Dancing in Darkness.

My Kareshi And I.

The bell indicating the end of the final period had rung and students are already making their way to leave the class. "Do you still remember the steps I taught you?" Kai said while picking up his bags. You nodded. "I think so. Why?" Kai sighed. "Today's the day we show Greg the full choreography remember?" Your eyes widened. You almost forgot about the whole concert thing. "Ah, really?" Kai shook his head and slung his bag over his shoulders. "Come on, we'll go to the studio earlier so that you can recap on the steps." You smiled apologetically. *Mianhe oppa.* 



Since there was only two hours before the dance class starts, you and Kai quickly got changed into more comfortable clothes and you tied your hair up in a bun. Kai took out the CD from his bag and inserted it into the stereo at the corner of the room. You positioned yourself and waited for the first beat to start. "It doesn't matter if you forgot some of the steps. Just try and feel the music and remember okay?" Kai said. You smiled and nodded. *Wow, Kai oppa is actually being nice. Why can't he be like this all the time?* You thought to yourself. Kai saw that you were ready and pressed the play button.



You closed your eyes and waited for the first beat. And when the music started to play, you opened your eyes and the both of you started dancing. 


[A/N] This is the song you two danced to. I actually wanted the two of you to have a contemporary dance piece :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9b8paF7vbw


Kai stood in front of you and naturally, just like when you two practiced, you placed your arms around him and he lifted you up gracefully. When you felt stable enough, you let go and just spread out your arms as if they were wings. You closed your eyes as Kai spin around and gently placed you back on the ground. The two of you put your foreheads together and you blushed when you felt his breath on your lips. Then Kai turned around and continued dancing but you didn't know why you froze. You knew what the next steps were but you couldn't move because your heart was beating too fast. *What's wrong with me? It was okay during practice but why do I suddenly feel so nervous?* You placed your hand on your lips because you could still feel the warmth of Kai's breath and you blushed even harder. Kai noticed and he stopped dancing too. He stopped the music. "Yah, what's wrong? Did you forget your steps? We were almost done." 


You quickly put your hand behind your back and looked at him. "U-uh yeah. I suddenly forgot what the next steps were." Kai sighed and shook his head. He walked towards you and you felt your heart beating faster. *Why is my heart behaving this way? Stop beating so fast! It's just Kai oppa!* You silently prayed. Kai ruffled your hair and smiled. "Arraso, we'll polish up the steps after this okay? Let's take a break before the rest comes." You were shocked by his actions. *Why is Kai oppa being so nice to me?*  



Kai went to sit down and took out his water bottle. *Since Chanyeol hyung said your birthday is this weekend, I'll be nice to you Ryoko ah.* He smiled to himself. "Yah, aren't you going to rest?" You turned to face him and quickly sat next to him. *Have to distract myself. I can't be standing still like a statue every time that part of the dance comes.* You reminded yourself. 



Just then, Lay, Xiu Min, Sehun and Greg entered the studio. "Woah, you guys started practicing already? I admire your effort." Greg said with a huge smile on  his face. "That's because Kai has a pretty girl as his dance partner." Xiu Min said and Lay high fived him. Sehun however, pouted. *I wanted to partner with Ryoko.* You blushed and Kai rolled his eyes. "It's because this 'pretty girl' over here, forgot her steps so we had to come earlier to practice." His fingers made a small movement indicating a quotation mark. You rolled your eyes while Kai smirked. *Just when I thought Kai oppa was being nice.* Kai glanced at you and smiled to himself. *I'm sorry Ryoko, I can't stop teasing you.*



"Alright then, Lay, Xiumin and Sehun, why don't you guys show us your choreography." Greg said. The three of them nodded. Lay went to the stereo and played the CD. 


[A/N] This is their choreography, just imagine Greg as Sehun please ;) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QspqwXIxYY



The three of them danced but stopped halfway since they still hadn't thought of the rest of the choreography. You clapped enthusiastically. "That's was great! I can't wait to see it again when you guys are done with the choreography!" Sehun smiled. *I'm glad you liked it Ryoko! Don't I look cool?* Lay and Xiumin smiled as well. "So, what do you think? Think you could help us?" Lay said to Greg. Greg scratched his chin and slowly nodded. "Sure, I have some ideas for the two of you to try out. Let's all focus on each other's choreography for today alright?"



And with that, all of you got busy. You and Kai tried out the choreography again and whenever it comes to the part where you put your foreheads together, you tried to distract yourself. *Don't look at his eyes. Ignore your heart and just dance.* After a few times, Kai sighed. "What's wrong with you?' He said when you guys were having a small break. You took a sip of water from your bottle and looked at him, raising your eyebrows.



"It doesn't feel the same like the last time we practiced." "What do you mean? I danced the same way I did like that day." Kai shook his head. *Even though it looks the same, something about it feels different.* "I think you're just not concentrating enough. Let's practice some more." *How can I concentrate when both our faces are so close to each other?! And why do I feel this way?!* Just when you thought you had to endure another round of practice, Greg spoke. "Okay guys, that's enough for today. Don't want to drain all your energy when the performance is in a few more days." You sighed in relief and smiled. *Saved by Greg.*



"Remember, our next lesson is on Thursday which also means the last day for you guys to practice. But don't practice to hard or you'll hurt yourself. Just enjoy your time on stage okay guys. See you then." Greg picked up his bags and left. You were just about to head for the showers when Kai tapped you shoulders. "We're going to be practicing again tomorrow. Make yourself free." You whined. "But Greg said no to-" "With the way you danced just now, I think it's necessary for you to practice hard." Kai cut you off and left. You had your mouth wide open. *He has got to be kidding me! Well...it's his fault I can't concentrate...* You pouted and headed for the showers.




[A/N] Again,  I apologize for the short update. I had writer's block. I actually have the idea of what to write but just couldn't find the right words. And if you guys happen to see any spelling errors or grammatical errors, my apologies. I'm not perfect either. LOL.



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yme_xiu #1
Horikita maki!!! Hana kimi..hahhaha
Chapter 70: Best story ever. Really like it. Btw I'm crying at the end of the story. lol I'm such a crybaby.
Tiffanynguyen2001 #3
Chapter 70: I LOVE this fanfic.Its... Jjang!! Can you do a sequel please?
yuukiyuu #4
Chapter 70: That was nice. Appreciated it, author-nim!!
kpopmusiclover #5
Chapter 60: Awwww I hope that she gets to stay with the boys again :( update soon^^
Jenduekie #6
Chapter 60: love the update...im crying because of this fighting
Jenduekie #7
Chapter 59: woooooooooooooahhh update soon i want to know their reaction.. fighting
Chapter 59: Kyaaaaaa! That was so sweet~ :D