Jealousy Turns You Selfish.

My Kareshi And I.

The final exams were finally over and the whole school was busy preparing for the graduation ceremony. The seniors didn't have to come to school until the release of their results so Suho and the rest were busy with their part-time jobs until then. Suho volunteered at the Children's Home in the neighborhood, saying he wanted to help kids like himself. Kris is helping Chanyeol's mum at her stall while Xiu Min was still looking for a job. You, Sehun, Lay and Kai were in the dance studio rehearsing your choreography when Xiu Min entered. 



Kai switched off the music and everyone stopped dancing to catch their breaths. "Looks like you guys have been practicing hard." Xiu Min said with a wide grin. "And it looks like you still haven't found a job yet." Lay smirked and exchanged high fives with Kai. You plopped down on the bench where your bag was and Sehun handed your water bottle. "Thanks." You smiled at him and he showed you his eye smile for the millionth time that day. Kai noticed the both of you but pretended he didn't see anything. You noticed how he has been stealing glances at you too but kept quiet. Xiu Min cleared his throat at the mention of job and just shot Lay a look. "You do know how hard it is to find a part-time job around here." He said, as he looked into the mirror and admired his own reflection which made you smile and shook your head. *Typical Xiu Min oppa. Vain as always.*



"It didn't seem hard for Kris and Suho hyung to get one." Lay said and again gave Kai a high five. You just chuckled. Xiu Min sighed and sat down. "Actually, I came here for help." Lay raised his eyebrows. "Don't tell me you want to work in this school?" Xiu Min glared at him and Lay chuckled. "Yah, you crazy? I don't want to be here anymore. I want you guys to help me look for a job." You took your towel and wiped the sweat from your neck. "Sure we'll help." You smiled. Xiu Min looked up at you and showed you his most genuine smile. "Uh, no we're not. We have rehearsals remember?" Sehun said. *It's my time with Ryoko but why does she want to help others? She'll be too distracted to spend time with me now.* Sehun thought to himself. Xiu Min scowled at Sehun but looked back at you. "If Ryoko doesn't mind it, nothing else matters. You can't go back on your word missy." He warned you. You smiled and nodded.



"Sehun ah, come on. It's only for today. We still have one more week before the performance. We can use that time to practice really hard. I promise." You begged him. Sehun thought for a while and finally gave in. "Okay, but you can't break that promise or I'll get upset okay?" You smiled and ruffled his hair before turning back to the others. "Okay so we'll shower first and meet back in front of the school gate?" The others nodded and Xiu Min followed Kai and Lay to the locker room whereas Sehun stayed behind in the studio. He was still upset that you agreed to help Xiu Min look for a part-time job. All he wanted was to spend more time with you and being in a big group of people wouldn't help. He sighed and kicked the floor before heading to the locker room with the others.



"It's good to be finally out from that smelly studio!" Xiu Min said with his hands in the air. The five of you were already walking out from the school. But because you just took a shower and your hair was still wet, and because of the cold weather, you kept on sneezing. "Here, you look like Rudolf the Reindeer." Kai handed you a handkerchief. He seemed to be embarrassed by what he was doing and kept looking at the front. You smiled and took the handkerchief. "Thanks oppa." *Oppa, is acting like a small boy.* Sehun noticed what was happening and took off his jacket and placed it over you. You wasn't expecting it so your body jerked a bit when he placed the jacket above your shoulders. 



"Sehun ah, I'm already wearing my jacket." You told him. But he smiled and nodded. "I know, but you need to be extra warm because you're sneezing." You wanted to reject his offer but he was being persistent so you just let it be. Kai noticed it too and rolled his eyes. *What is wrong with that kid today?* Once you've put on his jacket, Sehun smiled and wrapped his arms around yours. You furrowed your eyebrows at him. *Sehun is being really strange today.* Lay and Xiu Min who were walking at the front couldn't help but stifle their laughter. They knew what was going on all along. Xiu Min tried his best to stop his laughter and put on a straight face. "So, where shall we go look first?" He looked to the rest. "Why not try working with Kris oppa at the stall?" You suggested. Xiu Min's smile widened. "Good idea! Let's go!"



