Forgiveness/My Medicine

~Sequel~ Here's My Secret, I KNOW I'm In Love With You

Baekhyun's POV
~Next day~
I opened my eyes and saw Seunghyun laying in bed eating a plate of food. She had all of these cords coming out of her. As I sat up, I checked the machine besides her. Her heart was beating pretty well.

She looked over at me and smiled, "Are you Baekhyun? My brother?"
I felt pain in my chest whenever she asked me that. It hurt me so much that she forgot about me. I looked up at her and gave her a weak nod, "I am."
She chuckled, "I'm sorry if I don't remember you. My memory is a little bad right now, but don't worry. The nurse came in and said she was treating me with some medicine right now. I hope I can remember things."
I walked over to her and reached for her hand, "How are you feeling?"
"Pretty good. I have a giant headache. The nurse came in and gave me this giant plate of food. This stuff tastes wonderful."

She looked over and saw Chanyeol sleeping. She looked up at me, "Baekhyun Oppa? Who is he?"
I looked over at Chanyeol and then back at her, "He's someone who loves you a lot. That's Chanyeol, your boyfriend."
As she began to speak, she winced in pain and held her head, "ACK!"
I jumped up, "Seunghyun, are you okay? What's wrong?"
She gave me a weak nod, "I'm fine, Oppa. My head just really hurts. I'm trying to remember you guys, but I can't seem to recal anything."
I lowered my head.

I heard groaning. We looked over at Chanyeol who was now waking up.

Chanyeol's POV
I yawned and sat up from the sofa. My back was really hurting, -_-

I opened my eyes and saw Baekhyun and Seunghyun looking at me. Seunghyun smiled, "Good morning, Yeobo."

My eyes widen. Did she remember me!?

I got up and went over and pulled her in for a hug, "Jagiya, Seunghyun, are you all right?"
She winced in pain. I forgot that she fractured some bones.
"I'm sorry!" I quickly released her.
She chuckled, "It's fine. Jagiya. I'll have to get used to that word."
I slowly released her and looked at her with a hurt face. She doesn't remember me. I reached for her hand, "Byun Seunghyun, please remember me."
She looked up at me with sad eyes, "I wish I could, Chanyeol. I'm on medication right now. The nurse said that my memory should slowly start to come back while I'm on this medicine."
I sat on the bed next to her and carefully pulled her into my arms, "Seunghyun, I'm so sorry for everything. I promise, I won't let Chaeyoung near you again."
She looked up at me with a puzzles face, "Chaeyoung? The name sounds familiar. Who is she?"
I sighed, "A very bad person. Don't worry, you won't be anywhere near her anymore. I won't let her near you. She's the reason why you're in here. The reason why you can't remember anything. She did this to you!"

"Excuse me," the nurse came to the door, "I'm going to need you boys to step our for a second."
Baekhyun and I got up and stepped outside.

As Baekhyun and I stood out in the hallway, I thought for a few seconds, and decided that it was time to tell him. "Hyung?" I looked up at him. "There's something you should know. I wanted to tell you this weeks ago, but things were difficult back then. You know I love your sister, right?"
Be folded his arms and nodded, "I do."
I took a deep breath an spoke up, "I've been planning on proposing to her sometime. I wanted to run it by you before I did anything."
Baekhyun stood there frozen. He gave me a warm smile, "I trust you, Chanyeol. You're a great guy for Seunghyun. I know that you will make a great husband for her."
I smiled, "Thanks, Hyung."
He held his hand out, "When are you planning to propose?"
I sighed, "I was actually wanting to propose weeks ago, but that's when things started getting bad. No need to rush things now. I just wanted to tell you now so you won't be shocked when the time comes."
He gave me a warm smile, "You have her Oppa's permission, but now, at some point, you're going to need to go our parents and tell them."
I nodded, "When she gets released from the hospital, I will go to both of your parents."

