Chapter 50 (Final)

Life, Love, and the Teenage Years as a Trainee

We arrived at the salon about ten minutes ago and we were all getting our makeup done. We would have our hair done after we dressed in the dressing room at Inkigayo. 

It was 2pm at the moment and our pre-recording would be at 5:50pm while our debut stage would be at 8pm. The music show would start at 7pm so that meant we would have some time beforehand to warm-up and so on. 

"Unni, you look really pretty!" In Young smiled at me. She was sitting next to me and she had complimented my makeup.

"Really? I think you look very pretty as well," I replied to her, with a smile on my face.

"Of course! And thank you," she smiled. 

I had foundation, concealer, and powder on. My eyebrows were filled in and the makeup artist was working on my eye makeup. She elongated my eyes and added a pop of red as for eyeliner on my top lid. I had a smokey eye effect done. She curled my lashes and applied mascara. She then completed the look with blush and lips. 

We all had semi-intense makeup looks so we ended up looking either fierce or sad, mostly because of the eye makeup but we managed to pull it off well. Even our managers marveled at how we looked.

"Let's go," Junsu oppa said. He was in charge of driving us while the other managers and hair styles/coordinators followed us in another car. 

We were seated in the car with me in the passenger seat beside my manager. We were warming up our voices by singing. Some of us were resting peacefully by listening to ipods. I stayed silent mostly because I was really nervous and because I didn't want to damage my voice beforehand. 

As we were coming near to our location, it poured outside.

"Aish, jeongmal?" my manager complained. I actually liked the rain but I guess he didn't. I didn't understand why though. 

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"It'll be hard for you guys to get into the building later," he replied.

"How come?" I asked, confused a bit.

"Your fans will be outside and it'll be hard to make way into the building. What's worse is the rain and we need to keep you guys dry," he explained.

"Fans?" some of my members asked, aloud.

"Neh. Your fans," our manager smiled. 


"We have fans already?"

I was intrigued by this fact. I decided to not get too happy about it and went back into my thoughts.

"We're here!" our manager called. To his liking, it stopped raining. And as he had said, there were a lot of fans outside and also a lot of vans. I guessed it belonged to other idols. A lot of fans were holding placards and chanting unfamiliar chants to me. 

I got out of the car and our managers led us through the parking lot. No one paid attention to us. I bet no one knew who we were so it didn't really matter. We went into the building successfully. I knew it. How would we have fans already? I wasn't exactly disappointed but our manager didn't have to say we had fans out there. 

We reached our dressing room and all of our coordinators set us their things. They plugged in straighteners, curlers, etc. 

"Heeyoung," one of them called.

"Neh!" I answered.

"Go get dressed and then it will be your turn for hair," she said.

"Neh!" I replied. 

I went to a corner of the room and pulled the curtains around me. On the clothes rack was my outfit with my name labeled on the hanger. I felt giddy because dressing up and being pampered was really enjoyable and fresh. I was impressed by my clothes.

I dressed in black jeans. I wore a black tank top over it. I stepped out of the corner and my members admired me.

"You look so fierce!" Sae clapped.

The coordinator handed me a jacket which was a gray leather jacket with studs all over it. She also gave me a belt and told me to tuck in a little bit of my tank top so some of it would be hanging out. Then, she handed me pumps. I almost cried when I saw them. I had never worn high heels before, at least not while dancing. She insisted so I had no choice. I put them and she pushed me toward our hair stylist. 

He gave me a really deep part of the side of my head. He basically moved my bangs over to the opposite side of my hair. He pinned them down and tied the rest of my hair into a mid ponytail. Lastly, he hair-sprayed my whole head and he was finished. 

Then one of the other coordinators told me to go to her. I walked slowly and she noticed.

"Are you okay in those?" she asked. I bit my lip and nodded. 

"Let's give you accessories," she said.

She tied a small red scarf with white sculls around my right wrist. She layered necklaces over me. I put on three earrings on each ear.Then, she handed me rings and told me something that made me a little excited.

"I'm going to draw tattoos on you," she said, while fishing for her pen. 

"Neh," I answered. I've always wanted a tattoo secretly. 

After she was done drawing and moved onto another member, I was admiring the tattoos. I had some on my wrists and one behind my ear. 

The camera man was filming around in the dressing room and he managed to ask me a couple of questions or at least tell me to introduce myself to our fans. In my head, I didn't believe what he said about fans. 

