D-Day 3

My Kareshi And I.

[A/N] Okay I know it's supposed to say D-Day 5, but I suddenly realized that she's leaving on Saturday and not Sunday which means she only has 3 days left in Korea. So yeah.....mianhe! ;3;



It was lunch and as usual, the twelve of you are eating together. Everyone was busy chatting with each other, talking about the upcoming concert, where they've been during the weekends, what they were going to do after they graduate. You smiled while looking at the scene. *I'm sure going to miss this when I get back to Japan.* You thought to yourself. 



Back in Japan, you didn't really have a lot of friends. Well, you didn't really have a friend. Of course there were people who'd say hi to you when they saw you, but that was all. Everyday, you'd go home straight after school since you didn't have anyone to hang out with. But you didn't mind it actually. *If they want to be friends with me, they will.* You'd always tell yourself. Even so, you always had your parents with you. Your mother was a housewife, and your dad was the CEO of some big company. And you were also their only child. Whenever you get back home from school, they were always there to ask you how your day was. But that was until high school of course. You grew even more independent since you didn't have friends. And your mother started working at your dad's company as his secretary. The house became quieter. The only time you'd see your parents was during summer holidays, Christmas, birthdays and in the morning, having breakfast together. So you could say that you forgot what it feels like to be in a family. 



Of course your parents love you dearly, and they'd always leave messages on the fridge or text you, asking about your day, since they can't be there for you physically. And that is why, ever since you moved to Korea, to live with your cousin Suho, and the rest of the guys, it was totally a new feeling for you. But unfortunately it only lasts for a while.



You were snapped out from your thoughts when Suho snapped his fingers in front of you. "Hey, what were you thinking about? You seemed to be so deep in your thoughts." He smiled at you. You smiled and shook your head. "Just thinking about how much I'll miss all of you when I leave. You guys won't forget me right?" Suho nodded and ruffled your hair. "Of course. Furthermore, you're my cousin. How can I forget you? We're related! You can never get away from me even if you wanted to Ryoko." He chuckled. You laughed too. You were so glad that Suho was your cousin. Actually, he feels more like a brother to you. Suddenly, something occurred to you. "Oppa, I know this is kind of late but, why haven't you introduced me to your parents? I mean, they are my aunt and uncle aren't they?" Suho's smiled softened. "They're not here." 



You furrowed your eyebrows. "What do you mean? Oh, they're not in Korea?" Suho smiled and shook his head. "They're not in this world anymore." It took you a while to process what you've just heard and quickly placed your hands over your mouth. "Omo, I'm- I'm so sorry oppa. I thought- I didn't-" Suho chuckled and waved his hands at you. "Nah, it's okay. It's been six years already." You gulped. *Ryoko ah, you and your stupid mouth.* You scolded yourself. "Wh-what happened?" Suho took a sip of his drink. "It was an illness." "Both of them?" He shook his head. "Just eomma." 



"She had cancer. The doctors said it was already at it's last stage." You nodded. "Then what about your dad?" He took another sip of his drink and looked at the others, talking to each other, unaware of the conversation the two of you were having. "Appa stayed by her side at the hospital everynight. And when she passed away he...lost it." You kept quiet, not knowing what Suho meant. "It was like looking at a teenage boy, having his heart broken. He cried every night. Didn't want to leave his room. Every night, I'd hear him crying. But then one day, the crying stopped." 



You then realized what happened. Suho knew that you finally understood and smiled, before continuing. "He slit his wrists." You held Suho's hand. "I'm so sorry." He smiled and patted your hand assuringly. "But he left a letter though. Saying how sorry he was for not being there for me after eomma left. For being selfish by taking his own life. And he also told me, not to be like him. To love everyone I meet dearly. To always smile, however hard the situation I'm in. To be a good husband and father when I grow up." Suho smiled at the memory. You smiled too. "I'm sure you'll make a great father Suho oppa. And I'm sure your wife will be the luckiest person alive." Suho chuckled and ruffled your hair. "Of course she would. This is me we're talking about!" He joked. The both of you laughed. *I really think you're a strong person oppa. Don't ever change.* You thought to yourself. 




