The Three Giants.

My Kareshi And I.

"Kai! Ryoko! Over here, over here!" 


Kai and you turned towards the gazebo right outside the school's cafeteria. *What are they doing there?* You and Kai looked at each other. Obvious to you, Kai doesn't know what was happening either. The two of you then weaved through the crowd of students and finally went out to the gazebo. To your surprise, everyone was there. And by everyone, you mean, Chen, Luhan, Xiu Min and Lay. Another thing that caught you eye was that there were two more people sitting right beside Chanyeol. You and Kai sat down.


"Hyung, who are they?" 


Chanyeol beamed and nudged the guy sitting beside him. He shot Chanyeol a look and cleared his throat. "Annyeong, Kris-imnida." He bowed in his seat. "Kris? You're not from here are you?" Kai asked. *And my God you're tall. What are you, a troll?* Kris shifted in his seat and nodded. "My real name is Wu Fan." You raised your eyebrows. "So you're from China?" Kris shook his head. "My hometown is in Vancouver, Canada. I'm Chinese-Canadian." He smiled at you. *This guy is just the same as Luhan. Both their parents must have saved a country or something in their past lives. This guy could be a model!* 


"Annyeong! Tao-imnida!" Both you and Kai turned to look at the guy beside Kris. "Let me guess, you're from China right?" Kai said. Tao smiled and nodded. "My full name is Huang Zi Tao but people just call me Tao because they find it hard to pronounce the full thing. I wonder why. It's quite easy actually. Don't you think?" You smiled at him. *He sure is friendly. And quite tall too. But somehow, his face doesn't fit his personality. He looks kind of..scary and has that creepy aura.* "Nice to meet you both. My name is Ryoko and this is Kai." Kris gave a slight nod and Tao beamed. "I know who you guys are." Your eyes widened. "H-how?" Tao smiled and immediately covered his face. You looked at him, feeling confused. *Is he, blushing?* Kai smirked. *This kid really is different  than how he looks.*


"You're Ryoko, the one people always talks about in my class. Especially the guys. They really like you!" Tao said out loud. Chanyeol smacked his head. "Yah! Do you want the whole world to know? Keep your volume down will you? Everyone's already staring at us. We don't want any more attention." Tao pouted and rubbed his head. You turned to look back at the cafeteria and sure enough, most of the students were staring at you guys. You quickly turned around. "W-why are we sitting here anyway?" You asked. "We actually sat at our usual table but then the students, and by students I mean girls, kept bothering us even more since brought them along." Suho gestured at the 'newcomers' who quickly tried to avoid eye contact with the others. Suho sighed and continued, "So we had no choice but to sit out here, IN THE SUN." He purposely emphasized the last three words, making the 'newcomers' cringe. *And also thanks to them, I doubt Mi Young would know I'm here.* Suho kept glancing in the cafeteria to see if she was there but with the crowd of students sitting near them, it was impossible.


Xiu Min nudged Suho's arm. "Ay, come on Hyung. We've never had a chance to eat lunch with you guys before." Chen nodded in agreement. "That's right. It's because all the girls kept bugging us to seat with them, we had trouble eating. But with you here, they'll never approach us!" Xiu Min and Chen high fived each other. "They actually do have a point you know. The girls in the school respects your privacy and gives you space. I actually pity these guys." D.O said.


You actually agreed with him too. "D.O oppa is right. We can all have lunch together right? I mean, the more the merrier right?" You smiled at your cousin. Suho sighed and thought for a while. *Aish these kids, all ganging up against me. Well, D.O do have a point, and so does Ryoko. Ugh, Suho, it's no time for you to be selfish. You can see Mi Young in class anyway.* Suho finally nodded and the rest of you started to cheer. "Wah, Hyung, you're the best!" Sehun said and showed him a thumbs up. Baekhyun smiled too. *This means we don't have to see that witch and her gang during lunch anymore.* Kai was thinking the same thing too. *Now I can stop worrying about Ryoko's safety for a while. You did the right thing Hyung.* Suho sighed and nodded his head. "Yeah, yeah. But if you guys are causing trouble or making a ruckus, I'll let all the girls climb all over you." All of them nodded and continued talking to each other. 


