Annyeong vs Kon'nichiwa (안녕 vs こんにちは)

My Kareshi And I.

"Now remember to always watch what you eat and behave yourself Ryoko. We will call you whenever we can. Mama is so worried! Maybe we should just cancel the trip right Papa?" Your mum turned to face your dad and tugged on his sleeve. "Aish Mama, if we don't hurry up we'll miss our flight!" 


You turned to face your mum and touched her hands. "Mama, don't worry about me. I know how to take care of myself. Now hurry up and go!" you shooed your mum towards the boarding gate. Your dad whispered a thank you in your ear and winked at you. He was trying to get your mum to hurry for the past ten minutes but she kept on worrying about you. Because this is the first time that you'll be all alone, in a foreign country, without the supervision of your parents. You were actually quite excited to go to Korea without your parents because it made you feel more independent.


Once they've checked in with their boarding pass and entered the terminal, your mum took one last look at you with tears in her eyes. You tip toed so she could see you clearly and waved your arms to say goodbye. You saw your mum took out a handkerchief to blow her nose. She waved back sadly and went into the terminal with your dad.

You put your hands on your hips and shook your head.

*Mama is always so emotional...*


Right then, the announcement for you to board the plane towards Incheon was made. 


*Alright, time to go!* 
You fist pumped by yourself in the middle of the airport but quickly covered your face when you saw people looking at you. 


You handed the air stewardess your passport and plane ticket and minutes later you were on the plane on your way to Incheon airport. 


The flight took about two hours from Tokyo to reach Incheon and after checking out, you finally took your first step in Korea. Although to some, it wasn't much of a difference but to you, it felt like being in a whole new world, since your parents weren't there beside you. At the thought of your parents, you already started to feel homesick. You quickly took out your cell phone and called them.


"Moshi moshi. Mama! I've reached Korea!" You smiled to yourself while holding the phone close to your ear.
"Hontoni? Are you okay? Did you lose anything? Did you get any motion sickness?" Your mum as usual worried about every single thing. You were about to answer her questions when you noticed your dad was on the line instead of your mum. "Ryoko, your mum and I love you very much! Be sure to say hi to your cousin for us!" "Right! I almost forgot to ask the name." You asked your dad. Instead your mum replied you. "It's Suho darling. Now remember to behave okay!" 


And after that she hung up. Or maybe she accidentally hung up while fighting for it with dad. You smiled to yourself and shook your head. You scratched your head and looked up in the sky, "Suho? That's a weird name for a girl. Maybe all girls have weird names here." You shrugged and hailed a taxi. The taxi driver asked for directions and you were lucky you had it written down on a piece of paper. Since you didn't know how to pronounce it, you just showed it to him. He smiled and nodded and started to drive.


The scenery was amazing! Quite similar to Japan but here, there were lots of mountains! And the highway just keeps going on and on. Bridges everywhere! *How I wish Mama and Papa was here to see it.* Your face was glued to the window of the taxi and that's when you heard the taxi driver laughed. You blushed and leaned back on your seat.


"Is this your first time in Korea?" He said in English. You're so happy you could understand a bit of English so you nodded. "It's very, beautiful." You replied in English, trying to sound as natural as you can but obviously your accent wasn't helping. The taxi driver chuckled and continued on driving. A few minutes later you've reached your destination and it was already dark. You paid him the fare and thanked him but quickly covered your mouth when you realized you thanked him in Japanese. He laughed and said "Doitashimae!" And drove off.


*That's a very cute uncle...*
You smiled and waved at the cab which was getting further and further away from you. 


You pulled the handle of your luggage and started walking towards one of the houses. It wasn't that big but it has two floors. The exterior design was a bit similar to your house back in your country though. 


*At least while I'm here, something feels familiar....*


You left your luggage at the bottom of the steps while you went up and ringed the doorbell. *I hope Suho is a nice girl. At least I won't feel so lonely.*
You were expecting to see a young girl about your age but the one who opened the door unfortunately was a guy. A very tall guy. 
*Uh oh, did I get the address wrong?* 


The guy looked at you, looking puzzled himself. *she's pretty, but uh...who is she? Ish she a fan?*
He cocked his head to the side which caused some of his hair to cover his eyes. 
You cleared your throat. "Etto, Suho?" you said while pointing towards him. He looked at your finger and back to you. *Ugh, definitely wrong house.* You were about to turn and walk away when the tall guy went back into the house and shouted,
"Suho Hyung! It's for you!" *Suho hyung has a girlfriend?*


*So this is the right place..* You smiled to yourself and got ready to meet your pretty cousin for the first time. But again to your disappointment, another guy came in front of you but he's a bit shorter than the previous one. *does Suho lives with guys?* Your eyes widen. To your surprise, the guy in front of you extended his arm, "Annyeong, Suho imnida. You must be Ryoko?" He was talking in Korean but the only words you knew were annyeong, Suho and your own name. 


