D-Day 6

My Kareshi And I.

Kai and you walked back home in silence. You were still upset that you had to practice everyday until the concert. And upset at how mean Kai was with you during practice. Kai couldn't help but notice the awkward atmosphere too. *Now look what you've done genius. You made her upset, and worse, upset with you.* Kai decided to start a conversation. "You know...you weren't that bad you know. I was just kidding." You kept quiet and continued walking. Kai glanced at you and cleared his throat. "But with the concert coming up in a few days time, we really do need all the time we can get to practice." You still kept quiet. Kai glanced at you again and gulped. *Is she really that mad at me?* 



Kai decided to start a new topic. "What do you think of the others' choreography? Quite lame huh?" Kai let out a nervous laugh, hoping you'd say something. But no, you still kept walking. Kai sighed. *That's it, I give up. I can't take this much longer.* He grabbed your arm to stop you from walking. You just kept your head down, not wanting to look at him because you were too upset. "Hey," Kai nudged you. When you still didn't look up, he nudged you again, harder this time. "Yah!" "What is wrong with you?!" You exploded. Kai was taken aback by your sudden behavior. *Woah, she really is mad.* You shook your arm loose from his grip. "Oppa, why are you always so...mean?" Your vision started to get blur. It was then you realized, you were crying. 



Kai noticed it too and started to worry. * she's crying because of me.* "R-Ryoko ah, I'm-" "Do you hate me so much? Is it because you were forced to move out from your room so that I could move in? Is it because I annoy you whenever I ask you questions in class? Or is it just simply because you hate me?" Your crying turned into sobs and you had to seat down on a nearby bench to help calm yourself. *Why am I crying? Pabo, don't be a crybaby!* You mentally cursed yourself and wiped away your tears with the back of your sleeve. But that didn't seem to work. You tears kept coming. Kai sat next to you. *It's all my fault she's crying.* "Ryoko ah, I...I didn't mean to be so mean to you. You looked at him. "But why are you?" *In a few days I'll be leaving Korea. I don't want to spend the rest of my days there, thinking you're a jerk oppa.* You thought to yourself. The thought of going back to Japan made you cry even more. 



Kai shifted closer to you and patted your back to comfort you. You hate to admit it but it was working. You started to calm down a bit and your tears stopped. But you were having those small hiccups that you always get after every time you cry. You turned to look at him. "Why are you such a jerk sometimes?" Kai looked at you and wiped away your tear stained face. *I'm not sure why either. I just feel so much closer to you when I do.* Kai shrugged. "Honestly, I'm not sure. Whenever I see you, I just felt like teasing you." You couldn't help but laugh. "You sound like a sadist." Kai looked at you. He was relieved to see you smiling again. "Feeling better? I'm really sorry Ryoko ah. I'll..I'll try to be nicer to you from now on." Kai said as he looked into your eyes with seriousness in his face. "You know, you don't have to." *Crying over something like this was childish of me. And it's not like I'm his girlfriend anyway.* " You can treat me however you want." You told him. 



Kai raised his eyebrows. "Are you sure? What's with the sudden change of heart?" You smiled and shrugged. "I don't know. I guess, I prefer you this way. Being yourself. And the idea of you suddenly being so nice creeps me out. And I'm sure the other oppas would find it weird too. They would think you like me or something." You chuckled. Kai smiled and laughed too. "Okay as you wish, but I'll still try to be nicer towards you." *Like her? I think I already am starting to fall for her. Is that why I'm teassing her?* You sighed and stood up. "Come on, it's time to go home." You reached out your hand to him. Kai was hesitant at first but in the end took your hand in his and the both of you continued to walk home. You couldn't stop smiling to yourself. *Well, at least I get to see this side of him before I leave. That's better than nothing.* You told yourself.  Kai glanced at you and couldn't stop smiling either. *Ryoko ah, I think I'm really starting to fall for you. But I'm not so sure myself.*



When the both of you were only a few blocks away from the house, the two of you stopped holding hands. You were the one to let go first. You looked at Kai and smiled. "Don't want to give the others the wrong idea. Especially not to Suho oppa." Kai rubbed the back of his neck and nodded. "R-right." *Why do I suddenly feel disappointed?* In fact, it wasn't only him. You felt a bit regretful too. *Somehow, part of me didn't want to let go of his hand.* The two of you continued walking.



