Don't Hate Me (나 미워 하지마)

My Kareshi And I.

"Guys, Baek's not in the house."



Chanyeol ran down the stairs with heavy steps and he almost tripped over on the last step but thankfully Kai was nearby to catch him. "What? What do you mean he's gone?" Kai asked, his eyes as big as saucers. Chanyeol shook his head and shrugged his shoulders. The rest of you stopped what you were doing and stared at him. "I was going to call him but the room was empty and..." Suho raised his eyebrows. "And...?" Chanyeol gulped. "On the window, our bedsheets are tied together. Hyung, he went out the window." Chanyeol looked at his hyung while pointing towards the room with a shaky finger. Suho followed his gaze and quickly ran up the steps, together with Kris and a few others. 



You sat back down on the couch. *He ran away? Why?* You bit your bottom lip. It was time for you to tell the rest about your departure but why must he run away? Is it because he had already heard it? Or maybe, he couldn't care less? "Hyung! You guys! I found a note! It's from Baek!" Xiumin cried as he ran down from the room and into the living room. In a matter of seconds, everyone had gathered together around him, including you. 



"Just went out for some little fresh air. Don't worry about me. Went out from the window because...well just beacuse. I'll be back before dinner.-Baekhyun"



You heard frustrated sighs and sighs of relief. "Well, at least we know he's safe right?" Luhan said. Sehun nodded in agreement with his favorite hyung. But Chanyeol was still confused. Why must he leave through the window? He had never done that before. Was he hurt? Did something urgent happen? Suho pressed his lips into a thin line and seemed to be in deep thoughts. He then clapped his hands to get everyone's attention. You noticed how it was a habit of his to clap his hands to get attention and it did work. Everyone turned to face him. He let out a sigh and rubbed his temples. 



"Let's all just settle down and continue what we were doing shall we? Besides, he said he'd be back and we know Baek can take care of himself." There was a few murmurs here and there and a few minutes later everyone continued what they were doing. You excused yourself and headed up to your old room. You expected one of them (more specifically Kai) to move in after you left but surprisingly it was kept the same like before. The floral pattern bed sheets was still being used and you sat on the bed and looked around the room. The notes that you took down in class and pinned it up on the notice board on the wall of them room was still there. You saw a couple of your jackets still hung behind the door and took a mental note to bring them back later. And you looked at the small study table and remembered the night when Baekhyun taught you your homework. 



"Oppa, you said that you wanted to talk to me about something. What is it?"

"It's okay Ryoko, it's getting late. I'll ask you next time neh? Sweet dreams."



You remembered that night as though it was yesterday. Now that you think about it, he never did come around to ask you what he wanted. What could it be about? You were deep in thoughts and didn't realize someone had entered the room. 


"You're eyes are gonna pop out if you keep staring into space you know." You looked up and smiled to see Sehun walking towards you. You shifted a little to give him some space on the bed to sit. He gladly sat beside you and didn't fail to grab your arm and place it in his. "Why aren't you with Luhan oppa?" You asked and looked at his face. You were really going to miss him. Sehun pouted and played with your fingers. "He's been talking to Xiumin hyung. They seem to be closer since they live together." You chuckled and pinched his cheek. "Is someone jealous?" You laughed as he jerked away to avoid your pinches.



"No I'm not! Why would I be jealous when I have you?" He flashed you his eye smile. Your smile softened. You knew you had to tell them about your leave soon, but you just couldn't bear to see all of their reactions. You didn't want to hurt them. Instead you decided to keep it a secret in the meantime. *There's still plenty of time left to tell them.* You tried to reassure yourself. But your expression had gotten Sehun to look at you with concern. "Ryoko ah, is anything the matter? You don't like being with me?" He was about to let go of your hand but your stopped him and shook your head. "Ani, it's not that. I just...I just wished everyone was here right now. You know? Before the next term of school starts." You tried to be evasive. 



Sehun examined your expression once more before standing up and pulling you with him. "Where are we going?" You asked with a puzzled look. Sehun sighed and just kept holding your hand. "We're going to find Baekhyun hyung. I don't like seeing you sad Ryoko ah, and if you want everyone to be here, then you shall have everyone here." He smiled. You couldn't seem to understand what he meant before he said, "Let's go find Bacon hyung."


Because the two of you didn't want to disturb the rest, well actually, you just didn't want Suho to find out and push his foot down both of your throats, the two of you sneaked into Baekhyun's room unnoticed and went out the same way he did. That's right, down the rope of bed sheets tied together. It was a genius idea. Halfway down and your palms got sweaty you were slipping. Thank goodness Sehun went down first and was able to break your fall before you could break your leg. The two of you then sneaked away down the streets and when you guys were further away, the two of you relaxed a little.


