54....fifty four

Behind The Devil's Mask

“What if one day the whole school and your parents knew about the truth about Jihyun and your relationship with her ?”

Her smirk , her smirk while thinking she won is the one thing he wanted to destroy the most . In a painful and full of disgust way , he wanted this pretty little infront of him to disappear with no trace . Turning into ashes , leaving the world in peace . A small thought in him if he kill this girl , he would have done a good deed for the whole world .

“You wouldn’t” he calmly reply her , with a deadly glare .

“I do things I want to do” She smiled , tilting her head aside .

She bravely took a step closer , her body became dangerously close to his . Face close to each other , eyes locked towards each other as if they were having a fling. A disgusting sight in the eyes of Kai and the guys. As they were holding their breath as they watched the scene taking place infront of them . They trusted Kris not to hurt Jihyun and they knew Kris was never a type of guy that would easily let something slip out of his area. They knew kris got everything under control . It would’ve not been Kris if he lost control of situation . Kai’s eyes locked on how close she was with Kris , how their body was so close.People would’ve thought that they were flirting . It was too dangerous and digusting.

“Well guess what ?” kris teased , with a smirk plastered on his Godly face , he leaned closer placig his lips near her ear . Breathing ily and seductively . Yoorin’s eyes widen , not knowing what Kris was doing . Her heart beat faster , her feelings could explode in any time . She was trembling , trembling in pleasure and glory . A small smile painted on her devilish face . But Kris had other things in plan.

“You didn’t and won’t win anything” He surprisingly said .

“W-what ?” She stuttered , surprised by his sudden words .

“ You don’t understand a thing , Yoorin” He pulled away , and stared into her confused eyes. With a small smirk as he saw a slight of fear in her eyes . How stupid she looked amused him .

“Do anything you prefer , but I swear , lay a finger on her , or hurt her… “ he paused and leaned closer again  until his lips is just inches from her red ear. She felt his breathing on her skin and boy , was it hot , it sent shivers down to her spine . Her head was spinning making her unable to think clearly .She was under his spell . As she knew , the only person that could make her like this would only be Kris . Kris made ‘tsk’ sound which made her gasped . Yoorin was tensed , his voice froze her .  And there was nothing she could do . She gulped as her plan went down the drain.

“you’ll regret you ever met me” He left his last words with a cold tone ,leaving her even more tensed . A mix of fear and confuse , his words were sharp and cold . But the way he said it was a whole other thing , it was probably the best thing he had ever done to her . It felt so right in a wrong way .

“Now leave” That was the last words he said to her .There was nothing she could do. Yoorin let out a groan before stomping her way out of the café . The last slam of door made by her left a relieved  all the feelings in Kris . Finally he could breathe easily , leaning his back on the bar table. He turned his head and saw Kai looking worried , Kai was lightly shaking his head . It hit him , Yoorin was never the type of girl that would give in that easily . And kris knew that very well. The way Kai was looking at Kris sent signals to Kris . Telling him it’s not over yet , or at least for Yoorin it’s not .  Kris groaned one last time before letting himself out of the café to anywhere he could calm his head .


“Do you really expect him to understand everything ?” Suho asked , you almost choked on your milk shake . Coughing a couple of time before having him tapping your back . Putting down your glass , you sighed .

“I mean , he is my boyfriend , of course I expect him to know . at least “ You rolled your eyes and leaned back . Pouting your cheeks .

“Jihyun….” You turned your head and looked at Suho who was smiling patiently . Again , his smile was so dazzling even the stars cannot outshine his smile . He was simply amazing and peaceful.

“Maybe you’re the one who don’t understand “ You raised an eyebrow and stared at him in confuse .Tilting your head aside , just staring at him . Not understanding a word .

“What do you mean ?” You took another sip of your drink , before putting it down on a small table infront of you .

“ You’re the one who doesn’t understand him “ He smiled .

You bit your lower lip , leaned back . Thinking about the meaning of his words .

