The Call [Part 2]

My Kareshi And I.






You blinked your eyes to see if your mind were playing tricks on you but your dad’s name still appeared on the caller ID. “Aren’t you going to answer?” Kai peered over your shoulders to look at your phone. You nodded and cleared your throat before pressing the button.



“Moshi moshi. Papa?” You answered. “Ryoko chan! It’s me your dad! Listen, I have something to tell you about your flight tomorrow.” You pressed your phone harder against your ear since it was hard to hear with the fireworks going off in the background. “Uh, I think you need to speak up Papa. I can’t hear you.” Kai just stared at you curiously. Since it was his first time hearing you speak Japanese, he found it intriguing. He noticed how you were having a hard time hearing, so he grabbed your hand and the both of you went away from the crowd.



“Uh, hold on Papa, I’ll go somewhere quieter.” You managed to tell your dad before being pulled helplessly by Kai. The both of you went in a small café near the river and sat at the back. You mouthed a thank you to Kai and he just smiled and nodded. He then left to get the both of you some warm coffee. Once he was gone, you went back to your phone. “Sorry, I was at a fireworks display just now. I wish you could see it Papa, it’s beautiful!” You animatedly told your dad. However, your dad doesn’t seem to be listening to you. “That’s great Ryoko but listen, I have to talk to you about something urgent.” “I know, my flight is booked at 8am tomorrow right? Don’t worry, I won’t miss it, in case you’re worried.”



You heard your dad sigh. “What’s wrong?” You asked, worried all of a sudden. A few seconds later, your dad replied. “That’s the thing. You’re not coming home tomorrow.” He answered in a low tone. You looked up to see Kai still queuing up to buy drinks. In a soft voice, you asked. “I’m not? Why? Did…something happen?” You heard your dad let out a nervous laughter. That worried you even more. Your dad always does that whenever there’s a problem or when he’s stressed out about work. “Just…some problems came up with the business. No big deal. Me and your Mama are heading back to Hong Kong tonight so we’ll need you to stay there a bit longer okay? Maybe for a few months….” He trailed off. You didn’t say anything. You couldn’t. Part of you felt relieved that you could stay a bit longer, but another part of you can’t help but worry about your parents. “Ryoko chan, are you there? We’re really sorry. We’ll try our best to settle the problem as fast as we can and then the three of us can be together again okay?” You cleared your throat and tried to put on a cheery tone, so you won’t worry your dad. “It’s okay! Take your time. I understand how important this is for you and Mama. Of course, I’ll wait for you guys.”



Again you heard your dad sigh but this time, there was a hint of relief in it. “Okay. I have to go and pack now. You take care of yourself over there okay? We’ll call you again once we reached Hong Kong. Take care my baby girl.” “I will. You and Mama take care too okay? Don’t stress yourselves too much. Bye, I love you two!” With that, you hung up the phone. Right at that time, Kai came back with a tray, carrying two cups of coffee. He placed them on the table and turned to you. “So, what’s up? What did your dad say?” *And why do you look so worried? Did something happen? Tell me Ryoko ah.*



You let out a huge sigh and took a sip from your coffee. Instead, you forgot how hot the coffe was and accidentally burned the tip of your tongue. Quickly you put your coffee down and fanned yourself, at the same time laughing. Kai got even more worried for your sudden change of expression. *Did I say something funny? Is something funny? Why is she laughing?* He raised his eyebrows at you. “Yah, why are you laughing? Did something happen?” You stopped laughing and smiled at him. You leaned in closer to him, which caused him to jerk his head back in surprise. “I…” You paused, raising the suspense. “Y-you what?” Kai stuttered, blushing at the same time because of how close your faces were. You smiled again. “I’m not going home tomorrow! I’m staying!” You screamed and pulled him into a tight hug.



Kai was taken aback. “W-what? Y-you’re what?” “I’m staying!” You squealed in his ear at the same time laughing. It took Kai a few seconds to process what you just said before he wrapped his hands around your waist and started laughing too. “You’re staying?! That’s great Ryoko ah! That’s really great!” The two of you laughing made the other customers in the café to look at you. You noticed and quickly pulled yourself away from Kai before giggling again. “I can’t believe it! Why? What happened?” Your smile faded a bit. “Some problems came up in my family’s business so they’re going back to Hong Kong tonight. They said it may take a few more months.”



Kai noticed your expression and slung his arm around your shoulder. “Hey, I’m sure everything’s alright. Don’t worry okay? Look at the bright side, you get to spend more time with me- I mean us. You get to spend more time with us.” *That was close.* He thought to himself. You cheered up a bit after hearing what he said. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. I’m sure my parents can settle the problem. And I get to spend more time with you and the other oppas. The other oppas! We have to tell them! Lat’s go!” With that, you grabbed Kai’s hand and dashed out of the café.



Right outside you bumped in to someone. “Mianhe- Lay oppa! Guys!” It turns out the others were looking for you and the fireworks display had ended a long time ago. “There you are! We’ve been searching everywhere!” Behind him, the others were walking up to the three of you. Hae Ra ran and hugged you. “Yah, where did you go? We were worried!” You smiled and hugged her back. “I had a phone call and it was loud outside so Kai oppa took me inside a café where it’s quieter.”



“That’s not fair! Kai hyung get to spend more time with you before you leave! Hyung, you cheated!” Sehun whined from the back. Kai just smirked and stuck out his tongue at the maknae. You chuckled and went up to Sehun and linked arms with him. “Yah, we got lost. He didn’t really cheat you know. Anyway, I have some good news for you guys.” “Really? What is it?” Suho asked.




