Sa Rang (사랑) and Ai (愛)...It's The Same Thing Right?

My Kareshi And I.


"Ryoko ah why are your cheeks red? And where's Baekhyun?" Suho greeted you at the front door. It turns out, you didn't wait for Baekhyun and ran all the way home. You calmed yourself down before answering him. "I uh...went for a jog. And uh, Baekhyun oppa should be here soon." Suho raised one of his eyebrows. " there something you might want to tell me?" You stared at him. *Oh no. He knows something has happened? What do I do?* You eyes quickly dart around the house, hoping something might catch your eye and it landed on Sehun who was coming down from the stairs. "O-oppa, I think Sehun is calling you." Suho looked confused and turned to look at Sehun who was equally confused. "But I didn't hear...yah where are you going?!" When you had the chance, you quickly made a run to your room. Suho sighed and crossed his arms. *I wonder why she's acting so suspicious.*



Right then, Baekhyun came. "I'm home." Sehun and Suho turned to look at him. "Hyung, how come you and Ryoko didn't come home together? Did you guys fight?" Sehun said while scratching his head. Baekhyun cocked his head to the side. *So she's home already? That was fast.* "Uh...I got distracted half way and I guess she went home first? Anyway, when's dinner? I'm starving!" He patted both Suho and Sehun on their shoulders and went upstairs to his own room. Suho and Sehun looked at each other. "Something is definitely up between those two. Sehun ah, you know anything?" Sehun shrugged and shook his head. *I don't know, but I'm going to find out.* He told himself. 



Back in your room, you quickly closed your door and let out a sigh. "That was close." 



"What was close?"
"Hey you're back!"


Your eyes widened at the sudden voices in your room. Slowly you turned around and to your surprise, Chanyeol and Kai were sitting on the bed. You put your hands on your hips. "Excuse me boys, what are you guys doing in a girl's room?" Kai smirked and passed the game he was holding on to Chanyeol. "In case you had forgotten my Japanese friend, this is my room. You're only borrowing it. And plus, Sehun was busy sleeping in the other room so we didn't want to wake him up." Chanyeol nodded enthusiastically. "Relax Ryoko ah. We didn't touch your stuff." You rolled your eyes and went to get some clothes from the drawer. "What are you doing?" Kai asked. You looked at him questioningly. "I'm going to go and bathe? What you want to follow me?" You said sarcastically. Chanyeol seemed to be shocked with your sudden openness but Kai just smirked. "Well, if you insist." He said and was about to get up from the bed before you screamed. "Ewww gross I was just joking you byuntae!" You quickly got out of the room. Kai laughed so hard and was rolling on the floor. Chanyeol just kept staring. *Since when were they so comfortable to make jokes like that?* 



You quickly closed the door of he bedroom and wanted to head for the bathroom but bumped into the person you least want to see right at that moment. "'re back already? I-I'm sorry I left you..I-I was-" Baekhyun placed his finger in your lips to stop you from talking. "You wanted to go to the bathroom right?" "E-Eh?" Baekhyun smiled and pointed to the clothes you were holding on to. You looked down and noticed that your bra had fallen off to the floor and blushed. "R-Right! Bathroom! See you!" You picked up the fallen bra with your feet and dashed towards the bathroom. Baekhyun chuckled and shook his head. *I was worried of how she would react after what happened but it turns out she became much more cuter.* 



In the shower, you couldn't stop thinking about what happened on top of the hill. The way his lips fit perfectly on to yours. How even though it didn't look soft it felt like marshmallows on yours. How his eyelashes were tickling your cheeks when he blinked. You then snapped out from your thoughts when you felt yourself smiling. *Do him?* You gasped and turned off the shower tap. "Oh my God, is this real?" You told yourself. You wrapped your towel around you and stared at the mirror. *But, how does he feel about me?* You looked at your reflection. You had pale skin, your hair was plastered to your head since it was wet, you could see a few blemishes on your skin and your skin looked like a prune from being in the shower for too long. You shook off the thought and put on your clothes before wrapping your wet hair with another dry towel. *It's impossible. He won't ever like me more than a friend.* You took one last look in the mirror before heading out.



