A Day Out Shopping!

My Kareshi And I.

The week flew past so quickly and it was already the weekends. You noticed that you were running out of clothes. *That's what you get for being too adventurous and only bringing one luggage of clothes Ryoko.* You told yourself. Well, that only means one thing, shopping! You changed your clothes and quickly got ready to head out, but then you remembered, " I have no idea where to go." *Maybe the Oppas can help!*


You headed downstairs and saw the guys sitting on the sofa, watching the television. Actually, they weren't really watching it. They were just staring at it while Chanyeol kept flipping the channels. "I'm so bored. There's nothing to do here!" Sehun complained. 


"Oppas! Let's all go shopping neh?" You said as you jumped down from the last step of the stairs. "Call!" D.O was the first one to answer. Everyone nodded their heads in agreement and got up to get ready. You then noticed someone was missing. "Eh, where's Kai Oppa?" You said as you searched the room. "Oh, Kai always disappears somewhere during the weekends. None of us knows where though. It's been like that ever since." Suho said. *Hmm, where could he have gone to?* You thought to yourself. You then shrugged, *It's not like it matters to me anyway.* "Okay Oppas! Hurry up and get changed! I need to buy tons of clothes!" Baekhyun smiled and looked at you, "Why did you come all the way here with only one luggage then?" 


You guilty smiled and rubbed the back of your neck, "I thought it would be enough..." You said. Beakhyun smiled and shook his head, *Aish Ryoko, always so silly.* "I'll give you guys 10 minutes to get ready so hurry up!" You said as you plopped down on the sofa and put your legs on the table. Everyone went into their rooms to change. You couldn't help but think about Kai suddenly. Where could he have gone? Why aren't the other guys curious to know? You leaned back your head and faced the ceiling. Suddenly, a pair of hands came up from behind you and covered your eyes. "Guess who?" You smiled to yourself because you already knew who it was. 


"Chanyeol Oppa." Chanyeol clicked his tongue and jumped over the couch to sit beside you. "How did you know?" He pouted. "Oppa, you're the only one in this house who has a mega low octave voice. Of course I know." You told him as you smacked his shoulders. He chuckled. *So you actually do notice me.* He blushed. "Oppa, where do you think Kai Oppa went?" You couldn't help it. You were just too curious. Chanyeol thought for a while. "I don't know actually. No one does. But he usually comes home late at night and heads straight for his room. He never comes out after that." Chanyeol said, nodding at the same time. 


"Didn't any of the Oppas ask where he went? Suho Oppa should have right?" Chanyeol nodded again, "We all did. But you know Kai, he never likes it when people butts in to his business. Soon we all gave up asking and just let him be. Why do you keep asking about him anyway?" That question shocked you. Why were you asking anyway? You don't know but something inside you just wants to know where Kai is. you smiled and shook your head, "Ani, just curious that's all." Chanyeol looked at you suspiciously. *Don't tell me she's....interested in Kai?* 


Right then the rest of the guys entered the living room. "Ryoko ah, are you ready to go?" Suho asked you. Both you and Chanyeol got up from the sofa and you straightened your shirt, "I am, but, I don't know where to go. I was wondering if you guys could lead the way." All of them thought about it for a while when Baekhyun clapped his hands and smiled, "Let's say we go to Myeong-dong? There are many shops there and the prices are quite cheap." Everyone else nodded in agreement. "We'd have to take the subway though, it's quite far from here." 



A few minutes later, the seven of you were crammed in the subway train. Chanyeol, Sehun, D.O and Suho got in first but you were pushed by the commuters who were going out from the train. You then heard the announcer saying that the door was about to close. You thought you couldn't make it in time when suddenly someone pushed you from behind and you got in right before the door closes. "Ah, thank you." You said and turned around. To your surprise, you saw Baekhyun. "Oh, Oppa, I thought you went in already." Baekhyun smiled and flicked your forehead, "If I did, you would be left behind." You rubbed your forehead and smiled. *If it wasn't for him, you wouldn't be able to get in.* The train jerked forward and started to move. As it jerked, your reflexes caused you to grab Baekhyun's shirt. He quickly caught you and helped you balance yourself. Then a man behind you pushed you and you had your face buried in Baekhun's chest. 



