Sweet Like Ice Cream

My Kareshi And I.

The final bell of the day went off and all the students started to pack. "Now remember class, I need some volunteers for this year's graduation ceremony. I expect to have some names on my table by the end of the week." Mr Lee said. You pouted. *Graduation huh...That means some of the oppas will not be here anymore.* Kai snapped his fingers in front of your face making you blink. He nodded towards the door. You gave him a puzzled look and turned. Baekhyun was smiling at you and waving while some of the girls from your class kept looking at him and giggling. You quickly packed your stuff and bid goodbye to Kai before heading towards Baekhyun. Kai watched as Baekhyun's smile grew wider with each step you took. *What does he want? Oh well, at least I can still look at her even though she's not physically here.* Kai smirked and took out his cell phone to look at your picture. 



"Hey oppa, what's up?" Baekhyun smiled and took your hand. The both of you started walking. "Uh oppa, where are you taking me?" Baekhyun stopped and turned to face you. "Don't you have Korean class today? Don't want you to be late!" He said. Your eyes widened. "Omo, I totally forgot about it!" You couldn't go for the classes before because of the anniversary concert but now that that's over, you had to continue with classes. *And I feel kind of lazy to go too.* You looked at Baekhyun and gave him your best puppy face. Baekhyun seemed to understand what you meant and beamed. "Well, don't blame me if your Korean gets bad." He said while ruffling your hair. "Hey, my Korean is getting better just by hanging out with you guys!" You said while fixing your hair. "Okay, since you want to ditch your class, how about we go somewhere?" You smiled at him and nodded. 



The both of you stepped out of the school and a slight breeze sent shivers down your spine. "Yah, I thought you liked the cold?" Baekhyun chuckled. You shot him a look. "Just because I like the cold doesn't mean I'd love to freeze. It seems like it's gotten colder." You hugged yourself to stay warm. Baekhyun was about to place his school blazer over you but you stopped him. "It's okay oppa. You have to stay warm too." You pleaded. Baekhyun looked at you for a moment and sighed, giving in. "Fine, but promise me you won't let go." You were about to ask what he meant when you suddenly felt his fingers intertwining with yours. Baekhyun smiled sweetly at you and pulled you along. You couldn't help but blush.



The two of you walked out of the school, with you having no idea where you were going. Students that just got out of the school were stealing glances at the both of you and your hands which made you blush even more. "Oppa, people are staring." You whispered to him. *Somehow this feels all too familiar.* You were then reminded of how Baekhyun did the same thing when he first escorted you to you Korean class. Baekhyun ignored you and just kept walking. After a few minutes of walking, the both of you stopped at an ice cream parlor. "Ice cream?" Baekhyun nodded and gave you a cheeky smile. The both of you took a seat at the back of the parlor and waited for the waiter to give out the menu. "Oppa, it's freezing outside and you want to eat ice cream?" "Why not? It's like a challenge!" You rolled your eyes at his childishness. Soon the waiter came and the both of you ordered your ice cream. 



When your ice creams have arrived, the both of you dug in. "Mmm oishi!" Baekhyun looked up from his ice cream and smiled. *Finally have you all to myself.* You caught Baekhyun staring at you and blushed. *He's been making me blush ever since we stepped out of school.* Baekhyun suddenly said something unexpected that made you blush even more. "Ryoko ah, I don't how to say this but, you've become a lot prettier than when you first came to Korea." You stopped eating your ice cream. Baekhyun realized what he just said and covered his mouth with his hands. *That wasn't meant to be out loud! I was just thinking about it!* "Y-yah forget what I said. I-it's the ice cream. It's too cold it's making me say stupid things." Baekhyun laughed nervously and looked down on the table. Somehow, hearing what he just said kinda broke your heart. *So, he didn't mean it? Wait, why am I feeling so sad?* 



You let out a nervous chuckle and nodded. "Neh. I'll pretend I didn't hear anything." You said and continued to eat your ice cream. Baekhyun seemed to notice your pained expression and gave himself a mental face palm. *Real smooth bacon. Real smooth.* "Hey are you mad?" Baekhyun scooted closer to you in the seat. You shrugged and nodded. *I don't even know why I feel sad.* Baekhyun bit his bottom lip. Then an idea hit him. "Come on, I have to show you something." He smiled and pulled you. You got up feeling so confused. "B-but what about ice cream!!!" You said while again, being pulled by Baekhyun to God knows where. In the end, you gave in and sighed.



As the both of you walked, you noticed that it was the way home. "Oppa, why are we going home?" Baekhyun smiled. "Well, we're not exactly going to the house. There's some place I got to show you." You cocked your head to the side. *Is he...trying to cheer me up? For what he said earlier?* You smiled at the thought. The both of you turned at a corner and you were greeted by a beautiful view. "Wah...this is beautiful." The both of you were at the top of the neighborhood, and it overlooked the whole city. Since it was getting dark, the building lights were on and it was spectacular.