You can't help but admire your cousin. *He's like a father to these guys. Even at home he's the most responsible one. But the thing I'm most happy is that now I won't have to deal with Mi Young.* You smiled. 


Suddenly a hand waved right in front of your face, distracted you from your thoughts. That hand belonged to non other that Chanyeol. You blinked your eyes at him. "Ryoko ah, want to come over my mum's stall today? I'm bringing Tao and Kris hyung along too. They want to try my mum's deokbeokki." Tao and Kris were both looking at you too. You actually felt lazy to go and besides you had Korean class tonight. Chanyeol saw your face and his face fell. You felt bad. *Well, I could skip one lesson right? Besides, my Korean isn't that bad.* "Chanyeol ah, I've missed your mother's deokbeokki. Let's go okay?" In a blink of an eye, Chanyeol beamed at you and nodded. *For a moment there i thought she didn't want to go. Ryoko ah, it's been a long time since I've spent time together with you.*

The final bell rang and it was time to go home, for the other students that is. *That's right I almost forgot. I'm hanging out with the three giants today.* You quickly packed your bags and bid farewell to Kai. "See you back at home." Kai smirked at you and you stuck out your tongue at him. *Jerk*. Kai chuckled and ruffled your hair. *Even though I hate the fact that you're going to spend time with Chanyeol but, be safe Ryoko.*


You picked up your bags and went out of class only to have your collar pulled by some someone. "For God's sake Kai stop being a-" You stopped yourself realizing that it was actually Baekhyun who pulled your collar. His eyes widened. *Kai? Are you really that close to him already? It's only been two weeks.*


You smiled and waved your hands in front of his face to snap him out from his thoughts. He looked at you and smiled. "Are you ready?"
You blinked at him, and that's when you remembered. *I didn't tell him I was skipping Korean class today. Way to go genius.* You face palmed and mentally scolded yourself. You rubbed the back of your neck and smiled guiltily at him. "Oppa, mianhe, but I'm skipping class today." As expected, Baekhyun's face fell. "W-why?" You felt bad and rubbed his arms. "I'm sorry oppa. I should have told you this earlier. I already made plans with Chanyeol oppa." *Please don't be upset oppa.* "I'll make it up to you okay? Anything you want! I promise." You tried to cheer him up. Baekhyun sighed and nodded, giving you a faint smile. "Arrasso. I understand. I can't be too selfish and have you all to myself can I? You go enjoy yourself." He ruffled your hair and walked past you. *Come on Baekhyun ah, it's no time for you to be selfish. She's not even your girlfriend in the first place. Of course she can hang out with whom ever she wants.*


You turned to see Baekhyun walking down the the hallway. *Mianhe oppa. I'll really make it up to you.* Just then someone covered your eyes. "Guess who?" You smiled knowing it was Chanyeol again and this time, instead of answering, you smirked and stepped on his foot instead. He let out a yelp and started hopping around on one foot. "YAH! WHAT ARE YOU, A SUMO WRESTLER OR SOMETHING?!" You crossed your arms and faked a laugh. "Ha ha oppa. Like I said, I can tell by your voice that it was you." Kris and Tao came from behind. Tao was beaming as usual and Kris clapped his hands. "Wow, that was the first time I've seen a girl did that to Chanyeol." You smiled and them and Chanyeol shot him a look. Tao came beside you and hooked your arms. "Let's go! I'm starving!" He then dragged you out of the school, Chanyeol and Kris following behind. 


Somehow, Tao reminded you of Sehun. Except that he looks, scary. On the way to the deokbeokki stall, Tao and you talked a lot. Well actually, he did most of the talking and you did most of the listening. And you didn't mind it one bit. You find him kind of cute, child-like. *And he actually likes shopping!* Tao suddenly stopped talking and you blinked at him. "I'm talking too much aren't I? I must be annoying you." He said as he looked at the pavement. You waved your arms in front of you. "No not at all! I enjoy listening to you Tao. I find you really, cute...and interesting." Tao smiled and blushed when he heard you say that. His face brightened up and a few minutes later, the four of you reached the deokbeokki stall. 


