Baby Don't Cry

My Kareshi And I.

The both of you walked silently on the side walk, with your hands tucked behind the back pocket of your jeans and his in the front pocket of his jacket. Apparently even with the help from the guys, you weren't all able to carry the boxes back to your house so Chanyeol had to ask his mother if he could borrow the family van just to carry your stuff. Hearing that it was you who needed it, his mother agreed without hesitation. Of course she would be the one driving since none of you had a driver's license yet and Kris, who is the only one who does was away at University with the others. However, after moving the last two boxes up to your house, Sehun had a stomach ache and the rest, including Chanyeol's mother, rushed him back home. But since it was you and Baekhyun who carried the last few boxes, they forgot about him and left him behind...with you. And a few minutes after trying to call Chanyeol to turn the van around, you received a text message from him saying,


We figured the two of you needed to talk *insert smiley face*- Happy Virus^^


You could already feel sweat forming on your palms after you read the text. *Why did- How did- Why?!* You couldn't even think straight and you didn't notice how Baekhyun was staring at you intently until he placed a hand on your shoulder. "Yah, are you okay? Did Yeol reply you?" He tried to sneak a glance on the screen of your phone. You quickly shut your phone and kept it in your pocket. "U-uh yeah he said stomach was Sehun- I mean Sehun, he had uh, stomach ache." You choked on your words and quickly closed your mouth before you said anything else embarrassing. Baekhyun noticed how flustered you were and couldn't help but chuckle. *What is up with her? So cute.* He thought to himself. After you've managed to calm yourself down you continued. "Sehun had stomach ache so they sent him home." Baekhyun raised one of his eyebrows. "Is that what Chanyeol said?" *Yeol you stupid giant, you did this on purpose didn't you.* Baekhyun couldn't stop smiling to himself. He knew that his best friend was behind all this. 


"Yah, I'm going to help you and Ryoko no matter what. And you can't say no. Not when I've already gievn up to be with her. Deal? I always got your back bro."



The words Chanyeol said to him that night was echoing in his tiny head. *Has he moved on from Ryoko already?* He thought to himself but quickly shook the thought away to avoid feeling guilty. "Then I guess I'll have to take the bus home. It's quite far from our house isn't it?" You smiled and shrugged, looking at your feet. Somehow you felt a little disappointed that he was already going to leave. "Say, do you mind getting some bubble tea with me?" He suddenly asked which made you look up and see his signature smile. How you've missed his smile. It made your lips curl at the corners and you nodded. He smiled and the both of you started walking down the street. Since your new house was located in the neighborhood near the school, the both of you went to the regular bubble tea cafe that Sehun and Luhan frequently goes too. They claimed it was the best bubble tea cafe in the whole wide world. Well, according to Sehun of course. 



The cafe was located in an alley and since the alley was dark because the sun had set, the only thing lighted was the cafe sign. You haven't been to the cafe at night before. In fact, now that you think about it, it's been a while since you've been to the cafe at all. With all the things that's been happening lately, you haven't got the chance to. And you felt bad because Sehun had been pestering you to go with him but you rejected him. "Oppa, we should get some bubble tea for Sehun and the rest too." You told Baekhyun as the both of you entered the cafe and took the seats situated near the window. There weren't many people and usually during the day, the place would be filled with students from your school and neighboring schools. But tonight there was only the both of you, a middle-aged man sitting alone at the other corner and a young couple that seemed to be about your age sitting near the counter. "Maybe we can get them some bubble tea next time. With Sehun having an upset stomach I don't think drinking bubble tea would be a great idea." Baekhyun said. You scrunched your face and nodded. *That's true. Maybe I'll go with Sehun when school reopens then.*



Baekhyun got up to the counter to order your drinks while you waited at the table. Your phone buzzed and you opened a text message from Suho.



Ryoko ah~ How is my cousin? I heard the guys helped you with the move.
And I heard again that because someone had to be rushed home, you're alone with Baekhyun.
Remember what I told you? Whatever people do, there's always a reason behind it.
Try to see yourself in his shoes first and understand okay? Like I said I'm not taking any sides so if he makes you cry again, oppa will give him some spanking the next time I see him okay? 
I'll be your suho (guardian)

-Your handsome cousin :)



You smiled at the text. It felt like Suho was right there next to you. You closed your phone just as Baekhyun returned with your drinks. You thanked him as he passed you your drink, but couldn't ignore the fact that both your hands brushed slightly against each other. The two of you sat in silence for awhile, sipping your drinks and chewing on the tapioca balls of the bubble tea. You shifted in your seat and kept playing with the hem of your shirt. *What should I say to him? this is so awkward.* You thought to yourself. Baekhyun took another sip of his drink before placing it down on the table that was separating the both of you. "'s been some time since we've been alone together like this huh?" he added a nervous chuckle at the end and rubbed the back of his neck. You could tell he was nervous too. *Should I ask him about what happened at the party?* You bit your bottom lip. You nodded. You finally managed to gain the courage and asked him about that night. 



