Chapter 11

Life, Love, and the Teenage Years as a Trainee

I pulled the covers over my head when my eyes peeped open.

"Aish, morning already? What time is it?" I grumbled. The rays of sunlight were shooting through my skylight. I wished I had something to cover it.


Omo, so annoying! Aren't I supposed to meet my tutor today? Argh, gotta hurry up and get ready.

I patted the alarm clock until I found the button to shut it off. Afterwards, I literally jumped out of bed. I stretched here and there and rubbed my eyes.

After washing up and fixing my hair, I walked to my wardrobe and picked out clothes.

Since the weather was nice and a little chilly, I decided to wear something that would have a springy feel.

In the end, I chose a white lacy top with ruffles matched with a light gray blazer, put together with jeans. My neck was a little cold so I wore a solid-colored scarf along with my outfit.


I made my way downstairs and ate some cereal with a muffin. My dad was busy in his office dealing with some paperwork.

Since I had nothing better to do, I looked through the book my mom gave me. I said a couple of lines without messing up and when I flipped through the next chapters, that's when my tongue started twisting.

"I will learn to speak fluently," I said in English. I was a really determined person whenever it came to things I set my mind on.

With ten minutes left to spare I started to clean the piano keys by polishing them. I dusted off the rest of the piano and sat down on the seat.

I was having a good time. The beautiful weather added up to my good mood. Yes, I missed my family and friends in California, but I wanted to change for the better and come home as a whole new person. I wanted to show them my new self. I wanted to be stronger and more independent, and lastly, accomplish something they never thought I could do. Even though I had to figure out what that something was, I would have plenty of time.


DingDong followed by chimes~

"Dad, tutor's here," I said as I poked my head into the study.

"Alright, open the door for Ms. Yang and tell her I'll be down soon," he replied without looking up.

"Kay," I said as I rushed to the door.


I opened the door for Ms. Yang and she was smiling warmly at me. It wasn't freaky, but I liked her already.

"Good morning Hee Young, may I come in?" she asked after greeting me.

"Annyeonghasaeyo Ms. Yang," I said as I stepped to the side.

"My dad will be down in a while, would you like something to drink?" I asked politely. I was taught to have manners but I still wasn't used to things like this, afterall, my older brothers and sister do this a lot. Exactly why it proves my point of needing to become more grown up and mature.

"Oh no, it's okay Hee Young, thank you. I think it's okay to go over lesson plans without your dad for now. We'll just pick up from wherever we leave off. Is that okay with you?" she asked.

"Okay, I'm fine with that," I replied.

"Good! Now let's get started," she clapped.

I smiled at her cheerfulness. Whenever I talked to her, she seemed very optimistic and like a happy person. I would never imagine she had a past like what she had told me. I can tell she learns from experience.


Eventually, my dad came down to listen to the lesson plan. It was just like normal school except that it was at home. We would start at eight each morning and end at two thirty. YAY. She said that we would have breaks every fifty mintutes plus a lunch break so it could help me stay focused. Ms. Yang would tutor me 5 days a week and if I needed anything, I could call her up on the weekends.

When we finished verifying the lesson plan and when my dad and her finished talking about tuition and other things, she was off to a study session. We said goodbye and she said we would start lessons on Wednesday, which was the day after tommorow.


"Hey dad," I started.

"Mhmm?" he replied while looking through some papers.

"How did I get upstairs last night?" I finished. I was actually kinda getting curious about what happened.

"Oh, about that," he said with a twinkle in his eyes.

"About what?" I asked curiously this time. Yes, I was REALLY curious.

"Well...I heard that a young lady fell alseep in the patio and was carried into the house. I guess that's a living fairytale," he winked.

"WHAT?!! WHAT HAPPENED??" I shouted with my eyes bulging out. I immediately covered my mouth with my hand.

"I fell asleep on Youngbae oppa? And he carried me in? Oh my god! This is so embarassing," I cried as I shook my dad's arm.

"Ooops," he smiled as he patted my back.



"Who could that be?" my dad wondered as he opened the door.

"Annyeong! A delivery for Choi Hee Young?" said the delivery boy.

"Neh, I'll sign for her," my dad responded as he signed.

"Kamsamhamnida, have a nice day sir!" he smiled as he ran off to deliver another package.

"APPA! Why is the box shaking?" I nearly shouted again as I pointed at the box in my hand.

I quickly set the box down and examined it. When the box moved toward me I nearly jumped as my eyes grew bigger than they already were.

My dad put his eye near the peep hole.

"Oh how cute," he smiled as he started to tilt the box a little bit to get a better view,

"Let me see!" I said as I opened the lid.

"OMO, who sent me a dog?" I asked as I scratched my head. I spotted the envelope on the box and I smacked my forehead. Ooops, I should've read it first.


"Dear Hee Young, I hope you enjoyed the surprise birthday party we threw for you! Despite the fact you knocked out, we all had fun! Even though you recieved gifts from us already, I thought I would get you something to remind you of me when I'm busy with work. JK ^^ Well, I hope you like your birthday present!" -Minho oppa   P.S. It's name is Max.


I opened the lid slowly and a small puppy was looking at me with the most adorable puppy eyes. It was wagging it's tail and it had its paws on the rim of the box.

I slowly lifted the light-brown colored dog out of the box and held it up.

"Hi Max! I'm Hee Young!" I introduced myself to the dog.

Max my hand and I squirmed a little. Oh well. This was something I had to get used to.

"Appa! I have a new friend!" I squealed.

"Look at you! You seem so happy!" he smiled as he patted the dog.

"I think you should get Max some food and a bed for him to sleep in," he stated.

"Alright, I'll go buy some. Is it okay if I ask Mr. Kim to drive me?" I asked.

"Of course, you know Hee Young, that the panel on the wall over there has a button labeled 'car'. So if you need someone to drive you and I'm not here, you can always press car," he showed me.

"Neat!" I said as I put Max in my dad's arms.

I ran upstairs and got my leather messenger bag and put my phone and wallet in there. I ran back downstairs and found Max on a leash.

"It came with a leash," my dad said as he was adjusting it for Max.

"Thanks Appa!" I smiled as I pressed 'car'. When Mr. Kim arrived within two minutes, (which was amazing) I told my dad I would be out for a while to buy some things for Max. He told me to be safe and keep my phone with me at all times.

I closed the gate and got into the back seat with Max next to me.

"To the pet store please!" I smiled.

"Neh Miss Choi," Mr. Kim responded immediately.




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Chapter 17: I'm not sure which part you're referring to but it should mean Instant Messaging unless I didn't use an apostrophe in "I'm". :)
teentopbapshineefx #2
Chapter 17: what's IM ?
sterlingpaper #3
just finished reading another amazing story
Chapter 50: i just finished reading this and i love it asdfghjkl ; ;
Kris_Paulene #5
A SEQUEL please!!!!!!! It was really a good story!!
iloveuforever #6
OMO it ended already , It's a VERY good story authornim
Haha I love the part when she hangs up the poster, and she realizes how awkward it is with Minho up on her wall XD I really like this story! And now I understand why her dad said she was 16...I totally forgot about the age thing.
It's really good! But is HeeYoung 15 or 16? O.o
Kris_Paulene #9
Woah! Please make a sequel for this!! :))
I just found your story and......that was AMAZING! Author-ssi jjang!