All According To Plan...?

My Kareshi And I.

When you and Sehun got back, the others had just finished eating dinner. "Ey hyung, why didn't you wait for us?" Sehun complained. "Yah, you two were taking too long and my stomach couldn't bear it." Chanyeol said. Kai nodded in agreement. D.O sighed and carried the plates to the sink. *Kids, fighting for the smallest reasons.* He thought to himself. Suho chuckled. "That's enough guys. Sehun ah, Ryoko, we still have some left overs for you, don't worry." Chanyeol and Kai went upstairs to read the new comic they just bought. D.O was washing the dishes. Sehun turned to you. "Ryoko ah, you go ahead and eat first. I want to take a bath before eating." You nodded your head. "Arraso, but don't complain if there's nothing left to eat." Sehun's eyes widened. "Yah, don't you dare." You playfully slapped his shoulders. "I was just joking Sehun." He let out a nervous laugh and headed upstairs. 



Right then, D.O had just finished washing the dishes and walked out of the kitchen towards you. "Ryoko ah, I've warmed up the food for you in the microwave." He patted your shoulder. You smiled at him and nodded. "Neh oppa." *D.O oppa is so kind. Why can't all guys be like him?* You walked into the kitchen and stopped in your tracks when you saw Baekhyun sitting alone at the dining table, still eating his dinner. "Oh, oppa!" *Why am I so happy to see him? Maybe it's because I couldn't see him for the whole day.* The food in the microwave wasn't ready yet so you set across him. Baekhyun looked up and gave you a faint smile. "Oppa, where have you been all day?" Baekhyun kept quiet. You furrowed your eyebrows. "Oppa, gwaenchanhnya? What's the matter? Why are you so quiet?" *Why is he acting so weird lately?*



Baekhyun cleared his throat and looked up to face you. "Ryoko ah, I..have to tell you something." You raised your eyebrows. *Tell me something? I wonder what it is. Could it be about Hae Ra?* "Neh oppa, what is it?" You sat upright. Baekhyun looked at you for awhile before beginning to speak again. "I...won't be able to accompany you to class anymore." That came as a shock to you. "Wh-why?" *Why is my voice shaking?* You could feel a small lump on your throat. Baekhyun looked around nervously. "I'm going to be practicing a a lot for the concert with Min Jung." Your eyes widened. "Mwoh? With M-Min Jung unnie?" *Wait, but...I haven't even told him about it yet and he's already partnered with her? Did unnie ask him herself then?* Baekhyun nodded and shifted in his seat. *Why are you so surprised Ryoko ah?* "Neh, I've partnered with her and she insists on coming iver to her place every night to practice. So I won't be able to accompany you to class. Is..that okay?" *Please say it's not. Please tell me to find someone else as a partner Ryoko.* 



"Th-that's okay oppa. I understand. I've been busy practicing for the concert that I don't even have the time to go for class. So you don't have to worry about me." You faked a smile. You felt the lump in your throat getting bigger. *Why do I feel like this? It's all going according to plan right? Now unnie won't disturb me anymore right? But why do I feel...sad?* You suddenly stood up which startled Baekhyun. "Where are you going? You're not eating?" Baekhyun asked. *Ryoko ah, say that you're not okay. Say that you want me to ditch Min Jung and go to you. Please.* You nodded. "I don't feel like eating anymore. I'm tired. I'll just go to bed. Tell Sehun to eat without me." You quickly walked out from the kitchen and went into your room. Baekhyun slumped in his seat. Hae Ra's words echoed in his head...Oppa, don't make it hard for Ryoko. Please just once, partner with Mi Young unnie. I beg you... *What do you mean by that Hae Ra ah? Why can't you tell me? I' lost.*



You closed the door behind you. *What's wrong with you Ryoko? So what if he can't accompany you? Once the concert is over, he'll be able to right?* Right then, your phone vibrated in your pocket. Someone was calling you. You checked the caller ID. *Mama..* You picked up the call straight away. "Mama annyeong!" "Annyeong? What happened to 'moshi moshi'? Hehe, Being in Korea has influenced you quiet a bit right?" You smiled even though you know she can't see it. "So how is my lovely daughter doing?" You climbed up to your bed. "Everything is fine Mama." You tried not to think about what happened in the kitchen earlier. You decided to keep the conversation going to keep you distracted. "I've missed you Mama. And Papa too." You could hear your mother's soft chuckle at the other end. "Yah, have you forgotten?" You furrowed your eyebrows. "Forgotten what?" *Was I supposed to remember something important?* You then heard your mother talking to your father in Japanese. "Honey, why don't you tell her." You sat up on your bed. "Hello Ryoko." Your face brightened up at the sound of your father's voice. "Papa! How are you? I've missed you so much!" Your father's low chuckle could be heard. "I'm fine Ryoko ah. But, somehow it doesn't seem like you've missed me since you forgot." You furrowed your eyebrows. *Forgot what? His birthday? But we celebrated it months ago.* 



You sighed and smiled. "I give up Papa. What did I forget?" Your dad laughed. "You're coming back to Japan next week silly! Have you forgotten?" You stopped smiling. You quickly looked at the calendar at the side of your bed. A big circle drawn with a red marker indicating that it was time to go back home to Japan was on it. *That's...exactly a week from now. And that's also the day after the concert.* You heard your father's voice at the other end. "Hello? Ryoko? Are you still there? Or are you so excited that you're speechless?" Your father joked. "Hello, Papa? Can I call you tomorrow? I'm sleepy and there's school tomorrow." You father stopped laughing. "Okay fine. Goodnight my little Ryoko. You mother and I can't wait to be with you again. Sweet dreams." "Me too Papa. Sweet dreams to you too. Tell Mama I love her." You hung up. The lump in your throat camp back and after a few seconds, tears started rolling down your cheeks. *I'm going back to Japan next week? Why must it be so fast?* You looked out from your window and saw the same lonely star in the sky. *I made a wish to you. I made two wishes. Why didn't you grant them?* 



You started sobbing. You covered your mouth so that the others won't be able to hear you. *Maybe because it wasn't a shooting star. That's why my wish didn't work.* You told yourself. But that didn't make you feel any better and more tears started coming out. You were just getting accustomed to living in Korea. You and the guys have gotten closer to each other. You even made new friends. *Should I tell the oppas about this? Will they be sad? Will they ask me to stay?* Thoughts came swarming into your head and in the end, you fell asleep while crying.



