Let's play pretend.

My Kareshi And I.

That night Baekhyun was pacing back and forth in his room, thinking about what Mi Young had said in the cafe. "Just so you know, her parents' company, is falling apart right now. It seems like mummy and daddy is unhappy about something. I could help you know, but, I don't think it's beneficial for me if I intrude."  He frustratingly run his fingers through his hair and sighed. "It has to be." He kept mumbling to himself. Chanyeol who just came back from the other room where the rest was telling D.O what was happening looked troubled. *D.O says it could be because of us? I don't get it. Why would that witch mess with Ryoko's family because of us. We didn't do anything.* He walked in the room and noticed how Baekhyun looked bothered too. "Yah Bacon, you heard what D.O said? He said it could be because of us. You know why?" 



Baekhyun was deep in his thoughts and wasn't paying any attention to what his best friend was saying. In order to stop Baekhyun from taking another step, Chanyeol stood in front of him causing Baekhyun's head to bump against Chanyeol's chest. "Yah, what are you thinking about?" Chanyeol rubbed his chest from the impact. Baekhyun snapped out from his thoughts and shook his head. "Uh, nothing. What did you say again?" Chanyeol gave his friend a look and continued. "What D.O said earlier, don't you think it's strange? I mean, what did we do?" He scoffed. Baekhyun nodded and kept quiet. Chanyeol shrugged and climbed into bed. "Oh well, maybe he made a mistake? Maybe it's something else. We shouldn't really think about it and instead focus on Ryoko. I'm sure she's worried about her parents right now." He brought his arms behind his head and stared at the ceiling. *Why did D.O say that? Does he know something that we don't?* He thought to himself.



Right then D.O entered the room, looking lost as usual. "Hyung just told her everything. She's in her room now." He said as though someone told him to. He glanced at Chanyeol who had his eyes closed in his bed and turned towards Baekhyun who was still standing in the middle of the room. He knows that Baekhyun was worried for you. D.O sighed and patted Baekhyun's shoulder. "Let's just go to bed and talk about it tomorrow okay? It's getting late." D.O tried to smile and crawled on to his bed at the other side of the room. "Don't forget to turn off the lights." Baekhyun let out a long sigh and nodded. *I really hope you're okay Ryoko ah. I really do want to help.* He turned off the lights and went to bed.


The next morning everyone was quiet at the dinner table. You knew that they were all worried about you but you didn't like it that they're making it so obvious. You cleared your throat to get their attention. "Oppa, guys, it's okay. I'm okay. What's with the long faces?" D.O looked at you thoughtfully and smiled gently. *Ryoko, always so positive even though it's obvious she's feeling the same way.* He looked at the others who didn't seem to have a change of expression and kicked each one of their legs under the table. "Ouch! Who the hell-" Kai shouted and when D.O shot him a look, he kept quiet. The others were trying their best to endure the pain on their shin. Suho seemed to be enduring well since he suddenly went back to his usual self. "Okay everyone, listen to what Ryoko says." You smiled and him and he patted your head before standing up to place his plate in the sink. 



The rest of them did as they were told. After breakfast, as usual, you and D.O washed the dishes. "You doing good?" He looked at you, concerned. You didn't know but whenever you're around D.O, you can always show your true self. You put away your strong front and fake smile and shook your head. d.O just smiled. "Well, you did well to look strong in front of the boys. Don't worry, we'll find a way." He handed you a plate and you slowly wiped it with a dry towel. "Oppa, I think I might know how to stop all this." You said softly, so that the others who were in the living room wouldn't be able to hear. D.O raised his eyebrows and turned of the tap so that it was quieter. "Jeongmal? How? Can we help?" He looked at you. You shook your head. "I think...only Baekhyun oppa can help me." D.O looked clueless. "Why only Baek-" It took him only a minute to figure it out. "Y-you..you really like him?" 



You managed a small smile and nodded. "And because me and Baekhyun oppa are close, I think Mi Young unnie kinda figured out that I like him too. And she's...jealous." You looked at D.O. He rubbed his chin causing it to be covered with soap and nodded. "Because she likes him too. So she's not threatening your family. She's threatening you." He concluded. You nodded, quickly wiping away the soap under his chin with the dry towel. He patted your head as a form of thanks and put on his serious face again. "So...how can Baekhyun hyung help?" You were about to answer when someone cut you off which made both you and D.O stare at each other wide eyed. "I'll be with her." Baekhyun said as he entered the kitchen. "I'll be with Mi Young just so that she'll stop tarnishing your family's business." He sat on the stool facing the both of you. Your heart was beating at the sight of him. *Did he hear us? Did he overheard us when I said I liked him?* D.O was also thinking the same thing.



