Sehunnie Day Part 2.

My Kareshi And I.

It turns out you didn't see Baekhyun for the whole day in school. And so did the rest. *Where is he?* You bit the tip of your pen. Kai saw it and clicked his tongue. He took the pen away from you. "What now?" You asked, frustrated. Kai rolled his eyes. "Stop biting it. It's disgusting." You scoffed and snatched your pen back. "Well it's my pen and I'll do whatever I want with it." Kai smirked and shook his head. *She was so innocent when she first came here. But I prefer the way she is now.* 


At last the final bell for the day rang and you quickly packed your bag. "Ryoko ah! Palli!" You looked up and saw Sehun waving happily from the front door of the classroom. The other girls in the class started to jump around at the sight of him. *Right, I forgot girls swoon at the sight of them.* You reminded yourself. You nodded to Sehun and was about to head for the door when Kai grabbed your arm. You turned around. "Remember, don't go home too late." He reminded you. You sighed and brushed his hands of you. "Arraso oppa. What am I, eight years old?" You asked sarcastically. Kay smirked and picked up his bags to get ready to leave. "No, but you sure do look like one." He said and went off. You stood there with your mouth wide open. *Ugh he's such a...jerk!* Kai chuckled at your expression and went towards Sehun. "Don't go home too late Sehun ah. Or else hyung is going to kill you." Sehun smiled at him. "Which hyung?" Kai looked at the maknae with an expressionless face. "All of us." Sehun nodded and gulped. "A-arraso hyung. I'll call you when we're about to go home." Kai smiled and patted his back. "Good. Now go have fun." Sehun smiled widely. 


Kai chuckled and walked off. *Even though I want to spend time with her as much as you do.*


After Kai left, you met up with Sehun at the front door. Automatically, he linked arms with you. "We're all set! Let's go!" You couldn't help but laugh along. *Sehun is so cute! How come I don't really spend time with him?* You thought to yourself. As the both of you walked down the hallway, you caught a glimpse of Chen. Sehun noticed him too. "Hyung! Are you going home?" Chen smiled at the both of you. "Ani, I'm going for my CCA." You suddenly remembered. *Chen oppa is in the same CCA as Baekhyun oppa right? I wonder of he saw him today.* "Excuse me oppa, but do you happen to see Baekhyun oppa?" You asked. 


Chen thought for a while. "If I'm not wrong, I saw him after lunch today." Your eyes widened. "Ah jeongmal? What was he doing?" "Hmm, he was with someone. A girl." You furrowed your eyebrows. *A girl? Who could it be- oh, was it Hae Ra?* You were about to ask him but Chen waved his hands. "I'm going to be late. I'll see you guys tomorrow!" With that he jogged down the hallway. "Bye hyung!" Sehun cheered. "Let's go! Or we're going to be late!" Sehun pulled you. But you were busy thinking about Baekhyun to care. *Was he with Hae Ra? Did they make up already? If they did then that's good.* Once you were outside of school, Sehun stopped pulling you and the two of you waited at a bus stop. "Where are we going?" Sehun smiled cheekily. "For me to know, and for you to find out." He gave you a wink. For some reason you just wanted to pinch his cheeks. But you fought the urge to. "So Ryoko, when you were spending time with the hyungs, where did you go?" *I hope not the same place as we're going.* He bit his bottom lip nervously. You tried to remember. 


"Let's see. I visited Mrs Park with Chanyeol oppa. Baekhyun oppa always accompanies me to my class and Kai oppa.." You stopped yourself....About the dance studio, will you keep it a secret?....Kai's voice echoed in your head. *I shouldn't tell Sehun. Or else Kai oppa would get upset.* "So where did you and Kai hyung went?" Sehun said, breaking you from your thoughts. "Huh? Oh right, uh we just went to the...gym?" Sehun raised his eyebrows. "The gym? So that's why the two of you were sweaty when you got back." *Phew, so they didn't go there. Means it's my chance now.* Sehun thought to himself. You gave him a faint smile and nodded. *He bought it. I'm so sorry for lying to you Sehun ah.* The bus stopped and the two of you boarded the bus. You guys sat at the back with you beside the window. After a few more passengers boarding the bus, it started to move. You suddenly felt sleepy and Sehun noticed. "Ryoko ah, you can sleep if you want to. It's going to be a long journey." You nodded and closed your eyes. 


