Chapter 35

Life, Love, and the Teenage Years as a Trainee

It's been a week after that incident and things have gotten better. Yumni never dared to look me straight in the eyes. She was afraid and a little guilty. At least that's what I observed from her actions. Though she won the battle, she had no reason to help those girls lock me in a closet. People these days...

Sae and I were in the cafeteria and we were eating happily after dancing for almost five hours. I don't know how many calories we burned but we were really exhausted from keeping up with the teacher. I wasn't very good at dancing. In fact, I was a human tree. I was very stiff and it was hard for me to loosen up and my coordination was really wacked up. This is the reason why I was in the second to last row in the orders we danced in. 

After training started, it was impossible to see anyone dress up. Everyone wore sports clothes or sweats with loose tops or tank tops with sweaters. No one wore jeans unless we were having vocal training. Everyone really didn't care about their appearances as much except for Hana and her friends. I didn't know why they would put up with makeup when it was hot and sweaty inside the practice rooms even with the AC on. Perhaps they were here to impress.

As Sae and I were going to put our trays away we were about to walk pass Hana's table. Out of nowhere, I tripped and did a face plant. 

Crap I thought. Some people were stifling their laughter. Some just looked at me while others had no idea what was going on.

"Oops," Hana faked as she walked passed me with her posse. 

"Heeyoung! Are you alright?" Sae asked, worriedly.  

"I'm fine," I reassured her as I was standing up. I had grease on my shirt..

"I need to clean this off," I said, holding out my shirt to get a better look. 

"Are you sure you're okay?" she whispered while helping me pick up the steel bowls and spoons. 

"Really. It's okay," I said, concentrating on cleaning up.

"She really is too much," Sae sighed. 

Thank goodness Sae carried Tide To Go and I used that to get rid of the stain. I was wearing a large white tee. 

"Thank you," I smiled, handing back the pen.

"Don't worry about it," she told me. 

"Let's go," I said. We made our way back into the practice room and sat down, waiting for the teacher to come back from his lunch break. Everyone was in groups while a couple of people were dancing in front of the mirror by themselves. Sae and I sat, leaning against the cool mirror. 

"How's training so far?" Sae asked me.

"It's fun and tiring," I responded. I asked her the same. 

"It's really what I expected. I'm really pumped up even though it's tough," she said. 

"Omo it's Big Bang and 2NE1," some girls and guys whispered, clearly excited by the entrance of the superstars. The teacher was walking beside them. 

"Listen up everyone!" the teacher shouted, getting us to quiet down.

"Today we have requested the help of Big Bang and 2NE1 to observe and HELP you guys out. We will run through all three of our routines and they will assist and correct your mistakes. You guys will dance in the order/rows you guys are in and they will be walking around the room. Is that clear? Any questions?" he asked, after giving us instructions. 

No one spoke.

"Are we clear?" he asked again.

"NEH!" we responded.

"Very well," our strict dancing teacher nodded. I took a quick glance at Taeyang. He caught my glance and I looked away immediately, looking ahead. 

Aish. Why did I look at him?! Oh my goodness. 

"Get in order!" the teacher instructed. We scrambled to our places. He was not to be messed with. The total of nine people from the two groups spreaded out and walked around. 

"I'm watching you," someone breathed as they passed by me quickly. I looked to my left a little and saw Gdragon walk away. I smiled to myself and double knotted my shoe quickly. 

"Five, six, seven, eight!" the teacher counted before starting off. Why did his tempo increase more than before our break. Was it because I had food coma? Oh no.

Halfway through the routine, I saw tons of people being fixed and corrected. They listened closely and didn't dare to mess up in front of celebrities and more importantly, in front our teacher who got frustrated easily if you didn't pay enough attention. 

As I was starting to get a little tired, I felt a pair of hands on my elbows, guiding the way they should be move. It felt like two people dancing as one and someone was controlling me from behind. 

"You're too stiff. Loosen up," I heard. I looked at the mirror and Minzy was guiding me. I nodded and followed her moves. After a while, she moved on to the next person. Phew. At least it wasn't him. 

"Two minute break before we start the second routine. One routine was less than 7 minutes. I retied my hair and got a drink of water. I continued to stretch a little more. I was very sore. 

"Aigoo, I'm sweating so much," Sae said as she wrapped a towel around her neck and took a sip of water. 

I was oberving the professionals. They looked very confident and assured of themselves, something I had yet to accomplish. They were talking to each other and something caught my eye. Taeyang was teasing Dara. I took in the sight and looked down at my hands. 

"I needa shower," Sae said. I didn't look up.

"Hey, are you alright...omo. Nosebleed," she said, while pointing at me. What now.

I immediately fished for tissue but there wasn't any. 

"Just go clean it. I'll be there after I tell the teacher," she said, pushing me towards the door. I saw Taeyang and Dara look at me. I hurried out and into the bathroom down the hall. After what seemed like five minutes, it didn't stop and Sae was trying to stop it. 

"Here. Try this," she said handing me a small, damp, and folded piece of paper towel.

"Mwoh?" I asked her.

"Stick this under your lip and on top of your gums. It should do the trick," she instructed. I did what she told me and soon enough it stopped. I cleaned my nose for the million time and it was clean.

"Thanks so much," I thanked her.

"You are really unlucky today. Are you sure you're alright?" she asked me. I nodded. I felt a little dizzy but that was probably because I was so tired.

