Pulling Through

My Kareshi And I.

Baekhyun's P.O.V


You ran as fast as your legs could carry you down the stairs of Mi Young's house. Random people whom you've never met before bumped into you and cursed you for spilling their drinks on their expensive clothes but you didn't care. The only thing that was in your mind was to not lose sight of Ryoko. Once you reached the main hall, you saw her pushing past the other guys and ran out of the house. 


"Yah, Ryoko ah! Where are you going?" You heard the voice of your best friend. The 4 of them, Kai, D.O., Sehun and Chanyeol looked puzzled and turned when they heard you coming down the stairs. "Yah, where were you the whole time, we've been searching for you." Chanyeol shouted though the loud blaring music while at the same time grabbing you by your arm before you could make it out the door. The rest of them had the same expression on their faces. You clicked your tongue. *I have no time to explain to them. I have to go get her.* You were about to break free from the giant's grip but he held you strong. "Look, I just need to explain something to Ryoko okay? You guys better go up and check on Mi Young and Ma Ri." Sehun raised his eyebrows. "Why, did something happen between them? Hyung, what's going on?" You run a hand through your hair. "Just...just wait for me here okay? I'll explain everything when I get back." Before anyone could interrupt you again, you managed to free yourself from Chanyeol's grip and ran out the door. When you were out on the streets, she was nowhere to be seen. You lost sight of her. Frustrated, you kicked your shoes against the cold pavement and ruffled your hair. *She should be on the way home by now.* You let out a long sigh before starting your way back home with a fast pace. 



When you were a few blocks away from the house, you noticed a taxi just left and Suho was standing in the driveway. *What's hyung doing here?* You jogged up to him, picking up your pace before Suho turned to head into the house. "Hyung wait up!" You called. Suho stopped in his tracks and turned to face you. Something about his expression tells you that something has happened and you had a gut feeling it wasn't something good. He motioned you to go in the house and you nodded. Once the both of you were in the house, you sat on the couch, feeling nervous. *Where's Ryoko? Is she not home yet? Did something happen?* "Let's wait for the other guys to arrive. Chanyeol just called, saying they're on the way home." Suho said in a serious tone before going into the kitchen to get some drinks. You scrunched your eyebrows. *I thought I told them to stay with Mi Young?* As if he could read your mind, Suho popped his head out from the kitchen, "Oh, Mi Young and Ma Ri are coming over as well.", he said before going back into the kitchen. You nodded your head and let out a long sigh.



While waiting for the others, you contemplated on whether you should call Ryoko or just wait for her to come home. You took out your phone. No messages and calls from her. *Well of course she's not going to call you. You wouldn't call yourself either if this happened to you.* You scolded yourself mentally.  You glanced around the living room. It's been awhile since you've last spend time in here. Ever since the plan, you rarely get a chance to hang out with the guys. Home was like the place where you only come to sleep and bathe. Other than that, you spent most of your time at Mi Young's house. But you couldn't deny the fact that there were times when you felt like you enjoyed being with her. It turns out, Mi Young actually does have a soft side to her. One that you or anyone else rarely sees. You suddenly flashed back to the time when you were told to go grocery shopping. Usually back at home, D.O. and Suho would do the shopping, so when it came to buying vegetables for Mi Young, you were lost. You didn't know what was what. But then Mi Young came to find you since you were taking quite a long time and she was worried. Instead of scolding you like you thought she would, she just laughed and helped you. She even pointed out the different types of vegetables you never knew existed. 



Just then, the sound of Chanyeol's voice snapped you out from your thoughts. "Hyung we're here." The others, including Mari and Mi Young came in to the living room. Mi Young looked terrible. You remembered leaving her with Ma Ri in the room after the incident and felt a little bad. Even though it was an accident, and she was drunk, you still couldn't forgive yourself for letting Ryoko see you in that situation. Mi Young was leaning against Sehun and Ma Ri for support and they slowly rested her on the couch beside you. Her eyes were hooded and her cheeks were red. She was still a little bit drunk. Sehun hieved a sigh of relief and plopped himself on the floor. "She may look skinny, but she sure do weigh a ton." He gasped for air. Ma Ri bowed her head. "I'm sorry about Mi Young. She can't handle alcohol that well." Mi Young started giggling and tugged on your shirt. "Yah, where did you go?" You shifted in your seat and pushed her hand away. "Mi Young-ssi, I'll go get you a cup of warm water. You're not yourself right now." You said politely and headed into the kitchen. 