"Please introduce yourself,"

"Annyeonghasaeyo, I'm Missfit's leader Lil-ee!" I bowed.

"Please tell us how you are feeling at the moment,"

"Neh. I'm quite nervous at the moment and I hope everything goes well," I explained while nodding. 

"How does it feel being a leader of Missfit?"

"Although I haven't had a lot of time with Missfit as a group, I'm very grateful that they have accepted me and taken me as their own, but most importantly, they have given me strength to and in return, we have been able to make the best out of what we have as a group." 

"Neh, kamsahamnida,"

"Kamsahamnida," I smiled. 

"Earsets for everyone! Ten more minutes before pre-recording girls!" our managers called while helping us put on our earsets. 

At this time, I felt someone behind me. I turned around to see Jiyong.

"Oppa!" I greeted. He waved coolly. Not to mention, he winked. It wasn't a normal one. It was a mischievious one.

Then, I saw someone stare at me intensely. There he was, in the doorway.

"Annyeong," I greeted him. He nodded while supressing a smile. Everyone greeted Youngbae and the rest of Big Bang piled in. 

Gdragon was helping me with the earset and he told me how to use it. He said he would be monitoring us at the pre-recording. It was the first time listening to us he said. 

As he went to wish the others members good luck, Youngbae came over to me.

"Your first mini-interview miss leader," he smiled. I flushed a little. It was a bit embarassing. Also, I suddenly felt a little nervous when he approached me but I felt happy to see him. 

I noticed him looking me head to toe but he stopped when he saw my shoes. He pointed at them before looking up.

"Can you walk in those? They are really high," he asked, raising a brow.

"Of course," I laughed driely.

"You sure?" he asked, a little worried.

"I'll show you," I said before turning away from him.

I took a couple of steps slowly and started walking a little faster, despite the fact that I was a bit wobbly. Then, out of nowhere, I couldn't stop myself from shaking. I tried grabbing onto a chair but it was a swivel chair. I had stepped onto something that was slippery. It seemed like a bead or something. 


I braced myself for a painful fall backward and to no surprise the firm and cold floor came into contact with me. I hadn't landed on my bottom. Instead, I landed on my left ankle. All of my body weight was shifted onto my left ankle and I cried out because the sharp pain took me by surprise. I closed my eyes before then falling onto my bottom.

I felt hands around me. A lot of people were leaning down to check on me but all I could see was Youngbae.

"Gwenchana?" he asked, softly. He had his hands around my ankle, around my hands that were also on my ankle. 

"Clear the seat and ottoman please," he told someone. I looked at him and only him. For some reason, I couldn't look away from his facial expression when he was examining my ankle. He looked so careful and calm. He had taken off my pumps and before I knew it, he raised me off the ground and placed me softly onto the chair and propped my foot up high. 

"It doesn't seem to be broken or anything," he told Jiyong who was also looking at my ankle. 

"I think it'll sting if she's going to dance or let alone walk," he replied. My eyes were glued to Youngbae who was deep in thought.

"Here's some ice," a coordinator said as she rushed into the room. Youngbae took the bag of ice and placed it softly on my ankle.

I heard some worried and anxious voices so I looked to that direction unwillingly. I saw Junsu oppa stressing out. He had a staff member at Inkigayo with him. He had a headset on and a clipboard in hand. They were discussing something while taking glances at me. The guy seemed impatient. 

"They need to be on now for pre-recording. We NEED to move on," he stressed.

"Isn't there another slot?"

"No and we can't make room for them since the performers need to get onstage accordingly."

"We could always skip the pre-recording."

"It won't be the same and it won't look as good on the broadcast considering it is a debut."

"Well, we can't do anything if she's in this condition. We'll skip it then."

"Are you sure? I have to tell the entire crew."

"NO. I'm fine and we'll do it!" I said loudly and firmly, despite the fact that my voice was hoarse.



"You don't have to..."

"We're fine without it..."

My members were in a fuss.

"I said no and we are going on that stage. I don't care about my ankle right now. I'm not going to let this affect our performance and that's final," I demanded. I took the ice off of my ankle without looking at Youngbae.

Junsu oppa and the staff member were watching me in silence as I tried to get up. 

Sae and Hana helped me up and I became familiar with my stance despite the fact that I was going to cry. I noticed that the camera man was left dumbfounded as he recorded.

