
~Sequel~ Here's My Secret, I KNOW I'm In Love With You

Baekhyun's POV
~Weeks later~
*Phone conversation*
Me: Seunghyun?
Seunghyun: Oppa.
Me: How are you doing? How did your performance go? Chanyeol missed you a lot.
Seunghyun: It went very well. We had so many fans come!
Me: *Chuckles* That's great!
Seunghyun: How about you, Oppa? How was your concert? I can't wait for Chanyeol to be back home."
Me: Our concert was very good. We performed with our Sunbaes.
Seunghyun: That's good. Listen, Oppa, I have something to tell you. Please don't tell Chanyeol. I want to wait until he gets back home tomorrow. I want to surprise him.
Me: Oh, okay. What is it? He's right here next to me.
Seunghyun: Oh. Um, could you go somewhere private right now?
Me: Um, sure. Give me a second.

"Hey, I'm going to step outside in the hall for a second." I stood up and told the members.

Me: Okay. I'm out in the hall.
Seunghyun: Okay, don't get mad, okay, Baek?
Me: *Chuckles* I won't. What is it?
Seunghyun: You promise? Please don't panic.
Me: Yah! Seunghyun, what's going on?
Seunghyun: *Pauses* I-I'm pregnant, Oppa.

My eyes widen. I covered my mouth with my fist. I'm not too surprised because I knew it was going to happen sometime.

Me: You-You are? How did you find out?
Seunghyun: My period is late. I went to the doctor today too.
Me: Oh, I see. How long have you been pregnant?
Seunghyun: The doctor said about a week.
Me: That-That's great, Seunghyun! You're finally going to have a family of your own! Chanyeol is going to be very happy when he finds out.
Seunghyun: *Sigh* Why do you sound uneasy, Baek?
Me: *Stutters* I'm not. What are you talking about?
Seunghyun: I'm your sister, Baek. I can tell when you're lying. Please don't be mad at Chanyeol. He told me that you freaked out the last time.
Me: I'm just a little shocked. Do your members know? And yeah, I did freak out, but now I know how much you and Chanyeol really want this. I'll support you two.
Seunghyun: Yes. They came with me when I went to the doctor. Would you and the members like to come over tomorrow? I want you all to be there when I tell Chanyeol.
Me: *Chuckles* Of course.
Seunghyun: Thanks, Oppa. I'll see you all tomorrow.

After I hung up, I just stood in the hallway and smiled. Seunghyun was finally pregnant! I was a little shocked when she thought she was a few days ago, but my members are right. I need to let her and Chanyeol be happy together.

"Hyung, is Seunghyun all right?" asked Chanyeol as I came back in the room.
I smiled and nodded, "She's perfectly fine. She misses you and can't wait for you to come home. She wants us all to come over tomorrow. Is that all right?"
"Of course. I'll help her prepare dinner." he nodded.

Your POV
After getting off the phone with Baekhyun I went down to my living room and sat down on one of the sofas. I began rubbing my flat stomach that will soon be big. I hope Chanyeol will be happy. This is what we've always wanted.

After I took a small nap, I decided to go visit Umma and Appa. I wanted to tell them about the news.

"Seunghyun!" Appa three his arms around me as I came up to the door.
"Appa!" I smiled.
"Seunghyun!" Umma ran up to me. "Sweetheart, how have you been? Where's Chanyeol at?"
"He's at an overseas concert with EXO. He'll be back home tomorrow." I said.

When we all got inside, I sat down in the living-room with them. "So, what brings you here, Seunghyun? We're happy you're visiting."
I bit my lower lip and gave them a nervous smile, "Umma, Appa, I'm pregnant."
Umma's eyes widen and a big smile formed on her face, "Oh, Seunghyun! I'm so happy for you!" she came over and pulled me in for a hug.
"That's great, Sweetheart!" said Appa.
"I'm going to surprise Chanyeol tomorrow when he gets home. He and the other members are coming over for thw evening."
"Honey, we're both happy for the both of you." said Appa. "Do you know if it's a boy or a girl?"
I shook my head, "The doctor isn't for sure yet. She told me to come back in a few days for an ultrasound."
Appa kissed my head, "Chanyeol is going to be so happy for you. You guys will finally start your own family!"
I nodded, "This is what we've always wanted. I know Chanyeol and I will be great parents."
"We will be great grandparents too." Umma chuckled.

After spending an hour with my parents I decided to head back home and call my birth mother.

