A New Beginning pt 2

My Kareshi And I.

"Ryoko ah..." He said. Oh how you missed his voice. It sounded like music to your ears. You heard yourself whimpering. You couldn't take it anymore and just broke down. *It's not him. it's not him right? It's one of those mind games again. Your brain is playing games with you.* He took a step closer to you and suddenly reached out to grab one of your hand. He took one end of the red thread and tied it to your pinky finger. That's when you noticed the other end was tied to his. He looked at you and smiled. "It's aka ito right? The red string of fate?" Your eyes started tearing and you nodded. *He remembered.* Baekhyun wiped the tears from your cheeks and stared at your face. The face he missed so so much during the three years.


"Oppa, is it really you?" Your voice was choked from trying to hold back your tears. You could see the corners of his lips forming a smile as he nodded. The tears started to fall, but this time not because you were sad, but because you know it was not one of your mind games anymore. It really was him, and he's holding you in his arms. 


"Yah, what took you so long to find me?" He playfully scolded you and you just kept smiling as the tears ran down your cheeks. You jokingly smacked his arm and pouted. "It's you who took the time to find me oppa. I should be asking you that." The both of you chuckled. His smile softened and his hand carassed you cheek. You leaned to his touch and hummed a sigh of content. You couldn't believe it. Never in those three years did you expect yourself to be in this situation with Baekhyun. You were already on the verge of letting go. Moving on. But the second you saw him, and this time for real, it all comes back to you. Those feelings you tried so hard to lock away in your heart, started burning again inside of you. 


He looked into your eyes and slowly your eyes closed as both your lips met. You could feel him smiling against the kiss. He kissed you, he really kissed you. Putting his arms around you and kissed you. It went through your body like he had flipped some electrical switch and lit you up. His skin was so warm, and he was suddenly so beautiful. More beautiful than you thought he was. It's as though he had been waiting for a long time for it. And he had. So did you. The both of you broke the kiss and continued to stare into each other's eyes. "When?" You suddenly asked. He seemd surprised at your sudden question and you laughed. "When did you start liking me?" You asked again. He smiled and rubbed his nose, the cold getting him. "The first time I kissed you. That night, when we practiced our duet together. One kiss, I was totally hooked. Addicted to you." 


"What about you?" He asked. You blushed and nodded. "It was that night too." He smiled and placed his forehead against yours. "Sarangahe." The words you never thought you would hear, suddenly echoed in your head. You felt him come closer to you, casting a shadow on your face. Slowly, you closed your eyes. You could feel his warm breath on your lips, inching closer and closer. Just then something cold landed on your face and you opened your eyes to see Baekhyun covered in snow and heard laughter behind you.


"Oh sorry, it slipped from my hand." 


Your eyes widened at the familiar deep voice. You quickly turned and your face instantly lit up. "Chanyeol oppa! You guys!" Standing in a small group, all your friends were there, smiling at you. Hae Ra was there too, hugging D.O's arm. And right at the corner, you could see XiuMin, smilling cheekily at you. Everyone'[s nose was red due to the cold. You turned to Baekhyun who was chuckling beside you. "Oppa, you brought the others too?"


"Yah. he didn't bring them okay, I did! The minute they heard I was going to Japan, all of them wanted to tag along. So you better thank me young lady!" XiuMin shouted. Everyone laughed and made their way closer to you. You could feel Baekhyun wrapping his arm around your waist and you leaned against him. It felt so right. Hae Ra ran towards you and attacked you with a bear hug. 


"Hey hey easy on my girlfriend will you?" You heard Baekhyun say and blushed. *That's right...I-I'm his girlfriend. I'm his girlfriend.* Hae Ra 


A flash of white flew past you and hit Baekhyun in the face. You gasped and covered your mouth in an attempt to hold back your laughter. The rest of the group exchanged high fives and chuckles. You turned to see who the culprit of the snowball was and laughed when you found out it came from D.O himself. 


"You don't tell my girlfriend what she can or cannot do." He said with a smirk on his face. 


