Because I'm A Guy (전 남자이기 때문에)

My Kareshi And I.

This chapter would be in Sehun's point of view because I feel like I've been neglecting him for this story and I feel so bad as an author. So here it goes!



School ended and you packed my bags. Some of the guys in class asked you along to the internet cafe nearby but you refused. Usually, you'd agree without much thought but after what you saw today, you just didn't have the mood for fun. *Why is Hyung and Ryoko getting so close?*



You recalled a few hours ago, after lunch was over. Everyone headed back to class and so were you but because you spent the whole lunch hour on studying with the rest at  the gazebo, you didn't have a chance to go to the restroom. You quickly made your way towards the toilet. "Yah, eodi ganeungeoya?" Suho called out to you but you just waved back at him while trying your best to hold in your pee. "Hwajangshil! Hyung, you guys go first!" You managed to say. Suho sighed and shook his head. 



"Should be right around this corner." You told yourself while at the same time trying to avoid colliding with anyone. "So how about it? I'll tutor you every Tuesday." You stopped in your tracks when you heard that familiar voice. *Bacon hyung?* You cocked your head to the side and walked in the direction where his voice was heard. And when you finally saw him, you quickly hid behind a wall. *What is Baekhyun hyung doing in front of Ryoko's class? And what, tutor?* you thought to yourself. You tired to take a peek of the both of them. "Great so I'll see you later then!" Your eyes widened when Baekhyun turned and was making his way towards you. Quickly, you managed to slip in to the boy's restroom before he could notice you. "Bacon hyung is going to tutor Ryoko later?" You didn't know why but suddenly you could feel yourself frowning. And negative thoughts started to form in your mind. *The hyungs have been spending so much time with her that I can't remember when was the last time me and Ryoko could be together alone. This won't do. I have to step in.* You stepped out from the restroom, suddenly the urge to pee was gone. 



You couldn't think straight during lessons afterwards. *Where is hyung and Ryoko going to be later? I have to be there. He can't have Ryoko all to himself. That's not fair.* Even your classmates kept looking at you when you didn't hear your homeroom teacher calling you. "Sehun ah! Pay attention and stop daydreaming!" The sound of a ruler hitting the board at the front of the class snapped you out from your thoughts. 'Uhh, joesong haeyo seonsaengnim." You bowed to your teacher who was already glaring at you which caused some of your friends in class to stifle their laughter. You shot a look at them and tried your very best to concentrate in the lesson. Of course, your eyes kept looking at the clock hanging at the front of the class. 



After saying goodbye to your classmates, you made your way quickly towards Ryoko's class. "Have to get there before he does." You told yourself. But suddenly somebody tugged your sleeve making you stop in your tracks, and also made you a bit annoyed. You turned around and was greeted by the giant with his creepy trademark smile and he was with Kris and Tao. "Yo Sehunnie! Wanna join us? We're going to my mum's stall for deokbeokki." You tried to politely decline his offer but he was being a bit persistent. "Yah, come on it'll be fun! Plus, it's been a long time since you've met my mum. Her deokbeokki is  your favorite!" Well, you couldn't disagree on that. Chanyeol's mum makes the best deokbeokki in the world. But still, you have to see Ryoko and it took a lot of effort to turn Chanyeol down. "Sorry hyung. Maybe next time neh? I have something I gotta do right now." You patted his shoulders, nodded towards Kris and Tao and quickly made your way. "What's up with him?" Tao said with a pout on his face. Chanyeol shrugged as he watched you running down the hallway. "Let's just go guys." 



"Ryoko ah!" You finally reached her class, panting since you actually ran down two flights of stairs. "What's the matter with you?" Kai walked up with a curious expression while casually had his bag hung over one of his shoulders. You took a few seconds to catch your breath again before finally able to straighten yourself up. "I uh..where's Ryoko?" Kai suddenly looked irritated and ruffled his hair. "How would I know. Now move." He gently pushed you aside and went out from the class. You raised your eyebrows. "But you guys are from the same class! How can you not know!" You shouted back. But Kai only waved his hands at you without looking back. You scowled at him. *Useless. And what's his problem anyway? Did the both of them fight?* You pouted since you couldn't seem to find her. But then you felt a gentle tap on your shoulders and turned behind. 