"Let's head back," I said. She looked at me worriedly but I just pushed her out of the bathroom. We rushed back into the dance practice room and went to our places again. The teacher glanced at me and I nodded at him, indicating that I was fine. We were already in the 3rd routine. 

Each step made me feel worse. I closed my eyes for a second to regain myself. I took deep breaths and from the corner of my eyes I saw Taeyang look at me. I just ignored it and kept up with the dance. Before he approached me, Gdragon was next to me, adjusting my position. He had a hand on my waist and his other around my wrist. 

"Gwenchanayo? You don't look too well," he asked.

"I'm fine," I responded in a low voice. We had a dance move where he had to place our hand near our faces and he had the back of his hand on my forehead.

"You're not okay," he said a little too loudly. Some people looked at him but he acted normal again. 

"Looks like someone pissed sunbae off," Hana snickered with another girl. We both heard that. 

I kindly shrugged his hand off my forehead and continued with the routine. After not speaking to him, he just stood behind me with his arms crossed. After a while, he walked away. 

"Stop stop stop," the teacher waved. Everyone looked confused yet grateful that they got to rest even if it was for a couple of seconds. 

"Everyone rest except for the last three rows.You guys are not doing it right. One more time. Let's start three minutes to the end," he instructed. 

"Five, six, seven, eight," he counted while standing in front of us. He wasn't going to lead us and he made us dance on our own. This was really hard considering all of the hard dance moves. As we danced, he shouted at us. 

"How are you going to train if you can't get these basic moves right?"

"If you want to slack then don't come to class,"

"Don't assume I can't see you guys in the back when I'm in the front," 

"Did you guys not memorize the routine? Shame on you all,"

"Cut, cut, cut," he waved. 

"That's all for today. You guys are dismissed," he said while shaking his head. After he left the room, we dared to move. 

Everyone was whispering this and that and blaming things on each other or themselves for that matter. 

2NE1 was the first to leave, they were in a hurry when their managers told them the van was waiting for them outside. I assumed they had a schedule to attend. 

"Heeyoung," Sae called me. 

"Yeah?" I responded without much energy. 

She felt my head. She jumped a little.

"Here, drink this and wear my jacket. We need to get you home and in bed," she said all in one sentence.

"Woah, calm down," I said. She gave me the 'mother' look and I scowled.

"Fine," I said while doing what she told me to do. She seemed a little pleased. She basically had to push me out of the room. I was exhausted and dizzy. 

"Wear the hood," she ordered.

"Doing it," I said. 

"Don't lie to me when you're feeling awful. Gdragon sunbae told me that you were hot," she said.

"He said I was hot?" I gasped.

"Your temperature pabo," she laughed. 

"Of course I knew that," I covered up.

"You wish that he would say that. Stay away from him you ," Hana said, spitting on my face. She and her friend blocked our way. I wiped the spit off of my face moodily. It was her again. 

"What do you have to do with him huh? He's our sunbae. Everyone is treated the same by him," Sae said, defending me. 

"Whatever Lee Saegyeong. I see Heeyoung play innocent with all the guys. Jihoon, SeungTae, Taeyang sunbae, Gdragon sunbae," she listed, counting her fingers while snapping her gum. 

I tensified at Taeyang. She didn't see me look at him did she?

"She should've stayed in there longer," he friend said to Hana.

"Shush," Hana ordered her. Realizing her mistake, she gasped and covered .

"It was you? You were behind all this?" Sae said angrily while pointing at Hana.

"Think what you like. Let's go," she said to Sae and then to her friend. With a nasty glare, she turned around and strutted off. 

"What a mee ch-," she started.

"No cussing Sae. It doesn't suit you," I said before walking off to the direction of our dorm. I can't believe she would be so dirty. What did she have against me that she had to do this? Sae was right. She really was too much. 




Worried, I sort of stalked Heeyoung and her friend Sae. I then saw Hana and some girl approach them two. I stood behind a wall and listened.

My knuckles tightened at what was coming out of . Heeyoung was being bullied and put down by this ridiculously over-confident girl. She really was so snobby.

I didn't feel like listening anymore until I heard her friend.

"What the hell," I breathed.

She was the one who caused Heeyoung to be set up and locked in that closet. I couldn't imagine how Heeyoung felt at the moment, registering all of this and taking those insults. She got called a in her face. If that was any other girl I saw, they would've burst out but Heeyoung was the opposite. She remained silent. This made me want to protect her more.

 I shook my head and headed back into the building in a frame of mind I wansn't familiar with. Why was it everytime I saw Heeyoung all my attention adjusted to focusing just on her? Why was I so intrigued by her? I really have no idea.


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Chapter 17: I'm not sure which part you're referring to but it should mean Instant Messaging unless I didn't use an apostrophe in "I'm". :)
teentopbapshineefx #2
Chapter 17: what's IM ?
sterlingpaper #3
just finished reading another amazing story
Chapter 50: i just finished reading this and i love it asdfghjkl ; ;
Kris_Paulene #5
A SEQUEL please!!!!!!! It was really a good story!!
iloveuforever #6
OMO it ended already , It's a VERY good story authornim
Haha I love the part when she hangs up the poster, and she realizes how awkward it is with Minho up on her wall XD I really like this story! And now I understand why her dad said she was 16...I totally forgot about the age thing.
It's really good! But is HeeYoung 15 or 16? O.o
Kris_Paulene #9
Woah! Please make a sequel for this!! :))
I just found your story and......that was AMAZING! Author-ssi jjang!