Chapter 37

Life, Love, and the Teenage Years as a Trainee

After it was my turn in the bathroom I changed into jeans, a sweater, and sneakers. I got my bag and waited for Sae in the living room. We would walk to the building together. I was texting my friends back in the states and I laid off on telling them that I was training. Who knew if I would stay at YG successfully. Besides, I haven't even told my family back in the States yet.  I sat back onto the couch and stared at the ceiling. Why did I feel jealous when Youngbae played around with Dara. So those rumors were true. Whenever Youngbae was talking to me, he would be mean and tease me. When he was with Dara, he would playfully and they would both have fun.  

I sighed and shook the thought out of my head. Gdragon was so scary but at the same time, I respected him in a different way. He was so focused when he did anything. I admired him. I even overheard girls in the restroom fawn over him. They were a little obsessed in my opinion. 

"Let's go Heeyoung," Sae called from our room. She locked the door and and started to put on her shoes. 

"Okay," I replied. I started out the door and she followed.

"I have to ask you something Sae," I started. We were in the elevator. 

"Yeah?" she asked while fixing her hair. She was never satisfied with it.

"Am I likeable?" I asked softly.

"Likeable? Of course!" she smiled, with a bobby pin in . 

"Not like that. Like...nevermind," I gave up. It was too ackward.

"Yes guys will like you Heeyoung, don't worry," she said, reading my mind. 

"Oh," I replied, a little embarassed.

"Do you like someone?" she asked me.

"It's nobody," I replied.

"Come on, tell me," she smiled while poking my shoulder playfully. We were at the intersection.

"I don't like anyone. Really," I told her again.

"Whatever you say," she said. We finally reached the building and took the elevator to the right floor. When we reached the right floor, we went straight to the studio where we were told to meet. When we entered, everyone was crowded around a different member from Big Bang. The people with 2ne1 members were in a different room. 

"You guys are here!" Meena and Reena smiled. I gave them a small wave. They were both older than me. Jihoon put his arm over my shoulder and SeungTae ruffled my hair. I was taken off-guard. Even Sae had a suspicious smile.

"In our group, you are the maknae," they said at the same time. I was very shy around guys and I tried to look anywhere but their staring eyes. So instead, I looked forward. 

Right when I looked, I saw Taeyang with an unreadable expression. I looked away immediately and saw Gdragon looking at the guys next to me. They took off their arms immediately. 

"Everyone listen up!" Gdragon called. We went to our assigned groups and listened carefully. 

"From now on, you guys will meet in different rooms with a different member. So now, please give your attention to your assigned instructor," Gdragon announced. 

"Yeh," everyone replied. 

"Follow me," Gdragon said to our group. There were probably around ten people in our group. To no one's suprise, almost everyone in our group were guys. A large number of the girls were with 2ne1. I noticed that Gdragon had a clipboard in his hand and that we were moving to a dance studio.

We all stood in a semi-circle and listen to the lesson plan. 

"Today, we will be projecting our voices. If you guys sing in front of an audience one day, most likely they will be making some sort of noise and with that, it is natural that your nerves will kick in and you will feel nervous, making your voices less loud. So, in the first half of our lesson today, you guys will be doing exercises to become louder than you already are. In the second half of our lesson, we will be running while singing," he told us. 

"Before we start, let's get to know one another to break the ice," he smiled. I looked around and these were unfamiliar faces. They seemed older than me too. I would be training with scary looking oppas and unnis, or more like with one unni. There were only two girls in this group, including me.

"Annyeonghasaeyo, my name is Alex and I'm 17 years old. My specialities are rapping and dancing. I'm originally from New York." He was the first to introduce himself.

"Annyeonghasaeyo, my name is Ae Cha and I'm 17 years old. My specialties are rapping and beatboxing. I'm from Seoul." The other girl beside me introduced. She was a tom-boy. To be honest, I thought she was a boy before really observing her. Her boy hair didn't help much. Don't get me wrong, I thought she was pretty cool.

