Chapter 21

Life, Love, and the Teenage Years as a Trainee

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" we both screamed. We were in my bedroom eating snacks and watching television.





"Omo, did you hear? YG is planning on making new groups and even groups that are co-ed," Sae told me suddenly. We stopped jumping and started to eat our snacks.

"Co-ed? That's gotta be interesting!" I smiled.

"That's dangerous! What if they fall in love with each other and you know what I mean. Spilt ups and stuff," she said.

"That's true..they should stick to girl and guy groups instead," I nodded in agreement.

"Do you have any friends auditioning?" I asked.

"Well if you're asking about 'friends', they aren't friends. Another reason why I dislike Hana so much," she said bitterly.

She continued on and I realized she had some real reasons to dislike this girl. I was surprised she didn't use the word 'hate' once. I believed 'love' and 'hate' were both strong words. How ironic.

"When we were little, Hana was disliked by a lot of people but because of me, she got a lot of friends and I even helped her out. No one believed she was DJ's sister because she was fat unlike him. After that we worked out together and I helped her gain her confidence back. Everyone then rushed to her and she pretty much backstabbed me from then on. When people gain recognition, one of two things can happen. They either feel very grateful or they become greedy," she told me.

"Wow. I can tell why she gets on your nerves so much. But what about you? Don't tell me your friends ditched you," I said.

"They either sided with Hana, moved, or stayed my friends. I have a lot of friends but suprisingly, I couldn't warm up to them like I do to you. They never listened to me well even though they had my back. That's why I really wanted to be friends with you," she smiled.

"Well speaking about auditioning, I have a couple of friends auditioning for SM Entertainment and my other friends want to wait for the auditions for Cube Entertainment," she told me.

"I'm so excited for June 2nd!!! I can't believe we made it," I jumped up and down while spazzing.

"What are you gonna perform?" she asked.

"Since they want to really listen to voices now, I'm gonna sing to 'Lonely' because it has a lot of acoustic parts," I replied.

"What about you?" I asked, curious.

"I'm gonna sing 'On Rainy Days'," she told me.

"Oooohh! I love that song!" I smiled.

"Oh, I just remembered, they want us to do a dance cut. I don't know what to do," she said while scratching her head.

"I'm going to dance to an Usher song," I said.

"Maybe I should dance to 'Tonight'. I like the dance moves," she said, while thinking of other songs.

"When you auditioned earlier, what did the judges say?" she asked me.

"They were pleased with my song but just like I guessed, the lady in the middle was the most picky. Se7en liked my style and the producer liked my calmness, but really, I was so nervous inside. The lady nodded but she didn't say anything but what I needed to improve on," I said.

"That's good! I recieved positive and negitive comments but that's okay! At least I have something to improve on," she smiled. I admired her perserverance and her good mindset. I could tell she was really serious and wanted to reach her goal.


~Hee Young's FLASHBACK~ 

"Thank you Hee Young," the judge called Mrs. Cho, stopped me.

I was stopped in the middle of my playing and I rested my hands on my lap.

I stood up and stood in front of them again.

"Hee Young, I really like the instrumental details you added and how your voice has good projection. It's a yes for me," Se7en said. It reminded me of 'America's Got Talent'.

I nodded.

"Very well done. I like how you don't copy or try to copy the emotions and actions of professional artists and singers. I'd say you have celebrity material in you. Even if you are going to be an actress or singer, I'd say you will be very welcomed into the industry if you succeed. Take my word, I rarely compliment anyone like this. It's a yes for me," he smiled. I thanked him.

"Since the both of them said what I felt, I'd like to address a couple of problem spots," she started.

I nodded and paid full attention.

She corrected me in some parts where I should've sang in a different tone or different style

"Overall, I think you did a great job. Thank you for coming. When you exit, please turn right instead of turning left. There, they will tell all of the auditioners who passed this round what the challenge for June 2nd will be," she said.

"Kamsahamnida," I smiled and bowed.

I grabbed my bag and left. I went to the room and I saw that Hana passed the first round just like Sae and me.


