Chapter 22

Life, Love, and the Teenage Years as a Trainee

Today was June 1st and that meant the second cut was tommorow. I felt ready since 'Lonely' wasn't the most challenging song. One thing I was a little worried about was the dancing part. I practiced my dancing over and over again until my moves had enough energy and that every step I took would flow into the next movement.

"Aish! 2pm already?" I shrieked. I felt like I practiced for a whole day but it turned out I only practiced for four hours.

I woke up at 9am and I tied my hair into a ponytail and clipped up my bangs. I wore black sweats, a white wife beater, and a white hoodie over it. I wore clean shoes and danced in my living room.

First off, I moved all of the furniture to one side of the room. Next, I cleaned the floor and hooked up my laptop to the television. I would watch dance tutorials and dance along. My dad stayed in his study and from time to time, he would come out to refill his coffee cup.

"Every day I shock shock!" I danced randomly as I was sick of the dance I was trying to perfect.

I practiced for four more hours untilit was time to eat dinner. By the time I was chomping my food and gulping down my water, I was ready to pass out. My hair was a mess and I was all sweaty. I excused myself from the table and made my way upstairs.

"Max!" I smiled as he jumped on me. He smelled me and decided to go back to sleep.

"I see how it is," I laughed as I gave him a toy. I made my way toward the bathroom and threw all of my dirty clothes into the basket.

"Ahh, this shower feels nice," I enjoyed as I relaxed my muscles. I shampooed twice and cleaned myself. By the time I was done I took a 25 minute shower. I dried my hair and sang 'Lonely' one more time and did my dance once more time before crawling into bed.

