Chapter 16

Life, Love, and the Teenage Years as a Trainee

I woke up to birds chirping outside of my window. Sunlight from above hit my face and I felt myself warm up. I tossed and turned until my alarm went off.

"Morning already," I yawned. I sat up in bed and I had a huge headache.

I rubbed my head and I felt a little dizzy. I stumbled my way to the bathroom and I got ready for the day's lesson. I pulled on my skinny jeans and wore a t-shirt with a light jacket with a scarf. My neck was kinda cold. I put on my socks and I tied my hair in a bun. I fixed my bangs and looked in the mirror.

I think I did a prettty decent job despite the fact I was exhausted, sore, and kind of sick.

"Good morning!" my dad greeted.

"Morning dad," I replied without any energy.

My dad got up and felt my forehead.

"Hmm, you're still warm from yesterday. Oh by the way, you should thank Key, Minho, and Taemin for stopping by and especially Key since he looked after you," he told me.

"Don't worry, I will," I replied. I seriously had a huge headache and I wanted the day to end so I could crawl back into bed.

"Are you sure you want to have Mrs. Yang come today? I can tell her you have a fever," he asked.

"Nah, I'll be fine. Plus, I need the lesson," I replied.

"I'm gonna lay on the couch until she comes," I mumbled as I curled onto the sofa. I pulled the blanket over me and I hugged a pillow.


The day went by really slowly. First off, I had to write tons of things in which I could barely read what I even wrote in the first place. I had a hard time concentrating and I felt weary. Mrs. Yang went on teaching and I kept on coughing and sneezing.

"Are you alright? If you don't mind," she said as she felt my forehead.

"Hee Young, you're so warm. I think we need to get you upstairs," she said alarmed.

It was just a fever and she was so worked up. Well...I guess it was pretty bad?

I took off my scarf and layed in bed. She pulled the covers over me and she gave me some warm water.

"Since I don't think I'm able to give you any medicine, I'll tell your dad. Let me call him," she told me. My dad said he was on his way and that Mrs. Yang should get going because she had a class to teach.

"Don't forget to rest a lot okay? I think I should let you rest tommorow so I'll be back on Monday. Sound good?" she checked with me.

I nodded and she smiled, "Okay, I'll get going now. Sleep tight." She left and I fell asleep quickly.

I dreamed of me singing 'I need a boy' to some boy. Apparently I scared the him away...

I slept all the way from 2pm all the way 7:30pm. I've never been this sick before. I suspected that my body had a hard time adjusting to the weather and time change. Mr. Cho made me some porridge and my dad gave me some medicine. I felt slighty better but I was really drowsy. I dozed off into sleep in matter of no time.


"She looks so pale"

"I hope she's alright"

"Can she hear us?"

"Shut up. Let the girl sleep."

"Just saying..."

I could hear through my sleep. Once again, I had no idea of why people decided to choose to disturb my sleep. I tossed and turned away from the direction the talking was coming from but whichever direction I turned to, I would always hear talking. It was as if people were all around me. Frustrated and tired, I yanked my blanket over my head and went back to sleeping for fifteen minutes or so.

"She has a dog?"

"Hyung! Her dog can be friends with Boss."

"Looks like he's hungry"

"You know the dog is a boy?"

"I have my ways,"

"Pabo, you can lift the dog and check"


Now the talking woke me up for sure. I  changed positions and I rested on my back. I layed there for a while and the talking quieted down. I guessed that there was at least one person was in my room. Was it Key oppa?

I peeked one eye open and I saw someone's back facing towards me. It was a guy wearing nicely fitted jeans with a hoodie. The figure had spiked hair. Was it....Youngbae?

I shut my eye and I peeked a look again. The figure in front of me and Youngbae's in my head were similar. Thye were both kind of broad and the arms were perfectly built. This time I opened my other eye and I just stared at his back. The figure must have suspected of felt someone look at him for he turned around slowly.

"You're awake," Youngbae oppa smiled.

"How'd you...." I stuttered. He pulled a chair and sat on it, with his hands resting on the back of the chair. The chair was backwards and he propped his chin on his arms.

"I was performing on Music Bank and a couple of us overheard Key and Minho talking about you so we asked them about you and they said you had a high fever. So here we are, or here I am. The rest of Big Bang went out to eat," he explained.

"Oppas came?" I asked.

He nodded and he rested the back of his hand onto my forehead. My body was tense and I felt really nervous. If I was standing my knees would feel weak.

"The fever's gone. All you need to do is  rest for a couple of days and you'll be fine," he smiled.

He turned to the right and he brought a bowl to me.

"Here, eat some porridge and you'll be fine," he said while spooning some out. He tasted it and he set the bowl down.

I was watching like an idiot and I didn't realize it was impossible to eat laying down. He seemed to have noticed too. He got up and lifted my back and adjusted my pillow. I thanked him and I was screaming inside.

He was about to feed me but I stopped him.

"It's okay, I can feed myself," I said.

He shrugged and passed the bowl to me. As I was eating he walked around my room and looked at my pictures.


