A Bittersweet Memory

My Kareshi And I.

*Mi Young? Who is she?* You cocked your head to the side as you watched Suho and Mi Young having a conversation together outside the parlor. You nudged Baekhyun, "Oppa, who is she?" Baekhyun looked up to the girl and cringed. "Just someone." You looked at the others and they too had the same expression. "You guys don't seem to like her that much though." You said. All of them shrugged. D.O tried to look busy eating his ice cream when there isn't much left in his bowl. Chanyeol and Beakhyun were trying to look as though they were in a deep conversation. Sehun had nothing to do and he panicked. I leaned closer to him and tapped his shoulders. "Sehun ah, will you tell me who she is?" You asked.


Sehun tried to avoid eye contact with you but you leaned forward so that your face was right in front of his. "Tell me Sehun ah." You said with a stern voice. The others noticed and stopped what they were doing. Sehun looked at them and back to you. He gulped. "Suho hyung used to like her." You leaned back in your seat.
"That's it? Why is that so hard to tell me?" You laughed. *Why couldn't they just tell me?* You furrowed your eyebrows and crossed your arms. Chanyeol leaned closer. "Don't tell Suho hyung this but, it's true, we all dislike her." "And why is that?" You asked, leaning in closer. 


"Ryoko ah, just, don't get close to her. Okay? Who knows what might happen." D.O said to you. you wanted to ask why but at that moment, Suho came back into the parlor with a smile on his face. The others leaned back in their seats and acted as though nothing happened. Suho sat down and he still couldn't stop smiling. you took this opportunity to ask him. "Oppa, geuge nugu yeossji?" The others looked at you, surprised by your sudden question. *If they're not going to tell me, I might as well ask him myself.* You thought to yourself. Suho smiled and patted your head, "I'll tell you next time okay? For now, let's go home. It's getting late." You were a bit disappointed with his reply but nodded anyway. The others felt relieved that Suho didn't answer. 



"We're back." The six of you entered the house. Then heavy footsteps were heard coming down the stairs. "Where did you guys go? I'm starving over here!" Kai was standing at the bottom of the stairs, his arms crossed over his chest. "Ah, mianhe Kai. But Ryoko ran out of clothes to wear so we took her shopping." Suho said. Kai looked at you and you felt guilty. *He's blaming me right now isn't he?* You thought and scratched your head. You made a small wave with your hands but he still stood there, glaring at you. *So waving didn't work huh...* You pouted and sighed. "Mianhe Kai oppa." You said and looked at the floor. Kai smirked and leaned close so he could whisper to you. "You could make it up to me." You looked at him. His eyes were looking at your lips. In an instant, you started to blush and took a step back. "W-what? A-are you c-crazy?!" Kai laughed and took another step closer. "What are you thinking Ryoko ah? Do you know what I want?" And again, he looked at your lips.


*K-kiss?!* You thought to yourself. You covered your lips with your hands and blushed even more. He leaned even closer to you until you could literally feel his breath against your cheek. "I want you to cook for me." *Wait, what did he say?* He looked at you. "Y-you want me to what?" Kai took a step back and crossed his arms. "Cook for me, I'm hungry." Your jaw dropped. *That's it? Then what was all the-* "What did you think I want?" Kai interrupted your thoughts. He noticed you were staring at his lips and he smirked. "Ahh, Ryoko, what were you thinking?" He said with a cheeky smile on his face. "A-ani! You want me to cook right? Okay I'll cook!" You quickly pushed him aside and went up in your room to change. Once you were in, you closed the door behind you. 


*He must have known what I was thinking! Ahh so embarrassing!* You bit your lower lip and smacked your forehead. *He must think I'm weird now.* You started stomping around due to frustration. Then you heard a knock on the door. "Ryoko ah, ppalli! I'm starving!" Kai said. He was at the other side of the door, trying his best not to laugh. He knew what you were thinking. *Silly Ryoko..how could you think of such things!* You on the other hand, knew how he must have felt and felt even more angry. "Arrasso! Just wait a minute will you?" You shouted back. You let out a frustrated sigh and quickly got changed. Once you were done, you opened the door only to find Kai leaning against the wall, with a smirk on his face. You shot him a look and headed down to the kitchen.


