The Plan Pt. 1

My Kareshi And I.

[A/N] This chapter would be in Baekhyun's point of view.


You walked in to the living room with a broken heart. After knowing that Ryoko agreed to your plans, you still couldn't help but regret that you were the one who came up with the idea. *But, I'm doing all this because, I love her.* You keep telling yourself that, just to make you feel better. Just to make you think you're doing the right thing. Which is true. You were doing the right thing...right? You shook your thoughts from your head. *Get a grip Baekhyun ah, this just shows she don't really see you as nothing more than an oppa.* After finally convincing yourself, you did a small hwaiting gesture and prepared yourself in front of the others who were already seated in a circle in the living room, discussing ways on how to solve the problem. Chanyeol looked up at you and pulled you to sit beside him. "What took you so long? We're all trying to come up with a plan to stop Mi Young." He said in his usual deep voice. This was thee first time you've seen your best friend so serious about something. Or maybe, someone. *Maybe, she likes Yeol. The both of them are close.* You thought, which made you feel like there was a knife piercing through your already broken heart.



"Okay so I know you guys have been despising Mi Young and you guys are doing this for Ryoko but, please don't go overboard okay? I mean, Mi Young is still a girl, a human." Suho said, clearly making it obvious that he still had little feelings for that woman. You noticed Kai secretly scoffing at Suho's words and you understood why he did that. Why would someone still care for a person who was so wicked as to threaten someone else's family in order to get what she wants? *And I thought hyung was smarter than that.* You thought to yourself. Right then Ryoko and D.O joined the rest of you in the circle and the rest of you shifted a little in order to make space. You glanced at her. Her face was expressionless. It's like her body was there but not her soul. *Why is she like that? She should be happy since we've already discussed on how to end all this.* However, without you noticing, D.O was actually keeping a close eye on both you and Ryoko too. He caught the constant glances you keep giving her and also noticed how she tried to avoid eye contact with you by just looking at the floor. *I really like just telling the both of them how they feel about each other but something else tells me they should do it themselves. It's so frustrating to be the middle man.* 



When the discussion on how to stop Mi Young was going nowhere, you decided it was finally time to announce your plan to them. You looked at Suho and tugged his arm. "Hyung, I actually know how we can stop her." The others, except for Ryoko and D.O, immediately had their eyes as large as saucers. Chanyeol was already pulling your arm, asking you to quickly say out your plan. Suho however had a worried look on his face. "Yah, you sure? This wouldn't...hurt her would it? I mean...if it does then we're going to be in trouble with her family too and that just makes it worse-" You stopped Suho from continuing by shaking your head. "Ani, in fact, I think this would greatly benefit her. I also kinda feel that this is what she had been wanting all along." You noticed Suho gulping after hearing your words and right then you knew. "Hyung...You may not like this plan's for Ryoko." Suho sighed and nodded. "I know what you're going to say. Fine. But as long as it's just pretend." Just then it hit you. Pretend. That's it. You're not really going to be Mi Young's boyfriend. You're just going to pretend. *And why was I so clueless to not realize this...?* You actually felt really dumb for being all heart broken about it. 



At that moment, your face lit up and a small smile crept up your face after realizing that it was all just going to be an act. The others were still clueless of your idea so you decided to tell them. "The plan is for me to be with Mi Young. But, it's all just pretend." You emphasized on the word 'but' and looked towards Ryoko to see her reaction. Just as you thought, her expressionless face was gone and it was now replaced with relief. Wait...relief. D.O noticed it too and smiled. *Finally someone became a tad smarter.* He thought to himself. Kai gave you a high five. "That's genius trolling right there. You had us all worried for no reason. I thought you were really going to leave us and be Ken for that Barbie." Right then Suho softly hit Kai's head. "That's enough bad talk about Mi Young." He said with a stern voice, but there was a tint of relief too. "So how are you going to execute the plan?" Sehun asked. You stayed silent for awhile. Honestly, you haven't thought about how to go about this plan of yours. After seeing your expression, the rest of them rolled their eyes. "Yah, you didn't think about this yet have you?" Chanyeol slapped your shoulder. 



You quickly shook your head. "Ani! This plan will work. I'll just call her later and ask her to go out on a date with me tomorrow after school. And we'll just see how it goes from there...?" You look at Suho. Even though he said he agreed to this plan, you couldn't help but feel a little bit guilty by playing with the feelings of the girl he loves. Suho caught your stares and smiled. "I know what you're thinking. I'm fine really. And it's for the best." He looked at Ryoko who was already getting so excited about the plan and was talking animatedly with D.O, about what, you're not sure but as long as she's smiling again, you're happy. Right then Kai clapped his hands together to get everyone's attention. "Alright, time to start. Hyung, give Baek hyung her number and we'll call her right now." Kai seemed to be more interested in this and that kind of surprised you cause he's usually the type to not give a damn thing about anything that doesn't concern him. Suho took his phone from the back pocket of his jeans and hesitated to pass it to you, trying hard to find another solution for this problem but Sehun gladly snatched it from him and started scrolling through the contacts. Suho couldn't do anything but let out a defeated sigh. *I guess it's for the best.* He thought to himself.



Sehun, with his tongue sticking out at the side of his mouth, a little habit of his when he's concentrated in something, impatiently scrolled through the contacts and couldn't help but flash a cheeky grin towards Suho, who in returned gave him a confused look. "What's with that face?" Suho asked. Sehun shook his head and clicked his tongue. "Hyung, I didn't know you were giving out your numbers to the ladies. There's tons of them here." Kai and Chanyeol who seemed to be interested took a peek at the phone too and the both of them started giggling like little boys. Suho swatted the phone from the maknae's hand and didn't forget to hit the other two on their heads. "You guys really need to respect other people's privacy you know that?" He shot the three of them a look while they continued to giggle amongst themselves. From the corner of your eye, you noticed Ryoko covering , to stop herself from giggling too, and you couldn't help but smile at her cuteness. Right then Suho flashed the screen with Mi Young's number in front of your face. "Here, hurry take this number down so I can keep my phone away from those three." Suho said with urgency. You nodded and took out your phone too and started dialing the number.



