First Impressions.

My Kareshi And I.

"Yah, I just cleaned that part of the house, don't mess it up!"


"Sehun get off the couch you're getting chips all over it!"


"Kai! Pick up your laundry!"


You woke up from all the commotion from downstairs. You sat up from your bed and yawned.



"D.O ah, don't make a mess in the kitchen!"



"But Hyung how am I supposed to cook breakfast then?!"


*That sounds like Suho oppa. I wonder what's going on...* 
When you went downstairs, Kai, Sehun, Chanyeol and Baekhyun was standing near the stairs with annoyed expressions. "This is ridiculous, I'm going up." Kai said but stopped when he turned and saw you. The others turned around too. "Oh, Ryoko ah, you woke up?" Chanyeol said with a bright expression. You slowly nodded your head, "Oppa, what's going on?" They looked at each other and Baekhyun pointed to Suho who was busy cleaning up the living room. You cocked your head to the side. "Is it spring cleaning today?" Sehun came up to you and put a hand on your shoulder, "If Mi Young unnie comes, it's always spring cleaning for Hyung." He sighed. *And it's always a pain in the for us.* 


You couldn't understand what he meant so you decided to ask Suho himself who was busy rearranging the pillows on the couch. As you were about to approach him,  Kai grab your hands and turned you around, "What are you doing?" You raised your eyebrows, "I'm going to ask him what's happening, that's what." You said and jerked your hands away from him. "Just, be careful okay? When it comes to that woman he's always like this." You couldn't understand what he meant either but nodded anyway. In the living room, Suho was busy cleaning and he looked panicked. You slowly moved towards him. "O-oppa, what's going on?" Suho stopped what he was doing and for a moment there you thought he was going to scream at you. But when he saw you, his expression changed and a sweet smile formed on his lips. "Ryoko ah, you're awake? Why don't you go and wash up first. She'll be here any minute now." Suho said and he quickly resumed what he was doing. 


You stood there, still confused as to what was going on. *Why is he like this? Who's coming?* Suho noticed that you were still staring there. He sighed and gently pushed you towards the stairs where the others were. "Ryoko ah, ppalli and bathe okay?" He smiled and quickly went back to the living room to clean. You turn around and the others were giving you looks. Kai smirked. "What did I tell you?" He went upstairs and disappeared in his room. Baekhyun came from behind and patted your shoulder, "It's okay Ryoko, just go bateh okay? You'll understand what's going on soon enough." You nodded and did what he says. 


After taking the bath, you went downstairs to have breakfast. To your surprise, everyone was well dressed. Even Kai had his hair combed back. Suho saw you and his eyes widened. He stood up from his seat and quickly went towards you. He grabbed you by the shoulders and turned you around towards the stairs. "Ryoko ah, can you wear something nice today?" He said. You were confused. "Why? Are we going out today?" You then realized you were already in front of your room. "Just, wear something nice okay?" Suho flashed you a smile and closed the door. You furrowed your eyebrows. *What's wrong with him today?* You quickly put on a floral dress and headed downstairs again. 


Suho saw you and a satisfied smile was on his face. You were about to take the seat beside him on the dining table like you always do but this time, Suho told you to sit between Kai and Sehun. "Sorry Ryoko, just for today." He smiled. You sat down in your sit. Kai leaned closer, "Just bear with it okay? I know it's confusing for you right now." He whispered. You looked at him and you slowly nodded your head. Right then, the doorbell rang and in an instant, Suho got up from his seat. "Okay everyone, remember what I told you this morning. Don't do anything embarrassing. Especially you Chanyeol." Suho pointed a finger to him. Chanyeol had his mouth shaped like an 'o'. *What did I do!?* He thought to himself. 


