Tears of Joy [Part 1]

My Kareshi And I.


Apparently you and Baekhyun practiced until late at night the previous day. Baekhyun decided to use a song of his choice instead of the one he was supposed to sing with Min Jung. The song was really cute and it fit the both of you since it’s meant to be a duet. You took singing classes in Tokyo and you were from your middle school’s choir. Plus, you were a fast learner which meant you quickly memorized the song even though it has only been a day. Except for a few pronunciation errors, you were good to go.




You woke up the next morning feeling excited for the performance even though you knew that you were supposed to go home the next day. Instead, you decided to focus on the day itself, so that you’d spend the rest of your time here, with a smile on your face. You got up earlier than everyone else and decided to take an early bath. In the shower, you hummed to the song that you and Baekhyun were working on the previous night, trying to get all the pronunciation correct. *Why are some of the words so difficult to pronounce? Ugh hangul…* You thought to yourself and shook your head. You suddenly remembered what happened when you and Baekhyun were practicing.




You kept pronouncing the words wrongly and Baekhyun kept laughing at you. “Oppa, stop laughing! It’s hard okay.” You blew your fringe away from your face and pouted. Baekhyun smiled and ruffled your hair. “Okay okay I’m sorry. It’s just that, you’re so cute! We’ll take a break okay?” Baekhyun pinched your cheek before heading in the kitchen to get a glass of water for the both of you. You rubbed the part where he pinched and found yourself blushing. *That’s strange. Oppa has never pinched my cheek before. But why is he suddenly doing that? And why am I blushing?*




Little did you know, Baekhyun actually went to the kitchen so that you couldn’t see him blushing. Baekhyun leaned against the table top and placed his hand on his chest where his heart was. *My heart is beating like crazy right now. And my palms are sweaty too. I’m getting nervous around her. Has she noticed?* After calming himself down, he went back to where you were with two glasses of water. You took one from him, your hand slightly brushed against his and without warning, started to blush again. “T-Thanks oppa.” You asked, at the same time you took a step away from him. Baekhyun smiled and rubbed the back of his neck as well. “N-No problem, R-Ryoko ah.” *It’s happening again. My heart beating like crazy.* There was an awkward silence. Baekhyun cleared his throat and sat on the couch, at the same time placing his glass of water on the table. You didn’t know why but you did the same.




You looked at your lap, in order to avoid any eye contact. At the same time, you could feel your heart beating against your chest. *What is with this sudden awkward atmosphere?* You asked yourself. You could feel Baekhyun’s eyes, literally staring at you. That’s when you noticed, the two of you were sitting so close to each other. Shoulders touching. You gathered your courage and looked up. He was staring straight at you. You couldn’t help but stare back. Baekhyun gulped as you did. *She’s staring back at me. I can’t stop myself. Every time I look into her eyes, her brown hazel eyes, I get so lost in it.* You were thinking the same thing too. Except for the part about the eyes. You couldn’t stop staring. In fact, you were actually examining his features, like how you did whenever he slept beside you during one of your Korean classes. And without noticing, your eyes fell on his lips.




Automatically, you lifted up your hands and traced your thumb at the corner of his lips. *How is it so pink?* You thought to yourself. Baekhyun was shocked by your sudden behavior. He gulped. You noticed how his adam’s apple bobbed up and down and finally broke you gaze. You quickly moved your hand away from him and blushed. “M-ianhe oppa. I-I didn’t know what got into me-“ Baekhyun placed his finger on your lips to stop you from talking any further. You looked at him wide eyed while he slowly leaned forward. You took a deep breath, knowing what was going to happen. *The same thing is happening again, except instead of Chanyeol oppa, it’s Baekhyun oppa….* You told yourself. Soon, the gap between the both of you closed. You felt something soft and warm on your lips. Baekhyun had his eyes closed but you had yours wide opened.





You stayed still as both your lips were connected to each other. Because his face was so close to yours, you felt how his eye lashes brushed against your skin. Suddenly, Baekhyun opened his eyes and the both of you pulled away from the kissed. He covered his mouth with the back of his hand and you stood up abruptly. Again, another awkward atmosphere. Baekhyun cleared his throat and was about to say something but you beat him to it. “I….it’s getting late. W-We should stop here oppa. I-I’m going to bed now. Goodnight.” You quickly said and headed to your room before closing the door behind you. Baekhyun was left on the couch, stunned. *W-What the hell just happened? S-, what was I thinking?!* He sighed and ruffled his hair.



In the room, you leaned your back against the door, with your fingers on your lips,still warm after the incident. *T-That was my first kiss.* You didn’t know whether you should be happy, or worried. But what you did know was that your heart was beating like crazy and you could swear you hear it beating loud in your room. You turned to look at yourself in the mirror hanging on the wall. Your face was flustered. *I wonder why he did…that.* You suddenly felt butterflies in your stomach and climbed on your bed, under the sheets. *How am I supposed to face him tomorrow?!* You kicked your legs on your bed.



*Knock. Knock. Knock.*



“Ryoko ah is that you inside? Can you please hurry? I need to pee!” The sound of Sehun’s voice snapped you out from your thoughts and you quickly turned off the shower. “N-ne! I’ll be right out!” You grabbed your towel and wiped yourself dry. It was then you realized that you didn’t bring any clothes with you. *Omo, eotteoke?! How am I supposed to go out?!* There was another knock on the door. “Ryoko ah palli! I can’t hold it in much longer!” Sehun’s voice sounded even more urgent. He was standing outside the bathroom, his knees were put together and he was moving from side to side. *Just what is she doing in there?!* The door suddenly opened, with you just in your towel and another one wrapped on your head. “Mianhe Sehun ah. You can use it now!” You quickly said and dashed towards your room. Sehun was frozen on the spot. *S-she was…in her towel….no clothes…* “Yah are you gonna pee or what? I need to go too!” A sleepy D.O walked out from his room, his hand rubbing his eyes. Sehun suddenly remembered and quickly locked himself inside the bathroom, relieving himself.