A girl, who seemed to be in the same year as you stood. "Sorry but, do I know you?" He asked. The girl bit her lower lip and shook her head. "Ani, but Ryoko's my classmate. I heard you were looking for her?" She looked up at you. *Ryoko's classmate? Hmm, but why is she so shy then? Must be one of those girls that always swoon over me.* He smirked at the thought. "Excuse me, but can you kindly tell me where she went?" You bent down so that you could meet her eyes and flashed your famous eye smile towards her. The girl blushed and nodded. *Bingo.* You thought to yourself. "She went to the library with Baekhyun sunbae a few minutes ago." You couldn't help but feel a sting when you heard Baekhyun's name but managed to keep a smile on your face. "Ahh I see. Well, then, thank you." You ruffled the girl's hair and smiled before running towards the school library. *Well that was easy.* You thought to yourself. 



Once at the library, your eyes scanned the area and spotted Ryoko sitting by herself at the furthest corner. *Why is she alone? Where's hyung?* Just when you thought about it, Baekhyun came out from one of the shelves and sat right across her. Quickly, you went behind one of the shelves nearby. You saw the both of them talking and couldn't help but came a bit closer just so you can hear what they were talking about. You saw the pile of books that Baekhyun had placed on the table. "Hangul? He's tutoring her Hangul?" You said to yourself but only loud enough for you to hear. *She could have asked me too. I could teach her.* You started to sulk. You shook the thought away and kept watching the both of them. You raised your eyebrows. *Why is she getting so tensed suddenly? Is Hangul really that hard for her?* You craned your neck so you could hear better and your eyes widened in shock when you heard what Baekhyun was saying. 








You started to get annoyed. *Why is Hyung saying all these words? Doesn't he know it's making Ryoko uncomfortable?!* But you started to relax when you heard Ryoko saying she wanted to do something else other than Hangul. *Good job Ryoko ah. That's right, lets avoid Hangul.* You smiled. But your smile didn't last long when you saw Baekhyun moving to sit beside her. You angst started to rise and you only realized it when you notice how white your knuckles have turned from grabbing the shelves too hard. You let go and turned around, not wanting to face the both of them anymore. *Maybe it was a bad idea coming here.* You pouted and quietly went out of the library. 



'Well that ." You said while putting your hands in your front pocket. "Why didn't she ask me anyway? I could tutor her. Well, just Hangul since my other subjects ." Just then you bumped into Lay and Xiumin. "Yah, why the long face?" Xiumin said at the same time pinching your cheeks. You gently slapped his hand away. "It's nothing. Hyung, I'm in no mood for teasing today." You said in a monotonous voice. Lay and Xiumin looked at each other. Lay sighed and put his arm around your shoulder. "Okay we won't tease you. But actually, we were looking for you." Xiumin nodded. You looked at them and raised your eyebrows. "Really? What for?" Lay grinned causing his dimples to show. "You do remember that there'll be a performance for the graduating class right?" You slowly nodded your head, not sure where this was going. "Greg says to get in pairs so....." Lay trailed off...



You looked at him, expecting him to continue but instead you received a hit on the head by Xiumin. "Hyung! What was that for?!" You shouted while rubbing your head. Xiumin sighed and rolled his head. "Yah, are you really that dumb?" Xiumin looked at you but you still didn't get what he was trying to say. "Hyung, I'm in no mood for guessing games right now. So can you please just tell me what on earth is going on?" Both Lay and Xiumin face palmed themselves and sighed. At that moment, Lay placed his hands on both your shoulders and turned you around to face him. "Yah, in Greg's class, there's the five of us right? You, me, Xiumin hyung, Kai and Ryoko." You nodded. *And why is he telling me this exactly? Of course I know how many people there are in the class.* You thought to yourself. 



This time, it was Xiumin's turn to turn you around and face him. "Well, it's a performance for the graduating class. And I'm graduating. So what does that mean?" He said. You thought about it for awhile. " can't perform?" Xiumin nodded and prompted you to think some more. "And since Greg told us to get in pairs...?" He continued. Again you thought about it and the sudden realization hits you in the head. Well, actually, Lay was the one that hit you in the head. "Yah pabo. Are you that slow? Now's your chance! Go with Ryoko!" Your eyes widened not from the pain on your head but from happiness. "Are you serious?! I get to pair up with her?! Wah hyung! This is great news!" You started jumping for joy. Xiumin placed his hand on your shoulder to stop you from jumping. "But that would only be possible if Kai hasn't asked her to partner with him yet." You felt some of your happiness fade away and you're drown with doubts.