Suho then straightened his shirt which you notice looked quite new, and he went out of the kitchen to open the door. You then heard a familiar voice. "Oppa, jal jinaesseo?" And you also noticed that the others became tense. Even Sehun who was beside you, constantly picking up the glass in front of him to drink. *Just what is going on right now?* You then heard Suho and another person enter the kitchen. You looked up to see a familiar looking girl. She was pretty to be honest. She had long and straight hair, her eyes were big, and her skin was flawless. "Oppa, who is she?" You snapped out of your thoughts to notice her standing in front of you and was also staring. Suho cleared his throat, "Mi Young ah, this is my cousin from Japan, Ryoko. Ryoko, meet Mi Young." You quickly stood up from your seat and bowed. "Annyeong, Ryokode-" You stopped yourself remembering what happened the last time you introduced yourself. Ryoko....imnida." You corrected yourself. 


Mi Young just gave you a brief nod and turned her attention to Baekhyun. "Oh Baekhyun ah, long time no see." You turned your head. *Baekhyun?* You wondered. Baekhyun was sitting in his seat, avoiding eye contact with her. He just shrugged and nodded his head. *Why is he like that?* Suho cleared his throat and asked Mi Young to take a seat. Everyone was quiet and they all looked tense. Except for Suho, he looked nervous for some reason. *That's right, he likes her doesn't he?* And Mi Young, she was smiling. But you felt something was wrong. You then noticed, *Is she smiling to....Baekhyun??* And sure enough, she was seated right across of him and was smiling. Baekhyun on the other hand didn't make any eye contact. 


Suho sat down beside Mi Young. "Okay, let's eat! Mi Young ah, you must be hungry right?" Mi Young turned to look at Suho but for a moment there you thought she looked a bit disappointed. But then she smiled and nodded her head. Suho used his chopsticks to place the side dishes in her bowl. The others started eating too but Baekhyun haven't touched his food yet. "Oppa, you're not eating?" You asked. Baekhyun looked up at you and smiled. "O-oh, I'll eat." He smiled and took a small bite from his bowl. You smiled back and continued eating. Mi Young looked at the both you. She then took a piece of meat and place it on Baekhyun's bowl. "Baekhyun ah, ppalli meogo." She smiled at him. Baekhyun nodded and ate. Mi Young then turned to you and somehow you felt as though she was glaring at you, but with a smile on her face. *Okay, what's her problem?* 


After dinner, as usual, you helped D.O with the dishes, while the rest went out to the living room. Well, only Suho and Mi Young did. The rest went into their rooms and shut their door. Sensing that something was wrong, you took the opportunity to ask D.O. "Oppa, why is everyone so tense?" D.O glanced at you and shrugged. "Obviously it's because of Mi Young." You raised your eyebrows. "Why?" D.O stopped what he was doing and sighed. "Don't tell the others that I told you this. You see, something happened between Mi Young and us and ever since, it has been awkward. But Suho Hyung doesn't know about this so don't ask him either okay?" You nodded. You wanted to ask more but D.O already finished washing the dishes and went out.


You sighed and went out to the living room. Suho and Mi Young were sitting down on the couch having a conversation. Well, the only one talking was Suho though. Mi Young looked as though she wasn't interested. You shrugged and decided to go to your room and do your assignments which was due soon. Just as you were about to climb up the stairs you heard someone calling you. "Hey, you there, Suho's cousin." You turned around. *Did she call me?* You turned around and there she was, standing up with her hands crossed. "Neh?" You answered. Suho got up from the couch as well. Slowly, Mi Young started to make her way towards you. You didn't know why but somehow, you felt quite intimidated by her. 


When she was right in front of you, she looked up at the hallway, and back at you. "Do here?" You were about to answer when Suho interrupted. "She does actually. She's my cousin you see, and she'll only be staying her for a few months." Suho smiled at you. You looked at Mi Young and nodded your head. You then heard someone else calling you. You turned around to see Kai going down the stairs. He grabbed your hands and dragged you towards the front door. "Y-yah, let go! W-where are we going?" Kai didn't answer you and continued pulling. Suho grabbed Kai's shoulders and turned him around. "Yah, where are you taking her?" He said with a stern voice. Kai sighed and rolled his eyes. "Out for a walk." He said and opened the front door, pulling you along. "Y-yah!" You said.