*Phone conversation*
Umma: Hello?
Me: Umma? It's Seunghyun. Are you able to talk right now?
Umma: Seunghyun! Of course, Honey! How are you doing? How's Chanyeol?
Me: We're doing well. I have great news.
Umma: What is it? Are you all right?
Me: *Chuckles* I'm perfectly fine, Umma. I'm pregnant.
Umma: Oh, Seunghyun! I'm so happy for you! Does Chanyeol know?
Me: No, not yet. He and Baekhyun are overseas at the moment. They'll be back tomorrow. I plan on telling him and everyone else tomorrow. I want to surprise him.
Umma: I'm very proud of you, Seunghyun. Chanyeol and you will be great parents! How is Baekhyun doing?
Me: He is doing well. He and the rest of EXO are continuing to work very hard.
Umma: That's good.
Me: Well, I just wanted to tell you the news, Umma. I have to go shopping for some food for tomorrow.
Umma: All right. I'll let you go. I wish you and Chanyeol the best! Keep in touch with me! I love you.
Me: All right, Umma. I love you too.

I hung up and headed out to shop for food. EXO eats so much, I'll have to buy three times the amount of food. -_-

~Next day~
"Seunghyun!" yelled Minseok and Tao coming through the doors of the terminal.
"Jagiya!" yelled Chanyeol running up to me.

He ran up to me and picked me up spinning around. "I missed you so much, Chanyeol."
"Me too, Seunghyun. Me too." he leaned down and kissed me on the lips.
I turned around to the rest of EXO, "Okay, guys, we're all heading back to our house. Just follow the address. All of the food is ready." I told them as I handed Joonmyun a paper with our address written down."

When we arrived at the house, the EXO-M members were so fascinated with our house since they've never been over before. "I could get used to this." said Kris looking around with wide eyes.
"Oh, Kris, Mihyun called me earlier and said that she and the other members would be over in a few minutes."

When my members came over, they all ran to their boyfriends. "Jagiya, have you been here before?" Yixing asked Soyun.
She nodded, "We all came over while you guys were overseas."
"We are going swimming, right?" asked Jongdae.
I nodded, "If you all want to."

"Hey," Baekhyun came up behind me and whispered, "Would you like to tell them now?"
I nodded and smiled, "Of course."
I looked over at Soyun and whisperer, "Could you gather everyone in the living-room? I want to tell them the news."
She smiled and nodded, "Of course."
"What is it?" Yixing looked down at her.
"You'll see." she chuckled.

After everyone gathered in the living-room, I stood up in the front. "Chanyeol, could you come up here? I have something to tell you."
He came up and wrapped his arms around my waist, "What is it, Jagi? Is everything all right?"
I nodded and smiled, "Chanyeol, I'm pregnant! Surprise!"
His eyes widen and a big smile formed on his face, "JAGIYA! I'M SO HAPPY!" he pulled me in for a big hug.

He turned around and faced everyone, "We have a child on the way."
Everyone's eyes widen and they all clapped and cheered for us. Each of the members came up and congratulated us. Baekhyun came up and gave me a big hug, "I'm so happy for you, Seunghyun. You two will make great parents!"
"Thank you, Oppa. I'm so excited." I smiled.
"You know that there will be a lot of pain, right?" said a familiar voice.
Baekhyun and I pulled away and saw Lu Han standing behind me. He's gonna tease me until I get old! -_-
"Yah!" I punched his arm, "I know that, ert!"
"Just warning you." he chuckled.

"Do you know if it's a boy or a girl?" asked Minah and Jongin.
I shook my head, "We don't know now. I go back to the doctor's in a few days for a sonogram. She said that I'll know by then."
"You and Hyung are going to be great parents." Jongin smiled at Chanyeol and I. "Minah and I give you our best wishes. We congratulate you both."
"Thanks, Jongin." Chanyeol smiled at him.
"I'm ready for the pool!" yelled Baekhyun.

We all got changed an headed out to the pool. "I'm really excited, Jagiya." Chanyeol smiled at me.
"I promise to be the best father for our child."
"I love you, Chanyeol. I know we will both do our very best and love our child with all our heart." I leaned up and kissed him on the lips.

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Chapter 56: *gasps* This is perfect! Thank you for being such a great writer, Author-nim! ❤
Baeasma #2
I don't get how this story doesn't have much subs and votes YOU DESERVE MOREEE
Yeolda #4
Chapter 56: I couldn't imagine EXO in their late thirties XD I wish I had an uncle like Baekhyun. He seemed like he didn't care about Miyoung's relationship, as long as she was happy, unlike someone (Chanyeol) lol. Off to read about Seunghyun and Luhan!
dyvatasya #5
Chapter 55: I love this story! Thank you<333 But, isn't it weird for them swimming in the pool? By the way, is it means EXO and Seunghyun's group had disbanded? I mean' they're getting old of course right?
Michelle_98 #6
Chapter 55: Awww.. is so sweet! Thanks for writing this story to us, I really enjoy reading it. Waiting for you to write another story for us! Hwaiting!
Chapter 55: this was just the most sweetest chapter ever~
all the over protectiveness was just hilarious.
this was a really good sequel.
im glad i read it
Chapter 52: OMFG!
Chapter 54: Good thing you didn't do that author-nim. I would be crying if you made her die
Chapter 48: phew!!! I'm/SeunHyun's not pregnant xD