Chapter 39

Life, Love, and the Teenage Years as a Trainee

I tried my best to hold in my tears. Here I was, in bed staring at the ceiling at 5AM. I couldn't take it longer so I got up, went to the bathroom and got ready to go out. After brushing my teeth and so forth, I pulled on Adidas track pants and a sweater over my T-shirt. Recently, the curfew for us trainees has been more flexible but as usual, we were not allowed to fool around. Taking advantage of this, I would go running in the gym at the YG building. 

I left a note for Sae and quietly exited the room after grabbing my duffle bag. I would change back to regular clothes over there. 

When I left the dorm I examined the sky. The sun had not risen yet but the air felt cool and relaxing. I smiled as I took in the view in front of me. So this was how it was like in the morning here in Korea. I crossed the street and started on my walk toward the building. There were only a couple of people on the street. I saw people delivering newspapers or waiting to start the earlybird business. 

Within seven minutes, I reached the building, scanned my fingerprint and made my way into the building. The gym would be on the 3rd floor so I took the elevators up. While I was in the elevator music videos were played on the walls of the elevator. I was watching a music video of Tablo and Taeyang however I only caught the last twenty seconds of it. What caught my surprise was that YG announced Big Bang's comeback. There were no new pictures and I had not known this fact. I really admired Big Bang and 2NE1 who were probably very busy. Here they were guiding us so I felt the need to work even harder. I reached the third floor and made my way into the gym. To my surprise, I wasn't going to be alone.

"Annyeonghasaeyo," I bowed to the CEO.

"Ah, Heeyoung-sshi, you are quite early today," he greeted, with a towel around his neck.

"Yeh," I nodded.

"Very well, I'll be lifting in case you need anything," he told me. I nodded and he went toward that area of the gym. Thank goodness there was music playing and TVs on or else it would be very akward.

"Annyeonghasaeyo!" greeted a male. I turned around to see Seungri greeting Yang CEO.

"You are too loud seungri-sshi," he said as he shook his head. I wanted to laugh at his aegyo.

"Oh! Annyeong Heeyoung," he waved at me. I bowed and greeted him. Noticing that he got a call from his cell phone,  I decided not to distract him so I started stretching before using the treadmill. 

"Youngbae hyung," he answered. This made me stop. Was he coming too? Aish, why did I feel this sudden adrenaline rush. 

"I'm in the gym with Yang-goon and Heeyoung," he said, winking at me. Why would he wink at me? Does he know something?

"Yeah, only them two," he replied while looking at me. Was he studying me or deep into the convo. Quite consciously, I resumed my stretching and fixed my shoelace. I had no idea they would work out so early in the morning. 

"Alright, see you later then," he replied before hanging up. It sounded like he wasn't going to come but why did I feel a little sad. Oh well, I should be focusing on exercising instead of dwelling on this. 

I started jogging on the treadmill while watching the news on the TV. It was pretty neat since I had my own television. Also, I got a view of the city. What amazed me was that there was TV channels from across the globe. As expected, I the news for California and watched, engrossed in the latest things. This helped me catch up on what I didn't know. 

I turned to my left to see Seungri on the treadmill. He was walking to warm-up. He noticed me and leaned toward my side a little when he saw Yang CEO leave. 

"Yah," he whispered.

"Yeh, sunbaenim," I replied.

"Aish, drop that. You can call me oppa," he winked. I nodded.

"But Jiyong sunbaenim said to..." I started.

"It's okay! No problem," he said loudly. Just then, Youngbae walked in. He looked at Seungri and then to me.

"Annyeonghasaeyo op- sunbaenim," I greeted.

"Oh, annyeong," he nodded. He went directly to the benching area. 

"See what you made me do?" I whispered to Seungri. He just grinned.

"Wanna know something?" he asked, all of a sudden.

"Mwoh?" I asked.

"Nevermind, I should probably  text it to you," he said. He took out his phone and texted me. While doing so, a mischievious smile appeared on his face. 

You have a message~ You have a message~

I looked at him and checked my phone. 

You can see Youngbae hyung half- today! Don't you feel lucky?

"Oppa! What is this.." I asked, with my eyes popping out.

"EEHHH, are you blushing?" he laughed while pointing at me. 

"Omo," I breathed, looking away. Just then, Youngbae came to get something from his duffle bag that was on a bench behind us, where he had left it earlier. And yes, he was half-. He was sweating and his body was indeed very muscular. 

"Hyunggggg,  Heeyoung is blushing!" Seungri hollered. 

"Aish, oppa," I whispered, trying to stop him. Instead, he ignored me. I stopped my treadmill and got off fast. 

"Sha sha shoot!" I gasped. I had gotten off too quickly and here I was, in someone's embrace. I looked up. Why did he always move so quickly?

