No Bento?

My Kareshi And I.

The bell indicating that it was time for lunch went off. Your teacher, Mr Lee reminded all of you about the assignment he gave earlier. "Remeber to do it in pairs. I'd like you guys to hand it in next week. We shall go through it together as a class. "

"Neh..." the students said. There were complaints coming from the students about how the assignment was a bore and how they'd rather go shopping instead. You packed your stuff into your bag and turned to look at Kai. 


"We're eating lunch with the rest right?" he sighed and stood up. He was about to walk away when you tugged his sleeve. "Did you hear what I said? We're eating lunch together right?" *Why is he ring like this?*


He suddenly looked at you with a blank expression. "Follow me." *She doesn't know that I hate having lunch, especially in the canteen.* Kai turned around and started walking. You quickly picked up your bag and followed after him. You didn't dare to ask him what's wrong so you just kept quiet and followed. 


After a few turns around the blocks, you and Kai entered the canteen. Your eyes widened to see how big it was. It didn't look like a canteen to you. It looked like a restaurant! There was a big chandelier dangling from the ceiling. And the food was served buffet style, with the chefs standing beside each dish. *Is this a school or the pesident's house?* You thought to yourself. Kai looked at you and smiled. *She reacts to the simpest of things.*


Suddenly you heard a familiar voice calling your name. You looked over and saw Chanyeol waving his arms. He was sitting at a table right at the other side of the 'restaurant'. You smiled and quickly made your way towards their table. Kai led the way of course since the canteen was super crowded. Since Kai was tall, he had no problems weaving his way through the crowd. But being as short as a dwarf, you tripped almost on everyone's foot! Suddenly you felt someone's hand grabbing on to yours and was surprised to find out it was Kai's. "Stick close to me. You don't wnt to get injured on your first day of school." He said without turning back. You suddenly felt yourself blushing and touched your cheek. *why am I blushing?!* 


Kai let go of your hand and you realized that the both of you had arrived at the table. Sehun grabbed your hands and pulled you to sit beside him. "Ryoko! Which class were you in? You didn't enter my class." he said and pouted. "I'm in the same class as....Kai." You glanced at Kai who was sitting in front of you. "WHAT?! YOU'RE IN THE SAME CLASS AS HYUNG?!" Kai looked at the maknae and stuck his tongue out. Sehun looked like he was on the verge of tears. *She can't call me 'oppa' and now she's in the same class with that jerk. I feel so unlucky." 


You seemed to notice and patted Sehun's back, "G-gwaenchanhnya Sehun ah. We'll eat together during lunch okay?" Sehun's eyes lit up and he hugged you, " Everyday okay! Promise?" You awkwardly hugged him back and nodded your head. Chanyeol, who saw the both of you hugging, separated you two. "Yah, you can't just anyhow hug girls!" He glared at the maknae. Sehun shot his Hyung a look. "I'm the maknae so I can do whatever I want!" he stuck out his tongue and grabbed your arm. Chanyeol's eyes widen and he looked like he was about to lunge forward when Baekhyun pulled him back and shook his head. Chanyeol sighed and admit defeat. *I want to hug her too.* Baekhyun chuckled and shook his head. * I know how you feel Chanyeol. Being the maknae has its advantages too.*


You suddenly let go of Sehun when you remebered something. *I forgot to pack my bento box for lunch!* you smacked your forehead and rested your head on the table. *What am I going to eat now?* "What's the matter Ryoko?" Baekhyun shook your shoulders. *Is she sick or something?* You slowly lifted your head and turned to him. You pouted. "Baekhyun Oppa, I forgot my bento." Baekhyun blinked and stared at you. "B-bento? You mean packed lunch? Why would you bring that?" You sat up straight."What do you mean 'why'? Back in Japan I always bring packed lunch to school, but I was rushing this morning and forgot to prepare." You said as you slumped your shoulders. Baekhyun let go of your shoulders. He didn't know whether to pity you or laugh because he thought it was silly to bring packed lunch when there's tons of food in the canteen. 