Dinner time was normal, except you tried to avoid eye contact with Baekhyun. He seemed to have noticed it too. Actually, the other guys seemed to have notice it. D.O looked at the both of you. *They've been a bit quiet ever since they got home. Too quiet.* Sehun and Suho were looking at each other suspiciously and making small gestures. *Hyung, it's obvious! Something's up!* Sehun mouthed. Suho nodded and kept his eyes on you. Chanyeol kept biting his chopsticks. *I wonder what's happening here. Everyone is so tense...well everyone except for that pig.* His eyes shifted to Kai who was busy eating beside him. Chanyeol rolled his eyes. *Is he that oblivious?!* You knew everyone was staring at you and started to feel a bit uncomfortable, so you decided to start a conversation. "So Oppa, are you ready to graduate?" You looked at Suho and tried to give your best most innocent smile ever.



Suho blinked since he didn't expect you to say anything. "Uh...graduation? I'm all set actually. It's the others I'm worried about." He chuckled. You felt relief wash over you. *Thank God, I manage to distract him.* "What about the others?" You tried to continue the conversation. "Xiu Min was going on about how he'll miss all this freedom and dance and girls. And Kris was contemplating whether to go audition for an entertainment company or to go back China and stay with his parents.* You nodded. "Of course he should audition. That giant has the face of a model!" Kai finally spoke after finishing three bowls of rice. D.O looked at him in disgust. *Such a pig.* "Yah, he should visit his parents though. It's been what, four years since he last saw them?" Sehun said. You smiled at him. *What a mature thing for him to say.* Suho just chuckled at their response. 



"Forget about them, what about you hyung? Are you going to further your studies? Audition like Kris hyung?" Baekhyun asked. You suddenly felt yourself tense up again. *Relax Ryoko. Try to be normal.* Suho scratched his chin. "Well, I was thinking of furthering my studies, but I feel that I should work first. Earn some money first you know."  



Everyone nodded. You were already out of things to say so you decided to excuse yourself. D.O carried the plates and followed you towards the sink while the others went into their rooms or the living room. Baekhyun stared at the both of you before heading upstairs with Chanyeol. You could feel your self relax a bit but that didn't last long after you heard D.O say something to you. "Mind telling me what happened between you two? Did you guys fight?" You tried to play innocent. "Huh? With who? Who are we talking about?" D.O shot you a 'don't-you-lie-to-me' face and you gulped. He was washing the dishes while you were wiping them with a dry towel. "Do I really have to tell you?" You whined. D.O smiled. "I knew it! Something is up. Come on, tell me. I won't tell anyone! I promise!" He offered you his pinky that was covered with soap and water. You hesitated for a while but intertwined yours with his and wiped your finger with the towel afterwards.



You checked to see if anyone was in the kitchen and spoke in a really soft voice. "Me and Baekhyun oppa, we..." You trailed off, suddenly felt like taking back what you said. But D.O prompted you to continue. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath before answering, "Kissed." There was silence, except for the sound of the tap water running. Then there was the sound of plates hitting the sink. You opened your eyes to see his reaction. "YOU TWO WHAT-" You quickly covered his mouth with towel you used to wipe the plates. "Shhh! Oppa! Be quiet!" You looked back to the entrance of the kitchen to see any signs of movement, and thankfully there wasn't any. D.O slapped your hand away, turned off the tap, wiped his hands dry and pulled you out of the kitchen. "Yah where do you think you're-" "We're going for a walk won't be late." D.O cut Suho off and left him hanging before pulling you out of the house. Suho stared in confusion. *Did that he just....interrupt me?*



Outside, instead of walking, the both of you sat on the stairs of the porch. It was a bit of a squeeze but the two of you didn't have any warm clothes so the closeness kept you guys warm. D.O was silent and stared at the empty street. You looked at him. "Oppa, are you...mad?" He didn't speak for awhile but after a few seconds he blinked his eyes and slowly shook his head. "Mad? Why would I be? I mean, it's not like I love you, I love-Okay nothing forget the last part." You smiled at him. "I know about you and Hae Ra." You whispered. His eyes widened like saucers. "How did you- never mind we'll talk about this later. Right now, you need to tell me what really happened. I mean, who initiated the kiss?" You pouted. *Thought I could change the topic but unfortunately, he's too smart to fall for that.* You sighed and decided to tell him everything, even during the time when the two of you were practicing for the school's anniversary concert.