Mi Young just crossed her arms and looked at you guys. Suho scratched his head. *He better bring her back in one piece.*


Outside, you two were still walking along the roadside and his hands were still gripped tightly around yours. You didn't know where you were going and your wrist was starting to hurt. "O-oppa, nega apayo..." You said as you try to twist your hands. Kai stopped and quickly let go of your hand. "O-oh mianhe. Gwaenchanhnya?" He said as he looked at your wrist. It was slightly red. You put your hands behind your back. "I-it's okay." You smiled at him. He nodded. You looked at his face. He seemed angry for some reason. "A-are you okay?" Kai closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He then looked up and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Are you sick?" You were tugging on his sleeve. *Is he okay? Did he want me to take him to the hospital?*


Kai shook his head and then opened his eyes to look at you. "Mianhe Ryoko, I got carried away." You nodded, starting to feel a bit relieved. "Then, why did you bring me out?" You asked. "Let's go get some ice cream and we'll talk about it." Kai said as he started walking ahead of you. You cocked yoru head to the side. *Okaaayy....what just happened??* Kai looked behind and smirked. "If you're going to be that slow, then you're paying." You raised your eyebrows. *But I didn't bring my wallet idiot!* You started to jog towards beside him. Kai laughed and ruffled your hair. for some reason, you started to blush. *Wow, I didn't know he could laugh.* Kai seemed to notice your expression and as he cleared his throat, he flicked your forehead and walked even faster. You rubbed your forehead. *Ugh, he's still a prick.* you stuck out your tongue before catching up to him.


After getting the ice cream, the both of you sat at a nearby park. The sun was setting and mothers came into the park's playground to fetch their kids. You smiled at the scene because it made you think about your mother. *I must call Mama tonight. I miss her so much.* Kai looked at you and flicked your forehead again. "Oppa, why do you keep doing that?!" You glared at him. Kai laughed and rubbed your forehead for you. "Mianhe, but you had a funny expression on your face I just had to do it." You puffed your cheeks. *By the time I get back to Japan, my forehead would be two times larger than before.* "What are you thinking about anyway? Smiling like an idiot like that?" Kai asked as he ate his ice cream.


You smiled again, forgetting the pain on your forehead. "My Mama. Seeing these mothers fetching their kids reminds me so much of her." Kai nodded. "Do you love her?" You gawked. "Of course I love my own mother! Who doesn't? Don't you love your mother?" You nudged him. Kai shrugged and threw his ice cream wrapper on the floor. "I never knew my mother." You suddenly felt as though someone was stabbing you. *Ryoko ah you're such a pabo!* you bit your lower lip. "M-mianhe, I didn't know-" Kai cut you off. "It's okay. It doesn't matter anyway." You looked at him. "What do you mean it doesn't matter? Have you tried searching for her?" He shook his head. "I gave up searching a long time ago. Why waste my time when she threw me away in the first place?" Kai sounded so cold. "But Kai, she's still your mother. Don't you want to at least know how she is or how she even looks like?" Kai kicked a can from his feet. "Let's not talk about this okay?"


You realized that you were prying too much and apologized. You decided to change the topic. "So what did you want to talk about actually?" Kai suddenly remembered and thought about it. *Should I tell her? Would she believe me? But the others wanted me to tell her. Should I?* You shook Kai's shoulder. He smiled and shook his head. "I'll tell you next time neh?" *Maybe now is not the right time. There's no proof yet.* You furrowed your eyebrows and nodded. *I wonder what he wanted to tell me. Was it something important?* Kai then stood up and straightened his clothes. "Kaja, it's getting dark. Suho hyung would be worried." He smiled at you. *He really should smile often. He has a really nice smile.* Without knowing, you blurted out your thoughts. "Kai oppa should really smile a lot." Realizing what you've just said, you quickly brought your hands to your mouth and your eyes widened. 


