Best Friend (좋은 친구)

My Kareshi And I.

This chapter will all be in Chanyeol's P.O.V


*I should feel like the happiest guy on Earth right now so why do I feel so...sad?* You thought to yourself. You looked down again for the thousandth time that night to your hand, covering another petite figure. You were holding hands with her. In the past it would just feel like a simple gesture but ever since you knew that you've fallen completely in love with this beautiful person, it never felt the same way. And you knew that you should be happy that you're holding hands with her right now but you can't. You mentally scolded yourself and gently let go of her hand. Ryoko looked up at you, confused but just shrugged it off and smiled. You smiled back, but it didn't reach your eyes. The fact that it didn't seem to mind her that you let go simply means that the two of you could never be. And you'd have to except that. Your hands, feeling empty. You slid them into the front pocket of your school pants and walked side by side with her. 



"Oppa, can I...can I tell you a secret?" she said, breaking the silence. You nodded but part of you could figure out what she wanted to say so you braced yourself. Ryoko hesitated for a while, looking left and right to check if anyone else was near. Once the coast was clear, she bit her bottom lip and played with her fingers. "Do you think Baekhyun oppa likes me?" You knew it was coming but it still hit you like a bullet train. You looked at the ground, her words repeating in your head like a broken cassette tape. Ryoko seemed to notice and she started to blush. "I mean, you are his best friend after all and he tells you everything and I just-I was just curious you know cause he's just so mysterious and I just wanted to get to know him better but now that Mi Young unnie's here-"  You placed your finger on her lips and chuckled. "You're talking way too fast Ryoko ah. Slow down will you?" Even still, you could catch every word that she said and it felt like daggers piercing through your heart. 



She chuckled and nodded which made you smile because she looked so cute. You sighed. "Listen Ryoko ah, do you like Baek?" You decided to be just straightforward about it. It did make her surprised since she wasn't expecting it. You just continued walking without looking at her and waited for her answer. Even though you knew you just wanted to hear her say it. You thought that by doing so, you could move on. And sure enough her reply came and you suddenly felt as though something was being lifted from your shoulders. "Yeah, I do. I like him oppa." You glanced at her and found her smiling to herself. Something inside you made you feel that it was best to just let her go and move on. You wanted her to be happy, and if it requires her not being with you then so be it. You smiled. "Well, I can tell that you really like him Ryoko ah. And I'm glad." You said. 



She looked up at you and smiled. She seemed relieved somehow. "Anyone else knows about this though?" You suddenly became curious. Ryoko bit her bottom lip, and nodded. "Yeah, only D.O oppa knows about this." You raised your eyebrows at her. " What? You told that dwarf before you told me? How could you Ryoko ah?" You clutched your chest, faking a heartache. The both of you laughed as she playfully nudged your arms. "Well, he seemed to always be the first person to notice what was going on so I had to tell him first oppa. But hey, at least now you're the second person to know. And I don't plan to tell anyone else." You nodded. Well, it was true that D.O was always close to her. So it was only natural for her to tell him first. But somehow, you can't help but feel jealous about it. You were never first for Ryoko. And you wanted to be. "Do you need help?" You asked her. She raised her eyebrows at you and you chuckled. "Baek is my best friend and I know A LOT about him. Want me to help you?" You wanted to be the first person she turns to. She scrunched her nose and shook her head. "Maybe just tell me what he's like? I don't want to force him or anything." You wanted to be the first person she looks for. "Sure, of course." You smiled. You wanted to just be there for her.



The two of you walked some more and finally reached the house right before the clock strikes ten. Suho however was already waiting in the living room with the others who seemed to be watching something on the television. "You kept your word. That's good. But earlier would be better." He said with a smile plastered on his face. Ryoko rolled her eyes and chuckled. "Yes daddy." She sarcastically before giving him a light hug and headed upstairs to her room. Suho shot you a suspicious look but as usual, you just showed your usual goofy smile which made him turn away, shaking his head. *The Yeol's smlie. Always works.* You thought to yourself. Your eyes scanned across the room and you frowned. *Baek's not here yet?* You went up to Suho and nudged him. "Hyung, hyung, hyung, hyung, hyung, hyu-" "WHAT THE HELL?!" Suho screamed and whacked your shoulder with the magazine he was reading. You had to contain your laughter and put on a straight face. "Hyung, you know where Baek is?" "How would I know? Call him or something you pabo." He sulked and continued reading the magazine again. You sighed and headed upstairs to your room.



