Seonsaengnim vs Sensei (선생님 vs 先生)

My Kareshi And I.

It was 6 am in the morning and the alarm went off. There were some grunting and muffled sounds coming from each of them in the room, all too lazy to wake up and turn it off. After a few seconds of tossing and turning, Kai finally woke up and slammed the alarm. *I hate this part of the day* He rubbed his face and stood up. He looked around and realized he was in Suho's room. *How did I end up here?* The sun shone through the curtains in the room and it took a while for his eyes to adjust to the light. He headed towards the door almost tripping on Sehun's feet. 


"Yah, wake up. It's time for school." Kai kicked his leg. Sehun mumbled something and sat up, his eyes still closed. Kai shook his head and sighed. *Don't blame me if you're late.* With that, he went out and headed towards his room to get his uniform. He forgot that you were still sleeping, and was surprised to see a figure move on his bed. *! I forgot she's here! Better turn back now before-*


Right then you mumbled something and woke up. Kai froze where he stood and looked at you. You rubbed your eyes and yawned. Your vision was still blurry so you couldn't really see that it was Kai standing there. Actually, you even forgot you were still in Korea. You looked at the blurry figure and smiled. Kai thought you noticed him and he just stood still. 


"Mama, ohayougozaimasu!" You said in Japanese. You stood up from the bed and slowly headed towards Kai who was shocked to hear you call him 'Mama'. *W-what did she call me? M-mama?!* Without realizing it's still Kai, you hugged him like how you always hugged your mother in the mornings but somehow it felt strange. Kai blushed when you hugged him. "Mama, how come you're so tall all of a sudden?" *And why does her chest feel so hard?* You looked up and Kai cleared his throat. Right then your vision started to come back and your eyes widen. Quickly, you pushed yourself away from him and bowed. 


"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" *Agh, that was so embarrassing!* Kai blushed even harder. He was still in shock to say anything so he just went out of the room and closed the door behind him. *Did she...did she just hug me?* Kai continued walking but bumped in to Baekhyun. "Woah, where are you off to? Aren't you going to change?" *Why is he blushing?* Kai simply just nodded but continued his way to God-knows-where. Baekhyun looked at Kai with a confused expression. *What's wrong with him?* He turned to the direction where Kai came from. *Was he from Ryoko's room?* 


Slowly Baekhyun approached your room and lightly knocked on the door. "Ryoko ah, are you awake?" A few seconds later you replied, "Deurowoseyo!" Beakhyun nodded and went in. You didn't have any uniform yet so you just put on a simple dress and your hair was tied up in a bun. Baekhyun looked at you and he couldn't help but stare. *She is so pretty* You noticed he was staring and smiled. "Is this too much to wear on the first day of school?" You asked him while you twirled around in your dress. Beakhyun quickly blinked his eyes and nodded. *, did she notice I was staring?* 


Seeing that Baekhyun nodded, you felt relieved. "Ryoko ah, do you know what happened to Kai?" He asked. You suddenly remembered the incident that happened and blushed again. Baekhyun noticed it too. *Why is she blushing too? Wait, did those two-* "Ryoko ah, did you and Kai..." You quickly realized what he was about to say and waved your hands around. "Ani Baekhyun Oppa! It's not what you think!" *How can he even think of that?!*


Baekhyun paused and nodded. *She's right. It couldn't be right?* "Well...okay if you say so. We'll be waiting downstairs once your done neh?* You nodded and Baekhyun left the room to get changed. You let out a sigh of relief and continued packing your bag. Once you were done, you made your way downstairs where everyone except for Kai was waiting. 


When Chanyeol saw you he smiled instantly. "Annyeong Ryoko ah! Jal jassoh?" You smiled and nodded. "Neh, Chanyeol Oppa." Hearing your response, Chanyeol smiled even wider. *She called me Oppa! What a way to start the day!* You couldn't help but giggle at his reaction. You then noticed Kai wasn't there so you went up to Suho. "Suho Oppa, where is Kai?" Suho seemed to notice he wasn't there to and called him. "Kai! Hurry up or we'll be late!" A few minutes later, Kai ran down the stairs. To your surprise, his hair was neatly combed and he looked much better than when you first saw him. Suddenly you remembered what happened in the morning and looked at the floor. You could feel yourself blushing. Kai saw you too and he blushed.