My bed made me want to pounce on it since I was exhausted and groggy. I set my alarm for 6:50am since my 2nd cut was at 8:10am. I needed to mentally prepare myself and I needed to stretch out my muscles.


~~~~~June 2nd~~~~~~~~~


"Good luck Hee Young!" Sae cheered for me. This time, I had to go before her and I was all of the words used to describe 'nervous'.

"Hee Young, please get ready. It will be your turn in a minute," the door moniter told me. This time, we were in a different part of the building. The rooms were said to be larger and the judges even more strict.

The door opened and I felt the air-conditioning hit my face as I stepped inside. I set my bag on the floor and stepped into the center.

Without much realization, I had no idea of who was the judge in the middle.

"Annyeonghasaeyo, je ireumeun Choi Hee Young imnida," I bowed. I was used to "Hi, I'm Lily Choi".

I looked up and I saw him. Holy crap, why is YOUNGBAE HERE?!!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!!!

My eyes bulged out and he looked up at me and back at his paper but then his head shot up immediately, realizing that I was in front of him. He was just as suprised as I was. Even though he was a part of the YG family, I didn't know he would have time for this.

The judges next to him were producers and cheoreographers. They aknowledged me and I bowed again.

"Annyeong Hee Young, what will you sing for us today?" the lady left of Youngbae asked me.

"Annyeong, I will be singing 'Lonely' by 2NE1 today," I replied. I took a glance at Youngbae and he was grinning at me. I had a tiny battle in my head and I couldn't believe I had to sing for him, like OMG.

They motioned me to start and the room was quiet. I took a deep breath and almost sang.

"Stop," Youngbae motioned.

"One question. Why did you choose 'Lonely' Ms. Choi Hee Young?" he asked seriously.

I wanted to burst out screaming and hated his guts. He wants me to dread this danggit.

"I chose this song because it is very similar to my style. I believe it portraits how I am feeling inside," I replied.

The judges seemed satisfied with my answer and Youngbae nodded his head and motioned me to start. That's right. My speaking skills MUAHAHA.  (Lonely by 2ne1)


I sang loudly and for the first time, my voice was full with feeling and my lungs were full of air. I had a lot of air to sing the parts were I had to project my voice. While singing, I noticed the 2 judges on the side looking at me and they barely made any marks on their paper. Youngbae had his chin propped on his fists.

I ended and I was panting a little. A smile played across my lips, satisfied of my performance.

The three of them clapped for me, and I almost puked at how Youngbae was smiling at me with those eyes. Like that smile would send lightning bolts to my eyes. PUHHHLEASE.

The two judges on the side gave me really helpful advice and I made many notes to self. Youngbae didn't speak but instead, they had a miniture discussion between each other.

"Your dance please?" the judge said.

I knew I wasn't a great dancer and that the thing I couldn't do was move my body. I had to face the fact that I was stiff and that I was challenging myself to an Usher song. I didn't know why I chose it but, I had to make ends meet.

After 3/4 of my dance was almost through they stopped me.

"Stop stop stop," said Youngbae. He gave me a look and went into a discussion with them.

"Miss Choi, we are very pleased with your singing therefore will be pass you on that," the lady said.

"As for dancing, Youngbae and I both believe you need to loosen up, however we believe you do have the qualities of a true dancer," the guy on the other side of Youngbae said.

I nodded to the both of them and looked at Youngbae who didn't speak yet.

"Hee Young. The only thing you need to be aware of are your hips. They are very stiff, therefore I recommend you learn how to Salsa or learn some type of dance that will loosen you up," Youngbae said.

"Thank you for coming and our next panel of judges will be thrilled to see you on the fifth. When you exit, please turn left and there, they will explain to you, your next task," the lady told me.

"Kamsahamnida," I bowed. I grabbed my bag and as I walked out, I heard Youngbae watching me. I was too scared to look at him and I was a little pissed at how he stopped me. I admit, the only thing I can't do is loosen up...oh well...


"Fellow auditioners who passed the 2nd cut, we are 2ne1's CL and Park Bom," the two girls introduced.

A lot of excited murmurs filled the room. The two girls waited until everyone was settled down.

"We are here to announce your next task for the final cut," CL started.

"This time, you will audition in front of an audience on a stage where there will be five judges including Mr. Yang," Bom added.

"Your task is to-"

and they unveiled the board.

"mentally prepare yourself"

"Do whatever it takes to prepare for an unknown performance,"

"This audition will be a lot longer with about 200 auditioners who have passed the 2nd cut,"

"Practice what you need to work on because you will never know when your weak spots will come back and haunt you," Bom teased. A lot of people laughed.

"That is all for now. We are glad that you guys chose YG Entertainment. Keep up the good work," CL smiled.

"Who know's, you and I will work together sometime soon right?" Bom smiled.

They reminded us of June 5th and told us to drink plenty of water. They exited the room and then we exited. I found Sae and she was smiling brightly.

"You passed it didn't you?" she smiled.

"YUPP! What about you?" I asked.

"Of course! By the way, that Hana girl is going to the final cut too," she rolled her eyes.

"Speak of the devil?" I whispered.

Hana walked by and gave Sae a 'I look down on you' look and looked me head to toe. Her friends snickered and out they went with the clack clack sound of their heels. Hana even bumped into Sae's side on purpose and Sae was holding on tight to her own bag.

"Come on, let's go," I ushered Sae out the door.

She was quiet all the way home and I waved goodbye to her when I arrived home.



I hoped that Hana wouldn't be a problem in the future. Not that I was scared of her, but instead, she seemed like a type of person who would do anything to become famous, even if it meant betraying her own 'friends'.

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Chapter 17: I'm not sure which part you're referring to but it should mean Instant Messaging unless I didn't use an apostrophe in "I'm". :)
teentopbapshineefx #2
Chapter 17: what's IM ?
sterlingpaper #3
just finished reading another amazing story
Chapter 50: i just finished reading this and i love it asdfghjkl ; ;
Kris_Paulene #5
A SEQUEL please!!!!!!! It was really a good story!!
iloveuforever #6
OMO it ended already , It's a VERY good story authornim
Haha I love the part when she hangs up the poster, and she realizes how awkward it is with Minho up on her wall XD I really like this story! And now I understand why her dad said she was 16...I totally forgot about the age thing.
It's really good! But is HeeYoung 15 or 16? O.o
Kris_Paulene #9
Woah! Please make a sequel for this!! :))
I just found your story and......that was AMAZING! Author-ssi jjang!