"We're back!" When you opened the door, you were surprised by the presence of Chanyeol, standing right at the door. As if he's been waiting for you to come home. He also had that creepy smile on his face. The same one you saw when you first came to the house a few months ago. Kai was shocked to see him too. "What the hell is wrong with you? Smiling like you're on drugs or something." Kai smirked. Chanyeol shot him a look. "Yah, mind your manners. I'm your hyung." Kai stuck out his tongue and headed upstairs. "Neh neh hyung. Arasso." Chanyeol clicked his tongue at him but shortly after, returned his attention back to you. You giggled. "Annyeong oppa. Why are you so...happy?" *More like being creepy.* You thought to yourself. Chanyeol suddenly walked up to you and took your school bag. "What are you doing?" Chanyeol looked at you as if you asked the most stupidest question. "I'm carrying your bag for you, what else does it look like?" You laughed. "I can see that but, why?" 



Chanyeol's creepy smile came back. "I'm being nice to you. Is that wrong?" *Since your birthday is coming, I shall treat you like a princess.* He smiled to himself. You smiled and chuckled. "Of course not. Well, if it's going to be that way, please take my bag to my room while I go to the kitchen and grab some ice cream for the both of us as a reward." Chanyeol smiled and saluted. "Yes Ma'am! And make mine a chocolate ice cream ma'am!" With that he went upstairs. You laughed and shook his head. *Such a cutie.* You walked in to the kitchen and find D.O, his face buried behind a recipe book for pastries. "Hey oppa, what are you reading?" You asked even though you know what he was reading. D.O had his eyes wide open when he saw you and quickly put away the book. "H-hey, you're home already?" You looked at him with a straight face. "No, I'm still in school. This is my wandering soul you're talking to." You said sarcastically. D.O shot you a look. You laughed. " Are you planning to bake something?" D.O froze in his seat. *, she saw it. Better come up with a good lie Kyungsoo ah.*



"Y-eah. A friend of mine's birthday is coming up so I was thinking I should bake for her- I MEAN HIM. IT'S A HE. A GUY. A VERY MASCULINE, NOT-FROM-OUR-SCHOOL, SOMEONE-YOU-DON'T-KNOW-GUY." D.O forced his mouth shut to stop him from saying anymore. You looked at him with a confused and chuckled. "Okay I get it. It's a guy. Why are you suddenly so panicked?" You walked over to the fridge to take out the ice cream for Chanyeol and yourself. D.O just let out a nervous laugh. "Just want to make sure you know." You raised your eyebrows. "That he's a guy? Uh, oppa, I take biology too. I can differentiate between male and female you know." You said, earning a glare from D.O.



Just then Chanyeol entered the kitchen. "I have placed your bag in your room ma'am! I am ready for the reward!" He saluted you again. D.O choked on his own saliva. "Are you guys role playing?" You couldn't help but blush realizing how childish it all was. "Yes we are and no, you can't join in." Chanyeol stuck his tongue out. D.O lifted his hands as if he was surrendering, "Oh, absolutely. I'll leave you two with your uh...thing." With that, D.O left the kitchen. *Thank God Chanyeol's here or she would have asked me about the cake again.* 



Back at the kitchen, you laughed and playfully slapped Chanyeol's shoulder. "Okay that's enough oppa. It's so embarrassing!" Chanyeol laughed too. "Ah why? I like playing with you!" He was putting on a cute act for you while puffing his cheeks. You slapped his shoulders again and passed him his ice cream, surrendering to his aegyo. "Fine. Here's your reward then soldier!" You tried to say in a stern voice but ended up laughing. Chanyeol took the ice cream from you with both hands, as though he was accepting a sword from a Queen or something and kneeled down on one knee. "Thank you for this honor!" Then the both of you cracked up. "You're so silly oppa." Chanyeol just smiled. *I love being silly with you. That way, I can see your precious smile all the time.*