You glanced at Baekhyun but he was showing no signs of knowing the conversation you and D.O had earlier. Baekhyun raised his eyebrows when he noticed we were quiet and you gestured D.O to say something because you were still nervous. "U-uh, so...how are you going to do this?" Baekhyun nodded as though he had expected that question. "I'll go out with her." He said with a straight face. You almost choked on your own saliva when you heard it. *He's going to what?* You thought to yourself. "Once I'm with her, she's bound to stop this game she's playing. She have always wanted me in the first place. And if being her boyfriend would solve the problem and help Ryoko's family, I'll do it." You felt even more bothered. *H-he's not being serious is he? How can he easily say that if he has feelings for me? Or could it be just an unrequited love on my side?* D.O was about to object to the idea when you stopped him. "I think that's a great idea." D.O turned abruptly to face you. *Ryoko ah, what are you doing?!* He thought to himself. Baekhyun was startled by what you had said too. He was actually hoping for you to object to his idea. *So it is true. I'm no more than a friend to her?* He thought silently.



Trying his best to keep on a poker face, Baekhyun nodded and stood up. "Great. I'll tell the others about this and I'll call Mi Young later tonight. I really hope this'll help your family Ryoko ah." He plastered a smile on his face and patted you on the shoulder, before turning his back towards you and went out of the kitchen. Once he left, you literally felt your heart sank. You placed your hands on D.O shoulders, suddenly feeling faint. Thankfully with his quick reflexes, D.O managed to catch you. "Y-yah, Ryoko ah get a grip. Why did you say that?" You shook your head, at a loss for words. "I thought he could help by telling Mi Young he didn't like her but, I guess he had other things planned." You breathed out. *He sees me as nothing but a dongsaeng after all.* You thought to yourself. D.O has concern washed over his face. "Listen Ryoko ah, we'll try to find other ways to get your family out of this okay? Just trust-" You shook your head again to stop him. "It's okay oppa. He doesn't like me more than just a close friend. Besides, my family comes first." 



D.O couldn't believe what you were saying. *You can't just give up now Ryoko ah. You're stonger than that.* It took a lot of will power for you to in your tears that were threatening to escape and straighten yourself. Knowing that D.o was still worried about you, you flashed a smile towards him. "I'll be okay oppa. It's just not meant to be that's all." You patted his shoulder and head out to the living room. D.O just stared at your hunched back, knowing how crushed you must have felt. *Hyung is definitely lying. I can tell he's surprised at Ryoko's reaction to his ridiculous plan too. He's not really doing it so that Mi Young would stop. He's doing this because he loves Ryoko. that has to be it. But Ryoko is just so clueless.* D.O sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. "The both of them just have to stop running around the bush and just face each other." He said before leaving the kitchen.



[A/N] Wooh finally updated another chapter. Sorry for the absence guys. It's been a crazy week for me. I was involved in the freshmen orientation in my school and came home around 11PM almost everyday because of meetings and outings with friends and family. Anyway, just thought I'd inform you guys that my holidays are coming to an end which means I'll be starting my lessons again next week T.T BUT, on a brighter note, I have Korean classes for 6 weeks every Monday so that's something to look forward to right?


Oh yeah, Happy Belated Birthday to ME! (10 April)
                Happy Birthday to Sehun oppa (12 April)
                Happy Advanced Birthday to Luhan Oppa! (20 April) 


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yme_xiu #1
Horikita maki!!! Hana kimi..hahhaha
Chapter 70: Best story ever. Really like it. Btw I'm crying at the end of the story. lol I'm such a crybaby.
Tiffanynguyen2001 #3
Chapter 70: I LOVE this fanfic.Its... Jjang!! Can you do a sequel please?
yuukiyuu #4
Chapter 70: That was nice. Appreciated it, author-nim!!
kpopmusiclover #5
Chapter 60: Awwww I hope that she gets to stay with the boys again :( update soon^^
Jenduekie #6
Chapter 60: love the update...im crying because of this fighting
Jenduekie #7
Chapter 59: woooooooooooooahhh update soon i want to know their reaction.. fighting
Chapter 59: Kyaaaaaa! That was so sweet~ :D