"Unni," I said, looking at our stylist.

"N-neh?" she asked.

"I need different shoes," I told her. 

"Got it. I have combat boots," she replied before rushing to get those.

The whole room was quiet except for the two of us.

Then, Junsu oppa clapped and I looked down slowly because I felt a little awkward that I just yelled. 

"Bravo. Like a leader," he said. Now everyone was clapping but I had no choice but to smile a small smile. 

Coordi unni helped me tie the shoe laces and I tried walking in them.

"I'm good," I said, while giving a thumbs-up.

"That's our UNNI!" the younger ones cheered. I gave them a smile. They had no idea how much I wanted to scream in pain right now. 

I followed Junsu oppa out and my members followed behind me in a single file. I hadn't said anything about a single file but I guess they figured that out on their own. Afterall, I always stressed about being neat and organized. We were told to greet the camera crew and staff member so we did that. The members helped me get around even though I told them I didn't need to be helped.  

I was handed a microphone and we went onto the stage. At first it was a dim but then the lights hit us in the face. There were lights in almost every angle and it was a bit blinding. 

"Get into your places girls," I said to my members in a low voice. They nodded and obeyed. 

I saw Big Bang and the managers talking while examining us. Our makeup artists went onto stage to give us some touch-ups. One of them dabbed on the sweat I didn't know was trickling down my temples. It seemed like cold sweat. 

"Don't mind the lighting changes and effects. Just perform and we'll tell you when to stop," the director shouted from afar. 

"Neh!" we answered.

"Ready?" he asked. We nodded.





The lights turned off and the music started slowly. The intro was about twenty second and it arranged for us to walked to our desinated places. It was a low chant for an intro. 

I took a deep breath to steady myself. I was already nervous enough and my ankle was as Jiyong described. Even walking would cause a stinging sensation. 

"Cut! Let's do that walk one more time. Walk a little closer together!"

"Hana, dul, set!"

We walked out about five times with cameras in different angles.

After singing and dancing through the whole song in segments, we were posing for the final shot. 

"A little to the left. Look into camera number two."



The lights dimmed and we all got up and thanked the crew.

"Kamsahamnida!" we bowed before getting off stage. 

As I was walking, I felt a little light-headed.

"Unni. Are you okay? the maknae Aria asked me. 

"Neh. I just need to rest a little," I told her. She looked at me without saying anything. As I walked, I wondered if people actually forgot about my birthday. Didn't we have that birthday chart in our dorm? I felt a little dejected but our debut was the main focus. 

Before we could even reach our dressing room, our managers stopped us.

"Girls, we are going to meet and greet the idols in other dressing rooms. Follow me please," Junsu announced.

Aria looked to me and I shrugged it off. I would have to manage with my ankle. It left me in a rather depressed mood. 

"Annyeonghasaeyo, we are Missfit!" we bowed. We bowed toward all of our sunbaes and moved from room to room. I was starting to be a bit out of it. Not because I was tired or bored but because my vision became a little blurry and my headache became worse. I felt my body heat up occasionally. 

We made our way into another room, the last room I think. 

"Annyeonghasaeyo, we are Missfit!" we bowed. 





I looked up from my ninety degree bow to meet the five guys I haven't seen in way too long.

"Oppas," I smiled. 

"Heeyoung!" they tackled me at the same time. My members looked dumbfounded and my manager a bit confused. 

"WAIT. HANDS OFF OF HER!" Key said loudly.

"Wae?" the asked at the same time.

"Because," he started with a diva pose, "You guys are going to mess up her outfit." he smiled.

"I missed you," I said before going into his open arms. Before we could separate,

"MY COUSIN!" Minho hugged me as he twirled me around. When I landed on my ankle, I cringed a little, but no one seemed to notice. It was a close one. I had told everyone I was fine so I didn't want them to worry. 

"Alright, let's head back," Junsu clapped. 

"Neh," we replied.

"HWAITING MISSFIT!" SHINee fist pumped.

"Kamsahamnida!" we thanked them. Key winked at me before I left. That left me smiling inside. We made our way back to our dressing room for touch-ups and we went back there to basically kill time before our performance. We had one more hour left. The camera man was also resting. 

Once I hit the couch, I took off my boot quickly to attend to my foot. It was very red and purple. I cringed at the sight of it. 

Just as I was deciding what to do at the sight of it, I felt someone sit next to me and put an ice bag over my ankle. 