You woke up to the sound of your alarm clock. You lazily hit the snooze button and sat up straight. Since it was 5.30 AM in the morning, the room was still dark and the whole house was quiet. Outside your window, you could hear a few cars on the road. People who are also getting ready to leave for work and school. You sighed thinking about what happened yesterday...You'recoming back to Japan next week silly! Have you forgotten?... You heart dropped and you felt like crying again. *How am I supposed to face the oppas and tell them? Or should I just keep it a secret?* You thought to yourself. From the small gap below your door, the lights in the hallway was on indicating that the others were already awake too. *Maybe I shouldn't tell them. It'll only hurt more if they find out and I can't bear to see them sad.* Finally, you thought of spending the last week with them meaningfully. You've already thought about what you were going to do. You are going to spend the rest of the time being close with them and cherish every single moment you have left. *It's going to be hard faking smiles and pretending that everything is okay but, I'll get through this.* You told yourself. With a positive mind, you got out of bed and got ready for school.


When you were done, you joined the others in kitchen as usual for morning breakfast. "Oh Ryoko ah, why is your face swollen?" D.O had his eyes wide open looking at you. You turned to the small mirror on the wall beside you. It's true. Your face was swollen, especially around your eyes. Baekhyun looked up too. *Could she be crying last night? Is that why her eyes are swollen?* You quickly tried to think of an excuse so that they wouldn't suspect anything. "I-I guess I didn't open the window when I slept last night and it got warm face got swollen." You faked a smile. Chanyeol laughed. "Yah, you looked like a steamed bun! You look like Xiu Min!" The rest of them joined in the laughter except for Baekhyun only you didn't notice that he wasn't laughing. You let out a small laugh. *I'm sorry for lying to you oppas.* You sat down and ate your breakfast. 


"What do you guys have after school today?" The guys looked at each other because they were shocked by your sudden question. "Me, Baekhyun and D.O have to practice for the concert today." Suho said. "Chanyeol scratched his head. "I'm helping my mum out at the stall today." "I'm meeting up with Luhan hyung later on." Sehun said. You looked at Kai. " I'm going home after school to sleep." *Typical. Why am I not surprised?* Chanyeol thought to himself and shook his head. You pouted. *All of them seem so busy.* "What's the matter Ryoko? Do you have to be anywhere today?" D.O asked you while taking off the apron from his uniform. "It's nothing. I thought I wanted to spend some time with all of you together. It's been awhile since the seven of us hung out together right?" D.O sighed and smiled. "We're very sorry Ryoko, maybe the next weekend? Since the concert would be over by then I'm sue we're all free too." *But next weekend's the day I'll be going back to Japan.* You thought to yourself. You tried to smile anyway. "Okay oppa. Next weekend it is then." D.O smiled and patted your head. 


"Okay guys, it's time to go." Suho said while standing up. The rest of you grabbed your bags and walked out of the kitchen. "Oh does anyone have an extra calculator? I lost mine and I have math today." Chanyeol said. "How can you lose your calculator Chanyeol ah?" Suho said. Chanyeol pouted. "You know me hyung, I'm so careless." Suho sighed and shook his head. You smiled. "I have one in my drawer. You can have it oppa." You were about to head upstairs when Chanyeol stopped you. "It's okay Ryoko, I'll get it. Thanks!" With that he quickly ran upstairs. 


*Calculator....drawer....calculator.....drawer...ah there it is!*  Chanyeol walked towards the small drawer beside your bed and opened it. "Thank you Ryoko." He said to himself. Chanyeol took out the calculator and closed the drawer. He was about to leave the room but stopped in his tracks. *Hmm...what was that?* He turned around and his eyes were focusing on the calendar resting on top of your drawer. He picked it up and saw the big red circle on it. *This is next week. Why did she circle it? Could it be her birthday?* Chanyeol's eyes widened. *It must be!* Right then he heard Suho calling out for him. "Yah, Park Chanyeol! What's taking you so long? We're going to be late because of you!" He quickly put down the calendar. "A-arraso! I'm coming!" *It's Ryoko's birthday next week? Have to go tell the others.* 

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yme_xiu #1
Horikita maki!!! Hana kimi..hahhaha
Chapter 70: Best story ever. Really like it. Btw I'm crying at the end of the story. lol I'm such a crybaby.
Tiffanynguyen2001 #3
Chapter 70: I LOVE this fanfic.Its... Jjang!! Can you do a sequel please?
yuukiyuu #4
Chapter 70: That was nice. Appreciated it, author-nim!!
kpopmusiclover #5
Chapter 60: Awwww I hope that she gets to stay with the boys again :( update soon^^
Jenduekie #6
Chapter 60: love the crying because of this fighting
Jenduekie #7
Chapter 59: woooooooooooooahhh update soon i want to know their reaction.. fighting
Chapter 59: Kyaaaaaa! That was so sweet~ :D