D.O suddenly stood up and grabbed your hands. "Kaja Ryoko, let's go get the food together. I'll help you pick what's nice." He smiled at you. You nodded and smiled back. *D.O Oppa is so nice to me.* The seven of you stood up and went towards the buffet table. Your started to salivate when you saw the different types of food. Some of course you have not seen before but there were familiar food like sushi, curry, udon and ramyun. D.O handed you a plate and helped scoop out the rice. He even picked out the side dishes for  you. You didn't mind because you knew you could trust a wonderful cook like himself. You then saw a familiar dish on the table and gasped. D.O looked at the direction you were looking at and chuckled. "You want some kimchi Ryoko?" You shot him a look and continued walking, making your way back to the table. D.O shook his head and followed you. *Ryoko is so cute when she's mad.*



You waited for everyone to get back before eating first and you couldn't help but notice the people in the canteen staring at you and whispering across to each other. *The students here are weird. Why do they keep looking at me?* When Sehun came back with his food, you tugged his sleeve and whispered to him, "Sehun ah, why do people keep staring at me?" Sehungave you a cheeky smile. "Just so you know Ryoko, you are sitting with the most popular guys in school." He said and winked at you. You have had enough. Why do they keep saying their popular? You slammed your hands on the table which made the rest of them look up. "What's wrong Ryoko? Don't like your food?" Suho asked. "It's not the food. Why do you keep saying you're so popular in school?" You crossed your arms and furrowed your eyebrows. The boys looked at each other for a moment, and suddenly they burst out laughing. "Why is everyone laughing?" You said. Chanyeol pretended to wipe a tear from his eyes and leaned in closer to you, "Ryoko ah, you have to believe us."



You shook your head in defeat. "Forget it. I don't want to know. You guys say whatever you want." You shot each of them a look and ate your food. *It really can't be because they're popular right? That's ridiculous!* The guys seemed to notice you were upset and they kept quite. Suho cleared his throat, "We'll explain it to you when we get home Ryoko, and I promise to tell you the truth." You just rolled your eyes and nodded. *Whatever.*



After that, lessons were resumed and soon after, school was over. You and Kai waited for the rest in front of the school gate. It was quite an awkward atmosphere because you two weren't talking and Kai was just kicking the dirt with his shoes. *Why do I feel so tense when I'm with her?* Kai thought to himself. *Maybe I should start a conversation with him so it'd be less awkward.* You thought. You turned to him and was about to say something when a group of girls came towards the both of you, well, actually, only towards Kai. They unknowingly pushed you away and crowded around Kai. *Sheesh, what is their problem?!* You then heard one of the girls saying, "Oppa, are you free this weekend? Me and the girls are planning to go bowling with some of the guys. Want to join us?" And then another girl, "Ooh, invite Chanyeol oppa too!" *Are these Kai Oppa's friends?* You turned to look at Kai who seemed to be irritated with the girls. He kept looking in different directions, obviously showing that he's not interested. 


He noticed you were looing and suddenly a smile crept on his face. But somehow to you, you knew something bad is going to happen. You were about to walk away when he suddenly grabbed your wrist and pulled you towards him. The other girls gasped when they saw him clinging on to you very tightly. Kai cleared his throat and wrapped his arms around your shoulders, "Sorry girls, I already have plans with her this weekend." Your mouth fell open. *What is he saying?! I have no such plans with him!* You were about to protest but Kai put his hands over your mouth. "Maybe next time eh?" He smiled to the girls who were giving you death stares. *If looks could kill.* You thought to yourself. The girls turned around and stomped their feet. You let out a sigh of relief. *I thought they were going to scratch my eyeballs out.* 