"Oppa..-" You were about to say something when your phone rang. You wanted to ignore it but somehow your hand automatically went in your pocket and took out your phone. "Hold on oppa, I got a call." You smiled apologetically at him. Baekhyun nodded and looked at you. He wanted you to finish what you were saying. Somehow, he already knew what you had in mind. And he really wanted to clear up the misunderstandings with you. You looked at the caller ID and was surprised to see your mother calling.




"Ryoko ah! Are you home already? Had dinner? Hurry up and pack your stuff! Something good has finally happened!" 


Your mum was squealing with joy at the other end of the line. You couldn't catch much of what she said but you did however heard the part where she asked you to bag your bags. Your eyes started to dart back and forth from Baekhyun to the table. Even Baekhyun could notice how tense you were and asked you what the problem was. You slightly waved your hands at him, telling him it was nothing and pressed your phone closer to your ear. 


"Mama, what's wrong what happened?" 

"Aish this girl, everything's done! The problem is gone, we're flying back to Japan!" 


Your mother squealed again, deafening your ears before going through the details of your flight. Well actually, the thoughts in your head drowned every other noise around you. Your breathing got faster and your palms started to get sweaty. 


"O-oh, arasso Mama, I'll go and pack right away." 

You said before hanging up. Baekhyun raised his eyebrows. "Pack? What do you mean by pack? Are you moving again?" You placed your phone back in your pocket with shaky hands and looked at Baekhyun who had worry painted all over his face. *We're going back to Japan. If I tell this to the others, they'd be upset wouldn't they? Hae Ra would cry wouldn't she?* You managed a smile and nodded. " Looks like the problem at the company was solved. I'm going back to Japan." You stood up, prepared yourself to leave. *But would oppa care if I left?* You thought to yourself. You were about to take a step when you felt something, someone, grab your arm. You knew it was him but you couldn't bear to turn around and look. 



"You're...leaving?" *You're leaving me?* Baekhyun thought in his head. You took a deep breath and smiled. "I'm leaving in three days, so I'll have time to pack everything. Well, most of my stuff are still in the boxes so there's not much left. I'm finally going back to Japan." You tried to make yourself sound cheerful in order to trick him, to trick yourself. Baekhyun noticed how you weren't really affected by this and slowly let his hand drop from your arm. "Oh, in three days huh? I see." You pressed your lips into a thin line and turned to face him. *Tell me not to go Oppa.* "I guess I'll have to go back to the house tomorrow to say goodbye to the guys huh?" Your smile couldn't reach your eyes. Baekhyun was avoiding your gaze. "Yeah, I guess you should. I'm happy for you." He said in a low voice. *You're leaving me behind?* He thought. You nodded. "Well, it's getting late, I guess we should go now." *Tell me to stay here with you oppa.* 



"I'll stay a bit longer, I'm not done with my drink yet. Such a waste to throw it away. And I think I'll get something for Sehun anyway. " He managed to end his sentence with a lifeless chuckle. You watched as he sat back down in his seat and reached for his drink. You tried your best not to break down and managed a smile. "Well then, I guess I'll see you tomorrow." *Tell me to be with you oppa.* You took one final look at him before you your heels and went out from the cafe. The slight tinkling of the bell above the cafe's door as you left the bubble tea cafe sounded like glass breaking to you. You hugged your own body to protect yourself from the cold wind and tried your best not to cry. 



Baekhyun sighed and sunk lower in his seat. His knuckles turned white from grabbing onto his glass too hard he thought it would break any second. *I don't want you to leave Ryoko ah.*



[A/N] Finally an update! Wooh! Anyway, I just got back from staying a week in South Korea. Ahh, a beautiful country indeed and oppas faces are everywhere on every poster and advertisements! I would really like to go back there again in the future and hopefully  I'll stay a bit longer than a week :)


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yme_xiu #1
Horikita maki!!! Hana kimi..hahhaha
Chapter 70: Best story ever. Really like it. Btw I'm crying at the end of the story. lol I'm such a crybaby.
Tiffanynguyen2001 #3
Chapter 70: I LOVE this fanfic.Its... Jjang!! Can you do a sequel please?
yuukiyuu #4
Chapter 70: That was nice. Appreciated it, author-nim!!
kpopmusiclover #5
Chapter 60: Awwww I hope that she gets to stay with the boys again :( update soon^^
Jenduekie #6
Chapter 60: love the crying because of this fighting
Jenduekie #7
Chapter 59: woooooooooooooahhh update soon i want to know their reaction.. fighting
Chapter 59: Kyaaaaaa! That was so sweet~ :D