Maybe he got a point . You realized . All this time , he was the one making the first moves towards you . Silently was the one who tried getting closer towards you , fixing the problems between you and him . All he did was protecting and helping you , nothing more . All you did was laying back and waiting him to come to you . He was there when no one was. And simply , he made you head over heels over him .  Ones simple eye contact and he gripped your heart tight , in a spell that cannot be broken . But aside from all his actions , you never knew what he was doing all those times . You could only wait until suddenly you were under his power . He knew  you well so he was able to got you . He had you with no efforts .

You could only see his weird behavior , as if he’s bipolar or something . One time he’s sweet and caring another time he’s harsh and cold .You never did understand him , all it seems as if his weird and sudden behavior was what made you fall for him. Maybe all those times , he was trying to understand you , to get to you. To have you accept him as who he was .  And apparently he won . And all he wanted is a reply from you to accept him .

You sighed and nodded , acknowledging what Suho had just said .

“What about that ‘talk to me’ thingy ?” You sighed only to replied with a small laugh by him .

“You and Kris are a couple , of course like any other couple you and him needs communication , that’s what makes a couple last long” He smiled .

“How ?” You innocently asked.

There was no way on blaming you , you never had a relationship . This is your first time and hopefully your last .

“What do I do now ?” You stared blankly , lost in your thoughts .

Suho smiled , a plan perfectly carved in his mind . This is the exact time to make a move , convincing you to do something you have never thought about .Suddenly a small part in him screamed trying to stop him .  he sighed , hesitating on doing so . But he knew , this maybe the only chance he’ll ever get to take Kris’s place . A smile formed again on his face , a smile full of determination .

“ Tell me Jihyun….”

You lift your head up , looking at the guy sitting infront of you . With a calm face that made your self calm and safe , a face that made your hope suddenly rise up .

“Have you ever heard of taking a break ?” he asked .

You furrowed your eyebrows , tilting your head aside . Your eyes , written all over it are questions . Waiting for his next words , hoping an explanation . A part of you telling you not to listen to him and stay with what ever you had in plan . Another part , forcing you to listen careful to anything he had to say .It was a battle inside you . But still you don’t understand a thing he said , there was nothing to do except asking him .

“what do you mean ?” You asked curiously .

A smile and hint of hope in his face .

“ A break in your relationship “

Your eyes widen , immediately you held your breath . Surprised and confused by his words . you had no idea what he was talking about . But one word made it all clear , putting him in your eyes as something wrong . You were hesitating once again , you weren’t sure that Suho’s the right person to ask for solutions in this kind of situation . You knew he loved you , and there was a possibility that he said that in hope of stealing you away from Kris . Displaying the side you hated from him . Sometimes jealousy could make a person do crazy things . And Suho was no exception .

“What ?” You asked .

He smiled again and shook his head slightly .

“I don’t mean that way . I mean  taking a break in a relationship . Not breaking up . Taking some times off so you could clear your head first , taking care of any problems before taking another one . You could still be dating , just not formally dating . Taking times from your relationship to focus on life . Like taking a break in  work” he smiled .

You nodded . Understanding his words . All your previous thought was suddenly swept away .  You were convinced , Suho was really trying to help in any way possible or at least that’s what you wanted to believe  . Even his expression says it all , he was also frustrated , he was confused by the actions of his own friend . Never in all the time he spent with Kris , he’d seen Kris acting this way . It was like his not-so-sane head got knocked out , turning him into some kind of a love machine . Nor did Suho  expected Kris to be like that . It was simply out of his usual path.

There was a point in Suho’s word , some of the main points were right .

Maybe he was really right . Maybe you never did understood Kris . Maybe you were to new to all this love stuffs when you yourself were handling another problem . Unexpectedly while you were in a mess of problems , you let another ‘problem’ slip into your life . Not making it any easier . The way you saw it was totally wrong . All this time you thought having Kris around would make your life much more easier , as you had a shoulder to lean on . Instead , everything when the other way , Kris became another problem . Nothing like you expected or wanted.