"Jeongmal," he said, while shaking his head. I looked across and saw Seungri gawking while doing something with his phone.

"OPPA!" I exclaimed while standing upright.

"Yah, Lee Seung Hyun, you better delete that," Youngbae warned while putting a towel around his neck. Why did he look so cool all of a sudden? No, I must not be thinking this. 

"Aiiii, hyung~" he tried, with aegyo.

Youngbae shook his head and went back to benching.  I just glared at Seungri before grabbing my bag.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"Training," I replied.

"But it's not even time yet," he said.

"I know," I said again.

"Don't be embarassed," he whispered.

"How can you do that?!" I whispered back.

"So you are embarassed? You couldn't possibly..." he said, while looking as if he had gotten something from me.

"Mwoh? Me? Him? Ha..ha..ha.." I replied, pointing to myself.

"No way," I said, shaking my head. 

He just clapped his hands and raised both eyebrows at me. 

"Bye!" I said before trying to making a run for it, but he grabbed my hood and pulled me back.

"I could find out if he..." he started.

"Andwaeee, I don't like him," I whispered. 

"Bingo~" he smirked.

"Like who?" asked Youngbae, suddenly walking in.


"Nobody," I answered.

"Bye," I waved to them both. Youngbae nodded back, confused and while I walked past Seungri, I mouthed "I DON'T LIKE HIM". He just shrugged. 


"Okay, we'll be writing today plus there is a little suprise at the end," Gdragon told us. We were seated behind individual desks.

"So today, we'll start working on our songs that will be no longer than two minutes. I know that writing doesn't come naturally so this is just a practice. We'll spend today and tommorow on it and I'll come around and help you guys. Don't feel pressured because then it'll be hard to right but don't slack off thinking this is just a practice for your rap battle okay?" he asked. He seemed in a calm mood today. It was pretty foreign since he was always so serious. 

"Alright, let's get started," he said. He different boom boxes with different beats. How in the world would I write with so much noise? I looked around me. I was not the only one who was confused. Some people were shaking their head or tapping the desk with their pen or pencil. Gdragon observed us and he saw me looking at him. 

"Yes?" he asked.

I shook my head and looked down at my blank paper.

What to write about...Happy things, sad things, scary things, lovely things, annoying things? Yes, annoying things. I would write about that.

Now that I knew what to write about, there were so many things that annoyed me. People who didn't chew with their mouth closed. How in the world would I write about that? I noticed someone next to me look over at my paper. I slyly moved my arm over my paper. That was annoying as well. Then, someone sat down in the empty seat next to me. I looked to see Gdragon looked at my paper. He removed my arm and took my paper. 

"Heeyoung-sshi," he started.

"Ne-neh?" I answered. 

"Keep trying," he said before getting up. I scowled to myself but apparently he heard it. He leaned down behind me, arms around me and hands flat on my paper. He was pointing at the things I wrote. 

"Even when you talk about things like this, be in someone's face, make the listener listen to every word you have to say. You have to like your rap before you let people listen to it. Take pride or else you'll be embarassed," he said. I didn't know what just happened except that he had completely read my mind. I nodded and he proceeded to another desk.

When we returned from lunch, we wrote for another fifteen minutes and he stopped us.

"Alright, we'll pick up from here tomorrow. In the meantime, go get dressed into comfortable clothes," he said. 

"Neh," we answered. We were excused and I went to the restroom. To my surprise, a lot of other girls were there too.

"Heeyoung, what do you think we're gonna do?" the twins and Sae asked me.

"I don't know either," I replied.

"You guys will be working out. Is that a jiggle I see?" an annoying and high-pitched voice called out. I turned around to Hana and her group of friends laughing and pointing at us. He walked passed us, bumping past our arms.

"Move it," they said to some innocent girl, who was washing her hands. She quickly ducked her head and went away. Hana was dressed like this:

images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT9_Dz1Hx6rntFUb4e79FEand her friends wore white warmup suits with silver colored embellishments on their butts. 

My friends and I changed into simple outfits. Most of my friends wore basketball shorts or sweats with a t-shirt or sweater. I wore this:




"Omo, you make a plain outfit look so cool," Sae complimented.

"Gomawo," I smiled.

"Kaja, let's go!" we exclaimed before leaving. Gdragon had told us to meet in dance studio number 5, so we did. When we got there, the rest of Big Bang was as well. 

"Heeyoung," waved Seungri. I waved back quickly and tried to avoid eye contact. My friends were nudging me and winking at me. I waved my hands at them, hoping they wouldn't misunderstand. 

The room was really loud considering there were five groups of people.

"Heeyoung-sshi!" Gdragon called from across the room. He motioned me over.

I nodded and went to him quickly. 

"Annyeong Heeyoung," Daesung smiled.

"Anneyong sunbaenim," I bowed.