After a few minutes of walking, the five of you reached the deokkbeokki stall. You could already see Kris cleaning some of the foldable tables because he's tall and easy to spot. "Yo Kris hyung, having fun?" Lay came up to him and they exchange high fives. Same with Xiu Min. "What are you guys doing here? Aren't you supposed to be rehearsing for the ceremony?" Lay chuckled and nudged Xiu Min. "Well uh, you see...." Xiu Min said. But before he could finish, Kris cut him off. "You still haven't got a part-time job have you? Dude, how are we supposed to pay for the rent then?" Kai raised his eyebrows. "Rent? Wait, you guys are staying together now?" Lay nodded. "And me too. With Chen and Tao. We thought it'd be easier living together." You nodded. *So they are living together like us now huh.*



"Kris, you think I could work here? Just for the meantime, until I find another job." Xiu Min asked. Kris shook his head. "Don't ask me I'm not the boss here." Kris chuckled and nodded his head towards the stall where Chanyeol's mum was busy making deokbeokki. Lay patted Xiu Min's shoulder. "Goodluck hyung!" The rest of you chuckled while Xiu Min scowled at Lay. You took a seat at one of the empty tables. And Sehun of course, sat next to you. Kai sighed and sat at the other side with Lay. A few minutes later, Xiu Min came back and Kris was smiling as though he won a lottery. "So did you get it? Are you going to work here?" Kris sighed and patted Xiu Min's shoulder. "Better luck next time eh?" He laughed some more and continued with his work. Xiu Min sighed and shook his head.



"She said she already has enough help from Kris since he's much bigger and stronger than I am. So what if I'm small?" Xiu Min said angrily. Kai chuckled and shook his head. You gave an apologetic smile and comforted him. "It's okay oppa. We'll just look somewhere else. Hmm, why not with Suho oppa? At the children's home. Size doesn't matter there." Xiu Min shot you a look and walked off. You cocked your head to the side. "Did I say something wrong?" Lay smiled and ruffled your hair before catching up with Xiu Min at the front. You pouted, feeling confused. "Xiu Min hyung has issues when it comes to height. That's like a taboo word for him." Kai said to you. You almost jumped in your seat when you noticed him standing beside you. Kai looked at you and chuckled.



Right then Sehun squeezed in between, and linked arms with you. "Ryoko ah kaja!" he said before pulling you with him. Kai just stared at the both you and sighed. "Hey, cheer up kkamjong. You'll get your chance with her." Kris said while wiping one of the tables nearby. Kai became flustered. "W-What do you m-mean? Hah, don't be ridiculous I don't like her hyung. A-And don't call me that I'm not that dark." Kai said and cleared his throat before walking off. Kris had a smirk on his face and shook his head while continuing to wipe the tables. "They are so transparent."






At the children's home, there was nothing but havoc. The person in charge decided to let Xiu Min spend time with the small kids first before making a decision. Being Xiu Min, he said kids love him. Well, you thought they love him too much. The minute he stepped in to the playroom where Suho and the kids were, there was a stampede. The good thing was, they only went for Xiu Min. The rest of you managed to avoid being trampled over. Kai ran to the furthest and quietest corner of the room. Lay was laughing at Xiumin while you and Sehun stood beside Suho. "Oppa, how do you even manage these kids?" You asked. Suho chuckled and folded his arms. "Well, I'm not really sure. I guess they just love me more." He smiled. 



After a few minutes of torturing Xiu Min, Suho decided it was time to stop. "Alright kids, who wants to listen to a story?" He voiced out. In an instant, all their heads turned towards him, giving Xiu Min an opportunity to escape. Suho smiled and looked at Kai who was sitting on one of the small stools, playing with the toy cars by himself. "Okay, that hyung over there will read it to you guys!" At that moment, all the kids ran towards Kai without giving him a chance to run. Suho laughed and passed a children's storybook at him. Kai sighed and did what he was told. "Alright I'll read the story." He mumbled. Just then one of the girls took his hand. "Oppa, you're handsome." And she smiled cutely at him. Kai's face softened and you swore you could see a small smile forming on his lips. He ruffled the little girl's hair and started reading to the kids. 



Surprisingly enough, all of them sat down quietly, immersed with the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears Kai was reading. Of course with the help of Lay animating it, pretending to be Goldilocks and the three bears all by himself and you didn't even notice that Sehun was there too, providing Lay's performance with some sound effects. You giggled to yourself at the sight of the scene. You have never seen this side of the boys before, especially Kai. *He was always a tough one to crack.* You thought to yourself. "That's because he's experienced the same thing too." Suho said as though he read your mind. "You too right? That's why you wanted to work here." You said and smiled. Suho nodded. "These kids will grow up to be someone one day. I want to show them that the world isn't such a scary place."



