Chapter 13

Life, Love, and the Teenage Years as a Trainee

I came home and greeted my dad. I don't think I recovered well from that shock. Who the heck was it???? I have a song for that word....."Every day I shock(SHOCK), every night I shock(SHOCK)". Ahem, excuse my weirdness...

I put the bed in my room and the dishes in the kitchen. Max and I were sitting on the balcony and he peeeed on me. >.<

I hand washed my clothes and hung them on my balcony. I changed into basketball shorts and wore a hoodie over my wife beater.

Max wouldn't stay still so I decided to go for a walk.

I told my dad I would be out for a walk and he said he would be in the office organizing things and making phone calls.

I put my phone in my pocket and put my earphones into my ears. I tied my Nikes and put Max's leash on him. I promised myself I would walk Max every day, to keep the both of us healthy and strong despite the weather.



It was getting a little chilly by the time I walked out of the gates. I looked around to make sure I wouldn't forget where my house was. I decided to find my way around the neighborhood and find landmarks for future reference.

"Cmon, let's go Max," I said as I patted his head. Max wagged his tail and started to walk pretty fast. I laughed and followed.

I listened to Soom by B2ST and I really wanted to dance in the streets, but I restrained myself from doing that. By the time we returned to our starting point, we had walked about 3 times and I was starting to recognize the shortcuts and the flower shop and the toy store.

"Hmm? Why did the music stop?" I asked myself as I took out my ipod.

"Aiy, I forgot to charge it..Oh well," I sighed.

I pulled the earphones out and Max started walking again. We cirlced the neighborhood for a while and we were stopped.


I was observing the scene of a girl chasing her little dog and her dog was running towards us.


The dog didn't look like it was gonna stop. Before I could pick Max up, Max ran toward the other dog.

"Huh?" I said aloud as I was pulled by Max.

Max and the little white dog were playing with each other and the two leashes were tangled. The other dog apparently had run away from it's owner's hold.

Max and the dog were jumping with joy and biting each others ears. They were also chasing each others tails.

I stood there not sure what to do. When I told Max to stop, he looked at me and then stopped. I was relieved and I tried to reach for him he started to chase the other dog again.

"STINKA YOU BAD DOGGGGG!" a teenage girl panted. She had medium length dark brown hair. She was pretty tall and she seemed cute. She didn't look like a person that would seem mean. I looked at her and then I went back to stopping Max.

"Stinka. SIT." she demanded.

The dog named stinka stopped and sat.

"Good boy," she smiled as she patted his head.

I bent down to fix Max's leash. The girl turned and looked at me. She had prettty big brown eyes.

"Mianhe! I didn't know my dog would do that! I'm really sorry," she apologized while standing up.

"Oh, it's okay, they seem to like each other," I smiled.

"Hey, are you new here? I've never seen you before," she asked.

"Yeah, I moved in on Saturday afternoon," I replied.

"Oh, I heard that a new family moved in," she started to speak to me without being shy. She was pretty outgoing.

"Annyeonghasaeyo, my name is Lee Saegyeong," she introduced.

"Annyeonghasaeyo, my name is Choi Hee Young," I introduced.

"I like your name, doesn't it mean joy and prosperity?" she asked.

"Haha, yeah," I smiled. I was a little shy at first.

"Oh, it's getting late, well nice meeting you!" she smiled. She explained that she had to go take care of her little brother.

"Nice meeting you too!" I smiled happily that I had met someone new.

We waved at each other and she and Stinka ran off toward their house.

"Let's go Max," I smiled. We walked home and I taught Max how to wipe his paws. He was very obediant and I was happy that he wasn't as wild as my best friend's dog.

"I'm home!" I shouted as I walked in. Max, now familiar with the house ran upstairs.

I walked to my dad's study and he looked like he finished looking through a huge stack of papers.

"Oh you're home, let's eat then," he said.

We sat across each other at the dinner table and our cook had prepared really good dishes for us. My dad told me that he would go check on the hotels and restaurants and have meetings in the morning regularly and he would work in our home office in the afternoon's. I was secretly glad he was going to work at home for the evening. Back then, he usually came home late but he always ate dinner with my mom.

"When I walked Max I met a new friend," I started.

"Really, what's her name?" my dad asked as he looked at me while taking a drink of water.

"She said her name is Lee Saegyeong," I replied.

"Ah I see, does she live near here?"

"I think so, since she came from the row of houses somewhere behind the park."

We continued talking and we had fruit salad for dessert. It was a pretty original fruit salad I have to say. Our cook left and my dad and I decided to do the dishes together.

