I remember correctly, I had to step in once. It was awkward...

We all decided to practice in the dance studio. Chanyeol invited Seunghyun to come along because her other members were spending a few days with their families.

After dancing to two songs, we all took a break. Seunghyun was sitting down in a chair reading a book. Lu Han decided to flirt with her. Thank goodness Chanyeol wasn't seeing this. A fight would probably break loose.

Lu Han: *Leans over her shoulder* What are you reading?

Seunghyun jumped in shock. She must've been really into her book.

Seunghyun: *Playfully slaps Lu Han* YAH! DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT!
Lu Han: *Laughs* Sorry, but it was pretty funny. Seriously though, what are you reading? You look really into it.
Seunghyun: *Nods* I am. It's based off of a movie that just came out.
Lu Han: Interesting. What's it called?
Seunghyun: *Holds up book cover for him to read*
Lu Han: Interesting. I've seen the preview for that movie. *Looks at the person on cover* Hey, that looks like me a little bit.
Seunghyun: *Looks closer at book* No it doesn't. You look nothing like him.
Lu Han: *Smirks* It's because I'm more handsome than him, right?
Seunghyun: *Scoffs* In your dreams.

Chanyeol got threw talking to Jongdae and walked over to me.

Chanyeol: *Looks over at Seunghyun and Lu Han, then looks back at me* Don't you think they're a little close, Hyung?
Me: *Looks over at them* I doubt-Yah! Chanyeol!

Before I could say anything, Chanyeol walked right past me shoving me away a little bit, and headed over to them. If I didn't stop him, I think there would be blood all over the dance studio.

I quickly ran over to Chanyeol and grabbed his arm.

Me: Don't. I'll handle it. You owe me big time, Park Chanyeol.
Chanyeol: Thanks, Hyung.

I sighed and headed over to Lu Han and Seunghyun. This was gonna be really awkward for me to say this. *Face-palms myself* Forgive me, Seunghyun!

Me: Yah! _____! You and Lu Han look a little close there, don't you?
Lu Han: Relax, Baekhyun. I'm just talking to her about the book she has. *Smirks* Why do you care? Is the Ex jealous?

Okay, that made my blood boil a little. -_-

Me: *Shakes head* Not one bit. But I hope you realize that she has a boyfriend.
Seunghyun: *Stands up* Where is Chanyeol? I have to get my other book back from him.
Me: He's over there.

Seunghyun left Lu Han and walked next to me. I turned around and noticed that Lu Han went to go visit with a few of the other members.

Me: *Whispers* You and Chanyeol both owe me!
Seunghyun: What are you talking about?
Me: While Lu Han is over there flirting with you, Chanyeol is looking at you two! He looks like he's about to start a freakin' war! I had to step in somehow.
Seunghyun: *Sigh* Relax, Baekhyun Oppa. Aish! You're so overprotective! Lu Han is just a friend.
Me: *Playfully pinches her cheek* I'm your brother. I'm supposed to be overprotective. Especially when I see my sister being flirted with by someone who ISN'T her boyfriend. You better go talk to Chanyeol. He's not too happy right now.

As we got to Chanyeol, Seunghyun wrapped her arms around his neck.

Seunghyun: Yeobo, don't be sad. I'm here for you.
Chanyeol: Lu Han didn't flirt with you too much did he?
Seunghyun: *Chuckles* Yeobo, are you jealous?
Chanyeol: *Sigh* I am. Lu Han is always close to you!
Seunghyun: He's just a friend, Chanyeol. No one can ever replace you. I'm yours and yours only.
Chanyeol: *Gives her weak smile* All right. Just, wherever Lu Han tries flirting with you, remind him that you're taken.
Seunghyun: *Scoffs* Well, Baekhyun Oppa obviously handled that.
Chanyeol: He's being a good overprotective brother.
Me: Yah! Lu Han said to me, 'Is the Ex jealous?'
Chanyeol: *Whispers* At least he doesn't know about the half-sibling thing. It's better to be known as her Ex, than her brother.
Me: *Lowers head* You've got a point.

~End flashback~

Yeah, awkward. I know. -_- And another thing is that her and Lu Han always hang out with each other. At times, she told me that fans mistaken him for her boyfriend instead of Chanyeol.

Your POV
"No peaking, Yeobo!" I kept smacking his hands that kept trying to take the blind-fold off of his eyes. "Don't worry, we're almost there."

As we finally arrived at the restaurant, I told Chanyeol that he could take the blind-fold off. As he took it off, he smiled, "Jagi, I've always wanted to eat here, how did you know?"
I smirked, "I have my sources."
He leaned over and pecked my lips, "I love you, so much."
I smiled, "I love you too."

When we got outside, the host led us to the roof of the hotel. Chanyeol really loves the restaurant that is on the very top floor. To celebrate our Four Month Anniversary, I decided to make reservations at his favorite restaurant. The rooftop was very peaceful. There wasn't anyone here, but a few musicians.

Our anniversary has been going very well. Chanyeol seemed to enjoy his meal as well as I.

He smiled and reached into his coat pocket, "I have something for you. Close your eyes."
I complied. After a few  seconds later,I felt Chanyeol removing my hair and placing something really cold on my neck.
He whispered in my ear, "You can open now."
As I opened my eyes, I saw a small mirror in front of me. When I looked in it, I saw a small pendant around my neck.