You gulped and sighed . Realizing one crucial thing .

All  this time you were never ready for love .

You bit your lower lip as your eyes glanced at the calm guy infront of you who was sipping his coffee while staring at some where . You didn’t noticed you were gazing warmly at him , loosing all your previous thoughts . Replacing all your wrinkles into a genuine smile . While scanning through his beautiful features .

Why couldn’t I fall in love with him instead ? You thought while resting your head on your palm .

Suho turned his head slightly and caught you gazing at him deeply . He made a sudden eye contact that woke you up and immediately fixing your sitting position with a red blush on your cheeks . You cleared your throat and looked away , hiding your cheeks . Suho only smiled , thinking how cute the girl he loved . How perfect she was , and how tragically , she wasn’t his to claim .

“What do I do now ?” You asked out of the blue , trying to stop your blush .

“If you want to take a break , then do it . As long you know what you’re doing” He exclaimed.

You kept looking away you were thinking what should you do . Taking a break seems fine , but you knew explaining it to Kris would be another pain in the . He was never a easy-listening guy , he wants explanation . If he wants it , he’ll get it in any way . He was stubborn as hell , and that was and will always be a problem .

Making out the words you should say to him was never an easy  task , all you could thought of is his reaction . There was always a chance of him being furious . Or maybe the other way around , he would accept it with cold stares and walk away leaving you alone as if he was expecting it. And that scared you . You’re not ready to loose him , he was everything you ever wished for . Having him was probably the best thing you ever did , and letting it go was never something in your clear mind you would ever thought of. Making crucial decisions put a heavy burden on you. It scared you a lot . Never in your life you were faced to a massive problem , and this was just simply too much for you to handle . Your young head is not prepared to find a solution for this . You’re scared that you might take the wrong decision and lost everything you cherished .

Another sigh escaped your small lips .

“I don’t know” You mumbled.

A smile on Suho’s face was easily spotted .

“Listen , I hope you know that I , Lay , Kai , Sehun and all the other guys wouls always be there for you , anytime Kris turned his back from you . We will never do that . Talk to us , we’re your friends , and we will always be , we’ll help you even if it’s the last thing we’d do  . “ He smiled , his hand captured your hand . Grabbing it and holding it securely , making your cold fingers warmer . Putting you in a safe situation for once .

You let your self fall into his words again , it was like poison . An addictive poison , a poison you never want to  be gone . You tilted your head aside , capturing his eyes and gazing warmly .

“Thanks” You muttered with a smile.


Eunji was sipping her favorite mocha latte while sitting at her favorite spot alone , waiting for someone . She stared at her coffee blankly . It’s usually the drink she would order everytime she went on a date with Kris . The flavor was Kris’s choice . She smiled , reminiscing about her past . A happy peaceful past . The past she would never had again . The past is the past , as much as it hurts , time was never a friend .

She sighed .

She took a glance at the door , with expecting eyes . She waited and waited , as the person she waited never showed up . She checked her phone , there was no missed calls . Another sigh escaped her lips , as she leaned back , folding her arms with a pissed expression .

Again she waited.

And waited.

“I guess I’m late” Immediately her head shot up , glaring at the girl who was pulling out a chair infront of Eunji . She gulped as she tried hiding her anger. Another thing that made her anger boiled up. A smirk on her face cannot be erased as she sat on the chair , facing Eunji .

“Whatever” Eunji snickered while rolling her eyes . Acting all bossy and it was getting onto Yoorin’s temper , she hated being looked down . She prefers being the person looking down at somebody . All she could do for now is smirking as she knows it’s only a matter of time until Eunji falls down too . Exactly like Suho .

“Don’t blame me , blame your guy” Yoorin smirked as she opened her phone , checking a message from Suho about his new plan. Immediately she smiled happily, never in her mind she thought you would be that easy to conquer. But there you are falling deeper into his trap.