"Wait, why are you guys helping me? How did you guys know I like her?" Xiumin and Lay looked at each other and suddenly burst out laughing causing you to be more confused. "Yah, we can see right through you." Lay said. You started to blush. "A-Am I really that obvious?" Xiumin sighed and placed his hands on his hip. "Well, you're lucky Ryoko is as clueless as you. If it were me, I'd found out since the moment you first talk to me." Lay nodded in agreement. You rubbed the back of your neck and let out an embarrassed laugh. *They're right. I was being too obvious.* "Arasso I'll be careful from now on. Thanks hyung. I need to go ask her now before Kai does." You waved goodbye at them and walked away. Lay and Xiumin high fived each other. "So who are you rooting for? I think I'm going with Kai." Lay said while crossing his arms over his chest. Xiumin looked at Lay and shook his head with a smirk. "From my experience, I'm going with Sehunnie. Girls dig shy boys like him." Lay raised his eyebrows. "Wanna bet? Loser treats to deokbeokki." Xiumin smirked and shook hands with him. "Call."



You walked briskly on the way home. "First thing's first, find out whether Kai already asked her. Since they're from the same class, there is a possibility he already did." After saying that, you felt your heart drop. Knowing the chances of you dancing with her is so little. You walked even faster and break in to a light jog. Up ahead you saw two familiar figures walking in the same direction. You squinted your eyes. *Hyung? Ryoko?* You smiled. "I still have a chance! Hyung! Ryoko ah! Nal gidalyeo!" You jogged a little faster towards them. *Now it's my turn to spend more time with her. Not the hyungs.* you thought silently while looking at Ryoko. "Ohh Sehun ah! Why are you here?I thought you went back already?" Baekhyun asked. But you ignored his words and kept your eyes only on Ryoko. *Have to ask her now before it's too late.* "Ryoko ah, will you be with me?" Baekhyun's eyes widened. *W-what is this kid saying? B-be with her?* Ryoko seemed to be surprised as well. "Uhh Sehun ah, I-I don't get what you mean." 



You smiled and placed your hands on both of her shoulders. Making Baekhyun even more nervous and also making Ryoko blush. "What I meant was, will you be my dancing partner for the graduation concert?" You seemed to notice Ryoko relaxing her shoulders which made you flash your famous eye smile at her. Baekhyun on the other hand, felt more tense. *I thought they were going to dance in groups. Not pairs.* You tried to make your cutest pout face and jumped up and down. "PleasePleasePleasePleasePleasePlease-" "Okay alright! I'll be your partner." Ryoko placed her hands on your shoulders to stop you from jumping around. Instantly, you wrapped your arms around her. "This is great! I can't believe you agreed!" Ryoko just laughed and patted your head. "Pabo. Why wouldn't I?" You shrugged your shoulders. "I don't know. I just thought you'd rather dance with Kai." Ryoko chuckled and shook her head. "Well, you asked me first so it's only fair that I dance with you. Besides, I danced with him for the anniversary concert remember?"



You smiled and nodded. Just then you heard Bakhyun clearing your throat. *Oh right, I almost forgot hyung was here.* You turned around only to face an irritated looking Baekhyun. "Aigoo hyung! Why the pouty face?" You casually hung your arms around his shoulder now that you're in a good mood. But Baekhyun seemed to be annoyed and pushed you away. "It's nothing. We better hurry up or D.O won't serve us dinner." Baekhyun cleared his throat once more and started walking. You tried to keep your smile since you knew Baekhyun was jealous. "What's up with him?" You asked, pretended to be innocent. Ryoko kept on looking at Baekhyun, walking alone down the street. And that's when you knew, something was up. And you felt your heart drop a tiny bit but tried your very best to keep a smile on your face. *Well, at least she's going to spend more time with now until the concert.* You sneakily held her hands, causing her to snap out of her thoughts. "Let's go Ryoko ah. I'm hungry!" 



Ryoko smiled and tip toed so she could ruffle your hair and the both of you started hand in hand. You should be jumping for joy at that moment but some part of you feels like breaking in to a million pieces and you don't know why.





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yme_xiu #1
Horikita maki!!! Hana kimi..hahhaha
Chapter 70: Best story ever. Really like it. Btw I'm crying at the end of the story. lol I'm such a crybaby.
Tiffanynguyen2001 #3
Chapter 70: I LOVE this fanfic.Its... Jjang!! Can you do a sequel please?
yuukiyuu #4
Chapter 70: That was nice. Appreciated it, author-nim!!
kpopmusiclover #5
Chapter 60: Awwww I hope that she gets to stay with the boys again :( update soon^^
Jenduekie #6
Chapter 60: love the crying because of this fighting
Jenduekie #7
Chapter 59: woooooooooooooahhh update soon i want to know their reaction.. fighting
Chapter 59: Kyaaaaaa! That was so sweet~ :D