"HE STOLE YOUR FIRST KISS-" Your hand flew to his mouth again and you glared at him. "Seriously oppa, how many times do I have to remind you to keep it down?!" D.O smiled apologetically. "Mian. So anyway, tonight was not the first time you guys kissed?" You nodded. D.O looked at the street in front of him again. "Wow." You chuckled at his response. "What's that supposed to mean?" D.O smiled and shook his head. "Ani, I just never imagined something like this to happen you know? With Bacon hyung. He seems like a conservative person. And you too." You raised your eyebrows. "Oh and you're not? Come on, it was hard for me to believe that you and Hae Ra are together!" "Well, we're not together...yet." You gave him a look and he playfully nudged you in the arm. You like it how you and and him can easily talk about stuff like this. You don't even dare to speak to your cousin Suho about it. Never know what might happen, that dude is a little bit..over-protective over you. 



"So how did you feel about it?" He asked. You sighed and shrugged. "Honestly, I don't know." D.O raised his eyebrows. "You don't know?" You sighed. "I'm not sure. It's just...I don't know what's in his mind you know? Like, is he feeling as nervous as I am when we're around each other? And even if he do likes me, how can I be so sure that he's the one?" 



"Okay let's not think about him for awhile. What about you? How do you feel? Do him?" D.O looked at you and searched your face for an answer. You thought about what he said. *What about me? I'm not sure. I get nervous around him these few days. He kissed me, twice. This is so frustrating!* You made a grunting noise and hit your head with your fists. "Woah woah! You don't really have to give me an answer you know. Take your time." D.O held your hands to stop you from hitting yourself further. You sighed. "Oppa, how did you know that Hae Ra is the one for you?" D.O widened his eyes at your sudden question. "Well, uh...I can't say that I'm certainly sure but, I can feel it. I can feel that we're somehow connected to each other you know. Hey! It's just  like that thing you mentioned before! The string of uh...destiny?"  You tried to recall. "You mean the string of fate?" D.O clapped his hands. "That's the one! It's like I can feel it, our string of fate getting shorter and shorter the more I get to know her." D.O smiled and looked up in to the sky, smiling to himself.



You couldn't help but giggle. "Oh it looks like you're really head over heels for her huh?" D.O blushed and ruffled his hair. "Maybe? I still want to get to know her more." You smiled and nodded. *I really hope that things work out for the both of them.* Just then Sehun opened the front door which made the both of you jump. "Omo-you scared me! I thought you guys were thieves!" Sehun placed one of his hands on his chest while the other one was holding a big plastic bag. "Where are you going?" D.O asked. "I'm throwing trash...?" Sehun held the trash bag a little higher. He then looked at the both of you suspiciously. "Is there something going on here that I should know?" You stiffen. *No! I don't want him to know! Having D.O oppa knowing is bad enough but at least I can trust him.* "Oh look at the time, it's getting late. I think I'm going to go head in and get some shut eye. Bye oppas!" You quickly ran into the safety comfort of your room. Sehun didn't have a chance to investigate you further so he turned to look at D.O but he too had already went inside to clean the kitchen. *Hmm, so D.O hyung knows something huh...I'll find out soon enough!* He thought to himself and continued to carry out his task of taking out the garbage.








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yme_xiu #1
Horikita maki!!! Hana kimi..hahhaha
Chapter 70: Best story ever. Really like it. Btw I'm crying at the end of the story. lol I'm such a crybaby.
Tiffanynguyen2001 #3
Chapter 70: I LOVE this fanfic.Its... Jjang!! Can you do a sequel please?
yuukiyuu #4
Chapter 70: That was nice. Appreciated it, author-nim!!
kpopmusiclover #5
Chapter 60: Awwww I hope that she gets to stay with the boys again :( update soon^^
Jenduekie #6
Chapter 60: love the crying because of this fighting
Jenduekie #7
Chapter 59: woooooooooooooahhh update soon i want to know their reaction.. fighting
Chapter 59: Kyaaaaaa! That was so sweet~ :D