"How are you feeling?" Youngbae asked me while holding the ice for me.

"Not so well," I whispered. For some reason, I felt that there was no need to act strong in front of him. I felt like I could tell him everything. 

"I thought so."

"Mianhe," I muttered.

"You didn't have to show me you could walk in those because I knew that those were way too high." 

"I'm sorry," I repeated.

"No point in apologizing right? Afterall, it's your ankle," he said, looking up from my ankle and at me. I gulped and nodded.

"Yah. Do I scare you?"

I shook my head.

"Then why are you appearing to be so careful?" he asked, with his eyebrow raised.

Suddenly, I felt myself wanting to cry. Wanting to cry because I was so stressed out. Crying because I had hurt my ankle. Crying because I knew I had  let the mood go down within our group. I was such a black hole. 

"Heeyoung," he said slowly. I shook my head.

"What's wrong?" he asked. 

I shook my head and looked down.

"You can always tell me,"

"I know..." I croaked before finding it hard to speak. I started sniffing. 

"Aww..." he teased before putting his arm around me, edging toward me.

"Our Lily is growing up hmm?" he asked, while patting my shoulder softly. I looked up alarmed. Was anyone watching? Thankfully, no one was. Then, the door opened. I quickly edged to the other side of the coach, leaving Youngbae looking surprised. 

"Yang-goon!" everyone greeted. I stood up to bow and it took me a while to get up. He seemed to notice.

"Heeyoung. Is there something bothering you?" he asked.

"No, I'm fine," I lied.

"Alright then, please put on your shoe this instant. You girls will be on soon so let's not be sitting around" he asked of me and everyone. The atmosphere became cold.

"Neh," I nodded. It was so embarassing. I felt a stare from beside me. I dare not look at Youngbae. I also noticed that the rest of Big Bang was in the room as well as some YG sunbaes. I wanted to hide under a rock. Such bad timing and I didn't mean to look lazy. And I was the leader too. Our members shot each other worried looks. 

After saying a couple of things, Yang-goon went outside to have a talk with our managers. I let out my breath before closing my eyes and tried my best to getting used to my condition. 

We positioned ourselves onstage and I could sense the nervousness in the air. As I glanced around, I saw some members shift uneasily and others tightening their grip on their microphones. 

The MCs that were talking and laughing didn't help us at all. They only added to the heavy atmosphere only us seven could sense.

"We didn't come here to fail. We didn't come this far unprepared. We have it in us. It's our responsibility to show what we've got," I breathed. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. 

"Let us welcome Missfit! Here they are with their debut stage with a highly anticipated song titled Ghost! GIve it up once again for Missfit!" the MCs shouted.

The crowd cheered but as I could tell, it wasn't that wild. How could they be wild about us? Afterall, we were just newbies.

The music started and so many things ran through my head. The girls were harmonizing and singing their parts. So far, no mistakes. I felt so uneasy, making sure I didn't bump into anyone. I was not performing in front of a mirror anymore. I was dancing in front of a crowd. All I could trust was my body and how it moved with the beats. 

I focused hard but I had to make sure we were all together while we took turns capturing the camera. It was no easy task. The scorching hot lights aimed at all of us. How did idols do it? Now I understood how nerve-wrecking it was to be onstage, let alone a debut stage. 

Then, my most dreaded part came. It was my rap battle with Sae. As the members danced their way to the back smoothly, Sae and I came up leisurely. From the corner of my eyes, I could see that her charisma radiated out of her. She was shining. I was a nervous wreck but I didn't show it. Instead, I just faced Sae and the music stopped. Sae whispered the first couple of words before she roared. Her rap was super fast and she was clear on every single word. Although she was fierce and hardcore, I could tell that she was telling me it was okay through her eyes. She was telling me that she had confidence in me. Then, it came my  turn to rap. I took a deep breath before moving the microphone toward my mouth. 

You said it was a dream

Never once did it seem

Could I walk out of it, who knows

maybe I'll call it quits

I'm just a, I'm just a

Sae finished the rap and we glared at each other before turning our backs on each other and walked away. Then, we got into our places when the lights went off. Dried ice flowed and it was time for our main dancer's dance and we were to dance behind her in an organized manner. It had to be very synchronized. How many nights had we stayed up just to get the right angles in every dance move. 

As the music boomed every one cheered while we did our prepared dance our cheoreographer titled, the zombie dance. 