"Where do you think he'll be?" Sehun asked, with his hands tucked in his jeans pocket. He wasn't that enthusiastic about searching for Baekhyun though. He just did it so he could see you happy. And he sort of already knew there was something going on between you and Baekhyun but he dared not ask. He blew his cheeks and kicked on a rock as he walked beside you. Your eyes darted here and there, in search for a familiar figure. Sehun noticed you weren't really paying attention to what he said so he furrowed his eyebrows and waved his hand in front of your face.


You blinked. "Oh, did you say something?" Sehun pouted, feeling a little hurt but he managed to hide his expression. "I said, where do you think he'll be?" You shrugged. *Probably at Mi Young's.* You silently thought to yourself. The two of you searched high and low for him. Well, it was only you. Sehun just followed and accompanied you. After a few hours, the two of you had gotten dozens of missed calls from Suho, and angry texts from him. Sehun told you not to reply which you gladly obeyed because you did not want to face the wrath of your cousin, yet. "Ryoko ah~ I'm tired, let's go grab some bubbletea!" Sehun started acting his aegyo which you missed so much and he was swinging your arm back and forth. *That's right, this might be the last time I'll ever get to go have bubbletea with him.* You smiled and nodded.



The two of you went to the same cafe where you and Baekhyun had gone the night before.  The two of you walked down the alley leading to the cafe while Sehun started his babbling about how you don't seem to go out with him anymore bla bla bla. You didn't really pay attention because your mind was bringing you back to the night before.


"You're leaving?" 

"I'm leaving in three days so I'll have time to pack everything. I'm finally going back to Japan." 

"Oh, in three days huh? I see."

"I guess I'll have to go back to the house tomorrow to say goodbye to the guys huh?"

"Yeah, I guess you should. I'm happy for you."


The conversation was still crystal clear in your memory. How could he seem unfazed by the fact that you're leaving? Did he really not care about you? Did you not mean anything to him? The least he could do was to send you home last night, give you a small hug, anything. But no, he just said that he's happy for you and stayed at the cafe saying he had to finish his drink and get something for Sehun. All these thoughts invaded your mind and you could feel yourself getting a little angsty. You tried to take sow deep breaths and concentrated on what Sehun was talking about. He was walking in front of you so he didn't notice how your expression wasn't that happy. The two of you were already walking outside the cafe, near the windows. Curious to see if there would be enough seats for the both of you, you took a small peek inside. Your heart sank when your eyes landed on something, or more like someone.


"It's been a long time since we went here Ryoko! I have to tell you they sell the best bubble tea in the world! Ryoko- Yah, are you listening? What are you looking at-" Sehun waved his hand in front of your face and followed your gaze. His eyes widened and he turned to look at you. "Um, we can go somewhere else if you- Yah! Where are you going?! Ryoko ah!" Before Sehun could finish, you started running. You couldn't stand it anymore. You had to get away. Enough was enough. Your heart couldn't bear anymore pain. 


Sehun ruffled his hair in frustration and looked back into the cafe. Baekhyun was looking at him now. His face pale and expression stiff. He had stopped talking to the person sitting in front of him and was about to approach the younger but Sehun scowled at him before walking away. Baekhyun sat back down, his legs suddenly stopped functioning. He knew he should chase you, tell you it was all a misunderstanding. But seeing how you ran away, how hurt was painted across your face. How could he dare to chase after you when he knows it was his fault. He sat back down. Someone reached forward to grab his hands but he slipped his hands down from the table to his lap. 


"You didn't tell her yet? The rest of your friends? Baekhyun ah...go. Before it's too late. Chase her." Mi Young said before collecting her stuff and leaving Baekhyun behind in the cafe. Baekhyun just watched as she left.


[A/N] Ugh I'm sorry for such a ty update. School just started and I hate it hate it hate it! One more year before I graduate T.T

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yme_xiu #1
Horikita maki!!! Hana kimi..hahhaha
Chapter 70: Best story ever. Really like it. Btw I'm crying at the end of the story. lol I'm such a crybaby.
Tiffanynguyen2001 #3
Chapter 70: I LOVE this fanfic.Its... Jjang!! Can you do a sequel please?
yuukiyuu #4
Chapter 70: That was nice. Appreciated it, author-nim!!
kpopmusiclover #5
Chapter 60: Awwww I hope that she gets to stay with the boys again :( update soon^^
Jenduekie #6
Chapter 60: love the crying because of this fighting
Jenduekie #7
Chapter 59: woooooooooooooahhh update soon i want to know their reaction.. fighting
Chapter 59: Kyaaaaaa! That was so sweet~ :D