The nurse stepped out of Seunghyun's room, "She is sleeping right now. Would you guys like to come back later?"
We both nodded, "When will be a good time to come back?"
The nurse shrugged her shoulders, "Whatever time is good for you guys. She just needs to rest now."
We both bowed, "Thank you."

Baekhyun and I decided to go back to the dorm.

Your POV
~Hours later~
"Seunghyun-shi? You have a visitor."

A beautiful girl came in. She looked at me and gave me a warm smile. I looked at her with a confused face, "Who are you?"
"Kim Chaeyoung imnida." she bowed.

Chaeyoung? Chanyeol said that this was the person who hurt me and put me in the hospital. I should be afraid, right?

She came over and sat in a chair next to me, "Seunghyun, before you say anything, let me apologize. I'm so sorry for everything I've done to you and Chanyeol. I was a jealous . I'm also sorry about what I did to you last night. It was very wrong of me. You may not remember, but I'm the one who locked you in the freezer. I can't help it, but I'm extremely jealous of you. I'm not afraid to admit it at all. I'm very envious of you, Byun Seunghyun."
I looked at her with furious eyes, but my anger suddenly disappeared, and I gave her an understanding smile, "I understand, Chaeyoung. I may not remember the things you did to me, but you did it because you love Chanyeol, am I right?"
She looked at me with a sad face, "I do. Ever since I laid eyes on him in the studio that day, I developed a huge crush on him. I thought that I could take him away from you because I always get what I want. But last night, after I locked you in the freezer, I overheard him saying to his friends how much he loves and cares for you. You're a very important person to him, Seunghyun. Chanyeol would never love someone who tries to take away his happiness. I tried sabotaging your relationship with him because I was jealous. I'm very sorry for bringing Baekhyun into this too."
I gave her a weak smile, "Chaeyoung, I forgive you. And whatever you and I have gone through in the past, is in the past. Let's move on. Put the past behind us. Let's be friends."

I reached for her hand, but she looked  up at me with teary eyes and looked away, "I-I can't, Seunghyun. The last time you trusted me, I betrayed you. I don't deserve your trust or forgiveness."
I gave her a warm smile, "I trust you, Chaeyoung. I know that you wouldn't do anything to hurt me now. After you had the courage to face me even after you hurt me, that's a real friend. I want us to be friends."
She stood up and pulled me in for a hug, it hurt a lot, but Chaeyoung was gentle. "Seunghyun, I'm so sorry for everything! I promise I will leave you and Chanyeol alone. I promise not to interfere with you guys again. I don't want to hurt anyone else. Chanyeol is so happy to have you. I don't want to take his happiness away from him. You two really deserve each other."
I looked up at her, "I know that one day, someone will find you and love you with all their heart."
A tear fell down her face, "That's what Chanyeol said to me too. I hope to find Love the way you found yours, you're such a lucky girl, Byun Seunghyun. You have a wonderful brother too. He really cares about you."
I smiled.

"Seunghyun, you've got some visitors."

As the nurse stepped aside, I saw Baekhyun and his friends.

Suddenly, I saw this girl running over to Chaeyoung and raised her hand to slap her.

"WAIT!" I shouted.
"JAGIYA! MINAH! DON'T!" yelled a tanned boy running up behind her holding her back.
Minah folded her arms and slowly walked over to Chaeyoung, "You're nothing but a cold, heartless ! You know that!?"
"UNNIE!" I yelled.
"There should be a special place in Hell for you." said another girl.
"YAH! SOYUN!" yelled a Chinese guy grabbing her wrist.
The other girl was about to say something, but a really tall guy (her boyfriend I think), held her back, "Not you too, Mihyun."

Chaeyoung looked at me with sad eyes and slowly stood up, "No, they're all right. I don't deserve to be here." She turned around and bowed to everyone, "I'm so sorry for all that I've done. I promise to never interfere with you guys again."

She walked over to Chanyeol, "Chanyeol, you have every right to not forgive me. I just wanted to apologize about all that I've done to you. Seunghyun is a sweet girl, please take good care of her. You won't find a girl like that anywhere else."