~End of flashback~


Sae had to leave for dinner and practice.

"I'll call you soon! Want to ride with me again?" she asked.

"Okay then, I'll see you soon! Good luck with practice!" I smiled.

"Kay, I'll see you later!" she said while giving me a hug. I waved goodbye and she walked home.


"Hee Young-ahhhhhh!" Minho shouted from downstairs while I was practicing my dancing.

"Minho oppaaaa!" I shouted back as I jogged downstairs.

Minho was here with Onew and Taemin.

"Hi Onew oppa! Hi Taemin oppa!"

"Hey there! I missed you Lilyyyyy!"

I smiled and Minho ruffled my hair.

"Your dad invited us for dinner but Jonghyun and Key couldn't make it since they had to go home tonight," he told me.

"Oh alright! Since it's early, whatcha guys wanna do?" I asked.

We sat on the sofa, I sat between Minho and Onew while Taemin was showing us his new version of a Donald Duck imitation.

"Yah, you're doing it wrong!" Onew scowled.

It was funny seeing them talk back and forth.

"So whatcha doing these days?" Minho asked me.

"Just getting homeschooled and something secretive," I smiled.

"Secretive?? What's that?" Minho asked really curiously.

"I promise I'll tell you later on!" I said as I ran away.

"Come eat dinner guys!" my dad called. Minho scratched his and looked at me suspiciously.


~At the table~

"So Lily, how did the auditions go?" my dad asked.

Minho and I looked at each other and I scratched my arm.

"Uhm, I made it past the first cut," I told me.

"I knew you could do it kiddo!" he smiled as he pat my back.

Now Onew and Taemin were paying attention.

"Minho-ah, did you know that Hee Young is auditioning for YG?" he asked.

"YG??!" Onew and Taemin coughed. For once Onew proved those chicken stereotypes wrong. He wasn't occupied with the chicken drumstick.

Minho looked at me and grinned.

"I do now," he nodded.

"Dad! If I made it, I was going to surprise him!"


"Why not SM?" Taemin smiled.

"Well, if you don't make it to YG, we could always bring you to SM!" Onew grinned.

"Psh, like she wants to,"

"I'll be looking forward to working with you Hee Young, my cousin!" Minho smiled widely.

"LOL. The audition isn't even over!" I laughed.

"Need a few tips?" Taemin asked.

"That should be my offer," Onew said while playfully smacking Taemin on the head.

"I want to depend on myself for the audition, but thank you anyway!" I explained.

The three scared me of how horrible trainee days were and the punishments.

"WAH?" I said shocked.

"And that's how she forever disappeared from the lift that was supposed to launch her onto stage," Minho said laying back on the couch.

"PSH, you're telling it wrong hyung!"

"You're scaring her! Don't listen to his nonsense Hee Young!"

We talked until it was late and they decided to go home to get some sleep.

"Good luck Hee Young!"

"You can do it!"

"I can't wait to tell everyone you're my cousin once you're famous!"

I laughed and waved to them. I made my way upstairs and practiced until my eyes started to close.


With all the support I have, I think I can do it. Aja Aja hwaiting Lily!

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Chapter 17: I'm not sure which part you're referring to but it should mean Instant Messaging unless I didn't use an apostrophe in "I'm". :)
teentopbapshineefx #2
Chapter 17: what's IM ?
sterlingpaper #3
just finished reading another amazing story
Chapter 50: i just finished reading this and i love it asdfghjkl ; ;
Kris_Paulene #5
A SEQUEL please!!!!!!! It was really a good story!!
iloveuforever #6
OMO it ended already , It's a VERY good story authornim
Haha I love the part when she hangs up the poster, and she realizes how awkward it is with Minho up on her wall XD I really like this story! And now I understand why her dad said she was 16...I totally forgot about the age thing.
It's really good! But is HeeYoung 15 or 16? O.o
Kris_Paulene #9
Woah! Please make a sequel for this!! :))
I just found your story and......that was AMAZING! Author-ssi jjang!