*ah..he must be Suho...EH?! SUHO'S A GUY?! Mama didn't say anything about Suho being a guy!* 


"What's wrong? Did I say something wrong?" *She should know a bit of Korean right?*
 His started to worry and approached you but you managed to hold your hands in front of you so he could stop where he was. You took a while to process the information in your head. A few seconds later, you noticed he was staring at you, still looking confused and worried. You gulped and extended your arm,


*just like how Mama taught you..* you reminded yourself.


"A-annyeong, Ryokodesu imnida." You awkwardly said. *I said it right...right?* Suho laughed and shook your hands firmly. "Hello Ryoko ah, welcome to Korea!" He smiled at you. *So she did understand. She's so cute.*


*woah, he has a nice smile...*


"Come on in. I'll introduce you to the rest." Suho went behind you and helped carried your suitcase. *Only one suitcase? I thought she was going to be here for two months?*


You went inside but stood near the door, scared to go further. Right then the same tall guy came out from the kitchen and stopped to look at you. He looked back out of the door and saw Suho coming in with your luggage. Quickly his eyes widen and he ran towards the both of you. "Hyung! She really is your girlfriend?! Why did she bring her luggage?! She's going to stay with us?!" 


"Yah yah, Sehun ah, she's not my girlfriend okay. And stop freaking out or you'll freak her out." *Aish this maknae, always overreacting.*

You were shocked to see the sudden change in character of that tall boy. *So his name is Sehun* You gave a 90 degree bow and smiled at him. "Annyeong, Ryokodesu imnida." You said, sounding much more confident than before. Sehun was surprised by your greeting at first but managed a small wave and smile. "A-annyeong, Sehun imnida." *She said it wrongly, but it's so cute*


Suho pushed the maknae's head forcing him to bow down. "Don't you have manners?" Sehun rubbed the back of his head and pouted. "Hyung, that was mean of you." 


You giggled to yourself. *Don't know what they're talking about but this Sehun guy is really cute!* Sehun noticed you and blushed. 


"Guys, come down! There's someone I want you to meet." Suho shouted and he ushered you towards the living room. "Have a seat." Suho said in Korean. You gave him a confused look. *What did he say again?* 


Suho snapped his fingers, *That's right she can't understand* Suho motioned you to sit to which you understood. "Anjeuseyo." You said softly to him. *Mama taught me that word before. No wonder it sounded familiar.* Suho smiled hearing you speak in Korean. *So she can speak a little bit of Korean huh..*


A few minutes later you heard heavy foot steps coming down from the stairs behind you so you turned to look. Your eyes widen when you saw more guys coming down from upstairs. *Do they all live here?! Am I going to live here with them too?! Mama is going to flip if she hears about this.* You slapped your forehead. Just then you heard a commotion coming from the group of guys. A very tall guy, seems to be the tallest in the room was the loudest.


"What Hyung?! I want to read my comics-" The tall guy stopped and looked at you. His frustrated face quickly changed to a smile and he extended his hands towards you, "Annyeong! Chanyeol imnida! And you are?" *Wow she's pretty, and so tiny!* You giggled and returned his handshake, "Annyeong, Ryokodesu imnida." 


"Desu? What kind of language is that?" Right then another guy who seemed to have a much darker skin tone came trudging in the hall. His hair was in a mess and he looked like he just woke up. "Kai, where have you been all day?" Suho folded his arms and looked at him. Kai shrugged his shoulders, "Asleep." *I knew it. So his name is Kai. He seems....nice.* 


Suddenly Sehun jumped in front of you and extended his hand, "Annyeong! Sehun imnida." He had a big smile on his face and he seemed to be acting cute. "Yah, Sehun ah, didn't you already introduced yourself?" Suho smacked the back of the maknae's head. Sehun pouted and went to sit at the other couch. *I wanted to hold her hand too. I'll get my revenge Hyung!* Sehun stuck out his tongue when Suho wasn't looking. But you saw and giggled. *He's like a small boy.*


After that two other guys came into the room. One had big eyes and he was wearing an...apron? The other had a book in his hands and was staring straight at you. Suho went up to them and asked all of the guys to sit down. Sehun and Kai fought for who gets to sit in the arm chair and Kai won while Sehun fell to the floor. Chanyeol sat on the floor right in front of you, still smiling. *Okay...he's creeping me out* You slowly turned your head to face elsewhere. The other two guys that just went in sat at the other couch while Suho stood up facing all of you.


He cleared his throat and smiled, "Guys, I'd like you to meet my cousin from Japan, Ryoko. Her parents are having some business meeting in Hong Kong so she'll have to stay with us for a few weeks." You couldn't really understand what he said but somehow you knew he explained why you were here. There was a moment of silence before all hell breaks lose. 