You put it on speaker so that everyone could listen and honestly, you were starting to doubt if this plan would work. Everyone was quiet, all ears on the phone as the usual ringing of the phone ringing. You were getting nervous.*What if this is what she wants all along? What if, she still doesn't stop disturbing Ryoko's family? Would this all be in vain?* Thoughts were starting to invade your head and just as you were about to end the call, Mi Young answered the call. "Yeobeoseyo? Who is this?" She said in her usual y tone. Sehun mimicked her and got slapped on the head by D.O who told him to keep quiet. Ryoko and Kai were trying hard to listen to the conversation while Suho was prompting you to talk. "Talk! Talk! Answer her pabo!" He hissed at you. "U-uh, it's me..Baekhyun." After hearing your voice, Mi Young seemed to have changed her voice a little. "Omo, Baekhyun ah! This is your number? You must've asked it from Suho oppa. You could've asked me yourself silly!" Her voice seemed a little bit high pitched than before, and a little annoying. She was literally screaming in to the phone that the rest of you had to back away from the phone in order not to damage your ears. 



"Ah's me. Anyway are you..okay? You sounded different from when you picked up your phone." You purposely said that in order to embarrass her and sure enough, she was flustered. You could tell by the way she replied you, stuttering. "R-Really? Oh th-that was just uh..I'm having the cold you see..*fake cough* and uh..yea m-my voice isn't that good right now. But anyway, why did you call me? *back to normal annoying high pitched voice*" Kai rolled his eyes at how awful her acting was and Chanyeol pretended that he was vomiting but immediately stopped when Suho was looking at him. *Geez..what is his problem? Can't he see she's a fake?* Chanyeol thought to himself. Ryoko has been quiet ever since Mi Young picked up the phone. In fact, she looked kind of nervous too. "Hello? Baekhyun ah, still there?" You snapped out from your thoughts when you heard Mi Young's voice again and realized she asked you a question. Immediately, Suho took out a piece of paper and pencil and started writing something down. 'Ask her out on a date!' He wrote. You nodded and focused back on the phone. "Um, listen, nuna.." You couldn't believe you just called her that. Usually you don't say her name or just call her 'that witch.'. "A-Are you free tomorrow after school?" Mi Young seemed to be taken aback by your question and it took a few seconds for her to reply. "Tomorrow? Of course! Why? Do you want to take me somewhere?" She sounded a little bit too excited more than taken aback actually.



You were so tempted to hang up right there but you knew that this plan depends heavily on you. "Uh..yeah..I want to take you to..." You looked at Suho for help again. He clicked his tongue and started writing again. 'Take her to the ice cream parlor!' You looked at him. *But the ice cream parlour is our place. The guys, Ryoko...I don't want to bring her there.* You thought to yourself but knew you didn't have a choice since she was waiting for your reply. "The ice cream parlor near the school. I want to go there with you." Without any hesitation, Mi Young accepted your invitation. "That's great! Come pick me up in front of my class after school okay! See you!" she hung up. You let out your breath. You didn't know you were holding it the whole time during the phone call. Chanyeol patted your back and flashed you his creepy smile, the smile he always gives whenever you got a high score in a game or whenever you managed to outwit Suho or the others. "Alright Bacon's on a roll!" He cheered and gave Kai and Sehun high fives. Suho crossed his arms over his chest and sat up straight. "Well, whatever it is, don't hurt Mi Young too okay? She's a human being too." D.O went up to him and patted his shoulder. "Don't worry hyung, we're just giving her a taste of her own medicine. It won't be that bad." Suho shot him a look and D.O backed away slowly.



You chuckled and shook your head. *Well, that's done. Now we'll just have to see how it goes tomorrow.* You looked up to see Ryoko smiling at you. But something about that smile is different. It's not her usual happy smile. It's the smile that she always Put on her face whenever she's hiding something. You raised your eyebrows. *Did I do something?* Kai, Sehun and Chanyeol headed upstairs to the room to play some video games and you noticed Ryoko pulling D.O outside the house, something you noticed they always did whenever they want to talk in private. You felt a tinge of jealousy rising in you. *Since when were Kyungsoo and Ryoko best friends? How on Earth did they get close? Is it because she always helped him with the dishes?* You shook those negative thoughts from your head and felt guilty for being jealous towards one of your closest friends. *Looks like love is a dangerous thing. You can never know what it does to you. Or what it makes you do.* You thought, suddenly reminded of your little 'date' tomorrow with Cruella De Vil.



You groaned in frustration and sighed, "It's going to be a long day tomorrow..."





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yme_xiu #1
Horikita maki!!! Hana kimi..hahhaha
Chapter 70: Best story ever. Really like it. Btw I'm crying at the end of the story. lol I'm such a crybaby.
Tiffanynguyen2001 #3
Chapter 70: I LOVE this fanfic.Its... Jjang!! Can you do a sequel please?
yuukiyuu #4
Chapter 70: That was nice. Appreciated it, author-nim!!
kpopmusiclover #5
Chapter 60: Awwww I hope that she gets to stay with the boys again :( update soon^^
Jenduekie #6
Chapter 60: love the crying because of this fighting
Jenduekie #7
Chapter 59: woooooooooooooahhh update soon i want to know their reaction.. fighting
Chapter 59: Kyaaaaaa! That was so sweet~ :D