"Aish, you were right Seungri. You can call me oppa because you're special unlike all those other trainees," he whispered, with his hand covering a side of his face as if he were telling me a secret. I nodded at him.

"Heeyoung-sshi, Gdragon was boasting about you. Can you rap something right now?" TOP smiled.

"Me?" I asked. He nodded.

Gdragon put his hand over my shoulder.

"Eh, don't steal ideas from my trainee TOP hyung," he said to TOP. 

"I'm going to teach Heeyoung trot later, she suits that," Daesung said.

"Aish, she's a rapper, rapper," Seungri exclaimed. I laughed at them. I noticed Youngbae just listening to us. He notice me look at him so he said:

"How's your salsa coming along?" he asked.

"Salsa?" I asked.

"Mhm, I suggested that when you were auditioning remember?" he asked. I flushed and nodded. 

"OKAY EVERYONE! GATHER UP!" Gdragon called out.

"Today, we'll be running so grab a partner and an ipod here for every pair. Go," Gdragon said. Sae linked her arm with mine and we nodded at each other before getting an ipod. After that was completed, we listened for further instructions. 

"As you can tell, there are twenty songs on this ipod. While you guys run outside, you will be taking turns singing while running so that means ten songs for each of you. You must finish all twenty before finishing even if it means running the course more than once," Youngbae said. 

Everyone was surprised or groaning. 

"Kaja! Follow us!" Big Bang said. 

"Also, we are going against 2NE1 so we must win arasso?" Daesung called out.




"Nega jeil jal naga"

"Digital Bounce~ Digital sound~ Digital X~Welcome to Digital World"

"Nado eodiseo kkullijin anheo" 

"I need a girl, baby I need you, girl you need me too,"

"Sorry sorry sorry sorry nega nega nega"

"Lovey dovey dovey ah ah ah ah"

"Again and again and again and again"

Everyone was singing and panting. To be honest this was really tiring but it was super fun especially if you only had one ear bud. The hard part was synchronizing with your partner because you had to make sure the ear bud would not fall out. As Sae and I ran we felt something really strong and negative vibe behind us. It was that high-pitched voice again. Sae and I looked at each other. 

There she was running with her posse while barely singing. They were just chatting and when she passed us, I hadn't paid much attention causing me to regret later. As we were running down the hill, I tripped over something causing me to fall forward. My ear bud came out and I only heard Sae yelling after me.

"HEEYOUNG! HEEYOUNG! SOMEBODY HELP!" she yelled loudly, with panic in her voice. I rolled down really fast but I was stopped by something really hard. I was pretty sure I had been stopped by a bike rack somewhere at the bottom of the hill because. I felt warm and sharp pain struck me. It was really hard not to cry. I closed my eyes while the pain took over me. 


"Shoot, hyung!" 

"Is that Heeyoung!"

Youngbae and Gdragon hyungs ran so quickly toward Heeyoung. I could not forget the look on Youngbae hyung's face. I knew he was shocked and worried, but I just couldn't get it out of my mind. 

"Seungri," watch the trainees while I call for an ambulance Daesung told me. The look on Daesung and TOP's faces were not great either. In fact, their faces drained of color. 



I opened my eyes halfway. I saw Youngbae and Jiyong. 

"My head. Neomu apa," I said. I touched my head.

"Hyung, she's bleeding," Youngbae said. I heard more footsteps and more voices. Soon, I couldn't make out who was who.





"Heeyoung, it's gonna be alright. Just close your eyes and when you wake up, you'll be fine. Trust me,"

Whoever said this really made me feel better. I trusted this person and closed my eyes. 


"You guys better be quiet about this. If something happens, you guys are gonna be in trouble with me, arasso?" 

I could not believe I had just heard this. Because I knew something was fishy, I used my phone to get proof of this.

"Hey, hurry up!"

"I'm coming hyung!"

I came out of the corner I was eavesdropping in and went to help Heeyoung. 

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Chapter 17: I'm not sure which part you're referring to but it should mean Instant Messaging unless I didn't use an apostrophe in "I'm". :)
teentopbapshineefx #2
Chapter 17: what's IM ?
sterlingpaper #3
just finished reading another amazing story
Chapter 50: i just finished reading this and i love it asdfghjkl ; ;
Kris_Paulene #5
A SEQUEL please!!!!!!! It was really a good story!!
iloveuforever #6
OMO it ended already , It's a VERY good story authornim
Haha I love the part when she hangs up the poster, and she realizes how awkward it is with Minho up on her wall XD I really like this story! And now I understand why her dad said she was 16...I totally forgot about the age thing.
It's really good! But is HeeYoung 15 or 16? O.o
Kris_Paulene #9
Woah! Please make a sequel for this!! :))
I just found your story and......that was AMAZING! Author-ssi jjang!