Chapter 30

Life, Love, and the Teenage Years as a Trainee

I feel bad for saying those words to him. Was I jealous? Maybe, but why in the world should I be jealous? I have no idea.


What have I said? I feel bad and guilty. She doesn't like me anymore. How should I make this up to her. I couldn't possibly like her could I?!

I sighed, walked back to my car, and headed back home.



I woke up to the sound of my alarm, slightly annoyed by it. Just as I was about to get up, my brother came into my room. I pulled my hood over my head and rubbed my eyes. He pounced onto my bed and attacked me.

"My sister is going to be famous!" he said enthusiastically while squeezing my cheeks. 

"Oh please. This is only the beginning to who knows what," I said.

He ruffled my hair and walked out of my room whistling to 'I Need a Girl'. Way to go bro.

My alarm rung again and I slapped the button to stop the annoying sound. I crawled out of bed and took a quick shower. After drying my hair and applying lotion to my face and neck, I went to my closet. From now on, I would have to be comfortable rather than stylish. Since the weather was chilly right now, I decided to go with something that had a hood. 

I took out my gray skinny jeans, a wifebeater, and my North Face hoodie that was black. I changed into this, pulled on socks, and fixed my hair. After stashing my things into my bag, I headed downstairs. 

"Morning," I greeted my dad. My brother made me breakfast. 

"Thanks," I said. All three of us were speaking English as if we were back in the states. 

"What are you up to today?" I asked my dad.

"I'm going to play golf with a business partner and then I'll be attending an art exhibition," he replied.

"Sounds like fun," I agreed. My sister, dad, and I were the only ones who liked art exhibitions.

"What about you?" I asked my brother, before taking a sip of milk. 

"I'm gonna go shopping and mostly exploring Seoul," he gleamed. I nodded and continued eating. My brother and dad headed upstairs to change. I washed the dishes and plopped down on the sofa, deep in thought. 

Just as I was about to call Mr. Kim to take me to the YG building, my brother told me he was going to take me. 

"Are you going to hit on girls with that outfit?" I asked as I looked him head to toe.

"PSH, no," he said. 

He was wearing dark straight-leg jeans, a gray hoodie, and his windbreaker. He gelled his hair.  

"See ya dad!" we called. 

"Bye!" my dad called back, from upstairs. My brother put on his Nikes and I put on my red Vans. 

"Let's go!" he said while unlocking his car. 


"Hwaiting!" your brother cheered as you closed the door. You jogged up the steps of the building and opened the glass door.

"Heeyoung!" someone called.

"What's up, Youngjae?" I waved, to the pretty boy whom I met at the audition. He jogged over to me and walked with me to the direction where everyone was supposed to meet.

"What a coincidence!" he laughed. He was dressed just like me, except he had blue shoes instead. I smiled at his remark. Yup, he was a pretty boy.

We entered different rooms. One room was for girls and the other for guys. Right when I walked in, I came face to face with Hana.

"Annyeong," I greeted. She raised her eyebrows and greeted me. I spotted Sae and sat down next to her.

"WHat was tHAt fOr?" she asked, with a loud whisper.

"I'm just trying to be nice you know," I said back to her, without whispering.

"That's your problem. You're too nice. I can see it from the stories you tell me," she said as she nudged me.

"Hello everyone! After you guys turn in your forms, we will go on a tour and answer your questions. AFTER the tour is finished, you guys are free BUT those who are going to live in our dorms will have to stay after! Any question's? Let's get moving!" a staff member explained.

Everyone lined up at different tables to get checked off and turned in their packets.

"I like your outfit," I complimented on Sae as we were in line.

"Gomawo! My mom bought this for me since I made it past the final cut," she smiled warmly. I nodded to her before turning in my form.

"LISTEN UP! PLEASE GET YOU NAME TAGS. WE'LL GET GOING IN LESS THAN FIVE MINUTES!" the staff member called out. We all responed with a 'Neh'.

Sae and I got our nametags and clipped them to our shirts. The guys next door and us girls were split into five groups of eight and we were off on our tour.  Sae, YoungJae, Jihoon, and  walked together.

"Here is the studio for vocal training. As you can see, it is very similar to a classroom. Down the hall, there are restrooms there. This whole level is for vocal training so when you guys walk by, you will hear a lot of noises. We'll be going to the next level now," the tourguide explained.

"Here are the dance studios. Here are the rooms where you guys will workout. And as we go up the levels there are classrooms like an actual school except what we teach are languages and public speaking,"

As we saw all of the rooms that we might be using, we went back to the first level and everyone went home except for everyone that would be getting their dorms today.

"I can't believe she's going to live here," Sae said as she rolled her eyes.

"Okay everyone! Follow me across the street and I'll show you to your dorms. I have a list of who's rooming with who. I'll hand you guys your keys today so you can take a look. Once we're done with the tour, I'll need to take back the keys and give them back to you on the move in date which will be two days later," the guy said.

Sae and I and others followed him across the street and through a couple of roads. At last, we reached a large building that was all glass. There was a revolving door and outside, it indicated that it belonged to YG Ent.

"Wow," a lot of us said as the same time.

"In this building. Some celebrities like 2NE1 live here and a lot of our producers and writers live here. You guys may run into them sometimes," he told us.

"Girls will be on the 12th and 14th floor and guys will be on the 10th and 15th floor. I'll be handing out your keys now. SeungTae and Jihoon. Hana and HeRan, Saegyeong and Heeyoung," and he went on. We got our keys and we headed up to the 14th floor. Right when we got into the elevator, Hana and her friend came in too. The two of them possessed some kind of negative and intimidating vibe. Another two girls came in and they were twins. The six of us were headed to the same floor. Because Sae was lucky as she was, we were roomed across from Hana and HeRan.

"Who cares if she lives across from us. I'll be perfectly FINE," Sae ranted as she took off her shoes.

I nodded and took off my shoes as well. We looked around the dorm. There was one bedroom for two people. There was a bunkbed inside. There was one full bathroom, a small kitchen, and a small living area that included the dining room. There were large ceiling-to-floor windows and a small balcony. That was our dorm.

"WOW," was all Sae could say.

"I can't wait to move in!" she said excitedly. 

"Just two more days. I gotta start packing today. What should we buy for food? Although there is a food court in the YG building..." I thought aloud.

"We'll see. I saw a market across the street. I know what I'm gonna bring! My TV!" she clapped. I rolled my eyes at her. Just as we talked, we heard a knock on the door. It was the tourguide.

"Down in 5 minutes," he said.

"Neh," we answered.

We put on our shoes and walked out together.

"Happy living," Hana smiled and waved before walking off with her friend.

I looked at Sae and shrugged. Together, we took the elevator down.

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Chapter 17: I'm not sure which part you're referring to but it should mean Instant Messaging unless I didn't use an apostrophe in "I'm". :)
teentopbapshineefx #2
Chapter 17: what's IM ?
sterlingpaper #3
just finished reading another amazing story
Chapter 50: i just finished reading this and i love it asdfghjkl ; ;
Kris_Paulene #5
A SEQUEL please!!!!!!! It was really a good story!!
iloveuforever #6
OMO it ended already , It's a VERY good story authornim
Haha I love the part when she hangs up the poster, and she realizes how awkward it is with Minho up on her wall XD I really like this story! And now I understand why her dad said she was 16...I totally forgot about the age thing.
It's really good! But is HeeYoung 15 or 16? O.o
Kris_Paulene #9
Woah! Please make a sequel for this!! :))
I just found your story and......that was AMAZING! Author-ssi jjang!