You looked at Kai. He was already smiling back at you. You paused for a moment to bring up the suspense before Sehun interrupted again. He shook your arms. “Yah, palli! Stop with the suspense! It’s killing me!” All of you laughed and you ruffled his hair, which is a tough thing to do since he’s super tall and you’re super short. “Arraso you baby. The thing is….I’m not leaving.” There was silence. Nobody said anything. Instead they were just staring at you, thinking it was a joke. You looked at Chanyeol and nodded. Then, that creepy smile of his appeared and he pulled you into a hug. “Jeongmal?! You’re really not leaving us?! This is great!” He spun you around which made you a bit nauseous. “Oppa! I think my bubble tea is about to make an appearance if you don’t stop!”



Chanyeol quickly put you down and you rubbed your forehead. “Opps, sorry!” He smiled cheekily. “That’s great news Ryoko ah. But for how long are you staying here?” Chen asked. You shrugged. “My dad said I would need to stay here for a few more months.” Suho pumped his fist in the air. “Yes! You get to stay and watch my graduation!” You furrowed your eyebrows. “ Graduation? You’re graduating already?” Hae Ra nodded and patted your back. “ Yah, Suho oppa is already a senior in school. You didn’t know? He’s your cousin!” She clicked her tongue at you. Suho faked a tear. “ Ryoko ah, how could you?”



The rest laughed. “Omo, I’m so sorry oppa! I forgot!” You smiled apologetically. “Yah, we’re graduating too you know.” Xiu Min and Kris said. Your eyes widened. “You guys too? Wow, everyone’s leaving.” Luhan smiled and slung his arm over your shoulder. “Hey, they’ll still come and hang out with us. Right hyungs?” The three of them nodded. You felt relieved.



“Anyway, it’s getting late already. I’m sure my parents would be worried if I’m not home soon.” Hae Ra said. She pulled you in for a hug. “But it’s late. Isn’t it dangerous to go home alone?” You said. You and Tao exchanged looks. He understood immediately. “Yeah, someone should send her home. It’s dangerous for a girl to be alone at night.” He said and he nudged D.O, who was oblivious to what’s happening. His eyes widened, clearly not understanding what the nudge meant. “Huh? What?”  You shot him a look and nodded towards Hae Ra. “Oh, it’s okay. I can take care of myself.” She said. You shot D.O another look. He raised his hands, telling you that he’s still clueless. Then Kai, who was standing behind, pushed him towards Hae Ra.



“Kyungsoo says he’ll send you home.” Beakhyun smirked.“Mwuh?!”   D.O had his eyes shaped like saucers. “Really? You’d do that?” Hae Ra asked, and was actually blushing. D.O cleared his throat and nodded before shooting a look towards Kai and Baekhyun who high fived each other. “Uh Y-yeah. It’s dangerous if y-you go alone.” Hae Ra clapped her hands together. “Really? Thank you oppa!”



“Okay you take care of her Kyungsoo ah. We’ll meet you back at home.” Chanyeol said and the rest of you left the two of them together.


D.O cleared his throat again. “So uh…s-shall we?” Hae Ra smiled and nodded. 


On the way home, the other oppas (Kris, Xiu Min, Chen, Luhan, Lay and Tao) went their separate ways and it was only the 6 of you left, excluding D.O who was stills sending Hae Ra home. The others were walking at the front, talking to Suho about his graduation and you were left to walk with Baekhyun alone at the back. "Oppa, isn't this great? I get to stay with you guys longer." You smiled to yourself and did a little skipping motion. Baekhyun smiled at your cuteness. "Of course it is. You still haven't seen all of Seoul yet!" *And I still haven't spend much time with you. It's like God has given me a second chance.* He silently thought to himself. You nodded in agreement to what he just said. "Yeap. There's still so many things I want to do here." 



Baekhyun raised his eyebrows. " Really? Like what?" 


You scratched yoru chin, thinking. "I don't know, just stuff I guess. Like, skiing, or maybe going to the beach?" *And even fall in love? No! Ryoko ah, how can yout think of that?!* You mentally slapped yourself. Baekhyun nodded. "Going to the beach huh? Hey, we should tell this to the others. It's been a long time since all of us went to the beach too." You snapped out from your thoughts and jumped up and down. "Really? Really? Really? Oh my God it's going to be so much fun!" You grabbed on to his arms and smiled widely. Baekhyun blushed and nodded. "Y-yeah. I'm sure it will." *Calm down Baekhyun ah. Ugh but I can't! She's being so cute right now! No, I have got to control myself.* 


Right then you let go of his arm and smiled. "I'm going to tell the oppas right now!" you said and ran up to the others, leaving Baekhyun alone to calm down his nerves. "That was close." he said to himself. *I feel that as time goes by, the more I feel like confessing to you. And since you're staying here longer now, it's like God has given me a second chance.*


[A/N] Hey guys, sorry for nto updating much. If you guys could read my blog posts, I've been having a bad week recently and a lot of things came up.

But I hope everything will get better for me and if it does, I'll update more okay? Hope you guys would understand :)

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yme_xiu #1
Horikita maki!!! Hana kimi..hahhaha
Chapter 70: Best story ever. Really like it. Btw I'm crying at the end of the story. lol I'm such a crybaby.
Tiffanynguyen2001 #3
Chapter 70: I LOVE this fanfic.Its... Jjang!! Can you do a sequel please?
yuukiyuu #4
Chapter 70: That was nice. Appreciated it, author-nim!!
kpopmusiclover #5
Chapter 60: Awwww I hope that she gets to stay with the boys again :( update soon^^
Jenduekie #6
Chapter 60: love the crying because of this fighting
Jenduekie #7
Chapter 59: woooooooooooooahhh update soon i want to know their reaction.. fighting
Chapter 59: Kyaaaaaa! That was so sweet~ :D