Kai looked shocked too and was flustered. "W-what are you t-talking about you p-pabo." He stuttered and flicked your forehead. He then quickly turned around and started walking with his hands in his front jeans pocket. You didn't notice but he was actually blushing. *Kai you pabo! Why do you always let your guard down around her?!* He cursed himself in his head. "Oppa! Wait up!" You called from behind. Kai started walking even faster so that you wouldn't be able to see him blush. By the time you caught up to him, you guys were already in front of the house and you were panting. You rested your hand on Kai's shoulder to rest. "Oppa, why do you have long legs? It's so irritating.." You said and at the same time catching your breath. "It's your fault for having such short legs." Kai teased you. You playfully hit his shoulder and the both of you started laughing. 


Right then the front door opened and Suho and Mi Young went out. "Oh, you guys are back already? I was just about to call you." Suho smiled. You bowed slightly and smiled at him. You looked at Kai and noticed his gaze was fixed at Mi Young who was also staring at him. Suho cleared his throat and put his hands in the front pockets of his jacket. "Well, then, I'll be sending Mi Young home. You both should get inside before you catch a cold." Kai broke his gaze and went in without saying anything. You nodded at Suho and turned to Mi Young. "It was nice to meet you Unnie-" Before you could finish, she cut you off. "Oppa let's go, I'm getting cold." Suho nodded and quickly led the way with Mi Young by his side. 


You gawked and looked at her. *What is her problem? Is she really that cold?* You shrugged and went inside. As you closed the door, one by one the other guys started coming down from upstairs.


"Is she finally gone?"


"I thought she'd never leave!"


"I thought I was gonna have to kick her out myself!" 


Sehun, Chanyeol, D.O and Baekhyun came down. They stopped when they saw you and each one of them smiled at you. You bowed and smiled back. "I'm back." Chanyeol was the first one to approach you. "Welcome back! So, have Kai told you?" You raised your eyebrows. "Told me what?" *Does he mean about Kai's mother? Or something else?* Each one of their faces then changed. Chanyeol stopped smiling and went upstairs. Sehun and D.O went back upstairs too. *Why is everyone being so confusing today?* You thought to yourself. You didn't realize that Baekhyun was still there until he cleared his throat. You smiled at him and he smiled back.


"So, where did you guys go just now?" He said as you and him went into the living room. You plopped on the couch and he did the same beside you. "We just talked and ate ice cream." Baekhyun raised his eyebrows. "Talked? About what?" You thought for a while before answering. *Should I tell him? But it's something very personal to Kai.* "About school and stuff." You lied. Baekhyun nodded. You then remembered that you planned to call your mother once you got home and stood up. "Oppa mianhe, I have to call my mum." You smiled at him. He stood up and smiled back. "You don't have to apologize." He then turned you around and pushed you towards the stairs. 


You smiled. "Thank you Oppa." And you headed up to your room. Baekhyun smiled and sighed. *I wanted to talk you more. Especially after what happened today. But instead, Kai got the opportunity. Maybe I'll get another chance next time.* He looked at your door before going into his room.



So, it took me a while to update and I'm sorry :3
Been busy lately heheh. ANYWAY, BEAST, B.A.P IS GOING TO COMEBACK SOON!!!!


OMG HAVE YOU SEEN THE MV TEASER FOR B.A.P?! IT WAS LIKE #!^#$@*$$(#$!@)$! And HIMCHAN, who is my bias in the group btw, IS LIKE &(!@^@(!!@*#()(#@(
 <------- le dies*

Seriously. I just...can't.



-미라 <3

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yme_xiu #1
Horikita maki!!! Hana kimi..hahhaha
Chapter 70: Best story ever. Really like it. Btw I'm crying at the end of the story. lol I'm such a crybaby.
Tiffanynguyen2001 #3
Chapter 70: I LOVE this fanfic.Its... Jjang!! Can you do a sequel please?
yuukiyuu #4
Chapter 70: That was nice. Appreciated it, author-nim!!
kpopmusiclover #5
Chapter 60: Awwww I hope that she gets to stay with the boys again :( update soon^^
Jenduekie #6
Chapter 60: love the crying because of this fighting
Jenduekie #7
Chapter 59: woooooooooooooahhh update soon i want to know their reaction.. fighting
Chapter 59: Kyaaaaaa! That was so sweet~ :D