New Friends.

My Kareshi And I.

"Okay class, please be reminded that your CCAs starts today and I do not want to find anyone, leaving the school early. Arrasso?"


It's been two weeks since all of you sent in the application forms for your respective CCAs and you were relieved that you managed to get in to the dance class. The final bell rang and all of you had at least an hour before the CCAs starts so you and Kai decided to head to the dance studio first. 


"Oppa, can't we go grab some snacks first? We're still early!" Kai was holding your hand, practically dragging you and caused the other girls to stare at you with envy. You noticed and looked at the floor. "Oppa, people are staring! They might get the wrong idea!" You quietly hissed at him. Kai looked back at you. "and you don't like it?" You looked up at him and saw him smile. You swear your heart fluttered. *W-Which girl wouldn't want to be dragged around by some good-looking guy?* You thought to yourself. Kai smiled and kept on dragging you. 


The two of you then stopped in front of a room right at the end of the empty hallway. There was a big black door and music was coming from inside. You tugged on Kai's sleeve. "Come on, there's people inside. Let's go find another room." You were about to move when Kai just grabbed the door knob and pushed it open. "Yah, opp-" Before you could finish your sentence, he's already entered the room. You gawked. *There's obviously people inside and he just had to intrude?*


Slowly you walked in only to find Kai being surrounded by a group of guys. *Oh no, oppa's in trouble.* You were about to run out and call the teacher when you heard them laughing. You turned around and saw them having a group hug. *Okay, what the hell is going on here? Kai oppa knows them?* Kai turned around and pulled you closer. The three guys stopped smiling and looked at you. 


"Woah, you didn't tell me you got a girlfriend! Way to go Kai!" A guy who was wearing a beanie and had small eyes slapped Kai's back. The other two, looked at you. Kai smirked and shook his head. "Ani, she's not my girlfriend. She's Suho hyung's cousin." You quickly bowed to them. "Annyeong, Ryoko-imnida." This time, a guy who was a bit taller than Kai came up to you. "Ryoko? You're not from here aren't you?" You nodded and looked up. You can't help but stare. *This guy is gorgeous.* He was tall, and since he was just wearing a black shirt and sweatpants, you could see his lean muscles. But the thing that caught your eye first was his dimple.


"She's from Japan. She'll only be here for a few months since her parents are in Hong Kong for some business meeting." The tall guy's eyes widened. "Hong Kong? You mean, near China there right?" The guy with the small eyes smirked, "Where else do you think, genius?" You couldn't help but laugh. "Lay, aren't you from Changsha?" *Lay? what kind of name is that? Changsha? So, he's not from here too?* 


Lay nodded and extended his hand to you. "Annyeong, Zhang Yi Xing imnida. But just call me Lay." You shook his hand. *Wow, it's really warm...and sweaty.* Lay seemed to noticed and quickly retracted his hands. "Um, sorry about that, I was practicing earlier." He rubbed the back of his neck, feeling embarrassed. You laughed, "It's okay, I understand." The guy with the small eyes laughed. "You are so not a gentleman Lay. Now, watch and learn. Anneyong, Kim Min Seok-imnida, but just call me Xiu Min. Cause that's what the others call me." He extended his hand. You shook it. *This guy is kind of cute too.* Lay scoffed. "Or, you can call him Baozi." Xiu Min let go of your hand and glared at Lay. Kai was laughing. 


"Baozi? What's that? It doesn't sound like Korean to me." *What the hell is a Baozi?* Kai came up to you and placed his arms around your shoulder, "Baozi my Japanese friend, is not Korean. It's Chinese for bun." Lay and Kai cracked up again and Xiu Min looked embarrassed. "Why is he called a bun-" You stopped yourself. *Oh now that I think about it, he really does look like one. His cheeks are so, round.* Xiu Min pouted and threw his arms up. "Go on, laugh at me for being chubby." You couldn't help but giggle and waved your hands. "Ani, I think it's cute." *Wait, did I just say that?* Kai and Lay looked at you too. *Did she just call Xiu Min hyung cute?* Kai raised his eyebrows. 


Lay and Kai looked at each other and started laughing again. "Wow, hyung, this must be the first time I've heard someone called you cute!" Lay said while catching his breath. Xiu Min beamed at you, ignoring what Lay had just said. "Ryoko ah, you're cute too!" And this time, all of you laughed together. *These guys are funny. I wonder if their in the dance class too.* "Lay-ssi, are you guys in the dance class too?" Lay stopped laughing and nodded his head. "Yes we are, and drop the formalities, just call us oppa okay?" You smiled and nodded. Kai seemed amused, "Wow, you didn't let any other girls call you that. Why Ryoko?" You looked at the both of them. *Does that mean I'm the only one who's ever called him that? Wow, somehow I feel quite honored.* 


Xiu Min patted Kai's shoulder, "Because she's different from the other girls that's why." What do you mean?" Kai raised his eyebrows, and this time Lay too put an arm on his shoulder. "Because, a friend of Kai's, is a friend of ours too. Plus, you don't really like talking to other girls and too see you hanging out with her, it must mean she's special." Kai became flustered and you blushed. *Am I really something special to him?* Kai smacked Lay's stomach. "Y-yah, what do y-you mean? Like I said, sh-she's just hyung's cousin th-that's all." Xiu Min smacked Kai's shoulder, "Ay, there must be more than that." 