You looked at Suho in admiration. "You're a good person Suho oppa." You wrapped your arms around his. Suho smiled and ruffled your hair. "And so are you. I guess it runs in the family huh?" The both of you chuckled. Just then Xiu Min returned, disheveled. "I don't think kids would work for me. I just need to find something else." You giggled and patted his shoulder. "Don't worry oppa, you'll find something. It's getting late anyway, we should hurry home for dinner." You told Suho. He looked at his watch and nodded. "You're right, I'm almost done here. Why don't you guys wait for me outside while I wrap things up around here." You smiled and nodded. 



Lay and Xiu Min went home first, since they lived together, Lay was in charge of cooking. On the way home, you walked side by side with Kai for the first time that day. Apparently there were still some cleaning up to be done and Suho asked Sehun to stay and help. Well actually he asked all of you to help but you and Kai managed to escape. "Well you seem to be avoiding me for the whole day." You . Kai rolled his eyes and put his hands in his front pockets. "I wasn't avoiding you. You were unreachable." You looked at him and furrowed your eyebrows. "What do you mean unreachable?" Kai sighed and kicked a pebble with his foot. "Why don't you ask your knight in shinning armor? He's been guarding you for the whole day as though you're the president." He said sarcastically. 



You tried to understand what he was trying to say and after a few seconds, it finally got to you. " You mean Sehun?" Kai looked at you and rolled his eyes. "Ding ding ding, and the winner goes to the little Japanese girl." You pouted and slapped his shoulder. "Well it's not my fault that he's been sticking with me today. I don't even know why he's behaving like this. He's being extra, close than usual." Kai looked at you and gave the 'are-you-kidding-me' look. "What? Did he say anything about me?" You asked him innocently. This time, it was his turn to flick your forehead. You scowled at him. He chuckled and you smiled. *He's back to being Kai the jerk again.* "Ryoko ah, have the thought of Sehun most probably liking you crossed your mind? Like, one of us could have fallen for you by now. But would you even notice?" After realizing what he just said, Kai pressed his lips together. *Way to go genius.* He scolded himself. 



You thought about what he said. *Well, Baekhyun oppa would be a possibility. But Kai, Sehun and Chanyeol? Do they have a crush on me?* You looked at Kai and examined his face. And at that moment, Kai started to blush, which made you stop walking. *Baekhyun oppa blushed the same way when I looked at him. Does this mean...* Kai stopped walking as well and was facing you. *What is she trying to do?* He thought to himself. You tried staring at him again like you did with Baekhyun. *If he blushes like Baekhyun oppa again, then I guess it's safe to say that Kai oppa most probably has a crush on me?* You told yourself. 



However, instead of blushing like how Baekhyun did, Kai's face seemed to be getting closer to yours. In a matter of seconds, you could feel his breath against your lips. You heart beat was going crazy. It was as though you could hear it beating in your chest. Kai was feeling the same way too. He couldn't control his movements. His body was getting closer to yours. And in a few seconds, you could already feel his chest against you, and you swore you could feel his heartbeat too. Slowly, Kai's hands cupped your face and his fingers began to trace circles at the back of your neck. *O-Oppa is...* You looked up and that's when it happened. 



His lips crashed against yours...


[A/N] A long update for the long absence. I am so sorry. Please forgive me! 


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yme_xiu #1
Horikita maki!!! Hana kimi..hahhaha
Chapter 70: Best story ever. Really like it. Btw I'm crying at the end of the story. lol I'm such a crybaby.
Tiffanynguyen2001 #3
Chapter 70: I LOVE this fanfic.Its... Jjang!! Can you do a sequel please?
yuukiyuu #4
Chapter 70: That was nice. Appreciated it, author-nim!!
kpopmusiclover #5
Chapter 60: Awwww I hope that she gets to stay with the boys again :( update soon^^
Jenduekie #6
Chapter 60: love the crying because of this fighting
Jenduekie #7
Chapter 59: woooooooooooooahhh update soon i want to know their reaction.. fighting
Chapter 59: Kyaaaaaa! That was so sweet~ :D