Suddenly Kris started hitting the table with his spoon to get everyone's attention. "I'd like to ask something. Are all of you going to Min Jung's party today?" *Oh right, her party to celebrate her partnership with Baekhyun oppa for the contest.* You glanced at Baekhyun. He had a poker face on. He caught your stare and smiled. You smiled back. "Must we really go?" Tao whined. "Yeah, I don't really know her either." Sehun said. Suho clapped his hands and had a big smile on his face. "Come on now everybody. Let's just go! Who knows, we might meet new people." You suddenly remembered. *Oh, oppa has a thing for unnie doesn't he.* You looked at everyone's expression. You can tell that all of them didn't really want to go. Especially Kai, Sehun, Chanyeol, D.O and Baekhyun. But you felt bad for Suho. You raised your hand. "I'-I'm going." Suho looked at you and smiled. "Anyone else?" He asked. 



"Why are you going?" Chanyeol said, obvious that he was shocked by your sudden decision. *Hurry, think of an excuse!* "Hae Ra would be there, so I thought it'd be fun." At the sound of Hae Ra's name, Baekhyun's eyes widened. *Hae Ra's going to? Maybe...I should go too then,* He slowly raised his hands. "Then I'll go to." "EH?!" The rest of them chorused. Baekhyun shrugged and laughed. "It'd be fun?" The rest of them rolled their eyes and raised their hands. "Fine..we'll go to." Suho clapped his hands. "Alright, that's what I'm talking about! Cheer up guys! It'd be fun!" "Yeah yeah, I just hope the food is good there." D.O said as he chewed on his sandwich. 


"Yah Ryoko! Palli! We're going to be late!" 
"What's taking her so long?"
"Guys, she's a girl, they take a longer time to get ready..."
"Yah, I don't care if you're a girl, you better get down here before I kick that door down!"
"But that's originally....your room."
"Then I'll....make her fix it back."
"Do girls really take this long to get dressed?"


"SHUT UP, I'M COMING." You screamed at the top of your lungs as you got out of the room. *They're the ones who didn't want to attend this party and now they're asking me to hurry?* You rolled your eyes. "I'm done, are you guys happy now?" You stomped down the stairs, which was harder than usual since you were wearing a tight fitting dress. You don't remember bringing it from Japan but since you didn't have anything to wear, you just gave it a shot. You actually thought of just wearing jeans and a shirt for the party but a few hours before, you got a text from Min Jung.


"Yah, it's a formal event so wear something classy. I don't want you to look ugly like you already are when you get here."


You sighed heavily, remembering the text. *Even though she said I'm like her VIP guest, she still annoy me.* You shook the thought out of your head. "So, are we ready to leave?" When you finally got down the stairs, you noticed that none of them has spoken a word since you appeared. They were all staring at you. You looked at yourself. "Is something wrong?" Suho nodded. "Something is wrong. And that something is your dress." He pointed his finger to your dress. You furrowed your eyebrows. *My dress? But, nothing's wrong with it.* After a few minutes of thinking, you finally understood. You dress covered your whole body only until about four fingers above your knee, exposing your thigh. You laughed. "This is the only thing I have." Suho sighed and shook his head. "Just...make sure you put a blanket over yourself when you sit down or something." With that, he opened the front door and went out. You chuckled. *Oh Suho oppa, just like a brother.*



The others who had been staring at you all along snapped out of their daze. Chanyeol swallowed his saliva that was collected in his mouth. *Sh-she looks stunning. Why must she be so beautiful?* Sehun tried to avoid eye contact with you. *It's the first time Ryoko's wearing make up. She looks like a whole different person. She looks more like a....noona.* Sehun thought to himself and pouted. D.O smiled at you. "Looking good Ryoko ah. I don't recall you buying this dress." You nodded. "I don't either. Maybe I brought it from Japan but didn't notice." The two of you, Chanyeol and a sad looking Sehun walked out of the house. Kai stared at your back. *She's so...-* "She's beautiful." Baekhyun said, interrupting Kai's thoughts. Kai cleared his throat and shrugged. "Yeah I guess. Could be better." Baekhyun chuckled. "I know you're lying Kai. You like her don't you?" Kai's eyes widened. *Is-is it that obvious?* "Pftt! What are you talking about! I must be blind to if I liked her!" Kai waved his hands and walked out. Outside, he took a deep breath. *Can he tell how I feel? But I don't even know how I feel.* 



Baekhyun watched as Kai left the house and smiled. *So he doesn't? That's a relief.*


Min Jung's party was apparently held at her house. And to your surprise, that girl actually lived in a private estate. She even had a fountain right in front of her house! "Min Jung's dad works for the government." Suho told you after noticing your expression. You forced a smile and nodded. *Wow, rich, and spoiled.* At the parking lot, there were expensive looking cars parked. "Are all of these theirs?" You asked D.O. He had his eyes wide open, "I....think so." *Why would anyone own a lot of cars?! It's not like they drive it! It's usually for display at their house!* D.O thought and shook his head.