"I Love You"

I couldn't help but smile like an idiot, "Chanyeol, it's very beautiful." I got up and pulled him in for a hug. "I love you, my Happy Virus."
He chuckled an lifted my chin with his finger, "I love you too. I have and always will." He lent ought his lips down to mine.

I was very happy right now. Next to Baekhyun's gift, I have Chanyeol's gift to always keep with me too. I never leave without Baekhyun's gift. I always wear it. When I go out in public, or when I'm around my members, family, or Sunbaes, I always have to hide the necklace. Baekhyun and I just aren't ready to tell everyone yet.

Oh, and how did my parents take it when I told them that Baekhyun and I are no longer together and that I was with Chanyeol now?  Well, they actually took it pretty well.

Me: Appa, Umma, I'm home.
Umma: ____, Sweetie! I'm so happy to see you! It's been weeks! How have you been? How have you and Baekhyun been? He's such a sweet boy.
Me: Actually, Umma, Baekhyun and I are no longer together.
Appa: What? Why? I really liked Baekhyun.
Me: It's just that-We see each other more as a brother and sister. We will always be good friends. I'm currently in a relationship with someone else.
Appa: What? Who?
Me: Park Chanyeol. He's Baekhyun's best friend. He's in EXO too.
Umma: Is Baekhyun all right with that?
Me: Of course. Umma, we're not in high school anymore. Baekhyun and I are still good friends. Besides, he said that Chanyeol is good for me.
Appa: *Chuckles* What ever makes you happy, Honey. Your Umma and I will always be here to support you.
Me: I love you guys so much!

~End flashback~

"Seunghyyn?" asked Chanyeol who was playing with his desert.
I looked up, "Hmm?"
"I don't mean to rush you guys or anything, but when do you and Baekhyun Hyung plan to tell everyone the truth?"
I looked down at my plate, "We'll tell them when the time is right."
Chanyeol reached over and tested his hand on mine, "Jagiya, they're gonna find out the truth eventually."
I nodded, "And they will. Just not now."
"Baekhyun's parents and your parents need to know the truth first."
I big the insides of my mouth, "In all respect, Chanyeol, and please don't tell Baekhyun I said this, but I really don't want to see Baekhyun's Umma anytime soon."
He held my hand, "I understand. But you guys can't keep living your lives like this. She needs to be confronted and know how much pain she has caused both of you."
I looked up at him, "Chanyeol? Would you come with us on the day that Baekhyun and I decide to tell our parents?"
He bit his bottom lip, "As much as I would like to, I don't know of that'd be such a good idea, Seunghyun. I mean, this is about you and Baekhyun."
I lowered my head. I think he noticed me too.
He squeezed my hand, "However, if it makes you happy, I'll be your side."
I brought his hand up go my lips, "Thank you, Chanyeol."

After our date, instead of me driving, Chanyeol drove me to my dorm. He pulled up in front and stopped. "I had a really wonderful time tonight. Even though I wasn't able to pay for dinner tonight."
I playfully poked his nose, "I told you, everything was already paid for."

We both got out of the car and he walked me up to the door. He pulled me in for a hug, "I wish tonight never ended."
I smiled and rested my head on his shoulder, "Me too. I wish we didn't have to go back to our dorms."
He lifted my chin and kissed my lips, "You know, since you're staying alone, you're always welcomed to stay at the dorm with me. You could stay in the guest room."
I chuckled, "I'd love that a lot, but I have a photo-shoot early tomorrow morning."
He placed his hands in mine, "Oh, well, I have a free schedule tomorrow, so how about we go out to lunch after your photo-shoot?"
I smiled and nodded, "I'd like that."
He kissed me once more, "Great. I'll see you tomorrow."

I'm so happy to make a sequel for this! Not going to reveal too much right now, but I will say that there is gonna be a whole lot of drama to come. Please anticipate! ^_^

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Chapter 56: *gasps* This is perfect! Thank you for being such a great writer, Author-nim! ❤
Baeasma #2
I don't get how this story doesn't have much subs and votes YOU DESERVE MOREEE
Yeolda #4
Chapter 56: I couldn't imagine EXO in their late thirties XD I wish I had an uncle like Baekhyun. He seemed like he didn't care about Miyoung's relationship, as long as she was happy, unlike someone (Chanyeol) lol. Off to read about Seunghyun and Luhan!
dyvatasya #5
Chapter 55: I love this story! Thank you<333 But, isn't it weird for them swimming in the pool? By the way, is it means EXO and Seunghyun's group had disbanded? I mean' they're getting old of course right?
Michelle_98 #6
Chapter 55: Awww.. is so sweet! Thanks for writing this story to us, I really enjoy reading it. Waiting for you to write another story for us! Hwaiting!
Chapter 55: this was just the most sweetest chapter ever~
all the over protectiveness was just hilarious.
this was a really good sequel.
im glad i read it
Chapter 52: OMFG!
Chapter 54: Good thing you didn't do that author-nim. I would be crying if you made her die
Chapter 48: phew!!! I'm/SeunHyun's not pregnant xD