Chapter 44

Life, Love, and the Teenage Years as a Trainee

I was called to the office one evening after training. Monday evening to be exact. 

I knocked on the CEO's office before entering. As I stepped foot into the office, I noticed that there were people inside and seated at the conference table. There were trainers and producers that I recognized. I bowed toward everyone and they acknowledged my presence. I was told to have a seat and Yang CEO started speaking.

"Heeyoung-sshi," he started. I nodded and replied, "Yeh".

"After this meeting you will have an idea on what our plans and decisions are. In the meantime please sit quietly and listen. Please save your questions until the end of the meeting," he requested.

"Neh," I answered.

"Very well," he nodded before officially starting the meeting. 

"Our staff and I will call all of the trainees tomorrow for a meeting in one of the studios. There, we will release a list of hopefuls. I am calling you here today to give you a heads-up. Because you are going back to train in the states, I am releasing this information to you today. You will train with our staff in L.A. and there is a large chance that you will be debuting the earliest," he started.

I stopped breathing for a moment. What was he was saying really true?

"Of course as always, this may change. Depending on your work we will decide. However that is not the important thing right now. I believe that you will be leaving in less than two weeks correct? I need you to work with these trainers and producers today. You will stop training with Jiyong and focus training with these trainers and producers. I will be asking for a video tape of your performance. I will be requesting a total of three video tapes," he continued. I nodded.

"I will need a tape on vocals. The second tape will be on rap. And lastly, the final tape will be a live performance. That means you will perform as if you were on stage. Understood?" he asked. I nodded again. 

"I usually don't give people a heads-up on this but generally speaking, you are by-far one of the most potentiol people I have landed my eyes on in a long time. If I have to compare you to someone, it would be Jiyong. Don't you all agree?" he asked the staff, while smiling.

Everyone smiled while nodding at me. I felt a little embarassed. 

"You are a special case I hate to say. I usually don't play favorites but you are an exception. That is all for today. After the meeting tomorrow, you will leave immediately and work with this group. Any questions?" he asked. I answered 'no'. He nodded, satisfied. 

"You are excused," he told me. 

"Neh, kamsahamnida," I thanked him and everyone before making my way out of the room. Before I closed the door, he called me back in.

"You do understand that this conversation stays in this room right?" he asked. I nodded and responded 'yes'. He let me go after that. I think he wanted me to keep my mouth shut on this matter. 

I was filled with joy and I walked toward the elevator. I also felt a little more pressure but it was okay. I was seeing my future unfold and it was almost in my reach. I had to work very very hard and not disappoint everyone. 

As I was walking past a studio, I heard what I believed to be Big Bang. There was a lot of singing in the room. It was a song I didn't quite recognize. It seemed as if it was a new song due to all of the members changing the lyrics. They were all speaking in calm voices and giving their opinions. I admired their teamwork. I continued walking toward the elevator and the lyrics were stuck in my head. 

I'm not a monster...

I wondered if it was one of Jiyong's creations. He was so talented. How would anyone ever surpass him? It seemed impossible to me. He had so many registered songs I couldn't even count them all.

"Heeyoung?" someone called. I turned around to see Park Bom and CL.

"Annyeonghasaeyo sunbaenims," I bowed. They were smiling at me.

"We overheard you rap the other day," they whispered.

"You're so cool!" they told me.

"Kamsahamnida," I smiled shyly. They were so pretty in person I felt intimidated. 

"Call us unnis' by the way," Park Bom told me. 

"Neh, arasso," I nodded.

"We have a schedule now, gotta go! Bye bye!" they waved as they ran past me. They seemed so fun. I really admired them. It was a good day. 

I returned to my dorm and I found Sae watching television and immersed into whatever she was watching.

"Hey! There you are!" she waved. She offered me cherry tomatoes as I sat beside her. Lately, she was into dieting. 

"This is so interesting," she mumbled as she was immersed into the television. We were watching a makeup and hair program, mainly on beauty and whatnot.

"I wanna dye my hair back to black," I said, while looking at my hair. The auburn on my tail was fading.

"You do? I have a bunch of hair dye in the bathroom," she told me, her eyes shining. 

"Really?" I laughed.

"You can go use it if you need it. I'm probably going to dye my hair soon," she said.

"Why? Don't dye your silky black hair! I love it!" I told her. I talked her out of it as we both locked our eyes on the television. It was really interesting, suprisingly. 

"What time to we meet up tomorrow?" I asked her.

"7:30 AM," she replied.

"That's so early. I'm going to shower and go sleep," I told her as I made my way to the bathroom.

I took a quick shower and wore my pajamas. I brushed my teeth before crawling into bed. I was exhausted from training today, but I felt so light-hearted from hearing that news from YG himself. Also, my wrist felt a lot better. Just as I was going to drift off into sleep, I recieved a text. 

Are you alseep?



Why would he text me at this time? I really wanted to sleep. Before I could reply, I recieved another text. 


I haven't seen you in a long time. How are you? (:



Now that was a shocker. I had no idea that he woud remember me. I had to reply to Youngbae first.


I was about to fall asleep. 

What are you doing?



Right as I was going to reply to Key, he texted me back in a split-second. I wondered if he was really bored. He sure texted quickly.


Working on our new album.



I heard you guys. ^0^



Seriously? WAIT. What do you mean you heard us? I'm worried...