The words yoorin just said. It definitely caught Eunji’s attention , her eyes are wide open . With words unable to reach . Staring in disbelief .

“W-what ?” She stuttered . Finally a word managed to escape.

That was easy , Yoorin thought as she took a glance at Eunji  . Putting away her phone she glared at Eunji . Acting in control .

“None of your business”


“That’s not part of your job , that’s mine . deal with it “ She glared at Eunji who was taken aback . Blinking a couple of times, controlling her anger . Her fingers crunched up into a fist , ready to slam it onto Yoorin’s precious face . But she knew better , Yoorin was the only way she had to return to kris’s side . Slowly her anger cooled down .

“T-then , what’s my  part ?”  She asked . Curiosity spread through her body . Just the thought of being Kris’s arms pumped her up . Cannot wait any more moment to get a move at Kris .

“Like I said , get him back to you” She smirked .

Eunji stared at her blankly , not understanding a word she has just said . It was said in an easy way as if it was nothing at all . But to Eunji , taking back Kris would mean giving up everything she had in the hope of having Kris . And she knew it was never going to be easy . Yoorin said those words as if it was the easiest thing to do , whish was not . All the facts are pushing her away from it , making everything seems impossible .

She knew better that Kris hated her , the way Kris looked at her it was full of hatred and disgust , And it hurt her a lot . The glances he gave to her pierced through her heart leaving more scars in her soul . Thinking how idiotic she was , letting him slip through her guards . How she managed to watch him walk away that easily , leaving her all alone .

All this time it looks like Kris was the one with the scars and pains , but standing alone , Eunji was full of scars and tears too . He wasn’t alone , they were both in tears . No one won , nor did they loose . It was an equal battle , which results in pain in both sides . And that made her sure , just because they both felt pain , there’s a chance on her winning him back through the equal feelings . Nothing is impossible after all .

She took a deep sigh before lifting her head up , looking into Yoorin’s eyes with determination .

“Is that all ?” She asked, trying to put up a good front . But that will never work with Yoorin .

Yoorin smirked and bit her lip.

“There is another thing .” She snapped her finger .

“What ?”

She smiled as she leaned forward , making sure only Eunjji would hear her words .

“Talk to Suho , he’s in it too . I’m sure he has a plan , work together . I expect good results “ Yoorin grabbed her clutch and gave Eunji one last smile before dashing out of the café . Leaving Eunji flustered in blank.

“S-suho ?”

He’s in this too ? She thought.

no double updates =___=

as much as i wanted to give you double updates i just couldn't... i have no time , it's been a hectic week for me.

but i'll try my best on updating daily .....

So here's another update for now. and i made Kris a real man (?) if u get what i mean . urgh i just don;t know why i in writing =_=

so enjoy ??? i'll be looking forward for your comments real soon

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someone plz knock me on the head cuz i got 190 subscribers XD too happy rite naoooooo


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Chapter 60: Update plisssss.... I sometimes get kinda irritated with Kris's attitude sometimes,hope he'll open up soon i mean like completely with jieun.... And please do continue
tehsweety #2
Chapter 60: Hello new reader here.
Im kinder sorry pity to jihyun coz she's been thru hell in her life.
Yet...the one she's thought & treat was her friend trying to break her heart.
Should suho know that by doing so not just hurt her but hurt a lot of people too.
I really hate knowing that suho is helping the es to get kris.

Anyway...update soon.
jannat #3
Jjang!! Keep updating;)
jellybean28 #4
Chapter 59: update pls.......
I would read this but is this abandoned?
Kris_Paulene #6
Chapter 59: I really love this story. I hope you update soon
Chapter 59: hope u update!
Lulugrg98 #8
Chapter 59: New Reader >.<
This story is awesome. I hope that they won't break up.
And Merry Christmas to you authornim~