Suho was inside and he seemed to be on the phone with someone. Right when he saw you he widened his eyes and cupped his hand on the receiver. "Ryoko ah, I'm going to tell them later. I'll call you back." He placed the phone on the counter. You raised your eyebrows. "Hyung who was that? Was it Ryoko?" Suho looked at you and sighed in defeat. It was no use delaying it anymore. "Let's go back outside. There's something I need to tell you and the others." You nodded slowly and watched as he exited the kitchen first. You could feel a slight lump at the back of your throat, threatening to come out. You poured some water for Mi Young in a glass with shaky hands. *What is hyung going to say? Don't tell me Ryoko's gone away...* You shook your head and calmed yourself before going out in to the living room to join the others. 



When you went back outside, Sehun was running down the stairs. "Hyung! Ryoko's stuff is gone! All her clothes! And her luggage too!" Everyone stood up from where they were seated, everyone except for Mi Young of course who had passed out again. Chanyeol's eyes widened as he ran to Ryoko's room. You were shocked yourself. Even though you kind of expected it to happen. A few seconds later Chanyeol ran back downstairs. "Her school books are still here, it's just her clothes. Hyung what's going on?" He turned to face Suho. Suho sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Can I get all of you to calm yourselves and take a seat." Kai ran a hand through his hair. "She left didn't she? And it's all your fault." Kai shot a look at you. You knew he was blaming you for this. After what happened at the party, you couldn't help but to blame yourself too. Suho clapped his hands to get everyone's attention. "It's nobody's fault. Now can you guys please listen to me!" He raised his voice a little. 



You sighed and took a seat beside D.O. Suho let out a sigh and folded his arms. "Ryoko's parents came. They found a place to stay here. But it's only temporary. They've requested for Ryoko to live with them." Everyone kept quiet. "Besides, they don't know about you guys and I believe it's better this way. She'll be coming back to collect the rest of her stuff tomorrow. You guys can see her then." Sehun stared at the floor and slowly nodded. *Is this because of what's been happening to their company? Poor Ryoko and her parents.* Suho looked at you. "And it's not your fault Baekhyun ah. Don't beat yourself up for it." You tried your best to smile but you couldn't. Everything was happening too fast right now you can't keep up. You turned to find Mi Young still passed out on the couch. You got up and looked at Ma Ri who had been by Mi Young's side ever since they got to the house. "You should go home. It's getting late." You told her. "But what about-" You shook your head. "I'll bring her home. You can go." She contemplated for a while before giving in. 



You told the rest where you were going and when they offered help, you declined. "I can manage. You guys should rest." You carried Mi Young on your back and headed out before any of them could say anything. They must've been tired from for you at the party and rushing back home afterwards. You couldn't help but blame yourself. All this would've have happened if you hadn't come up with the plan. And because of your stupid mistakes, your friends are dragged into this as well. The road was quiet in the neighborhood where Mi Young lived. The houses were big too. You suddenly wondered if all the people living in such big houses were just like Mi Young. Using power against other people. Just then, you heard a sniff and realized Mi Young was awake. "Are you feeling better?" You asked. You could feel her nodding her head. "You can put me down now." She said in a quiet voice, her voice a little shaky. You smiled. "We're almost there though." You stopped walking and placed her down. She had her head down.



"I can go home myself. Thanks." She was about to leave but you grabbed her hand. "Hey, let's talk for a while. I think there are some things we need to set straight." You told her firmly. *I guess I really have to tell her.* Mi Young hesitated for a while but gave in and the both of you walked to a nearby bench. There was a small vending machine right beside it and you were lucky to have a few spare change in your pockets and bought the both of you some canned drinks. She gave you a faint smile upon receiving the drink and just stared at it. You sat down beside her and opened the can. You noticed how she wasn't saying anything and felt how the atmosphere was a little awkward. It's unusual for Mi Young to be this quiet. Never has it been awkward whenever it was just the two of you, but that's because tonight, you were going to end it. And the both of you know well about what was about to happen. 



