
When I Was Your Man

Three weeks since you got home...

Kyuhyun, Yesung and Ryeowook in a heated argument about the convention that they want Kyuhyun to attend..and you are sitting next to your brother with his baby on your lap..Mindy is doing some paper work in her office.. 

"Kyuhyun, you know you are still catching up with ________, but the company needs you to participate on that convention.." Ryeowook said and you are looking at your Kyuhyun's not-so-good-mood-face

"Two weeks.. hyung.. two weeks.." he is pissed and you can sense it in his words..

"Come on Kyuhyun! You are the CEO.." Yesung calmly said.. as he control himself not to yell at his brother in law in front of you..

"But why I cannot bring my wife with me?" He asked and you also sad that you can't go because you have to go back to Busan for some documents.. 

"Kyuhyun, I know how you feel.. but it's necessary.." Yesung said and you heard your brother's sigh..

"What do you think?" Kyuhyun asks you and you looked at him with surprised expression..

"Me?" you ask him and he nods..

"I don't know.. but I think you have to.." you said and you missed him already..

"So you want me away from you for two weeks?" he asked you with anger and dis appointment in his eyes.. Yesung and Ryeowook watches your starting fight.. 

"It's not that.." you said and he stood up and walks out 

"Oh he's a " You said as you roll your eyes and Ryeowook laugh..

"Hyung.. I thought he changed.." HE said and your brother smiles..  

"He is.. but not completely.." you said and you gave Jongmin to his dad..

"I'm sorry sis.. It's necessary..' Your brother apologizes for the convention that he is going to attend..

"Do I have a choice? Besides, he needs it right?" you said and the both of them nods.. 

"try to convince him ________, I know it's hard for you because you just got back to each other.. but he need's it.." Ryeowook added and you nod

"I'll deal with it.." you said and you followed your husband on his office..


You open the door and he glared at you.. 

"What are you doing here? You are with them right?" Kyuhyun said with his phone in his hand.. you gently locked the door behind you.

"Oppa.." you said as you walk towards him who is sitting on his desk..

"Please.. if you are going to tell me to go.. just stay away.." he said and you sit on his lap.. 

"I know you don't want me to do that.." you said and you wrap your hands around him.. You don't want him to go either but it's for the future

He wrap his strong arm around you..and you played with his hair...

"We are adults now Kyuhyun..we must know what is we have to sacrifice.. It's only two weeks away.. we survived those six months not talking to each the two weeks, you can call me.. we can video chat anytime.. and you when you got home.. I am waiting for you.." you said and he pouted his lips.. 

"Hey.. don't get mad at me.. I just want you to go there to experience it.." You caressed his face and he nods.. 

"Two weeks with out.." he  grinned and he put his naughty hand between you thighs. and you hit his chest..

"Ya! That's it! you just want me for !" you said and you both laugh..

"Of course! How can we have baby if."' you cut him off by pulling his hair.. 

"Babe!" he yelled and you kissed him on his lips.. He pushed you off him.. he is not in the mood for anything

"What was that?" you ask him when you nearly fell on the floor..

"I just don't get it that you want me to go.." he said and he looks away..

"Hey.. don't be mad..I  love you... I want you to stay with me but we have to do this.. Only two weeks.." You said and you start kissing him on his jaw to the base of his ear..He tightened his grip on your thigh..

"Damn it how can I go without this.." he whispered and you smiled..You start ing  his shirt and he held your hand.. 

"Babe.. stop torturing me.." he whispered and you laugh.. 

"Why are you keep on resisting?" you said and you touches his red cheeks with your hands...

"Who said I'm resisting?" he smirked and he start kissing you all over.. and you end up making out..


"Kyu.." you whispered as you lied on top of him on his office's couch..

"Hmm?" He utter as he put your hair behind your ears.. 

"I hate to tell this but I think you have to go to Japan for that convention.." you said and he sighed..

"Okay.. Okay.." he said and you smiled.. 

"That's my man.." you said and you kiss him.. You grabbed your phone and dialed your brother's number..

"Jongwoon.. He's coming.." you said and you ended the call...

"How could I ever loved a brat like you?" he ask you and you smiled.. 

"You have no choice Kyuhyun.." You said and you both spend the rest of the day cuddling each other inside the office


As agreed by the two of you.. he went overseas and you are left in your new home that you love. He calls you almost every hour of every day.. You miised him like crazy and your selfish self wants him.. 

You feel peaceful despite of time apart with him.. A box of package was sent to your front door and you smiled upon knowing who's the sender... 

"Baby.. I sent you boxes of chocolates.." he called you and you sighed..

"Kyuhyun... please you are making me miss you more..  it kills me.." you said and you hear him chuckle

"That's the point..I want you to be punished by convincing me to go here.. I'm so bored.." He laugh and you yelled at him to stop..

"I really hate you right now.." you said 

"Can I go home now?" he said like a little boy..

"Kyu.. you have 3 days left.." you said and you hear him sigh..

"I really missed you.." he said and you smiled..

"I missed you to.. now.. get back to work big guy.. your wife is not going to entertain any calls from you.." you laugh 

"Babe. I love you.." he said and you felt that something is wrong.. he is too cheesy and mushy

"I love you more Kyuhyun.. are you cheating on me?" you ask and he laughed hard..

"Are you serious? after what we been through? You know I love you that much to cheat on you.. pabo.." he said and you laugh..

