Double Trouble

When I Was Your Man

Second Month..

Kyuhyun's POV


I'm in love with the woman infront of me.. Sleeping here in the livingroom couch with book on her hand and TV . She is gaining weight and she is fine.. I touched her face and caressed it when she smiled..

"Your home.." She barely whisper .. I kissed her on her  soft warm cheeks..

"Babe, I told you not to wait for me.." I whisperes and I saw she smiles without opening hes eyes..

"I wanted to.." She always wait for me every night..tha't why I felt guilty sometimes..I have a lot of work at the office

"Move".. I told her as she move to give me some space..I lay my self beside her in the couch and started to caress her tummy

"Kyu.." She called me and I felt like the stress I am experienced from work is gone because of her angelic voice..

"Yes Baby?" I turned to her as she snuggle close to me..

"Thank you.." She said as we hug each other feeling each other's breath.. kissing each other's lips

"For?" I ask her and she open her beautiful eyes..

"For being here for me. I am so happy that you are mine.." She said as kiss evry korner of hr soft lips

"I am the one that would thank you.. For taking me back.. For loving me as a whole.. With my imperfections.." I said and she laughs

"We've been in love to each other since we were playing mud on the park.." She whispered

"If I only knew.." I said and she hugs me tighter..

"I'm glad that we didn't.. We never experience such pain and hardship if we did.. We will never be as matured as we are right now.." She whispered 

"How's the little guy? Is he giving you a hard time?" I was referring to the baby.. as I touch her tummy.. 

"Yes.. I've been throwing up this morning.." She played with the buttons of my long sleeved shirt.

"You look so tired.." I put her hair at the back of her ears to see the face that I love.. "

You too.. You look like abused" she said and we both laugh..

"I'm sleepy.. Shall we go to bed now?" She lovingly whisper because she wanted me to carry her to bed..

"Alright princess.. We will go to sleep!" I stood up and carried her in my arms.. I am so happy that I was able to bring her back to me.. I gently marched towards to our love nest..

"Babe.. You are getting heavier" I noticed since I always carry her in my arms..

"Yes I know.." She whispered.. And she thumps my chest..

"I love you.." She said as she nuzzle her face on my chest with my heart beat fast and loud screaming her name..

"I love you too baby.." I planted a kiss on her forehead..and I gently put her down..

"Oh I forgot.. I bought something for you.." I said as I took out a small box from my pocket..she look at it with anticipation..

"Wow..It's pretty.." She said as I wrap a handmade bracelet with our initials in it on her wrist that I bought on a souvenir shop ..

"Thank you oppa.." She whispered as her tears start to appear in her beautiful almond eyes.. She's  emotional these past few days.. she even pick fights with me with simple things

"I'm glad you like it!" I said and she hugs me.

I love it..It's lovely.." She giggles like a little girl..

"I deserve a kiss." I pouted and she cupped my face and she kissed my lips sweetly and softly. I could not contain the feeling I have right now. Everything i need.. everything I want is in her hands..


 Third Month

"Please stop whining! I told you not to skip meals!" He yelled at you when you were rushed to the hospital after fainting

"Why are you yelling?" You cried and he looked at you with his furious eyes. You lost your appetite since he is so busy with work at the same time he always comes home late

"You should eat even if I'm not around! What will I do if something's happen to you!" He hissed and you kept crying..

"Stop crying! You stresses out your self.. and the baby.." he yelled and you glared at him..You threw a pillow on him 

"If you cant stand me..crying you can leave! Do you think I'm not in difficult situation? I want to be with you.. you always left me alone here.. You should allow me to work.. You should at least let me be with you!" You shout back and he hugs you tightly 

"I'm sorry baby.." He said when he realized that you are emotional

"I'm sorry babe.." He hugs you tightly and you cried on his chest

"I'm sorry Kyuhyun..It's because of my hormones.." you said and he nods..

"It's my fault I should be the one who understands you most..after you get discharged, I will let you come with me to office everyday.." he said and you felt loved by him.. 

"You can sleep here with me here.." you whispered to him as he wipe the tears off your eyes. He lie beside you and he plants kisses on your lips when suddenly you heard someone clears throat

"Are you not fighting just now?" Your brother is standing on the door with the rest of the family..

"We heard outside that you are yelling so.." Mindy explains as you two are blushing because of embarrassment.. you were fighting and in a second you are almost caught making out.. 

"I hate him" you whispered and your husband chuckles.. He gets up from the hospital bed and he welcomed your guests. Your mother, father, Yesung and Mindy.. and he explains why he is yelling at you

"Your husband is right dear you should take care of your self because the baby needs you.." your mother touches your hair and you nod..

"I'm sorry if I made you worry.." You wrap your arms around your mother as you watch your father and Kyuhyun talking to each other..