I ate looking in a different direction while having a pained and nervous expression on my face. I heard his footsteps stop. I smacked my head and he started to speak.

As he started to speak he spun around while pointing to his poster.

"You like me that much?" he looked a little amused.

"Aniyo! It was a present!" I almost shouted as I was protesting.

"So you don't like me?" he asked as he raised an eyebrow.


I stuttered and tried to protest. When his eyes gleamed and his mouth didn't move so I suspected he thought I was weird or mad. I waved my hand in front of him and giving up, both hands flew up and I buried my face in my hands.

Unaware of a bowl in my hand, it too flew up and landed on the hard-wood floor in a pang. I heard broken porcelain and I looked at the floor alarmed.

"Crap," I whispered. I jumped out of bed embarassed and pissed. I picked up the pieces and one of the sharp edges sliced my finger.

"Ugh," I hissed as I looked at my finger. Youngbae came over quickly and he bent down to examine my finger.

"Hee Young! You aren't supposed to pick up the broken pieces. You could've left them to me," he said frustrated.

I was a little scared. Although I watched a lot of shows where it followed Taeyang around, I never saw this side of him. I was speechless, helpless, and bleeding.

I sat there motionless as I looked at him.

He looked at me and he had no expression.

"Come on," he said as he picked me up.

"Put me down!" I managed to yell.

"You just sat there pabo, I'm not gonna let you bleed to death," he exaggerrated.

"I'm an idiot? I don't even know-" I was cut off as he shot me a look.

He must've been irritated because he plopped me onto my bathroom counter next to the sink.

He got tweezers and gloves. He slowly took some pieces of broken porcelain out of my finger. Turns out, my hand was cut as well. I wondered how picking up broken pieces could do this.

I cringed and hissed as he took them out. When he was done, he disinfected my hand. I cringed a lot and I was moving.

"Stop moving if you want to get this over with," he said.

"It hurts," I whined.

"Stop moving around so much"

"Are you done yet?"

"No, stay still"


"You're being a kid"

"That's cuz I am one"

"You know what I mean you big baby"

"YAH why are you being so mean?"

"You talking to your oppa like that?"

We quarreled back and forth, more like me talking back at his response to everything. I think I was annoying him.

At last, he was annoyed to the point where he stopped. He put his tweezers down on the counter and took off his gloves and looked at me. Our position was very akward.

I was propped onto the counter and both of his arms were on both sides next to my thigh, but they didn't touch me. Our faces were just inches away. His eyes were above mine a little and his forehead almost touched mine. I could smell his cologne. His nose almost brushed mine. Even his stare didn't scare me as much as ONE thing.

If Youngbae oppa went any closer, his lips would brush mine. No way was I was gonna lose my first kiss like this.

He continued to look at me and his eyes softened by the second. He came closer. His body was almost pressed against me. He tilted his head to one side and looked at me curiously for a minute.

I couldn't take it anymore so I closed me eyes hoping he wouldn't do anything to me. I squinted and I heard him speak.

"Yah, are you waiting for something?" he said.

I peeked one eye open and looked at him. He was smirking. I didn't know he could be a bad boy type of guy.

I was blushing furiously and I opened my other eye. And again we were staring each other down. I felt myself melt a little to his stare at the moment.

"Why are you blushing?"

"No I'm not"

"So you were waiting for something weren't you?" he said amused.

"You wish,"

"Look at yourself" he said as he brought out a little mirror I had in a drawer.

"I'm pink naturally"

"Really now?"


He started to laugh at me.

"Aigooo, look who's embarassed," he said as he pinched my cheek.

"HEY!" I shouted as I pushed his hands off of me. I jumped off of the counter and ran to my bed.

"Owwwww" I whined from under the cover.

"Yah Pabo, I need to wrap your hand in gauze."

He took my blanket off of me and carried my bridal style back into the bathroom.

Youngbae wrapped my hand gently and I couldn't help but look at him. I admired him a lot despite the fact he just totally embarassed me.

"That good looking?" he asked without looking up.

I said nothing and I looked away.

"We're done," he announced.

This time I made a run for my bed but he caught me just as I was going to make a run for it.

"Not so fast Hee Young," he whispered into my ear.

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Chapter 17: I'm not sure which part you're referring to but it should mean Instant Messaging unless I didn't use an apostrophe in "I'm". :)
teentopbapshineefx #2
Chapter 17: what's IM ?
sterlingpaper #3
just finished reading another amazing story
Chapter 50: i just finished reading this and i love it asdfghjkl ; ;
Kris_Paulene #5
A SEQUEL please!!!!!!! It was really a good story!!
iloveuforever #6
OMO it ended already , It's a VERY good story authornim
Haha I love the part when she hangs up the poster, and she realizes how awkward it is with Minho up on her wall XD I really like this story! And now I understand why her dad said she was 16...I totally forgot about the age thing.
It's really good! But is HeeYoung 15 or 16? O.o
Kris_Paulene #9
Woah! Please make a sequel for this!! :))
I just found your story and......that was AMAZING! Author-ssi jjang!