Quickly, you tried to take a step back and you couldn't help but blush. Baekhyun blushed too. "The train is kind of packed at this hour." He said, avoiding eye contact with you and clearing his throat. You can't help but blush even more. Your face was so close to his chest you can literally feel his warmth. "A-ah neh...I wonder how the others are doing..." you said, as you try your hardest not to lean against him. Baekhyun noticed that you were having a hard time and he suddenly  grabbed your arms, making you lean in closer that your face was practically on his chest. *What is he doing?!* He then turned the both of you around and when he let go of you, you noticed that you were leaning against the train doors and he was in front of you. He put his hands against the door over your head so that he could balance. 


He looked at you and smiled, "Better? You could have told me you know." You smiled and nodded. Beakhyun smiled back. *Why is my heart beating so fast right now?* Baekhyun thought to himself and looked elsewhere, blushing. For the rest of the ride, the two of you didn't talk to each other and remained in that position. When you finally reached Myeong-dong, you quickly went out from the tran and sighed heavily outside. *His face was too close, I couldn't stop blushing.* Baekhyun felt relieved too and he felt less nervous. *We were too close to each other.*



"Ryoko ah, was the ride okay? Did you manage to get a seat?" Sehun came up to you. "Ryoko ah, why is your face red?" You quickly waved your hand in front of his face. "A-ani, I'm just tired that's all. I didn't get a seat and the train was too packed." Sehun scratched his head and nodded. "How about we take a cab when we go home?" D.O suggested. "That'll be better." Baekhyun said too quickly. "Everyone here? okay let's go." Suho ushered all of you up the steps and out to Myeong-dong. Your eyes widen when you saw what was in front of you.



Tons of people everywhere! In shops, on the streets. And most of them were teenagers about your age. Chanyeol saw your expression and smiled. *She is always so impressed about every single thing.*  He leaned in closer to you and whispered, "This is the part where you say 'Daebak'." And straight after that, you said it. "Daebak!" And you put your hands together. Chanyeol chuckled at your reaction and shook his head. The rest noticed too and they weren't surprised that you were amazed by Myeongdong. They used to come by here often when they first started living with each other. 


"So, shall we get started?" Suho said and smiled to the rest of them. The seven of you then started walking around the streets, surveying every shop. Of course there were times when you get side tracked and distracted. You bought a lot of clothes with the help of Suho and D.O. They seemed to have a good sense of fashion. They picked out the clothes that were really nice but at the same time at an affordable price and also got some stuff for themselves. Chanyeol and Sehun wanted to buy caps for themselves and asked D.O and Suho to help them and in the end, it was only you and Baekhyun left. Alone. Together. Again. 



"Um, so, have you got what you needed?" Baekhyun asked you awkwardly. *Why is it so awkward when I'm with her?* You looked in to the bags you were carrying, "Yeap, I think I do. Well, if I don't have enough I can always come back here again." You said and smiled at him. He looked at the bags you were carrying and carried it for you. "Here let me help." Before you could protest, he already took all the bags from your hands. "I-it's okay Oppa, I can carry some of it." Baekhyun just shook his head. "Nope, not gonna let you carry them." He then turned and started to walk. You sighed and had no choice but to admit defeat.



"Oppa, where are we going?" You called out to Baekhyun. "Ryoko ah, are you hungry? Let's get some ice cream." You eyes widened at the sound of ice cream and you ran up towards Baekhyun. "D-did you say ice cream? Let's go!" You tugged on his shirt. You couldn't help it. You were starting to feel a bit hungry. Baekhyun smiled at you. "Let me call the others. I know a great ice cream parlor here. We can meet them there." You nodded. After Baekhyun made his call, you and him started walking towards the ice cream parlor. 