After our dance ended and our song picked up where we left it for the dance, it was up to me to end the song after some more harmonizing. 

Our members dispersed with sullen looks and I was in the middle of them all. The dried ice flowed again and the spotlight was on me. 

As I walked toward the center of the stage, I tried my best to stop cringing because my ankle hurt so much. I felt like it would give in any time. Because I couldn't bring myself to walk any further, I stopped and looked into the distance. I couldn't stop now. No matter how lightheaded I felt, I could not pass out now. I felt sweat roll down my neck and my palms were sweaty. Whatever I was seeing was such a blur but I didn't panick. I didn't question why. My only thought was to finish my line. Then, a pefect nap would embrace me. My eyes closed slowly and I listened for the right moment to end the song. As I waited, I couldn't hear anything. I felt like I was in a bubble. Everything was just so distant. I felt myself smile.

One more line.

Two more measures.

Eight more beats.

One more rest.

"There's a ghost," I whispered, before allowing my body to take over. I fell onto the floor and my head hit the cold ground. The moment I was waiting for. The moment I longed for. I just wanted to rest. Before I knew it, I was unconscious.

"Do you think she's okay?"


"Don't wake her up."

"Come on girls, let's wait outside."

"We didn't even get to surprise her for her birthday and she just passed out."

"Our leader is so strong to hold on until the end."

"The internet is going viral."

"They're wondering what happened to her!" 

"Hopefully she'll wake up when it's still her birthday. I wanted to tell unni happy birthday."

"Come on. Come on. Let's not bother her anymore. Let her sleep in peace. Hurry."

I heard the door close softly before I stirred. I felt groggy as I opened my eyes just a bit. Where was I?

I looked up, looking down, looked left, looked right.

Here I was, in a hospital bed. I saw flowers in a corner. What just happened? Why was I here? I needed to know.

I peeled the blankets off of me and planted my feet on the cold ground. I winced and almost cried out in pain. That's right. I hurt my ankle. I saw that it was carefully wrapped. I must've gotten it treated while I was unconscious. 

As I attempted to stand up again and manage a few more steps, I heard a voice. I was totally unaware of the fact that someone was standing in the doorway all along.

"Where do you think you're going?" Youngbae spoke up before walking out of his shadow. I was shocked.

"I...I..." I stuttered.

He didn't say anything as he carried me back to the bed. Why did this feel so familiar? He had done this the time I was sick at home. That was it. The familiar feeling embraced me. I felt myself melt into him.

"Yah," he said after a long moment of silence. I looked up into his eyes. I was not bracing myself for anything and he looked so cool. I felt like I was going to faint from the distance between our faces. I gulped.

"Let's runaway," he whispered, while smiling at me.

I looked at him with big eyes.

"What?" I breathed.

"Your members are in the cafeteria and your managers are having coffee in the lounge. You and me. What do you think about it?" he asked, smirking slightly.

"I don't understand...

"Just answer yes or no,"


"Yes or no. Come on. We don't have much time,"


He sighed as he got up. 

"Seems like you don't like me enough. Rest well, Heeyou-

"I'll go!" I said quickly, grabbing his hand. He had his back faced to me.

"You sure?" he asked, smiling a mischievous smile. He leaned into me and now my head hit the back of the bed. He was practically on me now.

"Wateryoudoing?" I said in one breathe. He just smiled at me and leaned into me. Our noses were brushing. He was looking at my lips, I just new it.

As if I was on cue, I closed my eyes. Afterall, that was the right thing to do right? If he was going to kiss me, then it would be weird if I just looked at him right?

As I was waiting for the kiss, I couldn't help but wonder what was taking so long. Before I could open my eyes, he nuzzled his nose against mine while letting out a chuckle. Then, he scooped me up, bridal style and carried me to the door.

"I can't kiss you here. It has to be just you and me and no interruptions, don't you think?" he smirked before putting a hat on my head and walking me out of the hallway. To my surprise, there was no one there to block us. We reached the parking garage successfully and on the way there, I couldn't help but keep staring at Youngbae. Maybe I looked like a creep but for some reason, I realized that I started to like him more and more. 

"Am I that handsome?" he asked, while strapping the seat belt over me. He positioned me so I would feel comfortable.

"Do you feel okay or do you need more cushion?" he asked, taking a look at my foot.

"I'm fine," I said. 

