Chanyeol's Fears

My Kareshi And I.

Apparently Kris booked on three rooms so obviously the girls get to share one room. The rest of the guys had to split up; Kai | Sehun | Chanyeol | Baekhyun | Suho | D.O in one room. Kris | Tao | Luhan | Lay | Chen | Xiu Min in another room. So all of you split up and agreed to meet each one hour later in front of the reception desk for lunch.



The moment you and Hae Ra entered the room, you quickly closed the door and forced Hae Ra to sit on the bed. "Woah, Ryoko ah, what are you doing?" You gave her smirk and folded your arms. "So...what's up with you and D.O oppa?" You felt it in your gut that something was going on between the both of them but you just had to confirm it. Hae Ra started to panic and tried to avoid eye contact. "T-there's nothing going on between me and Kyungsoo oppa." You raised your eyebrows. "Kyungsoo oppa? No one really calls him by his real name. Come on, tell me! I'll promise to keep it a secret." You eagerly sat beside her and made a zipping motion on your lips. Hae Ra hesitated for awhile and bit her lower lip. "Okay fine. But you really can't tell anyone about this okay?" You smiled and nodded.



A few minutes later....



"Oh my god Hae Ra!! I'm so happy for you!" You grabbed both her hands and started jumping around while laughing. "Woah woah! But we're not officially together yet." You stopped jumping. "What? What do you mean?" Hae Ra sighed and pulled you back on the bed to sit. "We just met. And we think it's too fast for us to start a serious relationship. So right now, we just want to spend time knowing more about each other." You smiled and nodded. "Aigoo...what a wise decision! But still, I'm so happy for you guys!" You noticed Hae Ra was blushing and you ruffled her hair. Right at that moment, there was a knock on the door. 


"Am I disturbing you ladies-WHAT? YOU GUYS ARE STILL IN THE SAME CLOTHES?! WHAT HAVE YOU GUYS BEEN DOING?" Xiu Min screamed. Hae Ra covered her ears from the sudden shock and you sighed. "Xiu Min oppa will you please stop screaming? We'll get changed okay? There's like ten minutes left. Sheesh." You rolled your eyes. Xiu Min pouted and nodded. "Fine, I'll go tell the rest. If you guys are late, we'll go ahead to the buffet okay. I'm scared all the good stuff might disappear." You clicked your tongue, "Arasso arasso oppa. Now leave!" You pushed him out of the room and closed the door. "Is he always like that?" Hae Ra said, while unpacking her bags. You sighed. "I have no idea."



Since you guys were planning to head to the beach after lunch, you decided to bring your swimsuit along. Unfortunately, it was nowhere to be found. ", where did I put it?" You searched frantically in your bag. "Where the hell is my swim suit?!" You poured everything out from your bag and still, you couldn't fin fit. Suddenly, you felt your heart fall into the pit of the stomach. Swimsuit...hanger...door....You fell on to the bed and face palmed yourself. "You blur and pabo girl." Hae Ra came out from the toilet while tying her hair up in a loose bun. "What's the matter?" You sighed, "I forgot to bring my swimsuit. I left it hanging on the door. Ugh." You covered your face with a pillow. There goes your chance to swim in the sea. You could wear your normal clothes but that would mean having no extra clothes for the next day. 



"Well, lucky for you, I brought extra!" Hae Ra smiled and skipped to her bag. While she was searching for it, you can't help but notice the string of her bikini bra was showing. *Wait...does this mean she's going to give me a bikini?!* You are so insecure about your body. You wear those one piece swimming suits cause they make you feel safe since not much skin was exposed. "Ta-da! Here you go!" You felt your heart drop even deeper. The bikini Hae Ra was holding on to was nice, but not what you would wear.    



"Uh uh no way am I wearing that!" You tossed the piece of clothing on the bed. Hae Ra laughed. "Why not? Come on, don't tell me you're shy?" You blushed but nodded and wrapped your arms around yourself, suddenly feeling so exposed. Hae Ra shook her head and patted your shoulders. "You're eighteen Ryoko ah. Time to experience new things!" You bit your lower lip, still hesitant. *Maybe I should just pretend I'm afraid of the water? But I really want to swim!* While you were busy thinking to yourself, Hae Ra stood up and folded her arms. "Come on, after what I told you about me and Kyungsoo oppa even though i didn't want to tell anyone about it? The least you could do is to wear this right?" You sighed and finally gave in. "Fine. I'll do it, for you okay?" Hae Ra smiled and clapped her hands together. "Alright! I'll be waiting for you at the lobby with the other oppas alright? Don't want the oppas waiting for us." You raised your eyebrows. "The oppas, or only your Kyungsoo oppa?" You smirked. Hae Ra blushed and slowly nodded before leaving you alone in the room. 