To your surprise, there wasn't a lot of customers and you and Baekhyun could easily find a seat inside. You guys picked a seat right next to the window so that the others could easily spot you. Baekhyun sat beside you an he placed all the shopping bags on the floor.  A few minutes later, the rest of the guys entered the parlor with tons of shopping bags in their hands. "Yah, I thought you guys just wanted to buy caps?" Baekhyun laughed and pointed to the bags. Chanyeol shot him a look and placed the bags down under the table. "We couldn't help it, the clothes were all so nice." He then took a seat beside Beakhyun and the two of them started chatting. Sehun plopped down beside you. "Ryoko ah, what ice cream do you want to get?" 


"Hmm, not sure yet." You said as you looked at the menu. But then you noticed Suho and D.O were just sitting down and staring into space. You reached out to Suho's hands, "Oppa, is everything okay?" Suho and D.O slowly turned to look at you. "I'm okay. Just tired. Next time, please remind me not to go shopping with these two again." Suho weakly pointed to Chanyeol and Sehun. Chanyeol clicked his tongue. "Hyung, this just shows you need some exercise." D.O shot him a look. You laughed and shook your head. 


The waitress came over to get your orders but you noticed that she couldn't stop staring at the guys. She kept stuttering and blushing. When she was done taking our orders, she quickly covered her face with her notepad and went behind the counter to the rest of her co-workers who were also staring and giggling. You leaned closer to Baekhyun who was busy talking to Chanyeol and nudged his shoulder. "Oppa, is it just me or are they similar to the girls in school?" Baekhyun lifted his eyebrows and looked at the giggling girls behind the counter. He then smiled and shook his head. "They go to our school." You nodded your head. *So that's why I've seen them before.* Chanyeol then leaned forward. "Hey Ryoko, do you want to see something funny?" You smiled and nodded your head.


Chanyeol hen turned towards the direction of the giggling girls, and sure enough they had their eyes on Chanyeol. You were wondering about what he was going to do when he suddenly flashed a smile at all of them and waved. The girls immediately started squealing and covered their faces with their notepads. Chanyeol smiled and turned back to you. You were trying hard not to laugh. So did the other guys. "You guys are so mean!" You quietly said and slapped Sehun's shoulder. He too was trying hard not to laugh that his hold face became red. Right then, of of the waitresses came over with our orders and she placed them on the table. The whole time, you noticed she couldn't stop glancing at D.O.


When she finally left, you nudged D.O, "Looks like someone's got a fan." You said and winked at him. He blushed. "I don't really like the attention given by girls." Chanyeol suddenly burst into laughter and slapped D.O's back, "Yea right! You get shy every time they do give you attention!" D.O blushed even more and slapped his own face. "Aaah stop it stop it I'm getting embarrassed!" The rest of you laughed at his cuteness. 


For the rest of the day, the six of you just ate ice cream and talked about random stuff like how Sehun once ripped his pants after P.E and how Chanyeol once tried cooking but it turned out as a disaster. You guys were having so much fun when suddenly, a girl approached your table and looked at Suho. "Oh, Suho Oppa, is that you?" All of you turned to look at her. Suho stood up abruptly and pointed to her,


"Oh, Mi Young ah, y-you're here?"



Alright I have to say I'm a bit disappointed with this update. I wrote it like 2 days ago with such awesome ideas but when I clicked the update button it just disappeared and I forgot what I wrote, so please bear with with me here. 
Anyway, as promised, I shall now posts some gifs of the other members, credit to the owners of course ;)



D.O is like a cat, idk why. His eyes are just....so big.



Our lovely leader Suho ;) Such a charming guy...



And uh..bbuing bbuing to you too handsome :P

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yme_xiu #1
Horikita maki!!! Hana kimi..hahhaha
Chapter 70: Best story ever. Really like it. Btw I'm crying at the end of the story. lol I'm such a crybaby.
Tiffanynguyen2001 #3
Chapter 70: I LOVE this fanfic.Its... Jjang!! Can you do a sequel please?
yuukiyuu #4
Chapter 70: That was nice. Appreciated it, author-nim!!
kpopmusiclover #5
Chapter 60: Awwww I hope that she gets to stay with the boys again :( update soon^^
Jenduekie #6
Chapter 60: love the update...im crying because of this fighting
Jenduekie #7
Chapter 59: woooooooooooooahhh update soon i want to know their reaction.. fighting
Chapter 59: Kyaaaaaa! That was so sweet~ :D