After a few minutes of playing video games alone, the door swung open and a tired Baekhyun appeared. "Yo." He simply said and dropped himself on his bed, letting out a long sigh. "So how was your date lover boy?" You asked, even though you knew it might annoy him. Baekhyun didn't raise his head to reply but instead held up his fist at you. You snorted and placed the video game on the table. "And what are you expecting to do with your dainty hands? Come on Baek, I need details. What did that witch do to you?" You walked over to his bed and jumped on it, causing him to bounce to the floor. "Crap Chanyeol ah! Don't ever do that!" He said, while rubbing his elbow that had hit the floor due to the impact. You rolled your eyes and lay flat on your stomach and looked at him. "Tell. Me. What. Happened." You said in a monotonous voice. Baekhyun chuckled and nodded his head while he moved from the floor to make himself sit upright. 



"Dude no way! I can't believe you did that to her!" You laughed out loud while clapping your hands together like a seal. Your stomach was starting to hurt from all the laughing. Baekhyun wiped a tear from his eye and was rolling on the floor too. "Yah, I couldn't take it anymore! A goodnight kiss? Puh-lease!" Apparently, after Baekhyun had sent Mi Young to her house, she requested to be kissed on the cheek. Instead of doing so, he just turned the other way and started walking, leaving her flabbergasted. "Yah, you better make sure she doesn't dump you or anything, or it'll ruin the plan to help Ryoko's parents." You reminded him, suddenly thinking that what he did wasn't such a good idea. Baekhyun nodded and sighed. "You know, I wish there was some other way around this." He said, staring outside the window, suddenly sounding serious. "I feel like Ryoko's avoiding me somehow, now that I have to be with Mi Young." He continued. You didn't know what to reply so you just kept quiet. 



Beakhyun suddenly stood up and sat beside you on the bed, looking dead serious. "Yah, I...have to confess something." You kinda knew what he was going to say but pretended not to know and just nodded. "Confess what? Your undying love for me?" You joked, just to lift up the serious atmosphere. You didn't like it when things get serious. You felt so uncomfortable. Baekhyun shook his head and continued. "Yah, promise me you won't laugh and tell the guys about this. Okay?" Again you tried to be funny. "What's in it for me?" You said while squinting your eyes at him, earning a smack on your shoulder. "Yah! I'm about to confess something here! Will you quit it already?" Baekhyun raised his voice at you and you stopped. *Jeez. And I can't believe we're actually best friends.* You mentally rolled your eyes. Baekhyun sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance. "Okay, promise me you won't tell anyone?" You nodded and held out your pinky. He laughed at your childishness but since he was already used to it he hooked his pinky to yours as well. 



"I...I like Ryoko." Those words came out from his mouth, piercing you like daggers. But since you already knew what he wanted to say, you tried your best to look surprised. "Dude, no way. You know hyung would kill you right?" *Slowly but surely, this pain will go away.* You assured yourself. Baekhyun chuckled and nodded while rubbing the back of his neck. "I can't help it man. I really really like her but..." Baekhyun paused and looked up at you. You raised your eyebrows. "But I know that like her too." You swore you almost choked on your own saliva. You didn't expect your own best friend to say that. You could tell by his facial expression that he was kinda disturbed about all this so you patted his shoulder. "Listen, it's true that I like her but...I don't think I'm right for her man." It took a lot of willpower for you to say those words, and you really did mean it. After what Baekhyun has done for Ryoko, accompanying her to classes, teaching her homework, and even being with Mi Young just so Ryoko could stay out of harm's way. If anyone deserves to be with her, it should be your best friend. 



"I don't know man, I know you really like her and everything-" You slapped his back just to make him stop. "Yah, I'm going to help you and Ryoko no matter what. And you can't say no. Not when I've already given up to be with her. Deal?" It took awhile for Baekhyun to collect his thoughts and finally he nodded before giving you a tight bro hug. "Thanks man. This really means a lot." You nodded and smile while patting his back. "I always got your back bro." *Slowly but surely, this pain will go away.*



[A/N] Ugh a crappy chapter sorry! I don't really know how guys have these kinds of talks to each other without making them sound so girly :/ I

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yme_xiu #1
Horikita maki!!! Hana kimi..hahhaha
Chapter 70: Best story ever. Really like it. Btw I'm crying at the end of the story. lol I'm such a crybaby.
Tiffanynguyen2001 #3
Chapter 70: I LOVE this fanfic.Its... Jjang!! Can you do a sequel please?
yuukiyuu #4
Chapter 70: That was nice. Appreciated it, author-nim!!
kpopmusiclover #5
Chapter 60: Awwww I hope that she gets to stay with the boys again :( update soon^^
Jenduekie #6
Chapter 60: love the crying because of this fighting
Jenduekie #7
Chapter 59: woooooooooooooahhh update soon i want to know their reaction.. fighting
Chapter 59: Kyaaaaaa! That was so sweet~ :D