Baekhyun, who seemed to be the only one to notice, became curious. *Why are these two blushing? Something must have happened.* 
"Yah, what took you so long?" Suho said. Kai looked at you and handed you the envelope containing your enrollment form. "My forms!" Yu quickly took it from his hands and hugged the envelope. You looked at Kai and smiled at him. "Gomawo Kai Oppa!" *Maybe he isn't so bad after all.* Kai smiled at you. Now that all of you were done, the seven of you stepped out of the house. 


"The school isn't far from here so we can walk there. Are you okay with that Ryoko?" Suho turned to you. You smiled and nodded. In Tokyo, you used to walk to school everyday too so it wasn't such a big deal for you. Suho nodded and the rest of you started walking. Somehow you ended up walking between Chanyeol and Sehun. "Ryoko ah, I really hope you're going to be in the same class as me! Then we can be best friends!" Sehun smiled and hugged your arm. You were shocked by his actions but you didn't mind him clinging on to you since he seemed like a small boy to you. 


You ruffled his hair and smiled. "Me too!" After that you felt someone hugging your other arm and it was Chanyeol. "I wish you were my age Ryoko. Then maybe you and me could be classmates too." He said and pouted. Somehow you found him cute and ruffled his hair too. "Don't worry, we'll still see each other around school and at home!" Chanyeol's face quickly lit up and hugged your arm even tighter. "We should all sit together during lunch!" He shouted to the rest in front.


D.O and Baekhyun said they were okay with the idea since they always sat together during lunch. Suho smiled too. Kai just waved his hand indicating he was fine with anything. *It's not like I have a choice anyway. The people there annoy me.* You smiled at everyone's decision and somehow you can't wait for it to be lunch time. 


A few minutes later, the seven of you arrived in school and Suho accompanied you to the general office. Sehun wanted to follow you too but Kai pulled him to class by his collar. "Come on or we'll be late for class." Sehun couldn't get away from Kai and had no choice but to follow him. You felt bad that Sehun couldn't accompany you but was relieved that Suho was there with you.


The school was huge! It had one main building which was four storeys high and a few other buildings for different departments connected to it. There was a small indoor sports hall right at the back and a small studio beside it. The school is also nicely decorated with banners and posters on the school's activities. As you and Suho walked towards the general office, you noticed some of the girls were smiling and giggling to themselves. Some of them were even waving shyly to Suho. *What's this...all the girls seems to be interested in...Suho Oppa?* You saw Suho giving a small nod to every girl we passed in the hallway and when he did, the girls would jump up and down smiling.


Curious, you leaned in towards Suho and whispered, "Oppa, why are they like that?" Suho cocked his head to the side. "What do you mean? Oh, you mean the girls?" You nodded. A smile formed on Suho's lips and he bent down to whisper to you. As he did, the other girls' expression changed into jealousy, but of course you didn't notice. You leaned in a bit more so that Suho was able to whisper. "Oppa is really popular in school." He said. You turned to look at him and can't help but laugh. That surprised Suho because it wasn't the reaction he was searching for. "Wae?"


You shook your head and wiped a tear from your eyes, "Nothing. I just thought it was funny that's all." You said, still giggling a bit. *Suho Oppa? Popular? You have got to be kidding me.* Suho shrugged and continued walking. *We'll see who'll be laughing later on. Just you wait Ryoko.*


You and Suho reached the general office a few minutes later. After you handed in your application form, Suho told you he had to go for class and that he'll meet you during lunch. You nodded your head and he ruffled your hair before he left. You pouted and fixed your hair. *Why does he like to mess up my hair?* The lady at the general office handed you your uniform and class schedule and also asked you to change before going to class. You nodded and went to find the toilet. 


In the toilet, you went into one of the cubicles to change. Then you heard a few girls coming in.


"Did you see that girl? Who does she think she is, standing so close beside him."
"I know right? And did you see what she wore? Ugh, so tacky."