Kai started to blush even harder and he shoved Xiu Min. "Hyung, what's wrong with you? I-i'm going to go change. Y-yah, you change too." Kai said without looking at you and he rushed out of the dance studio. *Stupid hyung, why did he say that? Ugh, and in front of her too.* Lay came from behind you and whispered. "Looks like someone have a crush on you." He smiled, again, showing his dimples. "Y-you mean K-kai oppa? T-that can't be. H-he's a jerk." *Why am I stuttering?* "E-excuse me, I'll go change first." You bowed to the two of them and left. Xiu Min and Lay looked at each other and laughed. "This is going to be interesting." Lay said. Xiu Min nodded, "Especially when it's Kai." 


You were in the toilet, getting changed in to your sweater and sweatpants. You were also feeling a bit flustered. *Does Kai oppa really have a crush on me? Wait, why am I even thinking about this?* You shook your head and quickly went out. 


*Is this all?* There was no one else in the room except the four of you and your dance instructor. The rest were already seated in front so you quickly put your things by the side and joined them. You nudged Kai's arm. "Oppa, why is it only us?" "Don't look at me, I'm confused too." He shrugged his shoulders. The dance instructor cleared his throat. 


"Well, you guys must be wondering why there aren't any other students. Xiu Min, would you mind explaining?" You and Kai looked at Xiu Min who was smiling. *Hyung? What is going on here?* Xiu Min stood beside the instructor. "Well, our school's 50th anniversary is coming up so we decided to have a dance performance." Xiu Min clapped his hands together. Lay smiled and nodded. "Wait, but what does that have to do with the four of us?" You questioned. This time, it was Lay who answered you. "We're doing the performance silly!" Your eyes widened. "WHAT?! WHY-HOW-WAIT-HUH?" *We're going to perform?! But I just entered this school!* Kai had the same expression as you too. *They have got to be kidding me!* You started to calm down and catch your breath. "so let me get this straight, for the school's anniversary, the four of us are going to be performing on stage, in front of everyone?" The instructor nodded his head. "You are right about that, except for one thing. It's not going to be the four of you, but five." You cocked your head sideward. *Five? But there's only the four of us here.* Right then someone barged into the room.




Your eyes widened upon seeing who it was. "Sehun?!" Sehun was panting and he looked up and smiled at you. He then walked up to the instructor and bowed. "Sorry I'm late! I got lost!" The instructor clicked his tongue and shook his head. "It's okay. I just told the rest about the performance. Take a seat." Sehun smiled and sat beside you. "Sehun ah, you knew about this?" Kai asked the maknae. Sehun nodded. "I bumped into Xiu Min hyung earlier and he told me about it. But what I didn't know was Ryoko being one of the performers." He looked at you. 


The instructor cleared his throat again to get everyone's attention. "Anyway, the reason why I chose the five of you is because I understand that each of you have a talent and passion for dancing. So I've picked the five of you to perform for the event. It's happening in about a month from now so you guys have a lot of time to practice arrasso?" The five of you nodded your head. The instructor clapped his hands together, "Right, some of you might not know me. I'm Greg, your dance instructor. Now, let's get started shall we?" 


"Can we walk a bit slower? My limbs are aching!" You dragged your feet along. It was already dark by the time everyone finished their CCAs. The dance class was really intense even though it was only the first lesson. Greg said it's because he wants us to have a perfect performance during the anniversary. *Pfft, and he said we had a lot of time to practice.* Sehun slowed down his walking pace and clinged on to you arm. "Come on, it wasn't that tiring. Stop being an old woman." You shot a look at him. At the same time you heard Kai smirk in front. 


"Hey guys wait up!" Baekhyun, D.O and Suho caught up with you. There were two other guys following them. " Oh oppa, you guys just ended too?" Baekhyun nodded his head and gestured the other two to come forward. "Who are these two?" 