He laughed and slowly followed you behind. You took a look in all the cabinets and the fridge, but there was nothing that you could cook accept for ramyun. Kai came into the kitchen and sat on the kitchen stool. You turned around and crossed your arms. "How about I make you ramyun?" Kai pouted and waved his hands, "Andwae..I want a proper meal." He complained. *I'm sorry for being like this, I just find you cute when you're angry!* Kai smiled as he thought about this. You furrowed your eyebrows and tried to look for something else in the kitchen to cook. Unfortunately, you still couldn't find anything else accept for ramyun. "Oppa, there's only ramyun." You siad, showing him the package of ramyun in your hands. 


"Then go buy something else." Kai said. Your jaws dropped. *He has got to be kidding me.* Kai saw your reaction and can't help but smile. "Oppa, it's already late! The only shops that are open right now won't be selling any other stuff!" You said. Kai let out a sigh. "Fine. But your ramyun better be good." He said and went into the living room. *Let's see how much longer you can endure Ryoko ah.* When Kai left, you started stomping your feet again. *Ugh he's driving me crazy!*  You calmed yourself down and started on the ramyun. 


When you were almost done, you decided to play a trick on Kai, after what he did to you. *This should teach him a lesson.* You smiled evilly as you pour a few drops of tobasco and hot sauce in his bowl of ramyun. You took the chopsticks and stirred the ramyun to get rid of the evidence. "Kai oppa! Your ramyun is ready!" You went out only to find Kai asleep on the couch. *He really is trying to ruin my life.* You thought to yourself. "What's that smell? It smells good!" You then heard Chanyeol's voice and your eyes widened. *No, he can't eat that or else-* You were about to run to the kitchen when, "AHH!! WHAT IS THIS? MY TONGUE IS BURNING!" Chanyeol was at the sink, turning on the faucet right at his mouth, hoping to get rid of the spiciness. Kai woke up to Chanyeol's screaming and went in to the kitchen.


Chanyeol stopped washing his mouth and drank a whole carton of milk from the fridge. "Ryoko ah, did you cook this?" He said, pointing to the half eaten bowl of ramyun on the table. Kai saw it too. "My ramyun! Why did you eat it?" Kai shouted. "Did you see what happened to me?! You should be thankful I saved your life!" Chanyeol screamed back. Kai took a moment to realize what was going on and he started laughing. *So she made it spicy just to get back at me?* Kai thought to himself and continued laughing. "Yah! Why are you laughing? You should be thanking me!" Chanyeol said, and took another big gulp from the carton of milk. You on the other hand, quietly sneaked out of the kitchen in order not to get caught by Kai when suddenly, you felt someone pull you from your collar. "And where do you think you're going?" You shut your eyes and bit your lower lip. *Busted.* 


Slowly you turned around and smiled at Kai who was smirking. "Don't you think I don't know what you did there." You sighed and rolled your eyes. "Fine, I'm sorry." You pouted.Kai leaned forward and pinched your cheeks, moving your head from side to side, "You can never trick me." He said. At first, you were frustrated because you couldn't get your revenge and that he was pinching you, but then you noticed how close both your faces were. Kai stopped pinching you. He seemed to know what you were thinking. He quickly stepped back and covered his mouth. You were blushing. Kai cleared his throat, "Anyway, you still need to make it up for me for today. Remember that." He flicked your forehead and quickly went up the stairs. He closed the door to the bedroom and sighed. Baekhyun was inside reading comics and he noticed Kai was flustered.


"What's up with you? Saw something?" Baekhyun said with a smirk. Kai quickly shook his head. "A-ani, just tired. I'm going to sleep now Hyung." With that, Kai got on his bed and covered his face with the duvet. *Why is my heart beating so fast? And why am I so flustered?* Kai thought to himself. Baekhyun looked at his donsaeng and shook his head. *I wonder what's wrong with him. Right after that, Chanyeol came in with a big glass of milk. "Why are you drinking milk in the middle of the night?" Chanyeol put the glass down on the study table and shot Baekhyun a look. "Don't ask." Baekhyun furrowed his eyebrows. *What's up with him too?* He then thought about you. *Maybe I should go check up on her.* Baekhyun put his comics down and went downstairs. 


You were in the kitchen, washing the dishes in the kitchen including Kai's unfinished ramyun. "Hey." Baekhyun's voice startled you and you almost dropped the plate you were holding. "Oh Baekhyun Oppa, it's just you." You smiled and continued washing the dishes. Baekhyun smiled and stood beside you. "Why aren't you asleep yet?" He asked. "Long story. What about you?" You asked without looking at him. He shrugged. "Can't sleep." You nodded your head and a few strands of your hair fell down in front of your face. You wanted to brush it away but your hands were covered in soap. Baekhyun noticed and helped you. He tucked the loose strands of hair behind your ears. At his touch, you felt goose bumps all over you. This was the first time a guy did that to you. You shyly looked at Baekhyun and thanked him. He smiled. He then went behind you and sat on a kitchen stool watching you wash the dishes. You didn't want the atmosphere to be awkward so you decided to start a conversation.