You then realized Kai was still holding and you quickly pushed him away. Kai just looked at you and smirked, "Told you I'm popular." *Do you believe me now Ryoko?* You rolled your eyes at him and turned your back against him. *Stupid Kai Oppa.* Just then you heard a familiar voice. "Kai ah, Ryoko ah!" You looked up and saw the rest of them heading towards you. "Yah, what took you guys so long?" Kai said. "Sehun left his textbook in class so we had to go back and accompany him." Suho said looking at Sehun. Sehun made a chheeky smile and lowered his head. "Mianhe." Chanyeol went up to you and grabbed your hands, "Ryoko ah, want to go for some deokbeokki? I know a great place!" His eyes were big and it was as though they were sparkling. He was about to pull you away from the others when D.O stopped him. "Yah, where do you think you're taking her?" "Somewhere. Don't follow us!" Chanyeol said and pulled you along.


His grip was tight and you struggled to get away but obviously failed. *Where is he taking me?* You heard the others shouting from the back, especially Sehun, "Hyung! Where are you taking her?! I want to come too!" Right then, Chanyeol started running, pulling you along. *Not you're not Sehun ah. This is my date with her.* He smiled to himself. After running for a few minutes, you were getting tired and your arm started to hurt. "O-Oppa, can we stop for a while? I'm getting tired." Chanyeol stopped running and quickly let go. You rubbed your wrist  where Chanyeol had grabbed you. He noticed it and quickly panicked "Omo, Ryoko ah! I'm so sorry! Is it really painful?"  *Aish Chanyeol uh, how can you be so aggressive. Now look what you've done to her.* 


Chanyeol took a look at your wrist and he started to blow on it. You blinked at him, "What are you doing Oppa?" "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm helping to ease the pain." *I'm sorry for hurting you Ryoko. Please forgive me.* You looked at him and smiled. * Chanyeol Oppa is weird, but at the same time, sweet.* 


"It's okay. It's not hurting that much." You patted his shoulder. He have you a concerned look at first and then he smiled. "Okay, since you say so. Now let's go look for that deokbeokki shop." He took your hands again but this time, much gentle than before. "Deokbeokki? What's that?" Chanyeol look at you and smiled, "The best thing in the whole wide world." * I hope you'll like it Ryoko.*


You couldn't help but laugh at Chanyeol's cuteness. "Okay let's go see this 'best thing in the whole wide world'. Where is it?" Chanyeol leaned in and whispered to you, "You'll find out soon enough. Just follow me okay?" he said and he winked. You couldn't help but blush. Chanyeol noticed. *Today is going to be my first date with Ryoko!* He thought to himself as he started walking, your hand still with his. 


You didn't really notice that you and him were holding hands, but at the same time, you didn't mind either. You felt like you had gotten closer to him and you felt happy. *Chanyeol Oppa is nice. Weird, but nice.* you thought to yourself and smiled. 


Sorry for the boring update. Haven't had any inspiration. I'm also still thinking about the sequel to the first fic I'm doing. Still no ideas for it yet. Any suggestions? Hhehee :3 Anyway, thank you for subscrining to this fic after my shameless advertising on your wall, or if you subscribed to this without my shameless advert, then I SARANG YOU ALL <3


Here's some creepy Yeol for you guys,


I'm sorry, he's adorable :3

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yme_xiu #1
Horikita maki!!! Hana kimi..hahhaha
Chapter 70: Best story ever. Really like it. Btw I'm crying at the end of the story. lol I'm such a crybaby.
Tiffanynguyen2001 #3
Chapter 70: I LOVE this fanfic.Its... Jjang!! Can you do a sequel please?
yuukiyuu #4
Chapter 70: That was nice. Appreciated it, author-nim!!
kpopmusiclover #5
Chapter 60: Awwww I hope that she gets to stay with the boys again :( update soon^^
Jenduekie #6
Chapter 60: love the crying because of this fighting
Jenduekie #7
Chapter 59: woooooooooooooahhh update soon i want to know their reaction.. fighting
Chapter 59: Kyaaaaaa! That was so sweet~ :D