
My Kareshi And I.

Baekhyun P.O.V

Beep. Beep. Beep.



You pressed the snooze button on the alarm and slowly opened you eyes to check the time. 


You sighed as you slowly got up from your bed. Soft breathing sounds were heard in the room. The blinds were still down and the room was dark but you could make out Chanyeol's big figure on the bed in the corner of the room. D.O was sleeping on the other side, wrapping himself in the blanket like a cocoon. You groaned as you got up from your bed, slowly walking towards the door, careful not to wake the others up. 



In the shower, you just stood under the running water, too tired to do anything. It's been going on for months now. You were quite surprised with yourself to have stayed with the plan for this long. Waking up earlier than everyone else, rushing to get to her house, buying her breakfast, lunch, dinner. Following her around while she does her shopping. Listening to her talk all day about her parents' company, clothes, herself, about who she hates in the school. You would always zone out whenever that happens and she'll always snaps her fingers in front of your face to get your attention. "Earth to Hyunnie? Hello? Are you even listening to me?" She'd say to you. And you'd just show her a faint smile and nod before zoning out again while she continues to ramble on about her life. To be honest, you didn't really care about what she says. It was all boring and dull. At first you thought that maybe you could talk some sense into her, make her change her ways, try to see some good in her. But to no avail. And you were more depressed because it was getting harder to hang around the guys anymore, to be around Ryoko. 



You alighted from the bus in front of the big mansion, that's become very familiar to you considering how you always had to rush here in order to fetch Mi Young. Slowly you walked towards the big front door and slid the key in the hole. Apparently, she duplicated her own house key for you. "Just in case I need you to run errands for me." You remembered her saying. Again, it didn't matter to you. One of her maids approached you and bowed her head. "The mistress is waiting for you in her room." She said. You gave her a polite bow and headed up the grand stairs that was in the middle of the big room. It was her birthday today and you were tasked to come early to help her prepare for the party that was happening that night. Well, she's not gonna help you of course, she'll be busy making herself look pretty for the big event. Apparently, not only did she invite everyone from your school, she invited those rich kids whose parents run those big companies related to her family. *I wonder if the guys would come. I wonder if she'll come.* You silently thought to yourself as you reached the door of Mi Young's room.



You knocked softly on the door before entering. "I'm here-" "Finally! Hyunnie, where have you been? Why're you so late? We have tons to prepare for the party!" She started yapping at you the moment you stepped in to the room. It was bigger than the size of the living back at home. It was not only after you noticed Mi Young standing in front of you with her arms crossed that you realized you had zoned out again. "You zoned out again Hyunnie. God what's wrong with you these few days?" She rolled her eyes as she went back in her walk-in closet to pick out another dress. You ran a hand through your hair and sighed. You were almost reaching your limit. Just how much longer can you tolerate this? 



...Oppa, let's just stop okay? We can try to find other ways....That's what she would always say to you whenever you came home late after sending Mi Young home. But your reply would always be the same...It's okay Ryoko's for your own good....And every time you said that, you felt like punching yourself. How much longer are you going to lie to her? It's been months since you've been with Mi Young but she still hasn't done anything about threatening Ryoko's family's company. There were times you tried to ask her about it but she'll always say that her parents are too busy and that she'll tell them soon. But how much longer? Is she ever going to tell her parents? Does she even plan to stop all this? Just then a hand waved in front of your face. You zoned out. Again. Mi Young tapped her foot on the floor with her arms folded across her chest. She looked annoyed. "Yah Byun Baekhyun, what's been going on in your head these days huh? Don't tell me you're still thinking about that Japanese girl?" You looked at her and stood up. "She has a name you know." You said, your voice firm. You may be a little shorter than her but by the way she took a small step back tells you she was being cautious. 



Mi Young scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Whatever. I don't want to talk about her. But just so you know, I'm feeling a little generous today so I've sent out invitations to your friends for the party. Including her." She didn't look at you when she said that and instead turned and walked towards the pile of clothes on her bed. You cocked your head. *Is she embarrassed?* You brushed it off and shook your head. *Well, at least she's invited them. Maybe she's not that...bad?* You shook your head again and chuckled softly. Mi Young? Not that bad? What were you thinking. "So what am I supposed to do now?" You asked as you stood there awkwardly. Mi Young looked at you and passed you a small piece of paper. "I need you to go buy some stuff for me. You can ask some of the maids to accompany you if you need help cause there's quiet a few stuff." She said as she continued to decide what she should wear for her party. 



