Chapter 29

Life, Love, and the Teenage Years as a Trainee


"YOU MADE IT?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU NEVER TOLD ME!"


My brother spazzed like a little girl. I rolled my eyes and my dad was giving a weird look.

"Weirdo," I muttered, trying to hide my smile.

"Let's go out for dinner!" my dad smiled after he congratulated me.

Mr. Kim droved us to a five star restaurant to enjoy and to test out their food since we owned restaurants as well.

We had salad, soup, and steak for dinner. For dessert, we had chocolate cake with chocolate oozing out. It was topped with vanilla ice cream and wafers.

By the time we walked out of the restaurant, we were so full. Nick was talking to me so much, for an instance, it was like he was a teenage girl. I really wanted to pass out but he rambled on, it was quite unlike him to do so.

By the time he finished his sentence, he passed out. The jet lag was definitely creeping up on him. I smiled to myself, a devilish smile. I was tempted to snap a photo of him but I decided that I should be a nice girl and not to. My dad was talking to Mr. Kim, asking about his family and such. I stared out the window and at the city lights. Seoul was such a wonderful place. I loved how no one here knew who I was and how I was growing up. I was starting fresh now and even better and totally out of my mind, a trainee. I was actually a trainee now. I would have to go back tomorrow for orientation.

"We're home!" my dad announced to us both. Nick was out of it and I had to shake him a couple of times.

"What?" he mumbled as he rubbed his eyes. He looked around and at me. He took off his seatbelt and got out of the car. Some things never change. Welcome to the real world. How was your trip to dreamland? The weird thing was that he would always know what was going on even if he passed out. He's an interesting guy.

I shook my head and got out the car. We all entered the house one by one and Mr. Kim went to his house at the end of the street where his family lived. His kids were so cute and I loved them. He had fraternal twins who were seven.

"Dad, I have some forms I need to complete by tommorow. Can you help me look at them?" I asked my dad as I spoke in English.

"Sure, let's take a look after I wash up," he answered as he unbottoned the cuffs of his sleeves. Nick stumbled upstairs and I heard him turn on the water. I jogged up and decided to wash up as well.

After I showered, I changed into black sweats and into a white t-shirt. I dried my hair and went back downstairs. I took a seat by Nick and my dad.

Right when I sat down, my dad was already reading through the forms and my brother was already dressed in his PJs. He wore basketball shorts and a hoodie. My dad was dressed in his PJs as well.

"What are you doing?" I asked my brother as he touched my hair.

"Did you dye your hair again? The tail is even more red this time," he said as he examined it closely.

"Yup," I replied.

"Okay, let's see," my dad started.

I looked through the booklet. It said that for training, it would NOT guarentee that we would make it into the entertainment industry. That I knew. Also, the booklet included a bunch of warnings that this was hardcore and a bunch of other things as well. Finally, we read to the part where we would live in dorms or at home.

My dad, Nick, and I looked at each other.

"I think you should stay at home," my dad said.

"I think you should live in the dorm," Nick said immediately.

"It's not safe and who will look after you?" my dad asked.

"I think she needs to learn how to look after herself," my brother said to him. Now the both of them were debating.

"What about her education?" my dad, asked, a little more concerned now.

"It states here that they have free hours where they aren't doing anything," Nick pointed out.

"Although it's possible we arrange this with your tutor but what about her safety and everything else that comes with living in a dorm? I don't really like the idea of Lily living out in a dorm when she can live here in our house," my dad said.

"Please, dad. It says the dorm is where everyone who is training lives. It says girls with girls and guys with guys and that there are adults there to make sure everything is fine. I also think she will concentrate better and she'll find out on her own if this is right for her," Nick said.

Suddenly, right when the room was silent, Sae called me.

"Yobosayo?" I answered.

"Yobosayo? Heeyoung?" Sae asked.

"What's up?" I asked.

"I wanted to ask if you're gonna live in the dorms. Maybe I can room with you? My mom and dad think I should live in the dorms so I can get serious if this is really what I want," she explained.

"We're discussing that right now. Seems like I might, but I'm not quite sure. I'll call you right when I know," I said.

"Okay, no problem," she replied.

My family went right back to discussing and at the end, we came to conclusion that I would live in the dorms and have class during my downtime. We signed the papers and I was second-thinking myself.

Was this what I wanted? I had no idea. I did this mainly because Sae asked me to. I felt a little scared inside. I sighed but I forced myself to sign. Besides, the booklet said we would have quarterly tests to determine if we would be moving on, which meant each individual would be tested to see who was worthy of nurtured every quarter.

