Chapter 40

Life, Love, and the Teenage Years as a Trainee

Yoon Hana. Hana Yoon. I clenched my fist as I thought about her. Seungri told me and the rest of Big Bang about her and showed us proof as well. Should we tell this to Yang-goon? At the moment he only knows that Heeyoung is hurt. He said that he would contact Heeyoung's family. 

"Youngbae, Youngbae-ah, you alright?" someone asked. When I looked at whoever that was talking to me, I saw that it was Jiyong.

"Yeah, I'm alright," I replied. I unclenched my fist and rubbed my eyes. She bled so much. Her face was scratched, her wrist were scratched, her lip was busted, and her head was bleeding. This was not a minor accident. What was this feeling? Why was this so foreign to me? I place my hand on my left chest and looked down on it. 

"Gwenchana?" Seungri and Daesung asked at the same time.

"Why?" I asked. They pointed to my right hand. I quickly went back to normal. They looked at each other and at TOP. TOP looked as if he was examining me. 

We were in the hospital waiting area waiting for Heeyoung to come out of the emergency room. There were no signs of anything bad except that she was knocked out. She would be staying in the hospital for a couple of days at the least. 

"My daughter, my daughter!" some lady cried. I recognized the man, it was Heeyoung's father. They had men with them. I stood up.

"Annyeonghasaeyo, Mr. Choi," I bowed, the rest of Big Bang did.

"Ah, Youngbae-ah, long time no see. This is my wife," he told us.

"Annyeonghasaeyo Mrs. Choi," we greeted her. She nodded at us while wiping her tears with a hankerchief. Just then, we saw Heeyoung moved into a room across from us. 

"It's Lily," Mrs. Choi exclaimed. 

They ran to the direction of Heeyoung and we followed. 

"Family of miss Choi Heeyoung," the doctor asked.

"Yeh, we are her parents," Mr Choi answered.

"Your daughter is in a good condition however she may need a lot of rest. Please make sure to speak in a low voice or do anything that may upset her. Patients similar to her are very sensitive. She is awake and you may visit her," the doctor advised.

"Ah yeh, kamsahamnida," they thanked the doctor.

Mr. Choi and Mrs. Choi went into the room. We stood outside the door even though we really wanted to go inside but even if we wanted to go inside, the bodyguards would stop us. 

"I told you training would be dangerous? Why were you so ignorant? Don't you know that we always know best?" Mrs. Choi asked. We could hear her from the hall way even though the room was closed. We were silent. 

"I want to train. I don't care how tough it is. I've finally found something that makes me happy, something that makes me feel complete. Please let me stay umma," Heeyoung begged. 

"Absolutely not! Why can't you be like your brothers and sisters? Take Nick as an example. He had fun with dancing but after listening to us, he made the correct choice to go back to school. Why is that you won't do the same? Just because you are the youngest doesn't mean you can have fun all the time," Mrs. Choi exclaimed. She was really harsh with Heeyoung. 

"Why do I have to listen to you all the time? I want to be differen from Jae oppa, Nick oppa, and unni. I have no interest in the business we do, it's too dirty-" 


I sat up and was ready to go in except that TOP held me back. He shook his head 'no'.

"Don't you think you are being too harsh? Calm down, calm down," Mr. Choi said, trying to calm his wife down. 

"Before I leave today, I want to make a point clear. We don't care about that contract with Mr. Yang, we are taking you back to the States before the end of this week so straighten up or else we'll drag you back. Arasso?" Mrs. Choi snapped. To me, she was a piece of work. 

The door opened and she stormed out. Mr. Choi was shaking his head as he was listening to his secretary.

"Tell him we'll meet in my office," Mr. Choi ordered. 

"I wonder if she's alright," Seungri whispered. The moment TOP let me go, I went straight to her room and closed the door behind me. 

"I don't think we should follow for now," TOP said. 

"You think Youngbae is acting a little weird?" Daesung asked.

"He hasn't been very normal recently," Jiyong added.

"The way he looks at her," Seungri said.

"Could he possibly?"

"I don't know?"

"His first time?"