After we were finished, he went to rest and I went to my room.

"Aiyyyy, what a day!" I said as I plopped onto my bed.

I looked beside my bed and it looked like Max was sound asleep. I think Max was so tired he forgot to eat. I took a shower and changed into pajamas and went to my laptop.

"Hey, they're online," I smiled as I clicked 'chat'.

I told them about my time so far and I didn't bother telling them about SHINee and Big Bang since they probably didn't know who they were. We talked for a long time and they had to go do their homework. I think they were 16 hours behind. That was a large difference.

I shut off my laptop and I wasn't really tired yet so I decided to exercise. I did sit ups for a flat tummy and lifted 5 lb weights on each arm to prevent a jiggle on my underarms. I did push-ups and I muted my TV and put in a DVD of an exercise program. I followed the program for 30 minutes and I didn't break a sweat, but I was really exhausted.

I shut off the lights and went to bed. I found a really comfortable sleeping position and wondered about who the mysterious guy could be.

I feel asleep really quickly and I started to dream...


"CHOI HEE YOUNG! CHOI HEE YOUNG! SA-RANG-HAE-YO CHOI HEE YOUNG!" my fans screamed. I finished singing a song with the rest of Big Bang. I was a guest singer and we performed on KBS's Music Bank.

"SARANGHAEYO HEE YOUNG" yelled some guy from a distance. Suddenly, the lights dimmed and he was the only one visible to me. It was Danny who was in the audience. Everyone beside me disappeared, even the fans and the hosts of the show.

I stood there like an idiot. There was no way he could've yelled that because he didn't speak Korean and secondly, a girl walked to him and took his arm and kissed his cheek.

I looked carefully and it was the new girl. My friends were right. They had a thing for each other.....I broke down on stage but all of  sudden I heard growls and punching and high-pitched screaming.

"Don't hurt my boyfriend! Don't you dare touch him!" the girl screamed. I stopped crying and looked at the fight scene. Danny was on the ground and he was losing. The girl didn't know what to do so she came towards me.

"Who do you think you are? I heard that everyone knows that you used to like him and that you confessed to him online. How lame," she scoffed.

"What a coward. You expect him to like some ugly girl like you? I don't think 'babe' likes men," she smirked.

"You think he likes s like you? Well I've heard that you cling onto him like bubblegum. He wants to use you for his reputation, trust me on that," I talked back unafraid. This time, I stood up and looked into her eyes.

"Don't talk like that to me. What you want huh? What chu want?" she growled now in my face.

I stuck my face up like it was nothing. I said something that made her really upset and she was so mad she turned red.

She raised her hand, and just when she was about to hit me, someone grabbed her hand.

"Don't touch her," Youngbae oppa warned.

She yanked her arm away and walked out the door. I was sure Youngbae oppa didn't beat the crap out of Danny since he was still going at it with some other guy.

Youngbae titled my chin up when I didn't look at him straight in the eye. He wiped my tears with both hands and he pulled me close to him. He didn't let me go. I didn't let him go either. I cried hard into his chest and I threw my arns around his neck. He nuzzled his chin onto my head and whipered to me...

"Hee Young, I will protect you forever. I didn't tell anyone this before, but I'm-


I tossed and turned and I woke up to my dog whining. He was at the edge of my bed and he tugged the toy bone toward me and whined some more.

"Omo, you're hungry Max?" I asked.

Max wagged his tail and looked a little weak.

"C'mon," I said as I carried him out of the room to get him some food and water. I wanted to re-dream but I didn't want to know what Youngbae oppa might've said. If he said what I was most afraid to hear, I was afraid I couldn't withstand the pain again.

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Chapter 17: I'm not sure which part you're referring to but it should mean Instant Messaging unless I didn't use an apostrophe in "I'm". :)
teentopbapshineefx #2
Chapter 17: what's IM ?
sterlingpaper #3
just finished reading another amazing story
Chapter 50: i just finished reading this and i love it asdfghjkl ; ;
Kris_Paulene #5
A SEQUEL please!!!!!!! It was really a good story!!
iloveuforever #6
OMO it ended already , It's a VERY good story authornim
Haha I love the part when she hangs up the poster, and she realizes how awkward it is with Minho up on her wall XD I really like this story! And now I understand why her dad said she was 16...I totally forgot about the age thing.
It's really good! But is HeeYoung 15 or 16? O.o
Kris_Paulene #9
Woah! Please make a sequel for this!! :))
I just found your story and......that was AMAZING! Author-ssi jjang!