Chapter 15

Life, Love, and the Teenage Years as a Trainee

After Ms. Yang left, I studied for two hours and by the time I decided to stop reading, my eyes were really sore.

"All of these characters....there's too many..." I yawned as I stretched out my arms. I looked to my right and Max was sound alseep even though it was almost five.

"I guess I'll take a nap before dinner," I talked to myself. I changed into sweats and a t-shirt and cuddled under my fluffy blankets. In no time, I was deep alseep.



"Should we wake her up?

"Yah, you idiots leave her alone."

"Hee Young looks kinda pretty when she's sleeping,"

"Are you a ert?"

"Yah, are you hitting on my cousin?"



"Hey, stop it guys,"

I heard a bunch of chitchat as I rolled onto my side. I figured I was dreaming so I continued to lay in bed half asleep/half awake. The talking stopped for a while and then I felt something touch my forehead. It sent chills down my spine.

The hand wiped something from my forehead. My bangs were swept away from my eyes and I felt a little cooler. Was I sweating?

This time, I only heard someone shuffle around the room. I think there was only one person in the room now.

As much as I wanted to open my eyes, they wouldn't open. Instead, my body felt kind of sore and I felt really cold. My temples hurted and I rollled onto my right and I switched back to my left. I felt a hand on my forehead. Was I sick?

"This should work," a male voice said softly. I felt something damp over my forehead. It made me feel 10 times better. This reminded me of the time I got a fever. A FEVER?!

I was able to open my eyes this time. I looked into someone's eyes. It was Kibum oppa, aka Key.

Our faces were probably 3 inches apart. He seemed relieved but he didn't pull back. Despite the akwardness, I spoke.

"Oppa," I managed to whipered. He smiled a little bit, more like twitch the corners of his mouth a little. I guess he heard me. Well afterall, our faces were pretty close.

He took the towel off of my forehead and used the back of his hand to feel my temperature.

"Say ahh," he said in a slightly emotionless voice.

I blinked a few times saying 'ah'.

"Ahhhhh," I opened my mouth. He stuck a thermometer thingy majig into my mouth and put it under my tongue. After a few moments, he took it out and examined my temperature.

"You seem better now. The others will explain everything later. Get some rest," he said looking straight into my eyes. His expression didn't change and before I could say anything, he stuck one hand into his pocket and his other hand opened the door. He took one last look at me before walking out.


How the heck did Kibum get in here. Everyone will explain everything later? Wait. I was fine before I went to bed. I'm sick?! What time is it anyway... A million thoughts filled my head within a few seconds. I took a look at the clock and my eyes widened.

"10:30? Shouldn't oppa be worn out from a whole day of practices and cfs?" I thought to myself. Maybe that's why he seemed a little moody.

I was totally confused and I didn't want to rest until I knew the answer. I sat up and I touched my back. Why was it so sweaty and chilly at the same time?

My body was a little sore as I sat up. I looked around me and Max was still alseep. Amazing I thought.

I slowly walked to my door and put my ear to it. I heard faint voices coming from downstairs. I think I heard some voices from the rest of SHINee. As I started to creak my door open, I saw Kibum walking up the stairs.

Omoooo! I shouldn't be up. He might get mad. WAIT? Why would I think that....

As he turned the corner, I ran back to my bed swiftly and jumped onto the bed and layed on my side. I pretended to be asleep and cuddled my pillow.

I heard a tray set onto the nightstand next to me.

"Sleeping again?" he asked. I think he mumbled something elese. Stupid sheets affected my hearing. I felt him brush my hair that was in my face. His fingers gently tucked it behind my ear. My body became more and more tense because all of a sudden, he hand stayed in that position for a while. I heard a little sigh and he took his hand off of my cheek.

"You don't have to run next time. Sweet dreams," he said. I think I heard a hint of amusement in his voice.

My door close and I flipped onto my back.

"AISHH.......SO EMBARASSING..." I cried as I hit my forehead.

"Owwww," I mumbled as I rubbed it.

"That means he knew I was awake when he- AHHHH!" I cried again. I flipped onto my face and I hit my head against my pillow.

"Whyyyyyyyyy. What am I going to do," I sighed as I tried to recover.


Key's POV


Hee Young's dad called Minho saying that he would be home around midnight since she didn't pick up her phone. He seemed a little worried so we decided to get the key from him and check up on Hee Young. And thank goodness we did.

Minho, Taemin, and I entered their house I we saw tons of books sprawled onto the tabletop. We called out for her but instead we heard muffled noises coming from above. Alarmed, Minho immediately ran upstairs.

Minho opened the door to Hee Young who was shivering and had sweat running down her cheeks. Knowing what to do, I knew that she had a fever and I treated her. Those boys, I swear. I told Taemin to buy medicine but knowing him, he wouldn't know what to buy. At the end, Minho dragged him to the store. 30 minutes passed and they didn't come back.

"Yah, why so long?" I spoked directly into the phone.

Instead of Taemin's voice I heard tons of girls screaming in the background.


Without any explanation needed I snapped my phone shut and went back to checking on her. I repeated the process of rinsing the towel and soon enough she seemed alright. I think she called out a name in her sleep. When I placed the towel on her forehead again, her eyes fluttered open. This sent butterflies to my stomach. PFT, fans did this all the time. There was no reason why I should be feeling like this. But as usual, I'd blame this on the wack schedule we have to keep up with.

She looked at me and I didn't know what to say so I kept a straight face. She seemed a little scared and I was afraid I intimidated her. Well afterall, I'm the Almighty Key. Anyway, she said something like oppa. That too tied a knot in my stomach. Seriously, something is wrong with me.

I checked her temperature and went to get the porridge I had made for her. I went downstairs and I put everything onto a tray and I blew on the porridge to make sure it was not too warm.  

I carried it upstairs and I heard shuffling inside the room. She probably wanted to sneak downstairs. Well afterall, Taemin just slammed the door shut. I think the fans scared him since his shirt was torn up on the sides.

I set the tray down and examined her. Yup, she was faking it. I decided to play along but I couldn't help it anymore when I uttered, "You don't have to run next time. Sweet dreams ," hehehe.

I left the room and I started to head home. Afterall, I had another jam packed schedule tomorrow waiting for me to go through.

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Chapter 17: I'm not sure which part you're referring to but it should mean Instant Messaging unless I didn't use an apostrophe in "I'm". :)
teentopbapshineefx #2
Chapter 17: what's IM ?
sterlingpaper #3
just finished reading another amazing story
Chapter 50: i just finished reading this and i love it asdfghjkl ; ;
Kris_Paulene #5
A SEQUEL please!!!!!!! It was really a good story!!
iloveuforever #6
OMO it ended already , It's a VERY good story authornim
Haha I love the part when she hangs up the poster, and she realizes how awkward it is with Minho up on her wall XD I really like this story! And now I understand why her dad said she was 16...I totally forgot about the age thing.
It's really good! But is HeeYoung 15 or 16? O.o
Kris_Paulene #9
Woah! Please make a sequel for this!! :))
I just found your story and......that was AMAZING! Author-ssi jjang!