The girls gossiped a bit more and left the toilet. You could understand what they were saying but didn't know they were talking about you. You shrugged and went out. The uniform was different than the one you wore in Tokyo. It seemed much nicer. You straightened your skirt and looked at your own reflection in the mirror. You looked at your watch and realized you were going to be late for your first class. You quickly grabbed your stuff and headed out. Since you had passion in singing, you were assigned to the performing arts major. The building was right behind so you ran as fast as you could.


Right before the bell rang, you were already outside the class. *I think the teacher is already inside.* You bit your lip and knocked on the door. "Come in!" You heard the teacher said. You gulped and straightened your uniform before sliding the door open. The whole class was quiet and you didn't notice Kai was sitting right at the back, staring at you with wide eyes. *What is she doing here? Is she in my class?*


Slowly, you made your way towards the teacher and handed him your schedule. He took some time reading your application and after he was done, he smiled at you and turned to face the class who were curious to know what was going on and why you were here. He cleared his throat and put his hands on your shoulders.

"Class, I'd like you to meet our newest classmate, Ryoko. She's from Japan and she'll only be here for a few weeks since her parents are away. Even so, I'd like you guys to treat her well. Arasso?" Some of the guys cheered to know that a pretty girl was transferring in to their class. Well, all the guys cheered except for Kai of course. His face was expressionless but deep down, he felt overjoyed.*I guess I'm in luck. If Sehun knows about this, he'll surely get jealous.* Kai smirked.
The girls were a bit annoyed and at the same time jealous that you were receiving a lot of attention from the boys. Some of them started whispering to each other and giving you looks. The teacher then cleared his throat and the whole class went quiet again. "Now, Ryoko you can make your way to the empty seat at the back so we can continue with out lesson." You nodded and made your way to your seat. 
Once you've sat down, you noticed that the girls were all glaring at you. *Why are they looking at me like that? Did I do something wrong?* Suddenly a voice behind you made you jump. "You're gonna get in trouble if you sit here." You turned around and was surprised to see Kai's sleepy face right in front of you. He noticed your shocked expression and just smirked. You blinked at him, "I'm in the same class as K-kai Oppa?" You managed to say. Kai smiled and flicked your forehead, which made the other girls in the class even jealous. "Consider yourself lucky." He said and turned to face the front of the class. *Actually, I'm the lucky one over here.* 
You stared at him, still in a state of shock. He then whispered, "Seonsaengnim is not gonna like it of you don't pay attention on your first day of school." He said without turning to face you. "S-seonsaengnim?" You said the unfamiliar word. Kai sighed and explained to you quietly. "Seonsaengnim means teacher, Sensei. Get it?" You slowly nodded your head and slowly turned to the front. *So that what it means.* Kai saw your expression and smiled. *Why is she so clueless? But at the same time, why do I feel so nervous?*
Throughout the lesson, you learned so many new Korean words that you had to constantly ask Kai to explain. This of course made the girls in the class grip their pencils even harder and bite their tongue to control their jealousy. Even the guys are jealous because Kai get to sit beside you. Halfway through the lesson, you thought about what Kai said earlier and tried asking him. You nudged his elbow. "Kai oppa, what did you mean when you said I'll get in to trouble if I sat here?
Kai smiled at you and whispered, "Because, just for your info, I'm popular in school." He said with a smirk. He turned back to face the front of the class. *what? Not Kai oppa too! First it was Suho Oppa, and now Kai oppa? what is going on?* You bit the tip of your pencil and and furrowed your eyebrows. Kai glanced sideways at you and can't help but smile. *Ryoko, you really are clueless aren't you?*
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yme_xiu #1
Horikita maki!!! Hana kimi..hahhaha
Chapter 70: Best story ever. Really like it. Btw I'm crying at the end of the story. lol I'm such a crybaby.
Tiffanynguyen2001 #3
Chapter 70: I LOVE this fanfic.Its... Jjang!! Can you do a sequel please?
yuukiyuu #4
Chapter 70: That was nice. Appreciated it, author-nim!!
kpopmusiclover #5
Chapter 60: Awwww I hope that she gets to stay with the boys again :( update soon^^
Jenduekie #6
Chapter 60: love the crying because of this fighting
Jenduekie #7
Chapter 59: woooooooooooooahhh update soon i want to know their reaction.. fighting
Chapter 59: Kyaaaaaa! That was so sweet~ :D