"Assa, shall we go in then? I bet the rest of us are already here." Suho said and he led the way to the front door. Min Jung greeted you guys and my, you couldn't recognize her without taking a second look. *Is that her make up, or is she just wearing a mask over her face?* The rest of you had the same expressions too. Kai even had to hold in his laughter. 


Suho however, was entranced by Min Jung's looks. "Oppa! I'm glad you can make it!" she said while going in for a quick hug with him. Well, it looked like a hug but she barely even touch him. Just a light pat on the back. "You look wonderful, Min Jung ah, as always." Suho said with a smile on his face. *Finally, I get to see her. Sitting in the gazebo with the others really lessens my time with her.* He thought to himself.



Sehun pretended to gag behind Min Jung but you caught him and giggled. Min Jung turned to look at you and you put on a poker face. "Ryoko ah! Welcome!" she started eyeing on your dress and smirked. "Cute dress. Come in guys, make yourselves at home." With that, she disappeared into the crowd that was already inside. Chanyeol leaned in closer to you, "You heard that? She said your dress was cute." He giggled. You rolled your eyes and playfully slapped his shoulders. "It was so obvious she was lying.Maybe she couldn't really see properly because she had a mask on her face." You said bluntly and the both of you laughed.



The seven of you stick together and suddenly, Kris, Tao, Lay, Xiu Min, Chen and Luhan appeared. "Where were you guys?" Kris asked. You couldn't help but stare at him. *Wow, he really looks like a model.* In fact, when you looked at the rest of them, they dressed up pretty well too. All the girls in the party couldn't tear their eyes away from them. Suddenly, the sound of Min Jung's voice was heard. 



"Alright, everyone, eyes on me." 

"Is that a stage?" Kai came up behind you. You couldn't help but have the same expression as him. *She has a freaking stage in her house?!* "Woah, and she's talking in to a mic!" Luhan said. The twelve of you stood side by side and watched. *Wait...the twelve of us? Someone's missing...* You nudged Kai, "Oppa, where is.."



"Oppa and I will be performing for you guys today." You froze. You turned to face the stage, and there he was. Baekhyun, standing beside her. Sehun gasped. "Hy-hyung is going to perform?! B-but,-" Suddenly, Baekhyun stole the mic from Min Jung. Everybody in the room stared in shock. Even Min Jung. "O-oppa, what..what do you think you're doing?!" Baekhyun stared at her and smirked. "I'm sorry noona, but, I won't be performing with you." Your eyes widened. *Oppa...what are you doing?* Min Jung's nostrils flared. "What are you saying?!" 



"Oh boy, Hyung's in trouble now." Sehun shook his head. Suho stood by the side, his face wasn't looking very good. "I'm saying, I quit. I'm not going to perform with you noona." With that, he walked of the stage and walked out of the house. You tried to call him but he was already out. "Looks like the witch got burned." Chanyeol said with a slight smirk on his face. "Let's go." Suho said quietly, without making eye contact with anyone. D.O looked at you. "This won't be good." The rest of you went out, leaving Min Jung, standing alone on stage, feeling humiliated.



[A/N] Woah what a boring chapter. I apologize. Been sleeping very late these few days. Not feeling well ugh.

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yme_xiu #1
Horikita maki!!! Hana kimi..hahhaha
Chapter 70: Best story ever. Really like it. Btw I'm crying at the end of the story. lol I'm such a crybaby.
Tiffanynguyen2001 #3
Chapter 70: I LOVE this fanfic.Its... Jjang!! Can you do a sequel please?
yuukiyuu #4
Chapter 70: That was nice. Appreciated it, author-nim!!
kpopmusiclover #5
Chapter 60: Awwww I hope that she gets to stay with the boys again :( update soon^^
Jenduekie #6
Chapter 60: love the update...im crying because of this fighting
Jenduekie #7
Chapter 59: woooooooooooooahhh update soon i want to know their reaction.. fighting
Chapter 59: Kyaaaaaa! That was so sweet~ :D