A few minutes after you closed your eyes, Sehun waved his hand in front of you to check if your were really asleep. Turns out he didn't have to because you were snoring. Loud enough for only him to hear. He chuckled. *She has a cute face when she's sleeping.* The bus got into the highway. He noticed your head started to nod up and down so he slowly tilted your head towards him so it was resting comfortably on his shoulders. Sehun covered his face because eh was blushing. *I can't believe it. Ryoko's sleeping on my shoulder! This is the best day of my life!*


The bus suddenly jerked and you opened your eyes slowly. *We're not there yet?* You yawned and suddenly you felt something resting on your head. Slowly, you looked up and started to blush when you realized it was Sehun. He fell asleep while resting on your head. You didn't want to move to avoid from waking him up. But you neck was hurting. *What should I do?* Suddenly, an idea struck you. Gently, you lifted his head and you sat upright. You then rested his head on your shoulder. Sehun snuggled against your neck which made you blush even more. *Why do I feel this way? It's just Sehun but why is my heart beating so fast?*


After a few minutes, the bus stops at a rest stops. You gently shook Sehun. "Sehun ah, I think we're here." Sehun slowly opened his eyes and yawned. "Oh, I fell asleep?" You smiled and nodded. Sehun looked around and started to panic. *Where is this place? Did we miss the stop?* He started looking around. The bus driver called out to the both of you. "I'm sorry but you have to alight here now. It's the end on the journey." You looked at Sehun. "Is this the place?" Sehun looked at you and quickly smiled. "Oh, let's get down here." *Ryoko's going to be mad if she finds out.* The two of you got out. There was nothing but the road, mountains and the rest stop. *Where is he taking me?* You wondered. You tugged on his shirt. "Oppa, we're not lost are we?" Sehun was startled and he looked panicky. "Uh, aniyo, we'll just have to take another bus that's all." *I'll have to go check the bus schedule.* You suddenly felt the urge to pee so you told Sehun to wait for you while you went to the toilet. Sehun smiled and nodded. *Okay now's my chance!*


He quickly walked to the front desk of the rest stop. "Jeogi, ahjusshi, when's the next bus to Gyeonggi-do?" The man behind the counter put down the newspaper he was reading and checked the small piece of paper pinned on the notice board behind him. After a while he turned around. "Two hours." Sehun's heart dropped. "Mwoh?! Two hours?" *, I am so dead now. Today was supposed to be perfect.* The man seemed to noticed Sehun looking troubled. "Why do you look like it's the end of the world boy?" Sehun bit his bottom lip and sat on the bench nearby. 


At that moment, you went out of the toilet. But suddenly you felt your stomach churning and you gently pressed your stomach. *A stomach ache? Right now? You have got to be kidding me.* You looked to see if Sehun was waiting and when you saw him at the counter, you quickly went back into the toilet. *Might as well get it over and done with since the bus is not here.* 


Sehun sighed and ruffled his hair in frustration. "Today was supposed to be perfect." He said to himself. The man behind the counter went up and sat beside him. "What is?" He asked while smoking a cigarette. Sehun pouted. "There's this girl I like. And it's our first date today. I really wanted it to be special. We were supposed to go to the theme park. But I slept in the bus and...and we ended up here." Sehun felt like he was on the verge of tears. The old man continued to smoke. He gently breathed in and then gently placed the still lit cigarette on an ashtray and cleared his throat. "So? Just wait for the next bus." Sehun shook his head. "But it's late. I planned for us to spend the day at the theme park and then watch the fireworks together. Even if we do take the bus, we'll miss it. Forget it, I'll just tell her and we'll go home." Sehun sighed and hung his head low. The old man furrowed his eyebrows and went back to the counter. *I hope Ryoko won't get mad at me when I tell her the truth.*


Just then, the man reappeared in front of him and this time, he held out two tickets. "Here, take this." Sehun blinked. The old man took Sehun's hand and gave him the tickets. Sehun looked at it and his eyes widened.