While the two of you were busy laughing and eating ice cream in the kitchen, you didn't notice a pair of eyes watching you from the stairs. Baekhyun couldn't help but feel jealous. *I miss talking to her. I miss looking at her smile. No, I miss making her smile. And with her birthday coming up, I really want to spend more time with her.* Just then, Sehun and Suho walked down the stairs, wanting to get some ice cream for themselves too. Baekhyun quickly cleared his throat and looked around. Suho raised his eyebrows. "Yah, what are you doing standing in the middle of of the stairs? Are you getting some ice cream for yourself too?" Baekhyun smiled and walked up. "I just came out from the kitchen. Was about to head upstairs to bed. You two enjoy your ice cream." With that, he quickly disappeared into his room. *Did they notice? I hope not.* Sehun and Suho watched as Baekhyun closed the bedroom door. "He's been acting a bit weird lately Hyung." Sehun said. Suho shrugged and wrapped his arms around the maknae. "Maybe he's just nervous about the concert coming up. Now let's not worry so much and get ourselves some ice cream neh?" Sehun smiled and nodded.



The next day, you and Kai spent the rest of the time after school at the secret dance studio at the alley, practicing your choreography. As usual, your body freezes when it comes to the part where your foreheads meet. Kai let out a frustrated sigh and turned off the music. You rubbed the back of your neck feeling guilty. "Mianhe oppa. I don't know what's gotten into me." Kai shook his head and walked towards you. He then laid on the floor. *We've gone through this a lot of times already. Why is it always that part?*



You joined Kai on the floor but sat cross-legged instead of lying down on the cold wooden floor. Kai stared at your back. *Is something bothering her?* Still lying down, he stretched his arm and tapped your shoulder. You turned around and faced him. "Do you want to talk about it? I mean, I know you think I'm a jerk but, I'm here if you want a listening ear." You raised your eyebrows. *Is oppa trying to be nice again?* "What do you mean? Talk about what? And like I said yesterday, it's weird seeing you being so nice." Kai shot you a look.


He sat up straight and now the two of you were face to face. He was sweating a lot and his hair was sticking to the sides of his face. His cheeks were slightly pink since the two of you danced for hours without stopping, and for some reason, you started to blush. Lucky for you, your face was already red after all that non-stop dancing too. "You seem so distracted when we're dancing. Like you're thinking about something." 



You bit your lower lip. *He noticed. Should I tell him?* Kai touched your hand and shook you from your thoughts. "Tell me. What's wrong?" You looked in his eyes. Something about it tells you that he was being serious. You thought for a while. "Well, actually, I don't know either oppa." Kai raised his eyebrows. "How can you not know it yourself?" You bit your lower lip again. Suddenly, an idea popped into your head. "Oppa, how about we change that part of the choreography? I bet that'll solve the problem!" You said while putting your hands together. *You're a genius Ryoko!* You complimented yourself. Kai stared at you and after a few seconds he shook his head and clicked his tongue. 



You pouted. "Wae?" Kai looked at you with a straight face. "Because that's how the choreography supposed to be. If we change it, it wouldn't look nice anymore. Might as well change the whole thing which is impossible since the concert is in three day's time." *Why does she want to change it so much? Especially that part. I honestly liked it.* Suddenly, it hit him. *Could she possibly be nervous when I'm too close to her? That's why she freezes.* Kai looked at you with a smirk on his face.



You looked at him too, with a startled expression.  "W-Wae? W-Why are you l-looking at me like that?" You felt your heart beating faster than it was before. *Let's try something.* Kai thought to himself and started to lean in closer to you. *Oh no, it's just like when we danced. Why is my body staying still?!* Kai seemed to notice too. *The same reaction. I wonder why. Wait...could it be that...she likes...me?* Kai stopped moving. Both your faces were so close to each other. 