The first guy came up first, "Annyeong, Luhan-imnida." *Wow, this guy really have a nice smile. His parents must have saved a whole kingdom in their past lives. He's like a walking prince! And he doesn't look like he's fro Korea.*


The next guy introduced himself. "Annyeong, Kim Jeong Dae-imnida but you can call me Chen." *Wow, how come all the guys they introduced me to are all so good looking? His jaw line is so defined and he has the sweetest smile, just like Luhan.*'


"They're from our singing class. D.O and Chen are classmates." Suho said. "Oh Luhan, you're in singing class? I never knew you could sing!" Sehun said as he went closer to him. *They both know each other?* Suho looked just as surprised as you were. "Do you two know each other?" Luhan and Sehun put their arms over each other. "Yeap, we're classmates!" The both of them laughed. *I'm surrounded by good looking, beautiful, young guys right now. Am I lucky?*


"Hyung, I have to go. My mum is expecting me home for dinner tonight. I'll see you tomorrow okay? It was nice meeting all of you." With that, Chen left first. "Hyung, I have to go to. The journey home is very long and if I don;t move now, I'll miss the bus. And it was nice meeting all of you too." Luhan followed Chen. The rest of you bid your farewells and continued walking home.


"Well, that was nice." You smiled to yourself. D.O nudged you, "Why? Don't tell me, you've fallen for one of them?" He jokingly said. Baekhyun glanced at you. *Is it true? Could it be Luhan? He is quite popular with the girls. Or maybe Chen? He's a nice guy too. Wait, am I feeling jealous?* You shot a look at D.O. He raised his arms. "I was just kidding, sheesh." You clicked your tongue, "What I meant was, it was nice making new friends. But I have to admit though, they were all good looking. Are you guys friends with only good looking people?" This time, Kai smirked. "Not all our friends are good looking." "What do you mean?" You scratched your head. "You're our friend too remember?" It took you awhile to understand what he just said. And when you finally realized, Kai started to make a run for it.


"YAH YOU JERK! COME BACK SO I CAN RIP YOU TO SHREDS!" You ran after him. Kai continued laughing and running like a maniac. "Kai, we'll protect you!" D.O and Sehun followed suit. Baekhyun and Suho just continued walking. Suho laughed to himself. "What's so funny?" Suho sighed and shook his head. "It's been a while since I've seen Kai and the rest smile like that. And it's because of her. Don't you think?" Suho sighed once more and looked at the sky. Baekhyun thought about what he said and nodded. *Hyung's right. It's been a long time since our lives became this interesting. And it all started when she got here. You're a very special girl Ryoko.* Baekhyun smiled to himself. 


"Hyung!" Both Chanyeol and Suho ly to find Chanyeol running up to them. "Yah, where have you been?" Chanyeol stopped to catch his breath and he looked around. "Where are the others?" Baekhyun shook his head and patted Chanyeol's shoulders. "Ryoko's on her way to murder Kai. The rest too I guess." Both Suho and Baekhyun laughed. Chanyeol was confused. *What are they talking about? Murder Kai?* "You'll understand once we get home. So, which CCA are you in?" 


The three of them started to make their way home again. "I'm in vocals. I'm taking rap with Tao and Kris. You know them right?" Baekhyun nodded his head. "Ahh, the two giants in our school. Hold on, you're one too." He teased Chanyeol. Chanyeol smiled and smacked Bakhyun's head. "Just because you're short doesn't mean we're giants pabo. Anyway, yea, I was with them just now so that's why I was late." Baekhyun pouted and rubbed his head. *Stupid, violent, giant.*


"We were discussing on what to do for the school's anniversary event." Both Suho and Baekhyun looked at him. "Wait, you;re performing too?" Chanyeol raised his eyebrows. "Too? You mean, you guys are going to perform with us?" Both of them nodded their heads. Chanyeol beamed. "Wah, this is going to be exciting huh? I wonder if the others are performing too." 


*I hope Ryoko is.*



So what do you guys think? I thought the previous chapter was a bit of a bore so I wanted to make it up to you guys by introducing the rest of the EXO members ^^


Do continue to comment though. It just brightens my day to see your comments because it tells me that you guys are still reading this fic. About the sequel to my first fic. I don't think I'm doing it. I can't come up with any plot. So mianhe to all those who were anticipating it :( Anyways, do continue to give love and show your support for this fic everyone! Love you guys!


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yme_xiu #1
Horikita maki!!! Hana kimi..hahhaha
Chapter 70: Best story ever. Really like it. Btw I'm crying at the end of the story. lol I'm such a crybaby.
Tiffanynguyen2001 #3
Chapter 70: I LOVE this fanfic.Its... Jjang!! Can you do a sequel please?
yuukiyuu #4
Chapter 70: That was nice. Appreciated it, author-nim!!
kpopmusiclover #5
Chapter 60: Awwww I hope that she gets to stay with the boys again :( update soon^^
Jenduekie #6
Chapter 60: love the crying because of this fighting
Jenduekie #7
Chapter 59: woooooooooooooahhh update soon i want to know their reaction.. fighting
Chapter 59: Kyaaaaaa! That was so sweet~ :D