After a few hours of running errands for Mi Young's party alone, (Yes, you insisted the maids not to come along cause you don't want to seem superior towards them), you finished decorating the house. Placed all the plastic cups on the random tables that were in the house, placed all the food and chips on the kitchen counter and put up streamers and set up the songs and lights. Once that was done, Mi Young came down in her too revealing red dress and heavy make up. "So, how do I look?" *You look like a ghost from a Thailand horror movie.* You thought to yourself. "You look beautiful." You lied and tried to fake a smile. Mi Young was happy though and she came closer to give you a hug, suffocating you with the smell of her perfume. You've gotten used to her hugging, holding your hands, doing aegyo. And strangely, there were times when you thought she wasn't that bad. For example this morning when she invited all you friends to the party even though she says she dislikes them. And a few days ago when you actually caught her smiling towards one of the maids in the kitchen while she helped them to unpack the groceries you brought home. And it's quite rare for her to be so good towards the maids. 



Even her friend Ma Ri, kept telling you she was a nice person. Maybe you were just following your own emotions and can't help but see only the bad in her most of the time. Speaking of Ma Ri, the both of them stopped hanging out a few weeks ago. And you kinda felt like it was your fault. Now that you're with Mi Young, she never really paid any attention to Ma Ri. And you noticed how Ma Ri slowly stopped coming over to the house like she always does, and how she stopped eating lunch with you guys, saying she had something on but Mi Young doesn't really seem to care. Your thoughts were disturbed when Mi Young started clapping her hands. "Great the guys from the other school are here. Hyunnie, why are you not dressed yet?! Go up to my room and get changed. It's on the bed." Before you could protest, saying you didn't plan on dressing up, she's already pushed you up the stairs and quickly left to greet the guests. *But what did she mean it's on the bed?* You scratched your head and continued up the stairs. 



You stared in awe at the clothes she had prepared for you on the bed. Everything looked so expensive. And to top it off, she even prepared you a leather jacket and a few accessories like rings and some hairspray. She left a note on it saying "You look better without your hair blocking your eyes." You sighed and put the note aside as you got dressed. Surprisingly, you looked really good in them. Only one final thing to add. Hairspray. You don't mind using it but you just hate the part when it makes your hand sticky too. But you felt bad if you didn't use it, since Mi Young had actually personally picked your outfit for the night. Wait what? You're feeling bad? What's wrong? You quickly shook those thoughts away and tossed the hairspray onto the bed. *I like my hair as it is anyway.* You told yourself and went down. 



You didn't expect a lot of people coming to the party. Well, you did but you only thought that the whole school was invited and not the whole neighborhood. Kids you've never seen before were walking around the house like they owned it. And alcohol magically appeared on the tables and you're guessing some of the University students that she invited bought it. The music became louder as you walked closer towards the living room, your eyes searching for familiar faces, for your friends. You searched the house but to no avail. *Hmm, maybe they're not here yet-* You turned at a corner and bumped into someone. "Oh, Ma Ri sunbae." You noticed how under dressed she was for the party, only wearing a simple shirt and jeans. Ma Ri looked at you and straightened herself before bowing politely. "Baekhyun ah, so sorry. Should've watched where I was going." You shook your head and chuckled. "Aniyo, it's my fault. My mind was somewhere else and I wasn't paying attention to where I'm going." Ma Ri nodded and smiled, but the smile didn't seem to reach her eyes. When you looked closely, you could see how sad she looked. It's been days since you've last seen her and maybe it's just you but, has she lost a little weight? And why is her face so pale? Is she not wearing any make up?



"Sunbae, are you okay?" Ma Ri looked up and her eyes widened as you asked her a question. "It's just that, you don't come by the house anymore. And you and Mi Young have not been talking in school. Is something the matter?" Right then and there, she broke down right in front of you and you didn't know what to do except to pull her into a secluded corner of the hallway and awkwardly stare at her. *Did I say something wrong?* After a few minutes of mucus and tears, Ma Ri calmed down. She wiped her tears and smiled to herself. "I'm sorry I- I didn't know why I- Ugh" You smiled and patted her back. "It's okay sunbae." When her breathing came back to normal again, she looked up at you and you noticed how puffy her eyes were. "Baekhyun ah, do you really like her?" You were a little confused of what she was asking you. Was it about Mi Young or was it about Ryoko? You assumed it was Mi Young and you knew you had to lie about it. "Yea I like her, why?" 