*Stargazing at the Planetarium...He's really giving this to me?! But why?* The old man chuckled when he noticed Sehun's expression. "It's not far from here. There's a bus heading for it in ten minutes. Watching stars is way better than fireworks right?" Sehun gave a 90 degrees bow to the old man. "Omo, kamsahamnida ahjusshi! You're such a big help! Neh, I'm sure she'd like watching stars! Kamsahamnida!" Sehun beamed. The old man just gave a low chuckle. "You're welcome. Young people really are useless when it comes to romantic stuff nowadays. I just thought I'd help." Sehun blushed. Right then, you finally got out from the toilet and walked up to Sehun. The old man saw you and he gave Sehun a wink. Sehun blushed even more. You just blinked. "What was that about?" You asked him when the old man got back behind the counter and continued to read the newspaper. Sehun smiled and ruffled your hair. "I just made a new friend. Anyway, what took you so long?" You blushed and rubbed the back of your neck. "I had an upset stomach." Sehun couldn't hide his laughter. You pouted. "Yah! Girls have these problems too you know!"


"Arraso arraso, don't get mad. I was just teasing you." Sehun pinched your cheek. You playfully slapped his hand away. "So, where are we going?" Sehun went behind you and placed both his hands on your shoulders and started to push you towards a bus. "First, we're going to board this bus. You'll know it when we get there okay?" You sighed and rolled your eyes. *When is he ever going to tell me? Oh well, I've always liked surprises.* You boarded the bus first. Sehun took one last look at the old man behind the counter. The old man gave him a thumbs up sign and Sehun bowed. *Thank you ahjusshi. You're my hero!*

 A few minutes later, the both of you arrived, this time at the right place. In front of you, was a dome shaped building. "Oppa, what is this place?" You asked, curious. Sehun smiled and just held your hands. You didn't mind it. The both of you then walked into the planetarium. It was already getting dark. Sehun passed the tickets to the person behind the counter and he led the both of you inside. Your eyes widened. All you could see was..."Stars...." You said. Sehun smiled at you. "Come on, let's sit over here." The both of you settled down and you couldn't take your eyes off the ceiling. It was covered with stars. Billions of them.




"Sehun ah, this is...this is amazing. The stars are beautiful." Living in a huge city like Tokyo, you have never seen so many stars before. You couldn't help but stare. Sehun however, was busy staring at you. *They may be beautiful Ryoko ah, but your eyes are the sweetest stars I've ever seen.* Right then you turned to face him and Sehun was startled. *Oh no, did she catch me staring?* He started to blush. Lucky for him, you didn't notice because the room was too dark. You looked at Sehun and suddenly you felt like crying. You hugged him tightly. "Thank you Sehun ah. This really means a lot to me." He was shocked but slowly, he placed his hands on your back and hugged you. "Your welcome Ryoko ah. Anything for you." With that, the two of you continued to watch the stars.


It was then time to leave. Kai apparently had texted Sehun to come home before it got too late. *That guy, must be jealous.* Sehun smiled to himself. The both of you took the bus home. You were tired so Sehun told you to rest on his shoulders and sleep. You hugged his arm and did what he told you too. *Thanks to you, I get to make another wish Sehun ah. For us, the seven of us, to always be together.*


Sehun tried his best this time to not fall asleep. He didn't want to get lost like earlier. He could hear your soft snores. He looked at you and tucked a loose strand of your hair behind your ears. *Thank you for being with me today Ryoko ah.* 




[A/N] So what do you guys think of the date with Sehun? Honestly, I wanted to have a date just like that. To the planetarium, and see the stars ᄏᄏᄏ

But this chapter seemed quite boring though cause I haven't had any inspirations. But I hope you guys would like it!



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yme_xiu #1
Horikita maki!!! Hana kimi..hahhaha
Chapter 70: Best story ever. Really like it. Btw I'm crying at the end of the story. lol I'm such a crybaby.
Tiffanynguyen2001 #3
Chapter 70: I LOVE this fanfic.Its... Jjang!! Can you do a sequel please?
yuukiyuu #4
Chapter 70: That was nice. Appreciated it, author-nim!!
kpopmusiclover #5
Chapter 60: Awwww I hope that she gets to stay with the boys again :( update soon^^
Jenduekie #6
Chapter 60: love the crying because of this fighting
Jenduekie #7
Chapter 59: woooooooooooooahhh update soon i want to know their reaction.. fighting
Chapter 59: Kyaaaaaa! That was so sweet~ :D