"I feel some thing is going on.. you are extra sweet today.." you said and he laughs again..

"No.. No.. No.. I can't cheat on you.." he said and you believed him.. 

"Alright.. just be good okay?" you said as you take out the chocolate boxes out from the package

"For you I will.. I have to go now baby.. stay at home.. and don't talk to any guy.." he said and you want to punch his face for being so annoyingly cute and adorable..

"Aye Aye sir!.." you said and you ended the call..


You look at your self in front of the mirror that night.. you look tired and exhausted.. you kept your self busy for you not to miss your husband but you failed.. everything you do is reminding you of him.. But you have to live a normal life.. You cannot hide from your face the smile of the surprise waiting for Kyuhyun.. He will be the happiest man on earth if you drop your bomb of surprise for him.. 

You wore a plain shirt and sweat pants an you literally crawled on bed.. You hug his pillow with his scent fading.. He never called you after your conversation this morning and you hate him.. You cannot wait for another 3 days to see him.. 


"Kyuhyunnie.. our classmates told me that they have crush on you.." you told him while you eat chocolate that he gave you.. and he is silently listen to your blabbering..

"They are so so.." you said and he wiped off some chocolate in the corner of your lips.. your heart stops as blood rushes to your face making you blush

"Eat slowly ______." he smiled and made you knees shake

"Ya! I'm talking here about those girls and you have no reaction?" you ask him and he pinches your flushed cheeks

"They are not my type besides I have a crush for a long time.." he said while he look straight in you eyes.. you pout and took a seat beside him

"So my best buddy keeps secret from me.. this is depressing.." you said and at the same time little feelings of jealousy starts inside your heart

"Hey.. It's the only thing i want to keep from you.. besides I know you are going to torment me if you know who my crush is.." he said as he mess your hair

"Whatever Kyu.. You still keep secrets from me.." you said and he took away the chocolate from you..

"Ya! that's mine!" you yelled and he laugh and he give it back to you..

"One day.. you'll know.." he said and you hold each others hand.. 


You drifted to sleep when dreams of him being the boy you always love creeps on your mind.. making you forget the pain of him being the guy who broke your heart many times.. You felt little movements on your bed.. thinking that it was only a dream.. You smell familiar scent that your soul longed for for almost 1 week and four days.. You smiled... over thinking of him create hallucinations and delusion in your mind.. Then you jerked out of bed when you felt someone is embracing you form the back.. 

"Holy !" you yelled and you grabbed a pillow and you hit the intruder and your heart beats faster because of fear.. you cannot see him because you always sleep with lights off.. 

"Who are you!! Get out! I'll call the police!!" you threaten the intruder then suddenly he kissed passionately..and upon recognizing the evil person who is touching and kissing you.. you put your hand around  him and whispers his name..

"Kyuhyun.. What are you doing here?" you lovingly ask him as you snuggled close to him.. 

"I cant wait for three days..please don't push me away.. I missed yo baby.. and it kills me.." he said as he pull you closer to him.. 

"Don't scare me like that.. I'm scared.." you said and he kissed your teary eyes

"I'm sorry.. I just want to surprise you.. I'm sorry.." he said as he try to calm you down..

"You are so mean.." you cried.. he always like this scaring the hell out of you like he always did when you are still young.. closet monsters.. under bed creatures.. and anything that scares you..

"I am so sorry baby.." he whispered and you hug him so tightly.. You calmed your self down and you kissed him..

"Kyu.. I love you.." you said as he pull the sheets up 

"I love you too.. let's sleep baby.. I'm tired.." he whispered and you smiled.. he is sweet.. and he's not ert  and you just love him.. 

"Are you sure.. you don't want to do.. any thing?" you and Kyuhyun laugh..

"No..I prefer to cuddle my scared cat wife.." he said and you nudge him

"Did I tell you that you are like a huge teddy bear?" you ask him and he laughs..

"Yeah for million times.. I am an ugly teddy bear.. as I remembered.." he said and you hugged him tight..

"That's reverse for me to hide my feelings from you.. but that means you are a cute teddy bear.." you said and he mess your hair..

 "Sleep.." he said and you close your eyes.. 


You woke up early in the morning and you smiled upon seeing your husband lying on his tummy snoring.. you grabbed a video camera and laugh as you record this rare moment

"Oh my good Lord.. Look at him.. he's snoring.." you said and you laugh.. after you make fun of his snoring.. you moved on his back and kissd kis nape..

"Baby.. stop doing this to me.. I need sleep.." his sleepy voice said and you giggles...

You whispered something that make him face you with his mouth and eyes wide opened.. You nods as you giggle and he is totally awaken by your bomb of surprise.. 





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PieLife #1
Chapter 48: Dangggg 4 hours?!
PieLife #2
PieLife #3
ady_91 #4
Chapter 18: Nice story over all :)
ReinaPark #5
Chapter 76: likeeeee this storyy
Very good chapter...pretty funny when Kyu and her were chating on their phone. Also pretty good story so it!
Chapter 76: I love this story! I can feel her when she was hurt :( great job ^^
sehyu_p #8
Chapter 76: wawww it's so freakin awesome fanfic. i'm waiting on next bonus chapter. update soon^^~
Chapter 76: hahahahahahahahaha
Chapter 76: Hahahahaha! Their twins are so naughty and hyperactive. Poor parents. ;)