You quickly got changed and headed out. D.O was leaning against the wall in front of the bathroom. He yawned while rubbing his eyes. You giggle and ruffled his hair. “Close your mouth oppa. Flies are going to enter.” He quickly closed his mouth and smiled even though you couldn’t see it behind his hand. But you could tell he was smiling since his eyes were smaller than usual. You laughed. “I’ll go get breakfast ready for everyone okay?” You said before heading down to the kitchen. D.O nodded and once you were gone, he let out a sigh of relief. *She saw me yawn. That was embarrassing. I wonder if my breath stinks.* He put his hand over his mouth and breathed out to smell his own breath. He almost choked himself with the nasty scent that was coming out. *Woah…that’s bad.* “Yah Sehun ah! Palli! What are you doing in the bathroom for so long!?”





You skipped into the kitchen to prepare breakfast. You took out some bread, butter, some plates. And you took out some eggs to make some omelet for the guys. Even though you’re not that much of a cook, your omelets are the best in the world. At least that’s what your dad says. You heard someone walk into the kitchen, thinking it’s D.O. “D.O oppa, can you help me take out the orange juice from the fridge?” You said, still focused on cooking your omelet. “Sure.”



Your eyes widened. *That isn’t D.O oppa. That’s-* You turned around and saw Baekhyun pouring the juice into cups. You quickly turned back to your omelet, not wanting to make any eye contact with him yet after last night’s incident. *The two of us. Alone again.* Baekhyun noticed how awkward the atmosphere is and he kept glancing at your back. *She’s not facing me. Is she mad about yesterday?* You silently prayed for someone else to enter the kitchen and lucky for you, Kai walked in. “Yo.” He simply said and sat in front of the dining table. You nodded to him and managed to steal a glance at Baekhyun. The both of you made eye contact and you blushed. Because of that, your finger accidentally touched the frying pan and you burnt yourself. “Ouch!”




Immediately, Kai rose from his seat and went to your aid. “What happened? Gwaenchanhnya? Let me see.” Before you could tell him you were fine, he already grabbed your hand and gently blew at your finger. You blushed. “A-ani oppa. I’m f-fine.” You tried to say calmly. You looked at Baekhyun and caught him staring at you and Kai. He noticed that you were looking and cleared his throat. “I-I’ll tell the others breakfast is served.” He said while rubbing the back of his neck. You nodded. *Why do I feel guilty all of a sudden?* Baekhyun went out of the kitchen. *Was I feeling jealous?* He shrugged the thought and went upstairs to get the others.



“Oppa, I’m fine, really. It’s just a minor injury.” You said. Kai looked up at you and quickly let go of your hand. “O-of course. I-it’s just a small burn. I was just making sure that you’re not too injured to perform later. Since you already missed last night’s practice.” You gawked at him. “It’s just a burn. On my finger. Not my foot oppa. I can dance, don’t worry. And besides, I told you I’ll make it up to you.” You told him, at the same time placing his omelet in front of him. He shot you a look and ate his breakfast. *You only have today to make it up to me. Because by tomorrow, you’ll be gone.* He quietly thought to himself. A few minutes later, the rest of the guys came down to have breakfast. You sat in between Suho and Sehun as usual. Suho was back to his normal self, all smiles. Unlike yesterday. He and Baekhyun were talking to each other too. *Hmm, they must have talked about what happened. Well, it’s good to see them okay again.* You nodded to yourself.



‘So, is everyone ready for tonight’s performance?” He asked. Everyone nodded. There were mumbling and shrugging. The reason why all of them were like this because they knew that today was the last day they’d spend with you. “Come on guys, why the long faces?” You asked, sounding very cheerful. They all stole glances from each other. “Ryoko ah, you don’t have to be so strong you know. We feel the same way as you. It’s our last day together.” Chanyeol quietly said. You looked at each of them as they slowly nodded in agreement. You sighed and placed your spoon on your plate. “I know it’s my last day here but, I want to spend these last few moments smiling. And I want the oppas to be smiling too. That way, it’d be easier for me and all of us as well.” You spoke, trying hard to maintain a cheerful expression. Chanyeol was about to say something else but D.O stopped him. “She’s right. Come on guys, cheer up. After the performance, how about we go to the Han River again?” “Can we buy some fireworks as well?” Sehun asked. D.O smiled and ruffled the maknae’s hair. “Of course Sehun ah.”




Everyone tried their best to be and look as happy as possible for you. You smiled and continued to eat your breakfast.

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yme_xiu #1
Horikita maki!!! Hana kimi..hahhaha
Chapter 70: Best story ever. Really like it. Btw I'm crying at the end of the story. lol I'm such a crybaby.
Tiffanynguyen2001 #3
Chapter 70: I LOVE this fanfic.Its... Jjang!! Can you do a sequel please?
yuukiyuu #4
Chapter 70: That was nice. Appreciated it, author-nim!!
kpopmusiclover #5
Chapter 60: Awwww I hope that she gets to stay with the boys again :( update soon^^
Jenduekie #6
Chapter 60: love the update...im crying because of this fighting
Jenduekie #7
Chapter 59: woooooooooooooahhh update soon i want to know their reaction.. fighting
Chapter 59: Kyaaaaaa! That was so sweet~ :D