You giggled to yourself and picked up the bikini from the bed with a disgusted face. *Well, I've got no other choice now do I?* You went into the toilet to get changed. After a few minutes of checking yourself out in the mirror and putting some clothes over your bikini, you went out from the toilet. "Gosh I'm late. The others must be mad-" You stopped halfway when you see someone lying down at the edge of the bed. "Chanyeol oppa? What are you doing here? What about the rest?" Chanyeol sat up straight and looked at you. "The others went to the buffet first since someone was slow...." He gave you that cheeky grin. You blushed. "Omo, I'm so sorry! But why are you here?" Chanyeol clicked his tongue and came towards you. "I'm here to you to the buffet silly. And I'm not that hungry either so I didn't mind the wait." Somehow, that made you touched. You smiled at him. "Well I'm ready now. Let's go!" You grabbed his hand and the both of you headed out of the room. 



On the way to the buffet area, you seemed to have forgotten about the whole bikini thing and started talking about how you couldn't wait to get in the water. "It's going to be great! Oh but I hope it doesn't rain though or that'll spoil the fun! Oooh! I hope we get to see some crabs or something! Ooh and maybe collect some tiny shells! Wah, I can't wait to feel the waves crashing against me!" You were busy talking so much that you didn't realize Chanyeol was being quiet. You stopped talking and nudged his arm. "Oppa, why are you so quiet all of a sudden? Are you okay?" He seemed to be staring into space. You waved your hands in front of his face. "O-oh, mian. What were you saying?" He said with a smile. You pouted and just shook your head. "Nothing." You were about to ask him something but you heard a familiar voice. "Finally you're here! Palli! Or the food's gonna disappear!" Suho was standing at the entrance of the buffet. You and Chanyeol quickened your pace. You noticed Chanyeol was still keeping quiet during lunch and reminded yourself to ask him later when you're at the beach.



"LAST ONE IN THE WATER IS A PABO!" Xiu Min screamed and a few seconds after that, everyone started running towards the sea. Everyone except for you that is. You still haven't gotten over the fact that you would have to strip your clothes off and have nothing but a bikini to "cover" yourself. "I-I'll stay here and watch our stuff!" You yelled to them. But they didn't seem to notice you. The guys were already splashing water to each other and you noticed Hae Ra and D.O having fun with themselves at the other end. *She's so confident wearing that. Of course, she has a nice body even though she's smaller sized than me.* You pouted, your self-esteem suddenly dropping. Suddenly you heard someone clearing their throat behind you. "Want some juice?" A hand carrying a packet of orange juice appeared in front of you. You looked up to see Chanyeol smiling. "O-oppa, you're still here?" 



You made some space for him to sit down under the shade of the umbrella. At the same time you thanked him for the drink. "I'd like to ask you the same thing Ryoko ah." He smiled. You blushed and put your head down since you were embarrassed to tell him about the bikini. Chanyeol shifted closer to you. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone." He said, with that signature smile of his plastered on his face. You looked up at him and couldn't help but feel touched. *Chanyeol oppa is really sweet. How come I never notice this before.* "I won't tell anyone don't tell mine." He said, suddenly looking nervous. You raised your eyebrows. "You're wearing a bikini too?" You sarcastically whispered to him. Chanyeol played along and covered his chest with his arms and had a shocked expression. "Girl, how did you know?" Then the both of you burst into laughter. 



"But seriously though, I promise I won't tell a soul about it." You smiled and patted his shoulder. "Pinky promise?" He held out his pinky at you. You didn't know whether to laugh or just pinch his cheeks because a huge grown up boy like him is making pinky promises. But in the end, you nodded and the both of you intertwined your pinky fingers. Chanyeol sighed before he started talking. "My dad died while diving." That came as a surprise to you. "I-I'm sorry to hear that." You felt guilty all of a sudden. Chanyeol didn't seem to notice and continued. "It happened when I was 5, and my family went to Jeju for a vacation. My dad rented a boat and we sailed not far off the coast of the island. He was going to teach me how to swim." Chanyeol stopped talking and cleared his throat. You didn't know what to do so you just patted his back.



Chanyeol looked at you and smiled before continuing. "He jumped off the boat first but he wasn't wearing any life jacket or goggles. Then he told me to jump in the water. I was...I was scared. But I did anyway. And he caught me. But he suddenly let go of me. I..I didn't know that he wanted to teach..teach me how to float. I-I panicked and started kicking my legs. But I accidentally kicked him and then I got cramps on my leg and the last thing I remembered was...was my mum calling out to me from the boat." Chanyeol stopped talking again and you noticed his breaths were shaky. 