You enjoyed coming with him in the office as you help him with some reviews as he ask for your opinion.. 

"Baby, help me here.." he said as he is doing his neck tie..You walk towards him and you do his neck tie and you smiled

"You are so handsome" You said and he kissed your lips..

"Stop.. You are already late.." you said and he crried you in his arms and gently lay you don in bed.. 

"Babe.. please.. just one.." he said and you pushed him..

"Enough.. I gave in last night.. my tummy is bigger now so we could not do it more often.." you said and you both laugh


Sixth  Month

Gender.. You walk towards the examination room when your phone rings.. 

"Babe.. I'm sorry.. I could not escape from the press conference.." he said with the noise arround him.. they will be having a tour 

"It's okay.. I'm anxious.." you said becaue you are too excited if it is a boy or a girl..

"Me too.. I hope I was there with you.." he said

"I miss you oppa.." you said as you wait for your name to be called..

"I miss you too.. I'm almost done here.. I'll fetch up okay?" he said and you smiled.. he is so supportive to you.. even fly for you to be with you in every milestone of pregnancy.. You felt the little creature in your tummy move and it gives you discomfort.. You whimpered and he panicked

"Babe.. are you okay?" he ask you and you laugh

"Some one is playing again.. I think he wants to  play with daddy now.." you said and Kyuhyun laugh..

"Babe.. please let me go there.." he pleaded and you laugh..

"You can sneak out?" you ask him and he paused

"The dragon is beside me.." he whispered as he refers to your brother who always him  and you laugh hard making the baby move again..

"The little guy is so excited with our evil idea love..He is kicking mommy again.." you said and you touches your tummy..

"Okay baby.. I'm going.. " he ended the call.. 

You stared at his picture on your phone..You can help but to fall in love with him over and over and the thought of bearing his child is unmeasurable.. indescribable.. 

You heard your name being called and you literally dragged your self in the examination room.. You both want the baby to be boy. the only thing the both of you agreed upon without fighting...

"Good Morning Dr.Cho.." the doctor greets you and you smiled.. she called you Dr.Cho? it sound good but you still prefer Dr. Kim or Mrs. Cho

"Hi.." you nervously greet the doctor that will be conducting the ultrasound 

"Are you nervous?" She ask you and you nods..

"First child I see.." she said as she read your medical record..

"My son is a fan of your husband.. he collects CD's of him.. He's married now.. " she said and you smile.. she is trying to ease the anxiousness you are feeling right now. 

You look on the screen as she do the procedure

"Oh.. he's a boy.. " she said and you smiled..Kyuhyun must be very happy..

"Wait.. two heart beats.." she said and you opened your mouth because of shock.. 


You sit on the waiting area as your emotion overwhelms you.. You are pregnant and your wish of having a baby boy came true.. How will you tell your loving husband about the miracle? He must be the happiest father in the world as you felt that you are the happiest woman ever lived at this moment..

You wipe your tears of joy off from your eyes upon seeing your husband running towards you..

"Babe!' he called you and you hugged him and cried on his chest..

"Why?" he gently whispers as he wipe the tears on your eyes.. 

"I am so happy.." you said and he smiled.. 

"Now.. don't let me wait.. It the baby boy or girl?" he excitedly ask and you looked at his eager eyes

"Kyu.. I love you.." you smiled and he nods..

"I know..I love you too.. now tell me.." he pleaded and you hugged him..

"I missed you.." you said and he hugs you back..

"I miss you too babe..come on cut the suspense.." he whined and you looked at his eyes.. 

"Cho Kyuhyun.. We are having boys.." you said and his jaw dropped..

"Boy? Boys? I'm comfused.." he said and you hugged him

"Plural baby Kyu.. I have Two Cho Kyuhyun inside  my womb.." you whispered and you giggled because he is dumbfounded in every word you said..

"Two.. you mean twins?" he ask you and you nod..

"Two boys Kyuhyun.." you said and he carried you in his arms.. 

"WE ARE HAVING TWINS!!" he yelled and everyone in the hospital clapped their hands.. 





Thank you for reading guys! we are close to ending! ^^ but don't worry I'll write again another KYU fic after this!!!



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PieLife #1
Chapter 48: Dangggg 4 hours?!
PieLife #2
PieLife #3
ady_91 #4
Chapter 18: Nice story over all :)
ReinaPark #5
Chapter 76: likeeeee this storyy
Very good chapter...pretty funny when Kyu and her were chating on their phone. Also pretty good story so it!
Chapter 76: I love this story! I can feel her when she was hurt :( great job ^^
sehyu_p #8
Chapter 76: wawww it's so freakin awesome fanfic. i'm waiting on next bonus chapter. update soon^^~
Chapter 76: hahahahahahahahaha
Chapter 76: Hahahahaha! Their twins are so naughty and hyperactive. Poor parents. ;)