"Good," he said, before making his way to the other side of the car. He got in and started the engine.

"Oppa," I started.

"Hmm?" he asked while putting his arm around my seat, backing out of the parking lot successfully in one try. 

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"You'll see," he said as he pulled onto the highway. I noticed that it was nighttime. It was actually quite late. It was about 11pm and I was a bit tired. His driving made me feel at ease. Maybe he was going to kidnap me but for some odd reason, I didn't mind if it was him. It sounded absurb in my head but I guess that's what happens when you have some affection toward another person. 

I rested my head back and closed my eyes. Youngbae played soft music at the lowest volume. As I was going to drift off into sleep, I felt a hand intertwine mine.

"Happy birthday," he said softly. I smiled and nodded before drifting into a peaceful nap. 

I must've fallen alseep for a long time because when I opened my eyes, beams of sunlight played their way through the window. I rubbed my eyes and when I did so, I realized that I wasn't holding Youngbae's hand anymore. Also, I noticed his jacket on me that served as a blanket. I looked next to me and realized that he wasn't there. Alarmed, I sat up straight. I looked around but I didn't realize that he was just leaning against the front of the car with his back facing me. It seemed like he was drinking coffee while looking off into the distance. I observed my surroundings before unbuckling the seat belt. We were on a hill overlooking the city of Seoul. The fog hadn't cleared yet but the sight was amazing. Why hadn't I seen this before? 

I got off of the car in ease. My ankle was not an issue anymore. It still bothered me a bit but I didn't feel the need to feel burdened by it. I was distracted by Youngbae. Maybe he was my antidote. 

"You're awake," he smiled as he turned to look at me. I approached him slowly, before standing beside him. To my surprise, he put his arm around me and pulled me close to him, closing in on the distance between us. 

We stood like that for a while and he placed his chin lightly on my head. I found that my head felt very comfortable on his shoulder so I resulted to resting in that position. 

"You might not know..." he started, "but I feel at ease when I'm with you". I turned a little to look up at him. He caught me looking at him so he locked his eyes with mine.

"I have to tell you something Heeyoung," he said, with determination taking over him. I was a bit startled by his sudden change.

"Neh?" I asked, softly.

"I know how I feel about you. I know what I feel and I know what I want. It's been there all along and I was just too slow to come to the realization that I'm in love with you."

"Wha-what?" I stuttered. He smiled before positioning me before him. He had both hands on my shoulders. 

"Choi Heeyoung," he started, staring directly into my eyes.

"Ye-yes?" I stuttered again. I felt my face heat up.

"I'm head over heels for you," he said. I blinked several times and I was still in shock from everything that happened. It was all too fast or maybe I was just too slow to realize what he was saying.

"Heeyoung?" he asked softly.

"Yes?" I replied, dazed. 

"I want you to be my girlfriend," he said firmly.

I was wooed. It wasn't a question. It was an order. He didn't need to ask me to be his girlfriend. He was sure that I was the one to become his girl. The way he demanded it made him seem so confident and I also knew what I wanted.

I nodded shyly before looking down slowly. 

He took that as a sign and hugged me tightly, I felt his heartbeat along with mine. The rhythm of our hearts were no different. Our hearts raced so quickly that they didn't seem they could go any faster. 

"Heeyoung," he spoke up again. 

"Hmm?" I asked. He pulled out of our hug to gaze at me.

"I know that this may come out a little too sudden for you but from the bottom of my heart, I think I've found the one. You are the one I want to love for the rest of my life," he said, his cheeks turning a light pink. I couldn't hide the smile escaping my lips and I did something that caught both of us off-guard. I tip-toed and kissed his cheek before saying,


He smiled warmly at me before pulling me into another tight hug that lasted for a very long time.

Youngbae and I were walking through the airport as a couple. Our relationship went viral and it drove everyone nuts when we revealed it just half a year ago. It's been almost two years that we have been together. Of course we got a good share of antis but that didn't stop us. We knew that if our fans were actual fans of us, they would be happy for us. If not, we would still have each other and that was all that mattered.

We were in Los Angeles and we were going to serve as judges for a global YG audition. Also, we would have some time to ourselves as well as visit my family and relatives in the area. 

"Babe," he said into my ear. It still never failed to make me blush madly.

"Hmm?" I asked.

"Your fanboys are giving me glares," he pouted.