You held his hand in yours. "You don't have to continue oppa. I wont force you to." But he shook his head and smiled. "Ani, I think I should tell you this. About my past." You wanted to tell him to stop but instead you kept quiet. "I couldn't remember much after that but I remembered everyone dressed in black, my mum was crying and that my dad...he was gone. I felt so guilty. It's my fault he died. And ever since then I've been scared of the sea. I couldn't face my mum. All those years of putting on a fake smile in front of me, but crying alone in her room at's eating me up inside. I couldn't face her." You continued to pat his back and nodded. "Is that why you went to Suho oppa?"  Chanyeol smiled. "I met hyung a few years back when I was working part-time in a cafe. I'm so grateful to him." Chanyeol spoke as he looked at the others playing by the shore lines. You can't help but feel proud to have a person like Suho as your cousin. 



"Well, we can't waste our weekends at the beach talking about our sad pasts now can we?" You smiled at him, trying to lift up the atmosphere. Chanyeol looked confused. You stood up and and took off your clothes, finally feeling the courage of wearing a bikini. *No big deal right?* You told yourself. But at the same time you felt like hiding under a rock. Chanyeol was staring at you. *I know I should stop staring she's beautiful.* You felt heat on your cheeks and shook the thoughts out of your mind. "Let's go oppa." You offered your hand to him. He raised his eyebrows. "Eodigayo?" He asked but still took your hand and stood up. You smiled. "I'm going to teach you how to swim!" You cheered and started pulling him towards the others. He tried to pull his arm away and you were starting to lose your strength against that giant when suddenly, someone grabbed his other hand. "Come on Chanyeol! Don't be a wuss!" Kris smiled and winked at you. You bowed your head a little to thank him. 



The other guys saw what was happening and ran towards Chanyeol. In a swift moment, they carried him over their shoulders and started running towards the sea. You joined Hae Ra at the side and couldn't stop laughing. "Well you seem to be finally having a good time. No more bikini problems?" She nudged you. You blushed and shook your head. And then SPLASH! The both of you turned your heads and saw Chanyeol sitting in the water, drenched, while the others were rolling on the sand, laughing. You giggled and ran towards Chanyeol to help him up. "Omo, oppa are you okay?" He glared at you. At first you thought he was mad at you but suddenly, he carried your bridal style and tossed you in the water, causing even more laughter from the others. "See Chanyeol, the sea isn't such a bad place." Kris said while hanging his arm around Chanyeol's shoulder. Chanyeol shot him a look. "You're next." And in a blink of an eye, they started tackling each other. You and Hae Ra kept laughing. *I wish this moment would last forever.* You silently thought to yourself, your eyes getting teary from all the laughing and happiness.



While that was happening, you didn't notice that someone, was looking at you from the side. *She's so beautiful when she smiles.* Kai secretly took out his phone and quietly took you picture without anyone noticing. *And I now I can see you whenever I want.* He smiled to himself. But his smile soon disappeared when he saw Chanyeol walking towards you. "Hey you." He smiled sweetly at you. "Hey you back." You smiled. You didn't know why but you felt your heart skip a beat when Chanyeol took both your hands in his. "Thank you Ryoko ah." You raised your eye brows. "For what?" Chanyeol sighed and shrugged. "Just...thank you." *For being here with me. For giving me another chance to spend more time with you. I'm falling for you more with each day.* You playfully slapped his shoulder and joined the rest. Chanyeol smiled and ruffled his own hair. *Aish Chanyeol ah, why are you being so cheesy.* 



Kai tried to hide his frown by looking at your picture. *Don't worry Kai, there'll be other opportunities. Today's just not the right time.* He assured himself. However, someone else needed some reassurance. Baekhyun just got back from buying drinks and snacks for the others and he saw everything. Chanyeol, Kai and you. *Looks like there'll be competition ahead huh Bacon. Should I just give up?* He thought to himself.


Thinking that no one saw what happened, Chanyeol casually ran back to where the others were.


DUN DUN DUN......okay again, so sorry for not updating but hey, it's my two weeks break and that's why I've updated this fic with a very long chapter huhu :3 Now i know I've lost quite a few subscibers because of my absence and I completely understand that. I'm the one at fault to have kept you guys waiting. But hey, those of you who are still sticking with this fic i really appreciate it a lot and I love you guys! Currently, I'm designing another poster for this fic so I'll be a little slow on the update.



미라 <3

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yme_xiu #1
Horikita maki!!! Hana kimi..hahhaha
Chapter 70: Best story ever. Really like it. Btw I'm crying at the end of the story. lol I'm such a crybaby.
Tiffanynguyen2001 #3
Chapter 70: I LOVE this fanfic.Its... Jjang!! Can you do a sequel please?
yuukiyuu #4
Chapter 70: That was nice. Appreciated it, author-nim!!
kpopmusiclover #5
Chapter 60: Awwww I hope that she gets to stay with the boys again :( update soon^^
Jenduekie #6
Chapter 60: love the crying because of this fighting
Jenduekie #7
Chapter 59: woooooooooooooahhh update soon i want to know their reaction.. fighting
Chapter 59: Kyaaaaaa! That was so sweet~ :D