She walked over to Baekhyun, "Baekhyun, I'm so sorry about all the pain I caused your sister. You're a good brother to her. Take care of her in the future. She's thankful that she has a wonderful brother she can always go to when she needs someone."

She came over to me and gave me a hug, "I'll see you later, Seunghyun. Again, I'm sorry for all that I've done to you." she gave me a weak smile and headed for the door.
"Chaeyoung, wait!" I called back to her, but she just walked away.

I turned my head at everyone standing in the room. "Why are you guys so cruel? Chaeyoung and I are friends now!"
"That's what you said last time. Look where it got you." said Chanyeol.
I sighed, "Chanyeol, Chaeyoung explained everything to me-"
"And you believe her?" asked Baekhyun.
"WE ARE FRIENDS NOW!" I shouted. "She apologized to me many times an told me why she did all of those things. She was envious of me. I understand why she did all of those things to us." I looked over at Chanyeol, "Chanyeol, she loved you. That's why she did all of these things.  But she finally realized how much you love me. She promised me that she'd never interfere with us again. I trust her. She's proven to me that I can give her my trust. Please don't hate her, everyone."

Chanyeol came over to me and sat on the edge of the bed. He reached up and held my hand, "Jagiya, she hurt the most important person to me. I won't go easy on someone who hurts someone I love."
"Chanyeol, please. Put the past behind us. I trust Chaeyoung. You won't have to worry about her anymore. Please be happy that you are with me now. Be happy that we can finally be together."
Chanyeol's furious eyes turned soft. He gave me a warm smile and cupped my face gently pressing his lips onto mine.

What am I feeling right now? I began thinking to myself. I suddenly feel so warm right now. My heart is beating like crazy. My body feels so warm. My head didn't seem to hurt anymore. When his lips touched mine, something sparked inside of me.

"Chanyeol?" I pulled away and looked in his eyes. I smiled, "Park Chanyeol?"
A big smile formed on Chanyeol's face, "Seunghyun! You know my name! You remember me!" he pressed his lips onto mine once more.

I suddenly remembered everything. I look around the room and see my members and EXO all staring down at Chanyeol and I.

"Seunghyun!" yelled my members as they ran up to me.
Soyun was in tears, "Seunghyun! You're okay!" she pulled me in for a tight hug, "Unnie, be careful! I fractured some bones. Don't cry! I'm all right!"
"How did you remember all of us? Chanyeol told us that you were out on medicine. Has the medicine already kicked in this quick?" asked Mihyun as she pulled me in for a hug.
I smiled and looked over at Chanyeol, "Chanyeol was the medicine."

After all that Chaeyoung has done, heck, I wouldn't have held her back, Jongin! But yey! You/Seunghyun got your memory back! Thanks to Chanyeol's kiss! ^o^ Kekekeke!!

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Chapter 56: *gasps* This is perfect! Thank you for being such a great writer, Author-nim! ❤
Baeasma #2
I don't get how this story doesn't have much subs and votes YOU DESERVE MOREEE
Yeolda #4
Chapter 56: I couldn't imagine EXO in their late thirties XD I wish I had an uncle like Baekhyun. He seemed like he didn't care about Miyoung's relationship, as long as she was happy, unlike someone (Chanyeol) lol. Off to read about Seunghyun and Luhan!
dyvatasya #5
Chapter 55: I love this story! Thank you<333 But, isn't it weird for them swimming in the pool? By the way, is it means EXO and Seunghyun's group had disbanded? I mean' they're getting old of course right?
Michelle_98 #6
Chapter 55: Awww.. is so sweet! Thanks for writing this story to us, I really enjoy reading it. Waiting for you to write another story for us! Hwaiting!
Chapter 55: this was just the most sweetest chapter ever~
all the over protectiveness was just hilarious.
this was a really good sequel.
im glad i read it
Chapter 52: OMFG!
Chapter 54: Good thing you didn't do that author-nim. I would be crying if you made her die
Chapter 48: phew!!! I'm/SeunHyun's not pregnant xD