"Annyeonghasaeyo, my name is Hyun Shik and I'm 18 years old. My specialties are rapping, vocals, and drumming. I'm from Seoul." He was really handsome it was really hard not to be shy just from looking at him. I felt lucky to be sitting a little far from him. 

"Annyeonghasaeyo, my name is Dae Ho and I'm 18 years old. My specialities are rapping, beatboxing, and modern dance and I'm from Seoul." He was not as handsome but he was pretty good looking. Before it was my turn, it seemed as if everyone was from Seoul except for Alex.

"Annyeonghasaeyo, my name is Heeyoung and I'm 16 years old. My specialties include piano, violin, vocals, and rapping. I'm from Los Angeles." I said. I felt a little weird saying vocals and rapping because I felt that they weren't that up to par. Plus, I've just realized I could rap.  

"Okay now that we're done with that, let me introduce myself. My name is Kwon Ji Yong, your sunbae. If you guys don't know already, I'm the leader of Big Bang. I sing, rap, write, and produce," he said. He smiled and told us he wasn't going to tell us his age and that he was older than all of us combined. That made us laugh because we knew it was a lie. 

For a couple of hours including breaks, we did fun exercises that projected our voices but they were exhausting. Everyone looked like they just ran 2 laps and sat down because they were panting. 

"Okay, time for a lunch break! Good job!" he clapped. Everyone was excited to go eat and they quickly made their way out of the door. I grabbed my bag and headed for the door. 

"Heeyoung," Gdragon called. I stopped and turned around. He motioned for me to come to him. I walked to him, stopped, and waited for him to speak but he just looked at me. I felt really ackward and I was wondering if there was something on my face.

"Mwoh?" I touched my cheek. 

"YAH!" he screamed. I almost jumped out of my shoes. Mwoh? What was his problem. 

"Wha-at?" I asked, in a small voice.






"What money?" I was clearly confused.


"What are you talking about? Why would I take your money?"


"HEY! WHY ARE YOU ASKING ME SUCH WEIRD QUESTIONS? WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD I TAKE YOUR MONEY!!!" I stomped. I charged for the door and before I could make a run for it, he pulled me back by holding onto my sweater. I turned around, huffing and puffing. To my suprise, he failed to cover his laugh.


"Mwoyah?" I asked, grumpily. 

"Aigoo. PUAHAHAH," he laughed, unable to control himself.

"You are so weird," I said to his face. Instead of a mad face, he kept on laughing. 

"I'm gonna eat now," I said under my breath and started to edge away from him. Right when I was going to open the door, Taeyang walked in. 

"Annyeonghasaeyo," I bowed immediately. He raised his brow for a second and then he nodded at me.

"Did you eat yet?" he asked. I was so suprised because he had never asked me something in a long while. I recalled the time where he cleaned my wound, looked at my posters, and so on. I thought We were not like that. He was just an oppa just like Key oppa, Onew oppa, TOP oppa, so on. It was me who was thinking too much. 

"No, I didn't," I replied. 

"Let's go eat," he said to me and a calm Gdragon. When I looked at GD, he started laughing again. Taeyang flashed him a weird look and opened the door for me. I looked back to see GD whisper to Taeyang and Taeyang looking at me. The two of them started to laugh. I shook my head and started to walk faster.

"Heeyoung!" SeungTae called. I looked to see everyone in my group at a table. They were all eating. I waved and walked to them. 

"You didn't eat yet didn't you?" he asked.

"Aniyo," I replied.

"Here, have some," he offered, pushing his tray to me. 

"I'm not hungry, gomawo," I smiled. I noticed Meena and Reena nudging each other and looking at SeungTae.

"Alright then," he shrugged. Gdragon had completely ruined my appetite. When I was taking a sip of water, I heard chairs sqeak next to me.

"Look, it's the loser table. Oh, let's moves," Hana snorted, as her group and her moved away.

"Aish," Sae muttered. 

I didn't give a crap about her and her friends,  but mainly her. Her friends didn't seem that bad but they all shared one thing in common. In order to stay away from getting laughed at, they became Hana's friend so that they wouldn't become her target like us. 