"WHAT?! YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME?!" Kai shot up from his seat and waved his arms around. Chanyeol and Sehun's reactions however were a total opposite. They were holding each other by the arms and jumping for joy or more like, shouting for joy. The guy with the apron had his eyes wide open and shook his head and the guy with the book continued to stare at you. Suho clapped his hands to keep them quiet and continued.


"This means she's going to have a room all to herself and the rest of us might have to share. Kai, since you have the biggest room, she'll move in to yours, no objections. You move in with Sehun and me. D.O, Baekhyun and Chanyeol will share a room too. Arasso?" *Please, please, please don't make a fuss anymore*


"What?! Why do I have to give up my room for her?! She can just sleep in the living room-" Kai stopped halfway when he saw Suho and the rest glaring at him. "This is my house and you have no choice but to listen to me. Arasso?" Kai sighed and threw his hands up, and made his way to the room. "Whatever, fine." *She better not touch my stuff* 


"Now that that's settled, can any of you help her get settled in?" *Please not Chanyeol or Seun, please!*
"We'll help!" Chanyeol and Sehun offered. Suho looked at them and turned his gaze to the guy who was busy reading. "Baekhyun ah, I think you should help." *If I get those two to help, it'll be a disaster.* Baekhyun looked up from his book and looked at you. *So his name is Baekhyun. I didn't notice he was still there.* You noticed he was still looking at you and started to blush. "Okay sure I'll help. She's sleeping in Kai's room right?" He easily carried the luggage and brought it upstairs. You looked at Suho, "Am I supposed to follow him?" You said in your best attempt at Korean. Suho smiled and nodded. 


"Hyung wae? I want to help to!" Sehun was sitting on the floor. Chanyeol went back up to his room to continue reading his comic. "Sehun ah, you can help me prepare the table for dinner okay?" D.O said and Sehun immediately jumped for joy while following him into the kitchen.  Suho looked at him and sighed. *These kids...when will they ever grow up?* 


"The toilet's right down the hall if you need it." Baekhyun said. He put down your suitcase in the middle of the room and quickly headed out without making any eye contact. *Ugh, why do I feel so shy around her?* He was about to leave but you grabbed his arm which made him jump. "Where is it again? The toilet?" You said in Korean. Baekhyun smiled and pointed you to a door in the hallway. *She's so cute* You nodded your head and turned back to him when you saw him smiling. *Wow, he has really nice eyes.* "Kamsahamnida Baekhyun." You said. He nodded and went out. *Why is my heart beating so fast?* He touched his chest and felt his heart rate beat faster. 


You giggled to yourself watching Baekhyun leave when you noticed someone was in the room with you. Kai cleared his throat and stared at you. *She didn't notice I was here all along?* Surprised, you turned around to face him to quickly but you accidentally tripped on your foot. You were about to fall when Kai managed to catch you. *Did I die? Did I die? Did I die?* You had your eyes shut tightly, waiting for the impact but it never came. Instead you heard someone chuckle and slowly you opened your eyes to find Kai's face inches from yours, and his arms around your waist. He was smiling at you. You blushed and quickly stood up. 


"Be careful nest time. And remember, don't touch anything arasso?" *She's kind of cute.., what am I saying* Kai quickly put a straight face on and went out of the room with his bag full of clothes, and closed the door. *, what was I saying?* You were still blushing and touched your cheeks. *I am going to stay here for two months, with a bunch of hot guys?! If Papa found out about this he'd throw a fit!* You closed your eyes and sighed, falling on the bed next to you. 


*There's Suho, D.O, Chanyeol, Kai, Sehun and Baekhyun...six gorgeous men staying under one roof with me. Definitely not the kind of adventure I was looking for. Mama, Papa, please forgive me!*



So how was the first chapter? It was quite hard for me to write she can't really understand much Korean and sometimes I'll have to insert some Japanese words which I myself am not familiar with. Anyway, do leave comments on how I can improve and help me support and give love for this fanfic! 



- 미라 <3



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yme_xiu #1
Horikita maki!!! Hana kimi..hahhaha
Chapter 70: Best story ever. Really like it. Btw I'm crying at the end of the story. lol I'm such a crybaby.
Tiffanynguyen2001 #3
Chapter 70: I LOVE this fanfic.Its... Jjang!! Can you do a sequel please?
yuukiyuu #4
Chapter 70: That was nice. Appreciated it, author-nim!!
kpopmusiclover #5
Chapter 60: Awwww I hope that she gets to stay with the boys again :( update soon^^
Jenduekie #6
Chapter 60: love the crying because of this fighting
Jenduekie #7
Chapter 59: woooooooooooooahhh update soon i want to know their reaction.. fighting
Chapter 59: Kyaaaaaa! That was so sweet~ :D