I walked past your studio today. I'm not a monster~



Shoot! Oh well. Shhh! Don't be giving out teasers now, lil girl.



Why do you always call me a lil girl? I'm not that little.



That's what you think. Did I disturb your sleep? Mianhe...



It's okay. I'm wide awake now anywhoo.



Are you there?



Oh course I would be here. Wait a minute. It was Key. I had forgot to reply. 


Mianhe! What's up?

How are you and SHINee?



Gotta go now. See you tomorrow lil girl.



Stop calling me that. >.<






I shook my head when I read this. Then Key sent me a text.


I have to go record right now >.< I shouldn't have texted in such a rushed time. Sorry! Gotta go! Good night!



Arasso. Good night (: Tell everyone I said hi.



Okay, I will. See ya!



You're cute. 



My eyes were wide open when I read this. I had to re-read this text a couple of times. What was this? I could not comprehend this. My heart raced and I had no idea why there were butterflies in my stomach. 

"Aish," I said before putting my phone aside and covering my face with my covers. I was not going to reply simply because I didn't know what to say. Just as I was going to forget that, another text came.


I think I'm falling for you.



I was now very disturbed. I started to text back.


Why are you telling me this?


I lied back on my side before forcing my eyes to shut.


"Heehee," Daesung and I giggled. 

"Seungri and Daesung. What are you guys doing?" TOP asked. 

"We saw Youngbae hyung text her," I whispered.

"Let me see that Seungri," he said, before snatching the phone away.

"Did you two send the last two texts?" TOP asked, grinning.

"Mhm," I smirked. 

"Daebak," Daeung smiled widely.

"What are you guys up to?" Jiyong hyung asked. We showed him the texts and he had no expression and replied,

"I think you guys should stop that."

"Wae? It's just for fun-

"Don't mess with her like that," he snapped, before turning back and putting on his headphones and working on the song. Daesung, TOP, and I looked at each other. Then Youngbae hyung walked in, back from his bathroom break.

"What are you guys doing with my phone?" he asked.

"Nothing," the three of us sang.

"Yeah right," he replied, suspiciously.

"Youngbae-ah. Don't lead her on if you don't like her," Jiyong told him. Youngbae now looked really confused. Then he froze. Jiyong walked out on all of us. What was going on? Then Youngbae followed him out. Now, we felt guilty and helpless. 


"What do you mean by I'm leading her on," I asked Jiyong. We were on the rooftop. 

"Do you like her?" he asked me. 

"Does it seem like it?" I asked in return.

"I don't understand you. You don't even know how you feel and now you are texting a trainee. A trainee. Come on Youngbae. Don't do that to her. She needs to focus," he told me, clearly irritated.

"Why are you so mad?" I asked him. Now I was annoyed.

"No reason," he mumbled, before resting his arms on the railing. I did the same. 

"I have mixed feelings about her. I always want to protect her after seeing her harmed by that one trainee. I don't know what this feeling is," I confessed. Jiyong seemed to be listening to me now. 

"When is our dating ban lifted?" he asked me.

"Soon. Why?" I asked.

"I like her," he told me, straightforwardly. I wondered if I heard clearly or not. 

"Are you serious?" I asked him.

"I hate it. She's a trainee. And what's worse is that I have a feeling that you don't only see her as a trainee," he continued.

"What do you mean?" I asked. I felt irritated for some reason.

"I don't know if you can see it or not, but it seems to me that you like her too," he answered me, looking me straight in the eye. 

"I'm not sure," I replied. 

"Exactly. If she wasn't a trainee I would have tried to get closer to her, but she is a trainee. I am not going to harm her or distract her in any way. You should probably do that too," he stated. I turned around, ready to walk away because I was frustrated with Jiyong and myself.  

"Check your phone," he told me before walking past me and back into the building. 

Did I really like her? How would I know if I like her or not. I was now very bothered and I didn't know what to do. Was texting her a bad thing to do? Perhaps Jiyong is right. I need to leave her alone. 


I got no reply. I decided to ignore everything. Right when I was going to drift back into sleep, I recieved one last text.

It's Seungri and Daesung. No need to worry! Mianhe! We are deleting everything before Youngbae hyung gets back so don't reply to this too! 

I scoffed when I read this. Thank goodness I didn't say anything weird or suspicious. But why would I? Did I like him in that manner? I had no idea. Annoyed, I pulled my covers over me one last time before falling alseep. 

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Chapter 17: I'm not sure which part you're referring to but it should mean Instant Messaging unless I didn't use an apostrophe in "I'm". :)
teentopbapshineefx #2
Chapter 17: what's IM ?
sterlingpaper #3
just finished reading another amazing story
Chapter 50: i just finished reading this and i love it asdfghjkl ; ;
Kris_Paulene #5
A SEQUEL please!!!!!!! It was really a good story!!
iloveuforever #6
OMO it ended already , It's a VERY good story authornim
Haha I love the part when she hangs up the poster, and she realizes how awkward it is with Minho up on her wall XD I really like this story! And now I understand why her dad said she was 16...I totally forgot about the age thing.
It's really good! But is HeeYoung 15 or 16? O.o
Kris_Paulene #9
Woah! Please make a sequel for this!! :))
I just found your story and......that was AMAZING! Author-ssi jjang!