"But she's a trainee," 

"Let's just observe them two for the time being,"

"Good idea,"



I closed my eyes and cried to myself. I gripped my blanket even tighter. When I heard someone come in, I had no time to cover my eyes or do anything to hide the fact that I was crying. I looked up to see who it was instead. 

"Hey," Youngbae said. I sat up and cleared my throat.

"Annyeonghasaeyo sunbaenim," I greeted.

He took a seat next to me. 

"I heard from outside," he started. I was embarassed and mad that he had to listen to my mom's smack talk about training and the company.

"I apologize for my mom," I apologized. 

"Stop being so strong. Don't do that to yourself," he said.

"Do what?" I asked.

"Holding it in," he finished. I just laughed at myself.

"I'm hideous aren't I?" I asked. 

"Why do you say so?" he asked. 

"Why am I so unlikeable?" I asked again. He was quiet. He seemed to be thinking. 

"Ever since I was little, I tried hard to get my mom to like me. Although I knew deep down in my heart she liked my older siblings way more than me, I told myself she would be proud of me one day. Believe it or not, she never told me I could accomplish anything I wanted. Somehow I feel like she thought I was.."

"You're being dramatic, just like your umma," he smiled at me.

"Mwoh?" I asked, offended.

"She says those things because she has a good idea how superficial and unstable this world of entertainment is. Do you think she will encourage you to become a celebrity when she knows that if she encourages you, you will be all for it? Of course not. In my understanding, she believes discouraging you and taking you back to the States will protect and edge you farther from all of this. Although your mom is a tough cookie, I'm pretty sure she knows how hard you're working so don't blame her arasso?" he nodded at you. 

I was at a lost of words. Why was he schooling me? I felt a little mad. I didn't look at him. 

"Are you mad at me after I said all that?" he asked, a little interested. 

"No," I answered.

"Liar, you clearly are," he chuckled. I looked at him and back, straight ahead.

"Don't get mad at oppa, huh?" he whispered while nudging me. That took me off guard.

"Honestly speaking, it's so hard listening to you call me sunbaenim," he stated, emphasizing sunbaenim. I flushed. He the television and looked back at me. The nurse came in with a food tray and excused herself. 

"Can you pass me the mirror," I asked him. He found one in a basket under the stand and passed it to me. I examined my face. I cringed at what I saw.

"It's not too bad," he said. 

"My face..." I started. 

"You don't have to be too sad about it," he told me, amused.

"It's so fierce," I smiled.

"What did you just say?" he laughed, surprised.

"I look so baaad, like a rebel," I gleamed.

"Ahhh, pabo," he said, knocking my forehead.

"OMO," I exclaimed.

"OH. Mianhe Lily," he apologized. He blew on my forehead. 

"What did you call me?" I asked.

"Lily. Oh mianhe, I meant Heeyoung," he said, reaching for my tray. He placed it on the table attached to my bed and took my mirror away. 

"Eat up," he motioned, "I'll be leaving." He got up.

"Where are you going?" I asked, curious.

"Home, so I can leave you to rest," he said. 

"Oh," I answered. 

"Why? Do you want me to stay with you?" he teased, sitting back down. 

"Mwoh?" I asked, choking on my food.

"Ay, look at you," he said while shaking his head. He patted my back to help me from choking. 

"Ouch! Don't," I shrieked.

"What happened?" he asked.

"I have a wound there too. I think I rolled into something really sharp," I said. 

This was too much, that girl has gone too far this time. 

"Gwenchana sunbaenim?" I asked. 

"Yeah, I'm fine," he said, "eat up."

As I ate, he watched television. After eating I felt really drowsy and I blamed it on the medicine the nurse made me take too. I layed back onto my pillow quite painfully and looked over at Youngbae. He seemed to be really focused on something because he couldn't possbily be interested by an insurance comercial. Not to bother him, I just let my drowsiness take over. In no time, I was in dreamland. 

I looked at my watch and over at Heeyoung, since when did she fall alseep? I moved the tray away and pushed back the table. I turned off the television and straightened things up. It looked like it was about time for me to leave. 

Something took over me and I had the sudden urge to. No, I must not. Would it make me a et? A e? Aish, I don't know. 

Ignoring my mind, I went closer to her and moved her hair out of her face. 

