Kyungsoo the Gangster?!

My Kareshi And I.

It was a rainy Saturday and everyone was up early and dressed. Kai woke up early too for that day and diligently got dressed. Sehun and Chanyeol were'nt their usual noisy selves. Everyone was sitting in the living room, silent as ever, waiting for D.O to come down. "Everyone ready yet? Let's go." His voice filled the whole house. You turned and say him walking down the stairs with a bouquet of flowers in his hands. You noticed how the bouquet was made up of white lilies. *Lily flowers are a symbol of everlasting life after death.* You thought to yourself and looked up to D.O who had a soft smile on his face. But you could see a hint of sadness on his face. 


*We're going to visit someone...*



A few minutes later, the seven of you were crowded around a grave. D.O stepped forward and placed the bouquet gently against the tombstone. And you noticed how it wasn't the grave of a family member. On it was the name 'Park Hyun Soo'. The rain had stopped but the smell still lingered in the air. The seven of you stood in silence in front of the grave, with D.O at the front. Just then you heard sniffing sounds from him. *O-Oppa is crying?* As though they knew that this would happen, Suho signalled the rest of you to leave D.O alone. But you felt like someone needs to be by his side so you begged Suho to let you stay. Suho sighed and patted your shoulder. "We're going to a nearby cafe. Call me once you're done." You nodded and he gave D.O one last look before leaving with the rest. 



You turned to look at D.O. He was crouching in front of the grave. You suddenly felt like it was a bad idea to stay since you didn't know what to do. "Ryoko ah, you can leave if you want." D.O said in a low shaky voice, obviously crying. You shook your head even though you knew he wouldn't see it. "Ani, I'll stay here with you oppa. I feel that you shouldn't be alone." D.O let out a low chuckle and he wiped his nose at the back of his palm. "Thanks. Do you want to come closer though? I feel a little uncomfortable with you standind behind me like that." You furrowed your eyebrows. "Are you sure? I'm not disturbing you or something?" He shook his head. 'I'm sure. And I'm sure you're curious as to who this grave belongs to." 



You took a step forward and crouched down next to him. He smiled and patted your head before looking back to the grave. You noticed how red his nose was and reached in your bag to offer him a piece of tissue. "Park Hyun Soo. Where do I begin. Well, obviuosly you should know he's not my brother or something right?" You smiled and nodded your head. D.O chuckled and nodded. "He's our friend. My bestfriend." *So all of them knew this guy. But D.O oppa is the closest to him.* You thought to yourself. "Hyun Soo and I went to the same middle school. Oh and I have to tell you something, back then, I uh...was kind of a thug." You blinked at him. "Thug? Y-You mean like a gangster?" *No way. Oppa...a gangster? With that kind face and nice personality? That has to be a lie right?* D.O seemed to know what you were thinking and flicked your forehead. "Can't seem to believe it can you?" You rubbed your forehead and shook your head. 



D.O smiled and sighed. "Was your friend a gangster too?" You asked. D.O smiled again but shook his head. "Ani, he just liked to follow me around, like a little brother. For some reason, Hyun Soo saw me as a role model. No idea why, but I didn't mind him following me. Sometimes, I'd even sleep over at his house if I got into trouble with the adults." D.O chuckled, as though that incident happened just yesterday. The two of you started walking towards a bench nearby since it was getting abit tiring for your legs. Once the two of you were seated, he continued his story. "The thing about Hyun Soo is, he's the total opposite of me. He likes to study. And he's the top in our class. He always said he wanted to be a doctor." Right then you could see tears starting to form in his eyes. "He never got to be one in the end. Because of me." He was already crying at that moment and you sat closer to him with your arms wrapped around his shoulder, comforting him. *But why is it Oppa's fault?* You couldn't help but think about it.



"Hyun Soo, advised me to change and stop all the bad things I was doing. We got into a fight one day and I told him I didn't want to be his friend anymore. After that, I joined a gang outside of school and they had me do some errands for them." D.O stopped because his voice was getting shaky and uncontrollable. Once he calmed himself, he continued, "The gang told me to steal some cigarettes for them at the convenient store, so I agreed to do it. A group of them and me went to the nearby store and while the others tried to distract the store owner, I slipped behind the counter to where the cigerettes were. The store owner didn't seem to notice, but someone else did." You furrowed your eyebrows. "Who oppa?" D.O let out a deep breath as he said the name. "Hyun Soo. He was at the store buying some ramyun, and we made eye contact. I got distracted because of that and the store owner caught me."