Ma Ri scrunched her nose and folded her arms. "Then why are you doing all this? I'm sure there are other ways to solve this. Mi Young's a nice person. I'm sure if you talked to her about she would understand." Now, you were really confused as to what Ma Ri was saying. You rubbed the temple of your head with your thumb and forefinger and closed your eyes. "Wait wait wait, who did you say I liked again?" Ma Ri widened her eyes. "I was talking about that Japanese girl. Ryoko? Who did you think I was talking about?" You started laughing to yourself and ran a hand through your hair. Ma Ri raised her eyebrows, "You do like Ryoko right?" You sighed and nodded, which made Ma Ri smile. "I knew it. And I bet Mi Young knows about it too, which explains why she's doing this." She folded her arms. You sighed and nodded again. Ma Ri looked at you and suddenly felt guilty. "Listen, I'm sorry about what I did to Ryoko the other time. Her arm. I didn't think it would be that serious." You shrugged. "I think you should say that to Ryoko herself." She nodded and looked at the floor. "So what do you plan to do?" she asked. 



After talking to Ma Ri, you realized how much you want all of this pretending. You don't think you can handle being away from your friends or Ryoko anymore. And you have seen a little good in Mi Young, just like what Ma Ri said. You smiled and looked up to Ma Ri, causing her to raise her eyebrows from shock. "I think I know what to do, but I need your help."



You had tasked Ma Ri to find Mi Young. You had to tell her how badly you want this to end. How much you missed your friends, how much you missed Ryoko. There were many things you wanted to say to her. At the same time, you walked around the house, looking for your friends. *Why aren't they here yet? Did they decided not to come?* You started to get nervous. What if they started distancing from you? No, they would never do that, especially your good friend Chanyeol. He won't do such a thing. You guys are like brothers. Just as you were about to head down to where the party was, you heard a voice calling for you. "Hyunnie! Where have you been?" You turned around to see Mi Young, obviously drunk as she was leaning against the wall of the hallway. Her eyes were hooded over and she had difficulty coming closer to you. Seeing the state she was in, you sighed and made it easier for her by walking towards her instead. She stumbled on the carpet and fell onto you. Fortunately for your good reflexes, you managed to catch her. "Woah, slow down there." You told her but she only giggled and the smell of alcohol was strong coming from .



She started to play with the collar of your shirt. "Hyunnie ah, where have you been? I've missed you.." She said and giggled at the end. You were losing strength to keep her stable so you brought her to the nearest room and placed her on the couch in the room. She slumped over and her hand was struggling, trying to find you even though you were standing right in front of her. "Hyunnie ah, come here...come here.." You rolled your eyes and crouched down in front of her. And at that moment, she planted a kiss on you and you back away immediately. "Y-Yah! What was that for?" You wiped your lips, the taste and smell of alcohol burning. Mi Young looked at you and stood up, almost losing her balance. ""Yaahhh?!" I'm older than you! Who are you calling 'Yah"? And what's wrong with me kissing you? You're my boyfriend remember?!" She took a step towards you but you managed to dodge and she almost fell to the floor but was quick enough to stable herself against a table, causing the flower vase to fall. *This is bad, I better get out of here.* You thought to yourself. Just as you were about to head for the door, she managed to grab your hand, causing you to trip and fall towards her, and your lips to collide.



Just then you heard a soft voice from behind. "R-Ryoko ah..." Your eyes widened and you pushed Mi Young away from you. You turned to see a horrified look on Ma Ri's face and a shadow disappearing behind her. You heart fell. She saw it. She saw everything. She saw you. Ma Ri closed in shock and was about to follow Ryoko but you told her to wait with Mi Young instead, who had already passed out on the floor. As much as you wanted to scream at Mi Young, you didn't want to lose Ryoko. Not again.  


[A/N] Sorry for not updating much! Exams are in two weeks and being the typical asian I am, I've been busy studying. But it's study break now so I wanted to update this chapter. Vacation is coming after that so I'll be able to update more then, mianhe T.T

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yme_xiu #1
Horikita maki!!! Hana kimi..hahhaha
Chapter 70: Best story ever. Really like it. Btw I'm crying at the end of the story. lol I'm such a crybaby.
Tiffanynguyen2001 #3
Chapter 70: I LOVE this fanfic.Its... Jjang!! Can you do a sequel please?
yuukiyuu #4
Chapter 70: That was nice. Appreciated it, author-nim!!
kpopmusiclover #5
Chapter 60: Awwww I hope that she gets to stay with the boys again :( update soon^^
Jenduekie #6
Chapter 60: love the crying because of this fighting
Jenduekie #7
Chapter 59: woooooooooooooahhh update soon i want to know their reaction.. fighting
Chapter 59: Kyaaaaaa! That was so sweet~ :D