"Jaljayo Heeyoung," I whispered, before planting a kiss on her forehead. Feeling like electricity zapped through my body, I edged quickly away from her. 

"Aish, definitely a et. Dong Youngbae," I cursed under my breath. I exited her room quickly to distract myself. To my surprise, none of Big Bang was there. I guess I had taken too long during my visit. 

When I exited the hospital, I recieved a text from Seungri. 



Meet us at the YG building, we've decided to tell Yang-goon, it's the only way to prevent Heeyoung from getting hurt again. 




This was probably the best way to go because I could not stand seeing her get hurt again. 


"Mr. Yang, we'll be taking her home this week," Mrs. Choi told me.

"Please let go of her hand," Mr. Choi then told me. 

"What about our one month contract? Have you two forgotten about our done deal?" I asked.

"We are willing to pay all expenses for our daughter," Mr. Choi declared.

"It's not that I want. I want Choi Heeyoung, your daughter, to be an official trainee. I have heard outstanding reports on her and everyone seems to be pleased with her. It would be a waste to let her go," I said, putting it out there.

"A waste to all men you mean? How can I let my daughter undergo that treatment? The world you live in, it's too dirty," Mrs. Choi exclaimed.

"And how would you describe yours?" I asked her. She was silent. Instead, I spoke to Mr. Choi.

"Are you going to go with your wife's decisions?" I asked. She was about to speak.

"Hush please," Mr. Choi told her. I had gotten to his ego and he did not want to seem like he listened to his wife on everything. I felt bad for doing this but Heeyoung had told me once that I had to help her out no matter what. She had told me that indirectly. That was in our done deal. 

"How about this. We will take Heeyoung back this week and we will let her choose if she wants to come back or not," he suggested.

"Absolutely not!" his wife exclaimed.

"Why do I feel she is not going to be coming back? Even if you guys try to prevent her from coming back to Korea, there is a branch of YGE in California and Heeyoung knows that too. I feel it would be easier for her to just stay here," I told them. I was being very blunt. They seemed defeated. 

"Alright, if that's what you want, she will no longer live by the name of Choi," Mrs. Choi said.

"Mrs. Choi, I feel you have used that once too many times. It's not effective you see because even though you warned her last time, she still came back to us. Please do as your daughter wishes as she hopes to become an official trainee," I said again. 

"I'm tired of this. You win, you win! I feel that I have a responsibility here too. I have promised her from the start that I let her try this out. Now that she has proved herself, I have nothing to say. Yeobo, let's have it the way Heeyoung wants it. We should be able to trust her," Mr. Choi said to me then to his wife. She looked very mad but didn't object. 

"Alright, I am pleased with your decision" I stated.

"Just a minute, I have something I must say," Mrs. Choi blurted suddenly.

"Yes Mrs. Choi?" I asked.

"Seeing that no one respects my decision I have but one exception,"

"And that is?"

"She comes home with us. She may continue this 'training' in California. That is my wish and I hope you respect and agree to that," she said.

"Very well. As you wish Mrs. Choi. Shall we sign on this as well?" I asked.

"There is no need in this done deal. Good night Mr. Yang, my secretary will contact you soon," Mr. Choi said. The couple got up to leave. 

"Mr. Park," I called.

"Neh," he replied.

"Send our guests out," I ordered.

"Neh," he answered.

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Chapter 17: I'm not sure which part you're referring to but it should mean Instant Messaging unless I didn't use an apostrophe in "I'm". :)
teentopbapshineefx #2
Chapter 17: what's IM ?
sterlingpaper #3
just finished reading another amazing story
Chapter 50: i just finished reading this and i love it asdfghjkl ; ;
Kris_Paulene #5
A SEQUEL please!!!!!!! It was really a good story!!
iloveuforever #6
OMO it ended already , It's a VERY good story authornim
Haha I love the part when she hangs up the poster, and she realizes how awkward it is with Minho up on her wall XD I really like this story! And now I understand why her dad said she was 16...I totally forgot about the age thing.
It's really good! But is HeeYoung 15 or 16? O.o
Kris_Paulene #9
Woah! Please make a sequel for this!! :))
I just found your story and......that was AMAZING! Author-ssi jjang!