You nodded as you took all of this in. It didn't really cross your mind that D.O would have such a past when he's all nice and kind to everyone around him. "My 'friends' fled without me and the store owner was about to hit me with a baseball bat but Hyun Soo, he grabbed my hand at that moment and the both of us ran out of the store. We hid in an alley and lost the store owner. I didn't know why but at that time I was still angry at Hyun Soo. It started to rain so I ran out to the street while Hyun Soo was calling out to me." You furrowed your eyebrows. "Why were you still angry at him oppa? He saved you." You said. He let out a soft chuckle and shook his head. "I had no idea either. But all I know now is that running out to that street that day was the biggest mistake of my life." He stopped smiling and and a frown replaced it. "The street was so busy...since everyone was rushing for shelter...I...I didn't realize..." D.O was about to break down again and you let him sob into your arms. 



"Hyun Soo...he...someone pushed him to the road and..and..." D.O was in a total wreck right then and you shushed him while his hair. "You don't have to continue oppa. You don't have too." D.O nodded and buried his face in your arms. You didn't know why but you felt like breaking down right there. *Why...why do all the oppas have such painful pasts? They're so nice to everyone, why must they deserve all this?* After a few minutes of crying, D.O finally stopped and you helped him to wipe away his tears. His eyes widened when he looked at you and he gently touched your cheeks. "Why are you crying Ryoko ah?" "Eh?" You touched your face and you could feel the moisture on you cheeks and started chuckling. "I guess...I understand why all of you are so close oppa. All my life while I was in Japan, I didn't have anyone to call my friend. A true friend. And now, when I've met you guys, I feel like I've known you all my life. That's why it pains me to see you hurt oppa." You said.



D.O smiled and sniffed. "We're all here for you Ryoko ah. Forever and always. Now let's go where the rest are. They might be worried about us." D.O got up and was about to take your hand but you walked back to Hyun Soo's grave. You kneeled down, even though you knew your pants would get dirty because of the mud and traced your fingers on the the carvings of the tombstone. "Ryoko ah, what are you doing?" D.O said, curious of what you were doing. You smiled at him. "I'm saying thanks to Hyun Soo oppa. He helped you turn to good after all. Didn't he?" D.O couldn't understand what you were trying to say at first, but after a few seconds he smiled and gave you a hug. *Thank you Hyun Soo, for everything. Somehow, I get the feeling you've been watching me from up there and sent Ryoko to us.*



After calling Suho oppa, both of you started to make your way to the cafe where the rest were waiting. "Sorry for making you-" You stopped in your tracks and your smile disappeared from your face. D.O's expression also changed. The others had their heads hung low and right in between Beakhyun and Suho was her. "Omo, Ryoko ah! Where have you been? I've been so lonely waiting for you!" The high pitched voice of Mi Young echoed in your ears. Baekhyun looked really uncomfortable and Suho was just sitting there, with an emotionless face. 



*J-Just what is she doing here?*


[A/N] Ahhhh sorry for the boring update. I realized I've written about the other member's past and left out Kyungsoo's so I dedicated this chapter for him hehe! Oh, just for your info, I fell down while iceskating and twisted my left wrist a little bit so it's a bit hard for me to type with a single hand. So, my updates might be taking a bit longer time to be published and there might be some errors like spelling :/

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yme_xiu #1
Horikita maki!!! Hana kimi..hahhaha
Chapter 70: Best story ever. Really like it. Btw I'm crying at the end of the story. lol I'm such a crybaby.
Tiffanynguyen2001 #3
Chapter 70: I LOVE this fanfic.Its... Jjang!! Can you do a sequel please?
yuukiyuu #4
Chapter 70: That was nice. Appreciated it, author-nim!!
kpopmusiclover #5
Chapter 60: Awwww I hope that she gets to stay with the boys again :( update soon^^
Jenduekie #6
Chapter 60: love the crying because of this fighting
Jenduekie #7
Chapter 59: woooooooooooooahhh update soon i want to know their reaction.. fighting
Chapter 59: Kyaaaaaa! That was so sweet~ :D