"Omma!" Chanyeol went up first towards the mini van which you remembered had a makeshift kitchen inside. You still find that amusing though. A familiar figure walked out from the van and she wiped her hands on her apron. "Omo, my son, you came again?" Chanyeol hugged his mother and gave her a kiss on her cheek. You couldn't help but smile. *Chanyeol oppa really loves his mother doesn't he? He's so sweet.* Chanyeol's mother saw you standing and her face lit up even more. "Omo, look who's here too! If it isn't the beautiful Ryoko! Come here!" You smiled and bowed at her. You walked towards her and she gave you a hug too. *Mmm, she smells like deokbeokki.* You smiled to yourself. Kris and Tao awkwardly approached the three of you.


"Omma, meet my friends, Kris hyung and Tao." The both of them bowed and introduced themselves. "Annyeong Mrs Park, Kris imnida. This is Tao." "Chanyeol ah, why are your friends so tall? I feel like a dwarf!" Mrs Park jokingly said. Kris and Tao chuckled.


"Omma, my friends are here to try your deokbeokki. Ppalli!" Chanyeol pulled his mother back into the mini-kitchen. You smiled at seeing how cute both of them are. 


While waiting for Chanyeol and his mother, the three of you sat on a table. The atmosphere suddenly became awkward since you weren't that close to the both of them. And it got even more awkward when Tao asked you a shocking question. "So, what do you think about Chanyeol?" Kris was surprised too. You blinked. *How can he be so straight forward when we just met?!* "Uh..uh he's okay I guess." You shrugged. Tao looked a bit disappointed. "Well, that's not good." Kris scratched his head. "What's not Tao?" Tao sighed and nodded towards Chanyeol who was busy helping his mother in the kitchen. "That hyung, he really likes you." You gawked at him. "Mwoh?! Don't be silly Tao. I'm sure he doesn't." You said waving your hands. 


Tao nodded and clapped his hands together. "It's true! It's true! Hyung keeps talking about how pretty and cute your are in our vocal lessons! He said you were...what's that word again hyung? help me." Kris folded his arm and rolled his eyes. "It's kawaii you buffoon." Tao smiled and nodded, "Right! He said you were kawaii! I don't know where he learnt that word from."  You started to blush.  *Oppa really thinks I'm kawaii? I'm cute?* Kris suddenly sat up straight. "Don't look now but lover boy is coming this way." You froze in your seat and Kris and Tao cracked up. Tao started clapping his hands like a seal.


"What's going on guys? Why are you laughing?" Chanyeol set the plate full of deokbeokki on the table and sat beside you. "Why don't you ask Ryoko?" Kris said, still laughing. You glared at him. Chanyeol placed his hand on your shoulders. "Come on Ryoko, tell me." You turned around. *Now I can't stop being nervous around him!* "U-uh, ani it's nothing oppa! Let's eat! I'm hungry!" You quickly started shoving deobeokki in your mouth. Chanyeol shrugged and ate too. The night passed by fast and the four of you decided it was time to go home. You thanked Mrs Park for the food and she can't stop saying how pretty you are. Tao and Kris went home together.


After one final bow to Mrs Park, Chanyeol and you started to make your way home together. 




Ok so as you all know, some happened to AFF recently and I've lost some of my chapters. They said they were going to retrieve it in the following week and I have been waiting for 12345678 days now and the chapters are still missing. MY CHANYEOL CHAPTER IS GONE! T.T


So I'm not going to update anymore until AFF starts functioning normally again and my chapters are back up. It may take about another 123456 days so please be patient neh?





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yme_xiu #1
Horikita maki!!! Hana kimi..hahhaha
Chapter 70: Best story ever. Really like it. Btw I'm crying at the end of the story. lol I'm such a crybaby.
Tiffanynguyen2001 #3
Chapter 70: I LOVE this fanfic.Its... Jjang!! Can you do a sequel please?
yuukiyuu #4
Chapter 70: That was nice. Appreciated it, author-nim!!
kpopmusiclover #5
Chapter 60: Awwww I hope that she gets to stay with the boys again :( update soon^^
Jenduekie #6
Chapter 60: love the crying because of this fighting
Jenduekie #7
Chapter 59: woooooooooooooahhh update soon i want to know their reaction.. fighting
Chapter 59: Kyaaaaaa! That was so sweet~ :D