"Aish," I laughed before hitting his shoulder lightly.

He chuckled before helping me with the presents that I couldn't seem to carry anymore.

"Lil-ee! Look over here please!"

"Taeyang oppa! You are too handsome!"

As we walked through the airport, we looked something like this:




White Love

Once we arrived, our managers dropped off all of our luggages at the hotel and the two of us headed toward the YG building. 

After meeting with some officials and talking over some Korean BBQ, Youngbae and I headed back to the hotel. 

Once I finished showering and got dressed, I plopped onto my bed and watched television, something that I haven't done in ages. I missed all of the American television shows that weren't available in Korea. I even found the news interesting. As I was combing my hair while watching a program on   Food Network, I heard a knock on my door.

I made sure I looked into the peephole before opening the door.

I opened up to Youngbae dressed in basketball shorts and a cutoff. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked him, as I closed the door. He took off his shoes and jumped onto the bed. I stood before him, crossing my arms, seeing what he was up to. 

He ignored my question and patted the spot next to him. Seeing that I wasn't going to get on the bed, he got up and pulled me onto him. He had a tight grip over me and hugged me tightly around the waist. 

"Yah, pabo. Let go of me!" I scolded him.

"Is that how you talk to your boyfriend?" he gasped.


"Oh. It's on," he smirked before pinning me down. He got on top of me and started tickling me. 

"!...STOP!" I managed through my laughter.

"That's what you get aegi," he grinned.

"Oppa!" I cried and pouted.

"No fun!" he chuckled with a smug look before holding me behind the waist.

"Don't we have to wake up extra early tomorrow? You should go back and get some sleep!" I nagged.

"But I wanna sleep with you Heeyoung," he whined.

"No you big baby! Go back to your room now!" I said facing him. I managed to push him off the bed while he wasn't paying attention. 

"Aish..." he sighed as he rubbed his bottom. He nodded as he clucked his tongue. He started to get up.

"I'll get you tomorrow. Just you and me baby. And there's nothing you can do to stop me," he smiled slyly.

"Ew! Get out you ert!" I shouted at him while pushing him toward the door.

Just as he was going to open the door, he changed his mind and pinned me to the wall effortlessly. One of the things a buff boyfriend could do. 

He kissed me passionately and I couldn't make myself reject him but I knew that I had to stop him or else none of us were going to get any sleep.

"Go away oppa," I muttered as I pushed his chest gently. 

"You won't even let me kiss you? Wae? Aish, jinjja!" he pouted cutely. His playful side was one of the things I loved. Not to mention, his aegyo was priceless at times.

"Stop acting so cute! Ewwww!" I laughed in his face before planting a kiss on his lips. Seeing that he was dazed, I took the opportunity to push him out the door successfully.

"Tomorrow! I swear!" he called before going back to his room. 

I had my back on the door and I was trying my best to stifle my laughter.

My boyfriend and his raging hormones. What was I going to do with him? Sometimes I can't help but think about sayings that would describe us perfectly. I haven't found the best one yet but how Lao Tzu says: 

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.






The End

I want to thank all of my readers, supporters, and subscribers for being here to read a story that I've been working on for the past year. This was my first fanfiction and having you guys really made me touched.  Thank you for giving me strength and the inspiration to complete this story. Also, thank you for reading since the first day and also thank you to those that discovered this story along the way. I hope to not disappoint you all with my future stories so please look forward to that.

Once again, thank you all for staying with me through this journey of Life, Love, and the Teenage Years as a Trainee. Kamsahamnida! 

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Chapter 17: I'm not sure which part you're referring to but it should mean Instant Messaging unless I didn't use an apostrophe in "I'm". :)
teentopbapshineefx #2
Chapter 17: what's IM ?
sterlingpaper #3
just finished reading another amazing story
Chapter 50: i just finished reading this and i love it asdfghjkl ; ;
Kris_Paulene #5
A SEQUEL please!!!!!!! It was really a good story!!
iloveuforever #6
OMO it ended already , It's a VERY good story authornim
Haha I love the part when she hangs up the poster, and she realizes how awkward it is with Minho up on her wall XD I really like this story! And now I understand why her dad said she was 16...I totally forgot about the age thing.
It's really good! But is HeeYoung 15 or 16? O.o
Kris_Paulene #9
Woah! Please make a sequel for this!! :))
I just found your story and......that was AMAZING! Author-ssi jjang!