She's Back

When I Was Your Man

Kyuhyun's POV

I can't sleep.. Why she came back? I don't want to hurt _______ but even if I don't do anything she will be hurt.. 

My phone rings.. I don't want to answer it.. 

"Baby...please answer your phone.." ______ whispered.. she was awaken my the call.. I turned the phone off..and I hugged her so tightly..

Knowing what kind of person Alex is.. now I'm so anxious.. that she may do anything to hurt my girl.. 

"What time is it?" she asked me while her eyes are closed.. 

"Five in the morning.." I smelled her hair.. 

"You haven't slept?" She opened her beautiful eyes.. and I smiled...

"C'mon Kyu.. you should have sleep at least you have work today right?" She kissed my cheeks..

I hugged her tightly.. So tight that i can't let go of her.. This might scare her away from me.. I know that she is still have issues on my past..

"You are killing me.."  she laughed and i kissed her lips..I cannot speak.. I can't tell her that Alex is back..I can still remember what I said to her.. Stay until she comes back.. What if she will left me after she knew that Alex is back..

"Oppa.. I can't breathe seriously.. What's wrong?" She worriedly cupped my face and looked straight into my eyes.. 

"Nothing I just miss you.." and I kiss he on the forehead..

"Alright.."  she hug me tight.."What ever it is that going through your mind.. it will be alright.." 

"I love you baby.." I said and I closed my eyes..

"I love you too.. sleep and I'll call Mr. Lee that you are late today alright? Don't worry I'll go with you to the office.." She grabbed her phone and she screamed

"Goodness Jongwoon! Why did you have to flood me with missed calls!" She stammers and I laugh..

"He told me that he will kill us both by sneaking out of his wedding party.." she continued 

"I know..he told me that thing too... call him he must be worried.." I whispered to her.. 

"Oh no need.. they must be on the way to Japan now.. Try to sleep.." She said and she was about to get up when I hold on to her wrist

"Stay here.. don't leave me.." i said and she smile.

"I'll go back to bed.. I need to go to the bathroom.." she said and i let go of her hand.. after a few minutes she stepped out from the bathroom in a long sleeved shirt..she lie down beside me and embraced me..

"Stay with me no matter what happens.." I said and I closed my eyes..


You are driving him to work.. he's been so quiet all the time.. but you respected his silence by not asking what's wrong.. and you know there is something bothering him.. 

"Oppa.." you sweetly called him and he looked at you with weary eyes

"Hmm?" He smiled at you he look so tired and sleepy.. he haven't slept a  even a minute

"Are you sure  you want to go to the office today?" you asked him you are  so worried that he might pass out anytime.

"Yeah it's okay.. I can sleep inside the office right" he wiggles his eye brows and you laugh..

"Yeah what you always do.. even when we still in high school.." you said and he laugh

"You have a good memory Kim ______. " he laughs.. you felt relieved upon seeing him laughing

"Of course.." You laugh too.. 

He hold on your hand tightly as if he never let go of you.. you are melted with his actions but you are confused.. Why does he acts like this?

"Something wrong love?" you hugged him inside the elevator..

"Nothing.. It's just that I'm not feeling well.." He said but you know that there is something bothering him..

"I love you.."You whispered and he chuckles..

"I love you too.. stop whispering we might end up making out here.." He laugh and you blushed

"You should buy me Ice cream later.."  you pouted as the elevator door opened..

"I will babe.." He said and he hold your hands.. 


After a nonstop work.. he went beside you and hugged you from the back..

"I love you.." he whispered as he smelled your scent...

"Kyu.. I know there is bothering you.." you faced him and you kissed his lips gently..

"Nothing baby.. I'm just sleepy..." he said.. 

"Are you hungry?" you ask him as you brushed your hand to his tired face..

"Yeah.. but I want something.." he smirked while wiggling his eyebrow..

"You are a ert Cho Kyuhyun.." you hug him and he laughs.. 

"Let's have a lunch date outside the building.." He said while hugging you

"Alright.. but don't forget my ice cream.." you said.. and he pushed you..

"Now I'm getting jealous with the ice cream.." he laughed.. then he silenced again..

"Let's go.. I'm hungry,," you cutely said as you drag him away from his office..


You take a walk towards the nearest reataurant within the building premises.. You hold hands together and you manage to lift his mood up..

You ate lunch together as you tell him how your work in the hospital been through.. He told you how boring his life without you arond him and in beteen those chats he stop and caress you face.. 

After he bought your favorithe chocolate icecream.. you went back to the buliding.. but when you reached the lobby...

"Love.. I left my purse on the restaurant.." You said and you are about to run, he grabbed your wrist..

"I'll go and get it.." he said and you shook your head..

"No.. Just go to the office.. I'll get it.." You said and he kissed you pasionately infront of the employees and trainees who are roaming arount the lobby..You blushed as he break your kiss.. and he kissed your forehead.. 

You run outside hoping that the crew are honest to keep that for you.. 

Luckily the manager found your purse and returned it to you.. You decided to drop by the coffee shop to buy iced coffee for your sweetheart as you reckon what is bothering him...

You are so happy as you walk towards the elevator and all the people around you smiles at you except for the female trainees who you think are you boyfriend's admirers..

You smiled as you reached the floor where you brother's and boyfriend's offices are.. You drop by you brother's office to check on him but you realized that he left for the honey moon.. 

You are about to open Kyuhyun's office when you saw it is partially opened.. you hesitatingly hold on the door knob..

You hear him talking with a woman.. and you gently opened the door..

your heart stop.. you dropped the coffee on the floor.. You put your hands on your mouth.. and you run away from the office..

"She is back.." your heart screamed as you run away.... 



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PieLife #1
Chapter 48: Dangggg 4 hours?!
PieLife #2
PieLife #3
ady_91 #4
Chapter 18: Nice story over all :)
ReinaPark #5
Chapter 76: likeeeee this storyy
Very good chapter...pretty funny when Kyu and her were chating on their phone. Also pretty good story so it!
Chapter 76: I love this story! I can feel her when she was hurt :( great job ^^
sehyu_p #8
Chapter 76: wawww it's so freakin awesome fanfic. i'm waiting on next bonus chapter. update soon^^~
Chapter 76: hahahahahahahahaha
Chapter 76: Hahahahaha! Their twins are so naughty and hyperactive. Poor parents. ;)