I called Sae back and we agreed to room together since it was two to every suite including one room, one bathroom, and one kitchen/living.

My dad agreed to this and we filled in Sae's name to request in rooming with her. We finished filling everything out and my dad went to bed.

"Whatcha wanna do now?" I asked my brother as we chilled on the couch. It was almost midnight but we were wide awake. He the television and we snuggled under a blanket.

As we were talking, my phone rang again.

"Yobosayo?" I answered. As soon as I heard talking on the other side of the line, I froze. Was this who I thought it was? It couldn't be Youngbae.

"Yobosayo? Is this Heeyoung?" the guy asked.

"May I ask who this is?" I asked, while checking the caller ID to see that it was Youngbae.

"It's me, Dong Youngbae," he answered. I didn't reply simply because I had no idea how to and why he was calling me at this time of night. Before I said anything else, I looked to my left. Thankfully, the jet lag caught up to Nick. Now I had to creep upstairs to my room.

I closed the door behind me and sat on my bed.

"Yeah, it's me," I started.

"If it's fine with your dad, could you come out for a second? I'm in front of your house," he asked, a little carefully.

"What for?" I asked, growing suspicious.

"I need to talk to you about something," he explained, without much detail.

"If you don't want me telling anyone about me seeing you and your girlfriend, then forget it. I don't have the time to tell this story to anyone. If that's it, goodnight," I said, about to hang up.

"Ani, wait, Heeyoung. Just a couple of minutes, I promise," he pleaded. I thought about this and gave in.

"Where are you?" I asked, a little moodily. I had no idea why I was so worked up. Was it because he thought I had a big mouth? Was it because I had seen this side of my idol? Or was it because I was jealous? Definitely not the last one. I laughed to myself for even thinking about that.

"By the gate," he said.

I snapped my phone shut even though this was impolite to older people but still, I had little control over my actions at times.

I pulled on a sweater and beanie. I grabbed my key and phone and stashed those in my pocket. I checked on my dad's room and heard snoring. Check. I crept down the stairs in swift footsteps. I almost tripped on the last stair and I sweared to myself because I accidentally jabbed my toe.

My brother was snoring softly and I had to bite my tongue and lip from bursting into laughter. I would draw on his pretty face later.

I slipped on my Vans and tried to close the door as quietly as possible. I walked across the lawn slowly and before I opened the gate, I saw him with his hood on, looking around him.

I opened the gate and I caught him off guard. I could barely makeout his face since the streetlights were really dim.

I took my stance in front of him and had my hands in my pocket and my hood over my head.

"Heeyoung," he started.

"Make this quick. I still have stuff to do," I lied. I felt really bitter. He nodded and cleared his throat.


don'tgetthewrongidea.I'msorryforyouhavingtoseethat.EvenIwascaughtoffguard.OkayI'mdone," he said in one breath. Suprisingly, I understood everything he said.

"This isn't like you. Where is the bully, Youngbae? You seriously came here to tell me this? What relationship do we have so that you need to apologize?" I shot. I had no idea why I was so fired up. I turned around and opened the gate.

"You like me don't you," he said quickly yet calmly. I nearly skidded to a stop. I turned around slowly.

"Say what? Me like you? Hah. Yeah right," I said disgustedly.

"Then why are you so mad huh? Are you jealous or are you mad that I teased you back then?" he asked, amused.

"I'm sick and tired of people like you. Stuckup, mean, and the fact that you can talk about anything like it's nothing. I don't think you're worthy of being my idol anymore but wait, you wouldn't care since many girls would die to meet you. One couldn't possibly make a difference could it. Goodbye," I shot back. I closed the gate on his face and fast walked back into my house.

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Chapter 17: I'm not sure which part you're referring to but it should mean Instant Messaging unless I didn't use an apostrophe in "I'm". :)
teentopbapshineefx #2
Chapter 17: what's IM ?
sterlingpaper #3
just finished reading another amazing story
Chapter 50: i just finished reading this and i love it asdfghjkl ; ;
Kris_Paulene #5
A SEQUEL please!!!!!!! It was really a good story!!
iloveuforever #6
OMO it ended already , It's a VERY good story authornim
Haha I love the part when she hangs up the poster, and she realizes how awkward it is with Minho up on her wall XD I really like this story! And now I understand why her dad said she was 16...I totally forgot about the age thing.
It's really good! But is HeeYoung 15 or 16? O.o
Kris_Paulene #9
Woah! Please make a sequel for this!! :))
I just found your story and......that was AMAZING! Author-ssi jjang!