Somehow you managed to moved your hands and you pushed him away. "Y-Yah, w-what are you doing?" You said as you covered your face with the back of your hand. Kai was stunned too. *Why is my heart suddenly beating so fast?* Kai thought. He cleared his throat and quickly stood up. "N-nothing. Just wanted to test something out." You furrowed your eyebrows. *Test something? And...is he blushing? Or are my eyes mistaken?* 



Kai glanced at you and ruffled his own hair. *Must she have felt nervous when our foreheads touch?* He cleared his throat. "L-let's just stop for today. Its getting late too." He quickly went to his bag and took out a small towel to wipe his sweat. You quickly stood up and went to your bag to get your bottle of water. There was an awkward silence.



When the two of you walked home, the silence was still there. Kai tried to break the silence. "So um, what do you like?" Your eyes widened. "Why do you ask?" You cocked your head to the side. *Why is he asking that suddenly?* Kai looked at you. *Doesn't she know her own birthday is coming up?* Kai cleared his throat and placed his hands in the front pocket of his jeans. "Just asking. Is it wrong to ask?" You shrugged. "Well, I like everything." Kai looked at you with a straight face. "What? I really do like everything! Except for that kimchi thingy of course." You said and the both of you laughed, remembering the time when you first tried kimchi. *It feels as though it happened yesterday.* You told yourself. Kai smiled. "Seriously oppa, why do you ask?" 



"Just felt like buying you something nice." You couldn't help but laugh. "But why? It's not like it's my birthday. It passed like months ago. Right before I even got to Korea." Kai stopped smiling and stopped walking. *Was my ears playing tricks on me?* "W-what did you say?" He looked at you with his eys opened wide. You furrowed your eyebrows. "Right before I got to Korea?" You asked. *Why is he suddenly like that?* Kai shook his head. "No, before that. About your birthday." You thought for awhile. "Oh, my birthday? It was three months ago. Before I moved to Korea. Why?" Kai stared at you. You got worried since he looked as if he saw a ghost. "Oppa, what's wrong?" 


Kai looked at you and put his hands on your shoulders. "So, your birthday is not this coming weekend?" You looked at him. "Uh, nope. And I clearly remember telling you guys that it was on 10th of April. Remember? Two days before Sehun." The memory suddenly went back to him. *That was when we asked her to call us oppa. Damn it Chanyeol! How can you forget too?! How can everyone forget about it?!* Kai closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead. "Oppa, is everything okay?"  Kai suddenly grabbed both your shoulders and looked at you straight in the eyes. "Then why did you circle the date for this Saturday?" You froze. *This Saturday. That's...that's the day I'm leaving Korea. H-how did he know about this?* Kai noticed your reaction and knew something was up. He shook you. "Ryoko ah, please, tell me." You gulped. *Maybe I should tell him. He has the right to know.*


"This Saturday is...It's the day that I'm...." You choked on your words. Soon enough, you noticed your vision getting blurry from the tears that was forming. 


Kai looked at you. *Something tells me I'm about to hear some bad news.* He gulped and prepared himself for what you were about to say.


[A/N] BAM! A long update for you guys. Well, long enough to make up for the short chapters I've been writing. Mianhe ;3;
I suddenly had some inspiration to write this chapter after listening to Exo's What Is Love. No idea why but that song was on repeat when I was writing this chapter. And speaking about EXO, WHEN IN THE WORLD IS THEIR COMEBACK?! Gahhh!!! I seriously can't wait anymore! They're taking forever! Sigh....

Putting that aside, I'd like to thank you all for commenting and giving me feedbacks. Really appreciate it! And to my new subscribers, WELCOME. 

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yme_xiu #1
Horikita maki!!! Hana kimi..hahhaha
Chapter 70: Best story ever. Really like it. Btw I'm crying at the end of the story. lol I'm such a crybaby.
Tiffanynguyen2001 #3
Chapter 70: I LOVE this fanfic.Its... Jjang!! Can you do a sequel please?
yuukiyuu #4
Chapter 70: That was nice. Appreciated it, author-nim!!
kpopmusiclover #5
Chapter 60: Awwww I hope that she gets to stay with the boys again :( update soon^^
Jenduekie #6
Chapter 60: love the update...im crying because of this fighting
Jenduekie #7
Chapter 59: woooooooooooooahhh update soon i want to know their reaction.. fighting
Chapter 59: Kyaaaaaa! That was so sweet~ :D