Everyone laughed and you were impressed with how Kyungsoo had changed ever since he and Hae Ra got together. Suddenly, Baekhyun had an evil grin on his face and he looked at you. *No...he wouldn't...would he?* You thought and your eyes widened as you see he lifted up one of his hand. In it, the familiar white color of a snowball was in his possesion. "O-Oppa, you wouldn't..." You slowly backed away from him. Your eyes shifted around, trying to find some place to hide. 


"You better run Ryoko ah. When it comes to snowball fights, Baekhyun is on fire!" Chanyeol shouted and the rest of them scurried to either collect more snowballs, make a fort, or hide. You laughed and ran with them as Baekhyun chased you from behind, screaming and laughing with joy. 


You managed to find shelter and hide behind a nearby tree, watching the rest involved in an intense snowball fight. You watched as everyone had fun in the snow, laughing and running around as though they're little children. You couldn't help but laugh to yourself and felt tears of joy coming out. You were contented. You felt blessed for having friends like them even though you came from a different country. What would you do if you haven't met them? Life would be so boring. 


Baekhyun who was running around gleefully stopped to look for you. His heart raced to find out you were nowhere to be seen but then, from the corner of his eyes, he spotted you crouching behind a tree. He slowly approached you, snowball in hand, ready to attack. But when he saw the tears in your eyes, he stopped, dropped the snowball and immediately ran to your side. 


"Yah, are you okay? Why are you crying?" He said as he examined you for any injuries thinking you had fallen or something. You just kpet quiet and smiled. You were blessed to have friends like them, but you were most fortunate to have someone like Baekhyun by your side. 


*I'm crying because I'm thankful. I'm crying because I'm happy. I'm happy to have met new friends. I'm happy to have experienced a beautiful thing called love I never understood about ever since I was little. I'm happy to be surrounded by nothing but joy and happiness at this moment. I am happy to have gone to Korea. I'm happy about the fact that we're together right now, looking into each other's eyes, forgetting about our surroundings and just being in our own world. I'm happy ot have met you, Byun Baekhyun.*


Baekhyun smiled at you, seeing you smile and lifted you up to your feet. He brushed off the snow from your clothes and slowly leaned in to give you a gentle kiss on your forehead. You breathed in his scent once more, and smiled to him. "You guys, are you done already? We're getting cold here!" You heard Chanyeol's loud voice booming in the background. "Yeah! Ryoko ah! Take us to your house would you? Oh and can you make us some hot chocolate too?" Sehun shouted. You glared at him and playfully walked intimidatingly towards him. "Yah, Oh Sehun! You have got some explaining to do about you and your new, GIRLFRIEND!" Fear was painted on his face as you ran towards him. the rest of the gang laughed and joined in. You felt someone slip their hand in yours and smiled. 


We’ve all met someone who has been in our life before we actually met them.  People who have been at the same places at points in time as you have – but you don’t actually meet them until years later; friends we’ve made through seemingly random connections; being drawn to a person in a strange and exciting way.Whether it’s meeting the love of your life because you were having the worst morning or chatting with a stranger and hearing something you just totally needed to hear that day.  A broken shoe, missing the bus, stuck in traffic… things that cause your normal hectic routine to force you to slow down an open a door for that person to enter – pushing you to be somewhere at a certain moment in time.  You believe that we have each have a destiny, a fate – but you believe there are many means in which to get there, even if it meant going to a foreign country by yourself.



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yme_xiu #1
Horikita maki!!! Hana kimi..hahhaha
Chapter 70: Best story ever. Really like it. Btw I'm crying at the end of the story. lol I'm such a crybaby.
Tiffanynguyen2001 #3
Chapter 70: I LOVE this fanfic.Its... Jjang!! Can you do a sequel please?
yuukiyuu #4
Chapter 70: That was nice. Appreciated it, author-nim!!
kpopmusiclover #5
Chapter 60: Awwww I hope that she gets to stay with the boys again :( update soon^^
Jenduekie #6
Chapter 60: love the update...im crying because of this fighting
Jenduekie #7
Chapter 59: woooooooooooooahhh update soon i want to know their reaction.. fighting
Chapter 59: Kyaaaaaa! That was so sweet~ :D