"So what I want to talk about is-" "I want to break up with you." You stopped halfway. Actually, you were interrupted by Mi Young. "W-what? I mean, are you sure?" *This is totally unexpected. But it's actually what I wanted.* You thought to yourself. She played with the drink in her hand, never making any eye contact with you. "I just...I feel like I'm taking you away from your friends." She placed the canned drink at the side of the bench and turned to face you. "Baekhyun ah, you're a really nice guy, and I know you don't really love me. I appreciate all the things you've done for me these past few months we were together. It's just, I like you so much and...I just wanted you to notice me. But when I finally got you, I...I feel nothing." You felt like you should just keep quiet and let her speak. "I want to be in a happy relationship. A relationship where it's not only me that's happy but, the other person as well. And seeing how I'm taking all the happiness away from you and your friends just makes me feel like...." She was struggling to find the right words so you thought you'd try to help her. "Feel like an ?" She sighed and her hands dropped to her side as she nodded. You smiled and threw the empty drink can into the bin but missed and it made a loud clank against the pavement. 



You really admired how she was being honest with you right now. How you never knew this side of Mi Young. She's always looked so strong and confident, but right now, all you see is just an ordinary teenage girl who's insecure. And you felt kind of bad for having a bad impression of her. You took her hand in yours and gave her a warm smile. "The most important part of loving, and being loved is loving yourself first. A person that doesn't love herself cannot shine. You're a really nice person Mi Young-ssi, and I'm sorry to say that I've just realized that now. And I'm happy that you've made a bold decision about all this. Any guy would be lucky to have you I'm sure of it." Mi Young looked at you and scoffed. "Any guy? Who'd want me? I'm bratty, and rude and mean..." "But you're also kind and very honest. Even when you don't show it often. I've seen it, I've seen you being good to the maids, I've seen you smile, a genuine smile whenever you see kids playing at the playground. And I've seen how you were like a sister to Ma Ri. There's always a right time for everything Mi Young-ssi, and maybe this isn't your time yet." You couldn't believe what you were saying. You, being nice to Mi Young? If the guys back at home hears about this, they're going to give you looks. Well, at Suho would give you a pat on the back.



"You really think there's someone out there that'll like me for me?" She looked at you and you noticed how they seem to be a little red. Evidence of how she tried to hold back her tears. You smile and nodded. *Does this girl really not  know of Suho hunyg's feelings? Should I tell her?* You thought about it for a while. "I'm sure there's at least one guy right now who is head over heels for you. You just hadn't noticed yet." Just then her eyes widened and a smile appeared on her face. "You really think so?" You nodded again. "I know so. So chin up, and try to be nicer to people. But remember, in order for someone to be happy, another person's happiness might be taken away. So don't just think for yourself, but for others as well." Again you couldn't believe how nice you were. You cleared your throat and stood up, getting ready to head back home. "I think I should go now. It's getting late. Or do you want me to stay and help clean up the house after the party?" Mi Young shook her head and stood up. "I can manage, besides the maids can help. And you're no longer my boyfriend Baekhyun ah, remember?" She chuckled and pushed the loose strands of hair behind her ear. 



You smiled and placed your hands in the front pocket of your jeans. "Alright then. I guess I'll see you around?" *This is it. You're finally free Baekhyun ah.* The thought of going home to your friends made you feel like a small boy getting an ice cream for free. "Yeap, I guess. Here." She suddenly tossed you the canned drink you bought for her and luckily for your quick reflexes, you managed to catch it in time. You looked at the can and looked back at her questioningly. "For the road home. And I don't like green tea." She said and smiled before turning around and walked towards her house. You chuckled and shook your head. You popped open the can and took a sip before making your way back home too. 


*I'm finally free.*




[A/N] And I'm finally free too! I'm free from exams my lovelies, which means I have more time to update hehe^^ BUT, this September I'll be a little busy due to camps, events at school and also, I'M GOING TO KOREA. But it's a study trip though, I'm learning agriculutural stuff there ;) BUT I'M GOING TO KOREA OMG.

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yme_xiu #1
Horikita maki!!! Hana kimi..hahhaha
Chapter 70: Best story ever. Really like it. Btw I'm crying at the end of the story. lol I'm such a crybaby.
Tiffanynguyen2001 #3
Chapter 70: I LOVE this fanfic.Its... Jjang!! Can you do a sequel please?
yuukiyuu #4
Chapter 70: That was nice. Appreciated it, author-nim!!
kpopmusiclover #5
Chapter 60: Awwww I hope that she gets to stay with the boys again :( update soon^^
Jenduekie #6
Chapter 60: love the update...im crying because of this fighting
Jenduekie #7
Chapter 59: woooooooooooooahhh update soon i want to know their reaction.. fighting
Chapter 59: Kyaaaaaa! That was so sweet~ :D