As I looked up while getting another drink of water, Gdragon walked past our table and he flashed me a mischievious look. I almost choked on my water when a group of creepers walked past our table raising their eyebrows furiously at us. I just shook my head. 

"On a second thought, can I have some?" I asked SeungTae.

"Sure!" he smiled. He pushed his tray over willingly. Why did I eat his food? Well, Taeyang sat down at the table next to us. 

"Gomawo," I thanked him. 

"Indirect kiss," Meena whispered. This time, I choked. 

"Omo, are you okay?" Reena asked. 

"Mhmm," I responded, wiping my mouth. From the corner of my eyes, I saw Taeyang shaking his head and chuckling. 

"Hey noona," he greeted, rather loudly. Taeyang pulled out the seat for Dara. Oh, it was so on. 

"Here, have some more. You need more meat on your bones," he said to her, giving her some of his food. 

"Oooh gomawo my thoughtful dongsaeng," she thanked. I almost laughed at the dongsaeng. They both looked at me and I went back to eating. 

"I'm full, thank you," I thanked SeungTae.

"No problem," he replied, patting my head. I sensed eyes on us. I felt bad for kind of using SeungTae but he was just an oppa afterall. 

"Let's go. We have to report back now," Sae announced, after 5-10 minutes. When I got up, SeungTae pushed the chair in for me before I could do it.

"Thanks," I told him. He just smiled like a gentleman while holding his tray. He was being kind, a little too kind and it creeped me out just a bit. 

Sae called me back and I let SeungTae go first. 

"Heeyoung," Sae gasped. 

"What?" I asked.

"Check for me," she whispered. I stood behind her. She leaked.

"Omo," I whispered back. 

"Etteoke? I'm not even on it," she asked, frantic.

"You sure bout that? Hold up," I said in English. I had no time to think about my grammar so I used English. I took off my hoodie and gave it to her. I was left with a thin t-shirt which left chills. 

"You go first," I told her. She walked in front of me. As we were walking, out of nowhere, before I could escape from a trap, a foot stuck out and I tripped. This was going to end in a face plant. I braced myself for a painful fall. It felt as if I was in slow-motion. I let out a small shriek but before I could fall forward, someone caught my arm and I fell backward into an embrace. A rather muscular one. I opened my eyes and I saw the teeniest eyes ever. It was Taeyang.

"Omo," I said. He raised his brow at me. 

He pushed me back up and walked past me. Before he past me, he said under his breath,

"Some things never change do they?" I was dumbstruck. He had remembered those embarassing times. Now I wanted to do a face plant. I looked around and everyone was looking and pointing at me. I quickly scurried out of the cafeteria and almost crashed into a smiling Saegyeong. 

"Here you go!" she smiled, handing me back my sweater. While I was stuck being embarassed, she abandoned me to go clean off her pants. I'm not even mad.

"Thanks," I responded, rather bitterly.

"I saw what happened," she clapped.

"What? And you didn't even come back to save me?" I asked, a little louder.

"Hey, don't blame me, he had his eyeeeess on you the whole time, just saying," she grinned.

"Whatever" I responded, "I'm going back now." 

"See ya later klutz," she called. 

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Chapter 17: I'm not sure which part you're referring to but it should mean Instant Messaging unless I didn't use an apostrophe in "I'm". :)
teentopbapshineefx #2
Chapter 17: what's IM ?
sterlingpaper #3
just finished reading another amazing story
Chapter 50: i just finished reading this and i love it asdfghjkl ; ;
Kris_Paulene #5
A SEQUEL please!!!!!!! It was really a good story!!
iloveuforever #6
OMO it ended already , It's a VERY good story authornim
Haha I love the part when she hangs up the poster, and she realizes how awkward it is with Minho up on her wall XD I really like this story! And now I understand why her dad said she was 16...I totally forgot about the age thing.
It's really good! But is HeeYoung 15 or 16? O.o
Kris_Paulene #9
Woah! Please make a sequel for this!! :))
I just found your story and......that was AMAZING! Author-ssi jjang!