"Baekhyun Oppa, who was that girl Suho Oppa was talking to earlier at the ice cream parlor?" Baekhyun was surprised at your question. *Why does she want to know so much?* "Like what Sehun said, just someone that Suho hyung like." You noticed something and turned around. "Like? Don't you mean liked?" You asked, raising your eyebrows. Baekhyun gulped. He couldn't lie to you. *Guess there's no harm telling her right?* "Okay I'll tell you everything about her but don't tell the others I told you okay?" You smiled and quickly went to sit next to him. Baekhyun then held out his pinky finger to you. "Yagsog?" You linked your finger with his, and nodded. He then took a deep breath and told you everything. 


"Mi Young goes to our school too only from what I heard, she went to America last year because her dad had some business trip there. Before that, when Mi Young first came to our school, everyone liked her. Even the girls. They really envy her. And the guys, well, they all had a crush in her." You looked at him, "Even you?" Baekhyun smiled and shook his head, "Ani, I don't really like girls like her." You smiled and can't help but feel relieved. *Why was I worried that he likes her too?* "Then what about the other oppas?" Baekhyun shook his head again. "Nope, all of us didn't like her for some reason, except for Suho Hyung." You nodded your head. "Well anyway," Baekhyun continued, " Suho Hyung and Mi Young were in the same class and somehow they got close to each other and hyung developed a crush on her. He introduced all of us to her but that's when the problem started." Baekhyun said and looked at the table. 


"Problem? What problem?" You asked. But he seemed to be deep in thought he didn't noticed you were asking him a question. You shook his hands, "Oppa?" He blinked and looked at you. He then smiled and shook his head, "All I have to say is, don't get too close to her okay?" Baekhyun ruffled your hair and yawned. "It's time to get some sleep. Kaja." He said and the both of you went upstairs. You wanted to ask more but thought that would just make Baekhyun feel even more burdened. *Maybe I'll ask the other oppas tomorrow.* Baekhyun sent you to your room. "Goodnight Ryoko, sweet dreams." You smiled and nodded. "You too oppa, see you tomorrow!" Slowly, Baekhyun closed the door to your room and you crawled up to your bed. 


*Should I just ask Suho oppa directly tomorrow? He wouldn't mind right?* You thought to yourself before your eyes felt even more tired and you drifted off to sleep.


Sorry for another boring update guys, the inspiration just wont come to me! Hahah, anyway! IT'S MY OPPA'S BIRTHDAY TODAY! WANNA KNOW WHO MY OPPA IS? Heheheh, well, he's none other than,

Gwangsoo Oppa!!!!!! AHAHAHAHHA!!!! I LOVE HIM TO THE MAX, ESPECIALLY IN RUNNING MAN. I really find him charming. He might not be the most good looking guy on the show, but I'M IN LOVE WITH HIM. Because of his personality and also he's a drok. I don't know, I like dorky guys hahah! But he's like a few years older than me, 28 years old. T.T Why must our be so far oppa?! I'm now watching a drama starring him, it's called Bachelor's Vegetable Store. Have you guys heard of that drama? YOU MUST WATCH IT BECAUSE OF MY OPPA OKAY? lololol. 
Again, to the cutie over here, HAPPY 28TH BIRTHDAY my dear <3


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yme_xiu #1
Horikita maki!!! Hana kimi..hahhaha
Chapter 70: Best story ever. Really like it. Btw I'm crying at the end of the story. lol I'm such a crybaby.
Tiffanynguyen2001 #3
Chapter 70: I LOVE this fanfic.Its... Jjang!! Can you do a sequel please?
yuukiyuu #4
Chapter 70: That was nice. Appreciated it, author-nim!!
kpopmusiclover #5
Chapter 60: Awwww I hope that she gets to stay with the boys again :( update soon^^
Jenduekie #6
Chapter 60: love the update...im crying because of this fighting
Jenduekie #7
Chapter 59: woooooooooooooahhh update soon i want to know their reaction.. fighting
Chapter 59: Kyaaaaaa! That was so sweet~ :D