Baekhyun kicked some dirt on the ground. "It's not much of a view but, I really like this place." You turned to look at him and grabbed his hand. "This is beautiful oppa. Jinjja." Beakhyun smiled and pulled you to sit with him on a bench. "How come I've never seen this spot before?" Baekhyun ruffled your hair and looked up at the scenery. "Well, to tell you the truth, I grew up in this neighborhood." Your eyes widened. "You mean, your family is somewhere living in one of these houses...right now?" Baekhyun chuckled. "I don't know, they might be. They might not." You raised your eyebrows. "What do you mean?" Baekhyun let out a long sigh. "Well, it;s a long story but if you're willing to listen..." He looked at you and you nodded enthusiastically. *I want to know more about you oppa.* 



"Well, here goes." He continued. "I have a hyung. His name is Byun Hak Kun. He's like, the son every parent want you know. Talented in everything." You  raised your eyebrows. *Wow, so there's actually someone more perfect that Baekhyun oppa. And that's his own brother? His parents must have got good genes.* You silently thought to yourself. "My parents adore him. They gave him the better room in the house, bought him nice clothes, but me? I was never good enough. I got the smallest room, hand-me-downs, and I can't even remember the last time my mother cooked my favourite dish." You nodded as Baekhyun told you all this. Honestly, you felt really bad for him. At first look, he doesn't seem to be the type of person who has these kind of problems. On top of that, he's always nice to the people around him. 



"So you ran away?" You asked cautiously. Baekhyun let out a soft chuckle and nodded. "I couldn't stand it anymore. I wanted to do music. I wanted to sing. But my parents wanted me to follow hyung's footsteps and become a doctor." There was a cool breeze and you pulled your school blazer to keep yourself warm. Baekhyun seemed to notice and couldn't help but feel guilty. "Oh sorry, I should've known. It's cold and I brought you to the top of a hill. Silly me." He ruffled his hair. You laughed and nudged his arm.  "Ani, gwaenchanhna oppa. I like this place. I'm glad you brought me here. And I'm also glad you told me about your past." Baekhyun smiled sweetly at you. *I'm glad you're here with me Ryoko ah.* At that moment, an idea came to him. "Listen, let this be our little secret hideout okay? Not many people come here since it's hidden at the back. Besides, I'd like to have some company whenever I come here." You gave him your most sweetest smile and nodded. 



Baekhyun smiled and stood up before offering you his hand. "Well, it's time to make a move then. I'm hungry." You chuckled. You reached out for his hand and stood up but apparently one of your shoelaces were untied and you tripped on it causing you to fall towards Baekhyun. You closed your eyes, ready for the impact hit your face but it didn't. Instead, something soft and familiar touched your lips.  *Oh no, please not let me think what i think it is...* You thought to yourself. Slowly, you opened your eyes and yes, Baekhyun's face was right in front of you, his eyes opened from shock of what was happening. *Our lips....touched. We-we're...kissing?"



The both of you quickly took a step back and you covered your lips with the back of your palm. Baekhyun was still in shock. *, this is awkward. And it's not the first time we kissed either. To make it all worse, this was by accident.* Baekhyun opened hs mouth to say something but you cut him off. "Uh...let's just go home. S-Suho oppa will b-be worried if we don't get back in time for dinner.* You said and quickly went off without him. You placed your hand to your chest, feeling your heart beating like crazy. *Get a grip Ryoko ah. It was just a kiss right? Wrong. It was your second kiss on the lips from a boy. The same boy who stole your first kiss.* You could feel yourself blushing and touched your cheeks. 



Baekhyun on the other hand tried to stay calm. He took deep breaths and look down at the view of the city. * I can't believe we kissed again.* Even though he was worried about how you might have felt about it, he couldn't help but feel happy. "Looks like I'm one step ahead from the rest." He told himself and chuckled before making his way to catch up with you.


But even though I was that busy, I was thinking of how to continue my fanfic. I actually felt like ending it soon but then I remembered what I had in mind when I first wrote this story and decided against it. Anyways, I'm so glad that even though I don't update that often, people are still subscribing to me. English may be my first language but I'm not very good with the vocabulary so I'm practicing and learning yea? Any errors in the story that you guys would like me to correct, don't hesitate to tell me ;) 

Of course if there's some typo errors it's not because I'm bad at spelling. It's because my fingers are too fat for my keyboard T.T


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yme_xiu #1
Horikita maki!!! Hana kimi..hahhaha
Chapter 70: Best story ever. Really like it. Btw I'm crying at the end of the story. lol I'm such a crybaby.
Tiffanynguyen2001 #3
Chapter 70: I LOVE this fanfic.Its... Jjang!! Can you do a sequel please?
yuukiyuu #4
Chapter 70: That was nice. Appreciated it, author-nim!!
kpopmusiclover #5
Chapter 60: Awwww I hope that she gets to stay with the boys again :( update soon^^
Jenduekie #6
Chapter 60: love the update...im crying because of this fighting
Jenduekie #7
Chapter 59: woooooooooooooahhh update soon i want to know their reaction.. fighting
Chapter 59: Kyaaaaaa! That was so sweet~ :D